Tooth Abscess
Health Benefits

Echinacea and Goldenseal for Tooth Abscess Relief

| Modified on Dec 24, 2024
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Echinacea and Goldenseal for Tooth Abscess.

Echinacea and Goldenseal are two powerful herbs commonly used together to boost the immune system and fight infections. When dealing with a tooth abscess, this herbal combination can provide significant relief by reducing infection, inflammation, and pain. Below, we explore how Echinacea and Goldenseal can be used to support oral health and aid in the healing of a tooth abscess.

Benefits of Echinacea for Tooth Abscess

  • Immune System Support: Echinacea is well-known for its immune-boosting properties. It helps stimulate the body's natural defenses, making it more effective at fighting off the bacterial infection causing the tooth abscess.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Echinacea also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the swelling and pain associated with a tooth abscess, providing relief from discomfort.

Benefits of Goldenseal for Tooth Abscess

  • Antibacterial Properties: Goldenseal contains berberine, a compound with strong antibacterial effects that can help combat the bacteria responsible for the infection in a tooth abscess.
  • Healing Support: Goldenseal not only fights infection but also promotes healing of the affected tissues, helping to resolve the abscess more quickly.

How to Use Echinacea and Goldenseal for a Tooth Abscess

Combining Echinacea and Goldenseal can be an effective natural treatment for a tooth abscess. Here’s how to use these herbs:

  1. Echinacea and Goldenseal Tincture: Mix equal parts of Echinacea and Goldenseal tinctures. Take 1-2 droppers full of the mixture 2-3 times per day. Hold the tincture under your tongue for a minute before swallowing to increase absorption.
  2. Herbal Tea Rinse: Brew a strong tea using dried Echinacea and Goldenseal roots. Once the tea has cooled, use it as a mouth rinse several times a day to help reduce the infection and soothe the gums.
  3. Topical Application: Mix Echinacea and Goldenseal powders with a small amount of water or coconut oil to create a paste. Apply the paste directly to the affected area in the mouth to help fight the infection locally.

Final Thoughts

While Echinacea and Goldenseal can provide significant relief from a tooth abscess, it’s important to remember that these natural remedies should complement, not replace, professional dental care. If you suspect a tooth abscess, seek the advice of a dentist to ensure proper treatment. Combining these herbs with professional care can help you manage the infection and promote healing effectively.

Have you used Echinacea and Goldenseal to treat a tooth abscess? Share your experiences and tips! Continue reading below for advice from Earth Clinic readers who have successfully used natural remedies for dental issues.

Related Links:

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief
Onion for Tooth Abscess Relief: Natural Pain Remedy

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

8 User Reviews

Posted by Nurah (St augustine, Florida) on 04/24/2023

I too had success using echinacea and goldenseal for an abscessed tooth, a bottom molar with pain and swelling in my jaw that had been bothering me for several days. I let a dentist take an x-ray and they referred me for root canal evaluation. I used a tincture that I diluted in a little water and swished it around the troubled tooth several times a day. It started feeling better that day and within 2 days feeling pretty much back to normal. I will continue this regiment for three more days and, if all still feels good, go to a maintenance dose.

Replied by Nurah
(Saint Augustine, FL)

UPDATE: My tooth felt great for about 6 weeks, but it has flared up again with 2 abscesses on the gum in front of it. I'm on day 2 of treating it with echinacea and goldenseal tincture again. Also using onion, garlic, and oregano and tea tree oils If anyone has dealt with recurring abscess, has your infection, contrary to what the dental establishment says is possible, been gone long-term?

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Benjamin "tv Tech" Harris (Jonesboro Ga.) on 04/16/2017

Editor's Choice

My GO-TO For Any Toothache / Infection pain gone within hours

I was suffering really bad from a double toothache both back teeth, one up top, one on bottom, on same side, now when I say pain I mean excruciating like someone was drilling into my teeth with a super sharp drill or ice pick kind of pain. The first thing I tried was clove oil, on a scale of 1-10 it helped maybe a 4-5. Then I tried tea tree oil with maybe a 2-4 result. This was the first night needless to say I got very little sleep.

Then day 2 was worse until I noticed that keeping cool/cold water on the area stopped the pain as long as I left it on there and water was cool/cold. This was good until it was time to go to sleep which I was unable to sleep because of the severe pain that returned in seconds after the water warmed up or was swallowed. Well I ended up doing an all nighter sipping on cool/cold water back and forth to the fridge every hour or so to get another bottle water. went through a 24 pack of 16oz waters in 1 day then I was about to go to dentist to extract them and luckily they were fully booked with no openings for a few days which made me call my local herb shop to talk to Gene and he suggested echinacea and goldenseal. Which they had in my favorite form (loose herb), which I made into a tea. and within a few hours

BINGO!!! the pain went down by 2 thirds and by end of day all my pain was gone except for a little soreness in the area which finally cleared up in the following days. and needless to say I never got the teeth extracted I continue taking echinacea tea but goldenseal can only be taken for 7-10 days at a time because it is so powerful (please seek professional advise on dosage).

But I mix in a little goldenseal into my echinacea tea from time to time as a maintenance dose along with a good amount of red clover. All in all I have found my go to for any toothache/infection and I can keep my teeth for the chewing that I need them for.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

I am so happy you found help in the herbs. I hope anyone reading your post will not consume 48 -8 ounce cups of water in 24 hours. Use ice if you need to chill the area. Some peoples kidneys are not capable of handling that much I post this as a CAUTION.

Some other helps for dental pain are as follows:(try one)

Alpha lipoic Acid capsule, take with water. Or topical applications of one of these: Activated charcoal, turmeric, walnut hull, walnut tincture, baking soda, garlic, peppermint oil, salt, iodine, clove oil (very tiny amount)or spice, coconut oil, fish oil, olive oil, oregano oil or spice, wet tea bag and I'm sure there are more that give relief.

Keep your teeth by feeding healthy microbes that keep bacteria in check. Also keep minerals, water balanced, and the fat soluble vitamins through gallbladder health . Been learning the hard way.

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Lola (Spain) on 02/03/2016

Hi, a few years ago tooth got infected after seeing dentist, think it was from too much novacaine. I took goldenseal from the capsules, put some in an empty tea bag and put it where it hurt for 5 minutes at a time thru day.

I also brushed with goldenseal on toothbrush around infection.

I also brushed with kosher salt in the area and gargled with salt water. However it was the goldenseal that did it. The brushing with salt and gargling salt water alone did not solve problem.

In 2 days the infection was gone.


Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Susan (Brookline, Ma) on 02/05/2012

Hi, I had a tooth-gum infection once -pretty sure it came form too much novacaine-as I asked for alot of it and tooth became infected right after this.

Brushing the area with toothe paste and gargling salt water and putting salt on the area - helped a bit, but what worked best was putting goldenseal- break up the capsule- and put it right on the area and brush it gently, and gargle it and also put some in an empty tea bag, wet it with your saliva, and then hold it there for several minutes a number of times per day.

The infection went away quickly after I used the goldenseal.

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Julie (Deptford, London) on 06/25/2011

I have used golden seal powder in the past for myself and my young daughter, applied directly to the abscess and held there as long as possible. Today I could only find the tincture and this can also be applied directly, but I wonder if the effect is less because it isn't going to stay on the abscess like the powder did. I'll let you know how we get on.

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Firminatus (Mansal Lacy Hereford, Hereford/UK) on 03/21/2010

Several years ago, I had an infection in the root canal linked to four upper front crowns. I went to the Dentist who gave me an anti-biotic, which seemed to clear it up. Two weeks later the infection returned worse than ever, so I decided to try Echinacea (purple cone flower). I made a tea with a teaspoon of the dried leaves with a pint of hot water in a small stainless steel teapot and simmered the concoction gently for about ten minutes until it had cooled enough to hold in my mouth. I held the warm liquid in my mouth, swishing it around my mouth for about ten minutes, once in the morning and again before I went to bed. On the third day the pain which had been somewhere under my nose had gone, and I had an abscess on my gum which burst later that day and quickly healed. With love as always.

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Georje (USA) on 04/24/2008

Editor's Choice

I cured an abscessed tooth by taking a half teaspoon of echinacea/ goldenseal tincture every hour for the first day of a really severe toothache and holding spilanthes tincture in my mouth to dull the pain. I discovered the herb meadow sweet to be the best pain relief for the tooth. Within minutes of drinking a mild decoction of the tea the pain would be gone for hours. It was a long weekend and no hope for going to the dentist. I was suprised the next morning that the swelling was way down so I continued taking the echinacea/ goldenseal tincture. as the abscess subsided i decreased the dose, taking it every three or four hours the second day . I continued for a week taking 3 doses a day. At the end of that time I had no abscess . It was confirmed a few weeks later by xrays at the dentist. I also drank lots of water with a 1/2 fresh lemon or lime sqeezed into to it.

Echinacea, Goldenseal
Posted by Anon (Austin, IN)

I was reading to see if golden seal was recommended for abscessed tooth, and was shocked that it wasn't. Several months ago I was suffering with an abscessed tooth, and my dad gave me some golden seal, (yellow root). He told me to just put it on the abscess for as long as I could stand it. It is extremely bitter, but within 6 hrs. the swelling and pain was gone, and after 12 hrs. the area wasn't tender at all. I felt another abscess developing again a couple of months later. Applied the yellow root and it was gone before it even started to swell.