8 User Reviews
(Saint Augustine, FL)
UPDATE: My tooth felt great for about 6 weeks, but it has flared up again with 2 abscesses on the gum in front of it. I'm on day 2 of treating it with echinacea and goldenseal tincture again. Also using onion, garlic, and oregano and tea tree oils If anyone has dealt with recurring abscess, has your infection, contrary to what the dental establishment says is possible, been gone long-term?
Echinacea, Goldenseal
I was suffering really bad from a double toothache both back teeth, one up top, one on bottom, on same side, now when I say pain I mean excruciating like someone was drilling into my teeth with a super sharp drill or ice pick kind of pain. The first thing I tried was clove oil, on a scale of 1-10 it helped maybe a 4-5. Then I tried tea tree oil with maybe a 2-4 result. This was the first night needless to say I got very little sleep.
Then day 2 was worse until I noticed that keeping cool/cold water on the area stopped the pain as long as I left it on there and water was cool/cold. This was good until it was time to go to sleep which I was unable to sleep because of the severe pain that returned in seconds after the water warmed up or was swallowed. Well I ended up doing an all nighter sipping on cool/cold water back and forth to the fridge every hour or so to get another bottle water. went through a 24 pack of 16oz waters in 1 day then I was about to go to dentist to extract them and luckily they were fully booked with no openings for a few days which made me call my local herb shop to talk to Gene and he suggested echinacea and goldenseal. Which they had in my favorite form (loose herb), which I made into a tea. and within a few hours
BINGO!!! the pain went down by 2 thirds and by end of day all my pain was gone except for a little soreness in the area which finally cleared up in the following days. and needless to say I never got the teeth extracted I continue taking echinacea tea but goldenseal can only be taken for 7-10 days at a time because it is so powerful (please seek professional advise on dosage).
But I mix in a little goldenseal into my echinacea tea from time to time as a maintenance dose along with a good amount of red clover. All in all I have found my go to for any toothache/infection and I can keep my teeth for the chewing that I need them for.
(Faithville, Us)
I am so happy you found help in the herbs. I hope anyone reading your post will not consume 48 -8 ounce cups of water in 24 hours. Use ice if you need to chill the area. Some peoples kidneys are not capable of handling that much liquid...so I post this as a CAUTION.
Some other helps for dental pain are as follows:(try one)
Alpha lipoic Acid capsule, take with water. Or topical applications of one of these: Activated charcoal, turmeric, walnut hull, walnut tincture, baking soda, garlic, peppermint oil, salt, iodine, clove oil (very tiny amount)or spice, coconut oil, fish oil, olive oil, oregano oil or spice, wet tea bag and I'm sure there are more that give relief.
Keep your teeth by feeding healthy microbes that keep bacteria in check. Also keep minerals, water balanced, and the fat soluble vitamins through gallbladder health . Been learning the hard way.
Echinacea, Goldenseal
I also brushed with goldenseal on toothbrush around infection.
I also brushed with kosher salt in the area and gargled with salt water. However it was the goldenseal that did it. The brushing with salt and gargling salt water alone did not solve problem.
In 2 days the infection was gone.
Echinacea, Goldenseal
Brushing the area with toothe paste and gargling salt water and putting salt on the area - helped a bit, but what worked best was putting goldenseal- break up the capsule- and put it right on the area and brush it gently, and gargle it and also put some in an empty tea bag, wet it with your saliva, and then hold it there for several minutes a number of times per day.
The infection went away quickly after I used the goldenseal.
Echinacea, Goldenseal
Echinacea, Goldenseal
Echinacea, Goldenseal
Echinacea, Goldenseal