1 User Review
I can attest to this remedy also, because some time later, I had a toothache that would not quit. I treated myself with Alpha Lipoic Acid. It was kind of like a do-it-yourself root canal. My pain subsided each day and was totally gone within 3 days. I continued to take it a few more days. My tooth is still A-OK 10 years later. Did not require any dental work, even though I've been in for cleaning and x-rays several times since.
On a polar opposite note, I have been reading about Urotherapy - a little known frontier with claims of curing numerous aliments, including various cancers. Each of us have this readily available, tailor-made, built-in health dispenser at no cost. Research online, as it's limited experimental findings are under wraps among med books (has been for years). I did try it myself for a lower abdominal ache, after other natural remedies did not work over a 2 month period. I searched for a cure and found it. After 2 weeks of drinking a few ounces of 'mid stream in the morning', all pain was gone. Never had another symptom of who knows what. No, it doesn't taste bad. Think of it as intended - it's personalized medicine that won't harm you, but most likely will cure you. Do the research. I've found it tried, true and an essential entry in my emergency home care journal.