If you're in the US or Canada: http://www.asianfoodgrocer.com/category/shirataki-noodles
If you live in Europe or the UK: http://www.japancentre.com/
Please read the directions on the packet, many shirataki and konnyaku noodles give off a strange odor and need to be boiled before hand.
Please also consider this a yay for shirataki and konnyaku! Both are very high in fibre, contain no gluten, are very low-carbohydrate and either free or extremely low in calories.
Yam Noodles
I have searched this site and found nothing yet about the Shangri-La Diet created by Seth Roberts in 2005. The bottom line is that foods with a high flavor concentration raise the body's set point and cause rapid weight gain. His idea is to counter this effect by consuming calories with as little flavor as possible to convince your body it's time to shed the pounds.
To this end he recommends taking 2TBSP of olive oil first thing in the morning before consuming ANY calories and then waiting about an hour before eating. You can drink water but no other consumption until the calories have been absorbed.
He says you can repeat this a couple times a day and then only eat when you are hungry which will likely be never since your body no longer tells you to eat.
So here's the story: Two years ago I tried it and had impressive results. I noted a significant reduction in my appetite and lost about 15 pounds in a month. Often I could feel my stomach rumbling but I was in no way actually hungry. Like it had actually turned off my appetite completely. AWESOME.
Here's the rub: After a few weeks I found that the olive oil made me gag. Like my body simply did not want it. After a while I couldn't even think about taking it. Even when I forced it down I would throw it up. Obviously I still wasn't hungry, but I was also unable to continue the program.
Here's my question: Has anyone else A)heard of this diet, b)tried this diet, c)experienced this problem, d)overcome this problem, e)got any advice?
I look forward to other's feedback
Thank you,
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry, Lemon
General Feedback
General Feedback
ACV and Baking Soda
For those of you having trouble with increased appetite and weight gain instead of weight loss, I would suggest you read about eating for your blood type. I had a very difficult time losing weight after menopause; when I began to eat for my blood type (Type O, non-secretor), I lost the weight that I could not lose in any other way. However, for me, it meant giving up a lot of foods, including most grains. My blood type cannot consume any kind of vinegar without having negative effects. I used the ACV because the arthritis was worse than the weight problem.
However, I always found that my appetite increased massively whenever I consumed ACV, whether on an empty stomach or with a meal. If you read books about yeast problems (The Yeast Connection, etc., you will find out that yeast when it dies in your body produces a byproduct that stimulates the appestat, the gland that controls hunger. ACV, especially with the mother, contains yeast. So for some people, this might explain why the ACV does not work. I solved the yeast problem by taking acidophilus, which kills the yeast. This is all explained in more detail in these books.
I feel, though, that the problems of weight gain and appetite increase might be solved by taking baking soda with the ACV, something which I had never heard of. So I am trying that right now. Usually when I take ACV, I have almost immediate hunger cravings, even when I am eating. On an empty stomach it is even worse. But I am drinking this ACV/baking soda combination right now on an empty stomach and I have not had any cravings. So to those of you who tried it and found it did not work, I would suggest you try it again with the baking soda.
Acid reflux is usually helped by adding acid, not by using antacids, so drinking ACV would help with this.
To the person who might be breaking up gall stones in the liver and being in a lot of pain passing those stones, it is a good thing to pass those stones. I passed a lot of them at once, and immediately my energy level increased. Now I understand what is meant by a sluggish liver. But I passed all those stones, hundreds of them in one evening, by using a liver cleanse. There are many of them described on the internet. I found one that used lemon juice, olive oil, grapefruit juice and Epsom salt. I took this at night, woke up in the morning and passed all those stones painlessly, and lost about 3" on my waist overnight. I know that because I had to tighten my belt. The Epsom salt (food-grade) apparently relaxes the muscles enough to open the ducts to allow the stones to pass out easily. I was amazed at their size.
Anyway, I am so grateful for this site and for how much I am learning by everything you have all so generously contributed. Thanks to all of you and to the administrators of this site.
Today - 4 months later - 198 pounds, 95 today's fast measure, A1C=7
1- Life style not diet. Don't go on diet for cure. Diet means short term measure or solutions. Must change life style meaning FOREVER.
2- Medications - We love easy solutions. Diabetic meds are not to cure you. They are business solutions to keep you stable for a while, at a profit with possible side effects. Nothing wrong with that if you want easy solution and eat what you like, at least for a while before kidney failure and other complications.
3- Smart Eating - How about no starch, no grains, no beans or peas, no corn, no green peas, no sugar, no sweeteners, no coffee, no soda, no potatoes, no fried food, no fast food, no buffets, no red meat, no milk, no oats, no breakfast cereals, no chocolate or candies, no pop corn or chips, no sweet fruits, no fats and oils, or very small portion. Brush your meat or vegetables with oil if you want to use your Foreman style broiler or toaster broiler. Boil you vegetable and meat, or use high heath steam.
Do not eat out of a bag or package. Get a small cup. Fill the cup with what you want to eat. Use that as a measure. You need to see visually the portions that you are eating. The measuring will help you reduce portion and cut on your excess weight.
4- What to eat - Meat can not exceed 20% of your meal. Eat berries, any berries, vegetables, Fish, other sea foods, skinless chicken, and spices. Some not so common items to eat include pomegranate with white meat portions included. Fresh or rehydrated walnuts with the soft dividers between the meat included. Artichokes, green beans, zucchini, avocado, and green tea seems to be very effective. Use Sunflower oil and Fresh Squeezed lemon Juice for salad dressing or meat marinade. Eat garlic, watercress, radish along with its few youngest leaves on.
I can hear voice of opposition wanting to have some fruits, oils and starches. They call it having balanced diet. You are a diabetic, most likely overweight. It was those little sugars, oils, starches and grains that got you here. Your obesity is testimonial that you can not eat just a little of soda and pasta without going back for more. Drastic measures are required until you are in much better shape.
5- Supplements - Vitamin C, Flex Seed, Milk Thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Fenugreek, Garlic, B complex, Magnesium. Don't overkill. Take 1 tablet of 1 supplement a day and change to the next supplement next day, rotate and arrange to your liking.
6- Exercise body and mind - Start easy with 30 minutes walk on your lunch period. After work, do another 15-30 minutes of tread mill or walking. Some warm up an cool down easier exercised as well as few minutes of small weigh, around 5 pounds, exercises.
Use meditation or biofeed back. An alternative way would be when in bed ready to sleep, use the quiet time to tell yourself you want to be cured. Ask your brain to find out what the problem is and to have it corrected. What you believe is what can happen.
7- Education - Try to read one article a day about Diabetic or your digestive system. First, it educates you about your conditions. Second, it reminds you of the risk if you continue. Third, it keeps you on course. As you read, question all suggestions to see if they have commercial implications for the writer.
Here is what happens. No salt, no oil, no starch, no sugar makes you lose water that your kidney storing some in the puffed up ankles. You start to lose weight. Loss of weight equals to more energy and better fasting levels. The extra energy gives you mobility to lose more weight for better control over your diabetes and the healing cycle continues. As a side effect, your other diabetic complications like shrinking kidneys improves.
These suggestions are not for every one. It takes a very determined person to make this work. I am sharing with you what worked for me. For all others, take medications as your doctor suggest. I refused medications because every chemical action oriented drug that goes into your body eventually has reaction(s), some I hope to avoid. Plus, pill gives me the latitude to not drastically change my life until it is too late.
ACV and Baking Soda
I remember one patient who had a fecal impaction, which consisted mostly of popcorn husks (the outer covering of the popcorn kernels). He was somewhat upset because he had been snacking on popcorn quite often to combat his constipation. From the looks of what was removed, he never ate anything but popcorn! Even indigestible fiber can create problems if you don't drink enough water or have a little activity.
I find that when I have a slight problem with constipation, a glass or two of apple juice works like a purgative for me, much quicker and more thorough than prunes or prune juice.
Your dietary changes sound great though. One other thing I just thought of is that many in the medical field say that
magnesium is one of our biggest nutrient deficiencies today, so unless you eat a lot of magnesium rich foods, you might want to consider a magnesium supplement or even an epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) bath a few times a week..
ACV and Baking Soda
ACV and Baking Soda
THIS IS THE VERY BEST SITE EVER, EVER, EVER! Thank everyone who contributes.
I stopped eating meat, and started eating cabbage everyday, yes gas is part of what is expected, but my bowel movement is now regulated, my system is cleansed, stool is no longer dark and there is no unbearable smell. my weight is going down. And most of all I feel better physically. I juice 8 oz twice a day. And eat 1/4 pound per day. Basil and Fennel and black pepper for flavor.
Sadabahar/Tropical Periwinkle
Comman Name: Sadabahar Sadaphul, Sadasuhagan
English Name: Tropical Periwinkle
It is a perennial herb, erect, much branched. 70-80 cm high. Leaves alliptic to obovate, rounded retuse or mucronulate at apex acute at base. Flowers in 1-4 flowered cymes. Calyx segments subulate. Corolla whitish or pinkish. Follicles 2-3 cm long, pubescnt.
Parts used : Leaves and roots
The plant contains very precious alkaloids ' vincristine' and 'vinblastine' which are used in allopathic medicine as anti-cancer injections. The herb leaves are very useful in controlling the diabetes. The herb leaves are mixed with other herbs to get good results.
Hot Water