Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Oil Pulling and Colloidal Silver

Posted by Linda (Euless, Texas) on 03/19/2015

I would like an opinion on my situation. I have a tooth that abscessed and my jaw was terribly swollen. I went to the dentist and was given Amoxcillin and referred to an oral surgeon. I am scheduled for an extraction for next Tuesday. I have oil pulled for a week and am on third prescription for Amoxcillin. I want to cancel the extraction. I told the dentist about the oil pulling and he said (1) he had never heard of it and (2) that the infection is in the tooth, not in the mouth, so if I continued to just oil pull I would never get to the infection - that my tooth needed either a root canal, that I can't even afford or that it needed to be pulled. Is his statement true? He doesn't want me to wait too long before having it pulled. I, on the other hand, don't even want the tooth pulled IF it is possible to cure the infection underneath the tooth in the gum.

Will oil pulling and continuing to use Colloidal Silver get to the infection that he says is in the tooth itself? It is feeling much better now after a little over a week of the oil pulling. and colloidal silver - there is mild pain and I use the colloidal silver for the slight pain I have still. I am just concerned about whether the oil pulling and colloidal silver will cure all the infection.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Dear Linda --- at the present moment I am treating three abscesses, one of which has the root below the nostril. I am out of DMSO which I use with colloidal silver, so when someone posted on EC that she was using castor oil, I started to use it immediately and it is noticeably getting better. I am deeply grateful for this info. However, even when healed, I will continue for some time.

I never see a dentist as I wish to keep my teeth and originally I was put on the right path by reading online HEALING TEETH NATURALLY. There is no way I would consider a root canal after informing myself of the consequences and huge amounts of $$$.

I have been oil swishing for years but have mouth trouble. I am going to use a mouthwash for swishing later in the day, using Lugol's iodine, Celtic salt and water. Just two drops LI.

The other things I do is use black walnut tincture for swishing to build up tooth enamel. There is a variety of things that work. So now I am massaging gums and the roots of teeth and it looks promising.

Hope you make out right. Namaste, Om

Replied by Tracy

I have read that "oil pulling" will help draw out infection, even from a tooth that is said to need a root canal. I would suggest that you add a couple of drops of other essential oils to the oil that you are using for "oil pulling", particularly those known for having antibiotic, antiseptic & anti-bacterial properties. Both grapefruit seed oil extract & garlic oil are antibiotic. Oil of Oregano is another good example. Clove Oil will help with any pain. Research the properties of various essential oils & try a few drops or combination of drops each time you "oil pull".

Replied by Isabel
(Tampa, FL)

Use oregano oil direct on your gums and also in the bottom of your feet then wear socks, just do it for 3 days

Oil Pulling, Castor Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Twinsauntymom (Ca, U.s.a.) on 11/06/2013 11 posts

To tackle an abscessed tooth, first of all, pull oil. You can find the instructions for this here on It's gentle and extremely effective at deep cleaning your teeth. I would suggest using either organic extra virgin olive oil or organic coconut oil for this. Do NOT pull castor oil. It could make you rather ill.

Next, to help relieve the pain, gently massage castor oil into the sore area of your jaw, face and neck. Not inside your mouth, but on your face and neck. You will probably find that the pain will reduce within an hour or so.

The castor oil will penetrate to a depth of approximately 10 centimeters, so it will get into the infected area. Castor oil is antibacterial and will help to clean out the poison. It's also extremely effective as a painkiller. Sorry, I don't know why, I just know it works.

If you use the castor oil at night I would suggest wrapping your pillow in an old towel to prevent the oil from staining your bedding.

Replied by Beverly

What to do if castor oil gets in your mouth?

Replied by Anon
(Not Canada)

Use food grade castor oil meant for laxative to be taken internally.

Replied by Marierose

Two days ago I had a root infection that could have been life threatening. Now one day on on Antibiotics and still in pain, suddenly an Idea came to me: "Look up the name Organic Castor oil, - then find out that a warm pack on the outside of your yaw may relieve and heal the infection". I find this remarkable, because Edgar Casey's Information came from some source unexplained., Not saying that I am a Psychic - but I believe that this thought came from an inexplicable source of help.

Oil Pulling, Garlic

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Pam (Ft. Worth, Tx) on 08/12/2010

Found this site a few weeks ago during a nasty abcess, or infection I had with a tooth that had already had root canal therapy and a crown. I had swelling in my cheek, eye, as well as a horrible headache on the left side of my head. I thought I was going to die. My endondist was booked, and could not see me for 2 weeks My MD Dr. Prescribed antibiotics, but they were working very slowly. I started several of the home remedies on here, but the two that I could see visible results working after a few days, were the oil pulling with sunflower oil ( 1 to 3 times a day), and the fresh garlic on my gum. I tried rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, and black tea bags on my gum, but found that they both pushed the infection further up into my eye. The oil pulling and fresh garlic actually brought the swelling down. Saw my endodotist today, after 2 weeks of these remedies, and x-rays are clear. He can't explain it. He said keep my fingers crossed that this was an isolated incident that healed itself. I will continue the oil pulling with Sunflower oil it is amazing. I feel that I have been healed by these two home remedies.

Oil Pulling, Iodine, Oil of Oregano

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lavaca (Austin, Tx ) on 10/02/2016

Editor's Choice

I have to get a new dental policy and get a crown on a molar. As an FYI, if your dental insurance doesn't cover a root canal or crown due to length of time. You still are given the contracted rate where the dentist cannot charge over a certain amount for the service and crown. Most people don't know this and many people in admin don't know this but this is a fact. This can save you hundreds of dollars typically- still going to be expensive but MUCH better than full price.

Okay, so while I am arranging a new dental policy, my tooth that I planned on crowning this month starts REALLY hurting. I did not have an abscess but it must have been inside because that was definitely a sign of infection and it was only going to get worse. I have had a root canal and crown on another tooth 5 years ago and the pain from the infection was beyond agony. Fortunately, I never had problems after the procedure and I have pretty good dental health, but I never want to experience that again so I got busy!

I had recently started taking iodine supplements by capsule and by drops in my water. So I immediately gave myself a super dose for a couple of days to get it going in my system. Still the pain lingered (I think the iodine was keeping the infection in check but not completely killing it), and I could tell it was starting to become more intense and more frequent. So I got online and started researching what I could do to at least keep the infection under control until I get some Penicillin from my doc so hopefully I won't need a root canal.

The following things I discovered and tried to a good measure of success:

1. Oil pulling with unrefined organic coconut oil. I got IMMEDIATE RESULTS!! My swelling in the roof of my mouth and all of my pain were gone! I was not congested at all, but the second I spit the oil out I got crazy pains all through my head as I felt the sinuses clearing and adjusting pressure! I did not even know I was inflamed! My body was having an intense immune response and it was going completely unnoticed until that moment! That is scary and I am actually so thankful I had this toothache or I might never have tried this! My lymph nodes are back to normal and they have a tendency to always stay a little swollen but I always come out "healthy" I am shocked and again thankful to all the good people that post on these websites! I began oil pulling 2 or 3 times a day but still after a couple of days I was not getting complete resolution. But I believe it is a part of the resolution.

2. I bought Turmeric in capsule form. I took 1 pill of 450 mg of Tumeric and curc. I did not notice anything with my tooth but other things were happening including my nose would run and other purging types of scenarios where I believe my body was detoxing! I felt that even though I could not feel a difference in my tooth, that obviously it was detoxing my system which overall is helping my body heal.

3. I tried OIL OF OREGANO! This stuff is crazy intense and STRONG. when they say drops I mean heed that warning!!! Trust me I didn't take it that seriously and I thought screw the tooth I think I just killed myself with oregano oil!

I put a couple of drops in my sparkling mineral water with fresh lemon and my iodine and it was completely good. So try this if you want to get it internally as well as topically.


Keep in mind I continued oil pulling 2 to 3 times a day, took my 1 pill of Turmeric in the morning with my iodine pills and also drops in my water (2 diff kinds of iodine are both needed by the body), but I then got a cotton ball and put 2 droppers of iodine on it with 3 to 4 drops of Oil of Oregano and put it directly on the gum above the tooth. GROSS and you will drool like a St. Bernard so seriously get a towel. I am not exaggerating. I kept it on my gum and did not move it for about 25 minutes. When I took it off WOW! No pain, all swelling completely and totally gone! I did not have pain for several hours and then I oil pulled again and took a Tylenol. Completely pain free into the middle of the next day! I still oil pulled and took my Turmeric and iodine and did the procedure again, but for only 10 minutes.

My situation is completely under control as I prepare to get my crown and prevent a root canal. As an extra measure I am going to make sure I take Penicillin for 5 days or so to prevent any potential lingering bugs that might get trapped in the crown. Penicillin is super cheap thank god and dentists don't have a problem prescribing it even just a call in. This is an FYI for others that might have a dentist at least get them some penicillin to help save a tooth. I never take antibiotics and never get sick, so I respond well to things and if you are the same way this could be an extra idea for you.

I really hope this helps someone because I think it is something that is pretty easy to follow and reasonable to maintain that also will help your general health.

Replied by Marie
(New York)

I am going to try the oregano. I have a slight ache now...well, had. I use peroxide mixed in with water and hold there 5 min and spit out then do again numerous times a day. Ache went away. Was eating now, so will do it again. I like the oregano idea. I'm gonna try that too. Thanks. Good info.

Oil Pulling, MMS

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Maddtom (Colorado, Usa) on 07/28/2013 1 posts

Folks, recently discovered not so painful soft "lump" on outside upper back tooth. This tooth has been bothering me for couple of months. Very painful for a couple of weeks and then no pain. I know it will need to come out very soon. Question is: how to mitigate and even eliminate this infection. I pull EVOO at least twice a day and have for more than 6 months. My overall health is excellent (65yrs). Like I said I know this tooth needs to come out and I want to eliminate this abscess before I go in (if possible)... Thanks for any info. ThomasM

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

MADDTOM from Colorado: I really like posts like yours because I have a lot of experience now with good results re my teeth to pass on. I am a senior with ALL my teeth except one I lost many years ago. Even in that case I should have known better but thanks to EC I have a completely new and far more effective tooth care regimen which empowers me to know what is in my mouth and to keep business away from my health.

Recently I saw a dentist after years and the first thing was that he expectd me to accept fluoride. Then, when I told him that when I was much younger a very well respected dentist who taught a a university, sent a piece of mercury down my gullet, saying:don't swallow it! When I told this dentist about it, He mentioned that it probably "went right through. Hmm! Very casual attitude.

I have now been oil pulling for about two years. At the beginning there was a molar that felt loose and the dentist said it had to come out. Then I found: That changed everything. Oil pulling had given me a fresh breath daily, a clean and healthy tongue and probably detoxed my system without any trouble. It also fixed the loose tooth more firmly in its socket. I don't like to lose a tooth since it has such an effect on the facial features. Oil pulling had also brightened my teeth somewhat.

However, thanks to the site above, I am now trying to heal a cavity on my front tooth. My gums that had always been a problem, are looking really good and the previously exposed tooth necks are almost all right at the gum line, looking really good.

But now, to heal any cavity, I am using MMS (Jim Humble's website) and wow my teeth are getting actually white. I did not really expect that. I thought my yellow/grey teeth would never but they are really nice looking. I am working on some pockets and to eliminate possible sites of infection. I keep the MMS solution in my mouth for two minutes twice a day. If I forget it once, or I am too tired, I use Xytol in my mouth before falling asleep. Of course, I will not forget my oil pulling as it has an overall effect on the body which may vary with the individual. You will find that present practices of dental care are far from beneficial to ones health and thinking of the sums that have to be surrendered!

Anyway I am taking responsibility for my health and again thanks to EC have initiated more changes to the great improvement of my health. The sites mentioned also deal very well with abscesses and pain.

All the best! Om

25 posts

Thank you MADDTOM for referring us to the site ParadiseNow. It is truly helpful and a wealth of information.

Replied by Chris

Hello, can you tell me what MMS and EC is? I have an abscess that is apparently the result of a root canal from yrs ago. Its not painful but swelled up when I first noticed it. Now that its subsided a bit due to antibiotics I am wondering if I can actually get it healed up with out the recommended surgery thats going to cost 1500.00....

Thanks Chris

EC: MMS is the acronym for Miracle Mineral Solution (a supplement) and EC refers to Earth Clinic!

Oil Pulling, Turmeric, Garlic

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jack (Scranton, Pa ) on 02/27/2010

Periapical Cyst: Eliminate it with Gauze, Water, Oil Pulling, Garlic Oil, Tumeric

A Periapical Cyst is formed after trapped puss cannot escape through the infected tooth's abscess, and instead finds a path into the jaw and cheek near the tooth abscess origin. The cyst usually gets quite large, expanding the cheek outward, putting pressure on the mouth and face. Until the puss finds a way out, it will remain. A possible cause is infection from biting down hard on the weak tooth, or through a narrow opening in the abscessed tooth.


For a whole week I suffered with this type of cyst, making my cheek look bloated as though I had a very thick slice of salami between my jaw and inside cheek. It hurt on touch, and made my lower face nerves numb from the pressure. It was a bit embarrassing in public, but my health was most important, as this can sometimes be life threatening if it moves too far into the face or down the neck. Once you see the puss, you'll know why.

The day it finally broke, that morning, I decided to stuff a Gauze pad into my mouth throughout the day, to even out the look of my distorted face. By afternoon, the puss finally found a way out of my cheek tissue, through a tiny blister hole it pressed against, just above my lower jaw gum-line. Once the flow began, I carefully massaged out the rest, spitting out the salty, yellow-green puss and blood into the sink and rinsing with a glass of 50% hydrogen peroxide/ 50% water mix to disinfect the mouth.

I didn't have to use the scalpel, thanks to the gauze pad, stuffed into my upper cheek just above the infected tooth on the lower jaw. The pad was small enough to fit in my mouth, but large enough to press constantly against the cheek tissue from 10 AM to 2:30 PM that day only to my surprise. The gauze was very irritating to my inner cheek, and swelling began at 11 AM. By 2 PM, to the point the swelling of my cheek tissue was pushing against and almost over my lower teeth. By 2:30 PM, a hole broke through the blister on its own and the puss began seeping out. (Read below for the full story). To say I was pleased this worked was an understatement, as I was about to give up.


If you have an tooth abscess and a cyst filled with puss in your cheek, try this:

1. Firm GAUZE PAD (or paper towel will work) folded near the problem tooth, against the cheek with the swelling and puss pocket. Gauze or paper towel absorb moisture and add constant wet pressure to the infected cheek, to help it form an outlet blister where nothing had been before the Gauze Pad was added.

2. Regular use of OIL PULLING as suggested on this site. I used Virgin Olive Oil and Canola Oil. Also, swishing with Hydrogen Peroxide and Water mix, and brushing with Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) helps too, drawing out toxins.

3. Tumeric Capsules or Tumeric powder to reduce swelling at first. Once you put in the Gauze Pad though, any later swelling is a good sign if it's building inside your mouth's cheek tissue, gums. This indicates it's trying to for a blister to escape through, as it was unable to make it through the cavity tooth.

4. Garlic Oil soft-gels, Liver Cod Oil softgels (A and D), Vitamin C, Multi-Vitamins are helpful to your body. Vitamin A treats the skin. I took a few more than suggested.

5. Water. If you're 200 pounds, I suggest 100 Fluid ounces of water per day (under a gallon). Water reduces infection. Imagine not drinking water, how will the infection leave your body if your organs are drying out, unable to flush infection from your body? If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Drink plenty of water, just don't over do it as it could kill.

6. Eggs. Eggs provide amino acids, omega fatty acids, protein, vitamins, etc. An egg helps provide plenty of nutrition for growth and health. Chicks thrive on the yolk especially. The yolk is key. Cooked or eat as you like.

After that, It could take as little as one day for the blister to form, or longer, depending on your intake of the ingredients. Altogether, I only used the Gauze Pad for about five hours before it opened up a blister in my inner cheek for the puss to escape. Of course, the week of taking the other ingredients no doubt played a role, but nothing sped up the process as fast as the Gauze Pad that final day to my surprise.

ORIGINAL SYMPTOMS, CAUSE and detailed SOLUTION: 7 days plus 1 day cured:

Friday night, I bit down hard on a slice of pizza, and intense, sharp pain shot down my cavity tooth. About fifteen minutes, the pain eased up mostly, but by evening that day, there would be no sleep. Throughout all day Saturday, the non-stop excruciating throbbing intensified full force, and the tooth was very sore to the touch, followed quickly by a fever including the chills, weakness, sore throat and congestion, but no vomiting or diarrhea. And I had a numb feeling on my lower lip and chin, which was slowly spreading to my right cheek.

From experience, I covered myself in heavy blankets and stuck my head over an oil filled radiator space heater, putting life on hold. Staying so hot that I "sweat out" the illness, with more water than I normally drink (2 gallons over 1 day) and plenty of replenishing vitamin C and A, D, and Calcium, with sunny side up eggs. By Sunday night at 6 PM, the fever was mostly gone; no more sore throat, weakness, chills or throbbing tooth.

Having not slept and barely eaten for two days in a row, the absence of pain allowed some shut eye, for 2 hours sprints, as I'd wake up with intense thirst. I continued drinking, but by that evening, the numbness in my face was continuing into the night, followed by swelling of my chin, and finally the right lower jaw of my face. The inflamed cheek expanded about 3/4" from where it normally rests.

Sunday throughout the entire day, I kept a warm wet compress rag held with my hand against my cheek and after seeing on EarthClinic that Tumeric reduces inflammation, I went out to the store and stocked up on the powder and the capsules (which are more tolerable to ingest). Also on pure Olive Oil for oil pulling/swishing, plenty of odorless garlic softgels, more vitamin C, cod liver oil softgels, and multivitamins.

I tried it all, and the swelling finally went down by the next morning (mostly thanks to the compress and Tumeric), but it was time to go to work with a huge Periodical Cyst/facial lump on my cheek, still filled with puss trapped under the tooth. I discovered quickly, food going into the tooth wasn't the issue, but when I first bit down on it, that caused trauma to the lower right jaw nerves, resulting in numbness and puss infection beneath the tooth root. Having no way out through the tooth, the puss found a path into my lower cheek bone and tissue. The lump was very firm, but didn't hurt much, but the pressure on my lips was heavy. I could barely smile.

That Monday, I felt very tired having not slept, and weak, so I attempted to sleep all day and continue with the treatment. By Tuesday, the swelling had not even shrunk an inch, and I had to go to work.

Continuing this all week, it finally turned to Friday night once again, and this thing was still on my face. I'm normally embarrassed by such things as this, so that night, I decided to put a GAUZE pad in my mouth to balance out the protruding bump, stuffing it just above the now swollen lower jaw. "Looks more even with my face", I thought.
Saturday morning, I could see swelling inside my cheek, so I replaced the Gauze with a new one and almost gave up as I drove up to the hospital, then decided to follow my instinct, and drove away. I was going to try and cut a hole in there and save the money. Throughout the day, I picked up groceries and shopped for foods that would feed the bones in my teeth, not sap away the calcium from them like so many junk foods. From 10 AM to 2 PM, the gauze was becoming more irritating against my inner cheek, swelling more than it had all week. At 2:30 PM, just as I got home, something wonderful happened. I tasted a very unfamiliar, salty, foul substance in my mouth. I stopped the car and glanced in the mirror, seeing a big ball of yellow-green puss sapping out of my cheek tissue just near the gum-line. Thrilled, I began spitting out over six tablespoons of puss and blood, carefully pressing on the cyst to allow more to follow out. Inside, I immediately rinsed my mouth with hydrogen peroxide/water mix, to cleanse the mouth. An hour later of this continued treatment, the lump is completely void of puss, though it is still slightly swollen having gone through such abuse. My face is back to normally thankfully and I'm convinced all that work finally paid off, mere minutes before I was going to "cut a hole inside my mouth" from the misery. Absolute relief and joy, with some apprehension it could always return.

Having learned a lesson of a lifetime, I will no longer take my teeth for granted. I have been reading much on "Curing Tooth Decay", and will eat properly once more. A man named Doctor Price, back in 1936, wrote a dental health book about various isolated villages across the world who ate rye bread, eggs, cod liver oil, butter, cheese, some greens, and milk from grass fed cows, and they were immune to tooth decay. Alternatively, he discovered that many in America, who ate mostly white bread and sugar with skim milk, suffered from many cavities and teeth that had trouble fitting in their narrow jaws, despite brushing and flossing everyday. You can find out more online with a search for "Cure tooth decay". "

Replied by L P
(Dublin, Ireland)

Thanks for your testimony.

I have had a root canal followed by crowning of my molar tooth a few years ago. After accidentally biting hard an abscess has formed at the base of the tooth between the root and jawline causing my tooth to be lifted slightly out of its socket that causes pain if the upper tooth touches it (nearly quite often it does). Of course the obvious solution would be an extraction but if there's any alternative then I'd be grateful. Would you be able to advise me on my situation? Thanks!

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc, Canada)

L. P. From Dublin, Ireland: visit This is excellent info. Which I have used to my advantage. It shoud help you and I wish more people would have this info. All the best. Om

Replied by Joy
(Battleground, Wash)

Activated charcoal on the gumline, tea tree oil, internal glutithione or Alpha lipoic acid or coconut oil internal or topical or both..... read the book, the root canal coverup online for free by doctor who invented root canals and now is against them.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, SC)

If you are dealing with the infection issue only, try using colloidal silver... A good brand, some not being so effective as others. Here's how to use it: Take at least a tablespoon or more into mouth and hold it there for a FULL minute making sure the abscessed tooth is being saturated by the liquid. Spit out.

Often, dental work leaves microscopic holes where infiltration by microbes can penetrate to the facial area. Especailly bad for this is the root canal.

Repeat thirty minutes later, making sure you have enough colloidal silver to saturate. Hold in mouth and spit out. Do it again thirty minutes later.

If the infection is much improved, then keep repeating until the infection is completly gone. You might need to drink a tablespoon in addition because the infection is likely to have gone into your system. Consume at least ten tablespoons over the course of a few days to clear the system.

Even when I have no infection in the mouth, once every few weeks I hold the silver in my own mouth to let the silver absorb into the "holes" in the mouth; just to keep potential infections from taking hold. I do this obviously as a preventative. (Learned to do this after being infected with the Bells Palsy virus.)

Olive Leaf

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by broadusername (Waco, TX) on 09/27/2023

A year ago I had all four wisdom teeth removed, plus another tooth. They didn't want to remove the 6th because they felt like removing 6 teeth at once would put too much stress on my body. So, for the past year I've had a broken tooth that's partially dead. Last week it started hurting, and the gumline was pretty red along the lower left side of my mouth. The pain got incredibly intense and would not go away over the course of a few days.

I started taking Olive Leaf Extract (250mg/day) for the first two days. By the third, I ramped it up to 500mg/day, and by the 4th or 5th day, 1,000mg/day in two doses (one in the AM, one in the evening). Once I started doing 500mg per day, I noticed the pain had begun to subside. At 1,000mg/day, it subsided even more.

It's important to note that I also took Bromelain w/ the Olive Leaf Extract to (potentially) help breakdown and absorb the OLE into my bloodstream more efficiently + rinsed my mouth with Oregano Oil (the liquid version with carvacrol).

I'm not entirely sure if it's the Olive Leaf Extract, the Oregano Oil liquid mouth rinse, or both, but one way or another my gums look a 100% better than they have in a long time, and the pain has subsided to being barely noticeable.

I'm still headed to the dentist (today, actually) because I haven't been to one since last years wisdom tooth surgery and need to go regardless of tooth pain or not.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Kenneth (New South Wales) on 09/01/2016

TOOTH ABSCESS. - I have lost a tooth or 2 from the dreaded tooth abscess in the past when little information was available to help other than going to the dentist. I have now tried most of the recognised alternative published remedies and I have to say none of them were a total success - until - I took some fairly large doses of powdered olive leaf.

The result.......almost immediate, well, within a few hours, all pain subsided and after following on with reduced doses the abscess completely subsided. - AMAZING!!

Olive Leaf
Posted by DarenM (Trenton, MI) on 04/03/2009

About a week ago I ate some ice cream and developed a sinus infection. ( I expected I would since I am aware of the connection. But I did it anyway) Right away I started using cayenne pepper as I often do when I begin to feel something coming on. My sinuses drained fine and I thought I was getting better so I went out and partied it up. Smoking and doing things I should not have. Eventually I ended up with a tooth abscess which is no surprise since I have some major dental issues. I suspect that during my sinus drainage and a night out my body couldn't handle it all and then my poor tooth got infected.

Finally I stayed away from all the no no's. Sweets, smoking, alcohol ect.. I stayed with the cayenne pepper and eventually started to use garlic as well since the cayenee didn't seem to be doing all that great. It helped my sinuses tremendously but couldn't touch the infection in my jaw/gum/tooth. Once I started using garlic I was able to feel relief temporarily. I even tried tilting my head in a way as to allow the garlic oils and stuff to absorb into the tooth and gum. The infection was on my upper jaw. This seemed to help but barely, and garlic is hard to take a lot of. Plus I didn't wanna mix too much cayenne pepper and garlic as I understand them both to be natural anti-coagulants, and to much of that may not be safe.

I came back online for a new hope and came across Olive Leaf Extract. I went to a health food store called Better Health and purchased some. On mine it says:

150mg Olive Leaf Standardized Extract (18% oleuropein equal to 27mg.
150mg Olive Leaf Powder

I'm not sure how much the Olive Leaf Powder matters but the standardized extract with the oleuropein is what I understand to be the anti-biotic, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic portion. From research I gathered that olive leaf extract is non-toxic which I've yet to confirm with a reputable source. But I have been taking one capsule every 2 to 4 hours and sometimes for two days. All the swelling has disappeared, my sinus have been draining like crazy, the pain in my jaw/tooth/gums is gone and I have had more energy. It is not completely gone as I can still feel discomfort in that area but after only two days I am amazed. I have had abscesses like this in the past and I know how impossible they can seem. I have always had to get my tooth extracted in order to feel relief but not this time.

One downside is that my urine PH became very low half way through the second day. So low that it burned when I went to urinate. I didn't bother checking the ORP, but now I wish I had since olive leaf extract is suppose to be a good antioxidant and I'm left curious as to how it may affect the ORP of my urine. I suspect it would have a good ORP. I still don't know why my PH was so low. Olive leaf extract is a natural broad spectrum antibiotic and I understand that antibiotics can affect PH but I didn't think it would be like this. My PH was in the 4's.

I began drinking distilled water with a PH of about 8 and did the Lemon Bicarbonate Alkalizing drink as that is my favorite and seems to work well. Checked my PH again a couple hours later and it was 7.2.

Also two things to take note of: Olive Leaf Extract may lower blood pressure and/or glucose levels. I didn't notice much change in my blood pressure but if you are on blood thinners or you are diabetic this may not be for you.

Some other things I did to help the tooth abscess:

2 Drops Clove Oil on Q-Tip applied at base of infected tooth. I also use the Q-tip to kinda brush against my gums next to the tooth to use whatever Clove Oil is left on the Q-Tip.

3 Drops Clove Oil + 9 Drops Almond Oil applied to your skin on your cheek that is closest to the infected tooth. I use the Almond Oil because the Clove Oil is very potent and may irritate the skin.

50/50 - Hydrogen Peroxide / Water used as a mouthwash.

1 Sinus Rinse using a Netipot

Hope this helps someone. I love this website and it has helped me many times!

Replied by Ahmed

Just bought clove essential oil but read on bottle to "not use internally". I'm guessing that means to swallow it, but isn't inside the mouth also considered "internal"? Lady at organic store said put it on the tooth area "as often as needed"!

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Ahmed,

I have used clove oil in the mouth a number of times. Personally, I am comfortable with that even when the bottle says not to use internally.

Hope it helps you very much!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

stings the tongue so either mix in carrier oil to dilute a bit or apply onto a toothpick and then use toothpick on the area to apply the clove oil, a good activated charcoal poultice at night can draw out some of the toxins.

Olive Oil, Clove Oil, Charcoal

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ray (Collierville, Tennessee) on 03/30/2009

Over this past weekend I had a abscessed tooth with severe pain! I searched the web and found this site. I sent my wife to the stores and gathered oil of cloves, olive oil, processed charcoal, and made a pouch of gauge put this mixture in my mouth backed with heating pad and within two hours the abscess under the tooth gave it self up and the pain left! thank you for this site and great information. I was in severe pain and felt like a new person! i will pass this information on to my family and friends


4 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Faith (Pdx) on 09/22/2016

I had two loose teeth in the front. I had weekly ozone treatment for $50.00. The dentist was super nice and fair, he would inject a massive amount of ozone between the two teeth since ozone moves seeking something to react with and it goes after the infections and destroys them. It took ten sessions to kill the infection.

Posted by Suzyq (Seattle) on 02/22/2016

I was very ill and my friend suggested ozone, I had 25 ozone shots in mouth over a span of 2 weeks, it did nothing for me, plus it made my brain feel really off... never again. I had to have dental cavitation surgery

Posted by Smartie (Seattle) on 12/21/2015

Ozone works for some people. I would start slow. My first visit, I noticed I had a very odd sensation in my brain, my mind felt so weird. The holistic dentist told me some people just can't stand the ways it makes them feel.

Posted by CeeCee (San Diego, CA) on 05/06/2009

calcified tooth root abcess:

Having never heard of oil pulling, I tried a very expensive alternative method to try and save an upper molar which had a calcified root that was infected and could not successfully be root canaled. The gum was sore and spongy. I signed many release forms before taking injections of ozone in the gums around the tooth. This was preceeded by ozone gas in the mouth, ears and nose and followed by vitamin injections. Six treatments a week apart was recommended. It was painful and painful to pay for-$500 per treatment, but the gum was no longer spongy and painful by the end of the treatment. It was recommended to retreat in six months or so. Unfortunately the ozone dried my saliva glands horribly. And after three plus months there is no improvement in my saliva glands, leaving me with horrible dry mouth.

Now I feel twinges of mild pain in that tooth area as well. I am trying the oil pulling as we speak and we see what happens.

Has anyone else tried similar ozone treatments or does anyone have natural remedies for dry mouth. Thank you. CeeCee

EC: Our dry mouth remedies page is here:

Peppermint Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Crystal (Burlington, Nc, Usa) on 06/23/2012

After nearly 3-4 days of no relief from my tooth pain and swelling (I am sure I had an infection as my cheek was swollen and gums throbbing), I looked online for home remedies until my dentist appointment. I read on this site about many remedies such as apple cider vinegar in water, garlic, tea bags, etc for use with tooth pain. I tried them all and with very little relief. After reading one comment about the use of Pure Vanilla Extract (supposedly the alcohol content in it helped?) I went into my kitchen and then saw that I had Peppermint Oil. I remember reading how crushed peppermint worked for someone, so I decided to try the Peppermint Oil. The vanilla only had 35% alcohol, but the Peppermint Oil had 89%. I dabbed some on with my finger and I was amazed. I was finally able to sleep pain free. The throbbing stopped. And as a bonus I had fresh breath (minus the garlic from trying previously during the first day). I continued the use of Peppermint Oil whenever I felt pain, and it seemed to last for a good while. Just turn the bottle upside down with your fingertip on it, just to get a little on there, then dab your gum around your pain. It works wonders! I'm surprised I've seen no mention of it.

Replied by The Prophet
(Midwest, US)

Yes. Peppermint oil worked and fast! To substantially reduce pain. Had a bad toothache develop in an old wisdom tooth that I really need to have pulled. Tried numerous remedies to get the pain down. Started with coconut oil pull, iodine drops on the tooth area, tried sea salt water, clove oil/cloves. Didnt get the pain down much. Pulled out some peppermint extract, put some on the gum/tooth area, pain went down quite nicely, esp in the gum. Thankful.

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