Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

| Modified on Mar 04, 2025
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Tooth Abscess remedies on Earth Clinic.

A tooth abscess, an infection located at the tooth's root beneath the gum line, requires prompt attention to avoid complications. Conventional treatments such as antibiotics, tooth extraction, or a root canal are commonly recommended. However, in situations where an immediate dentist visit is not feasible, natural remedies can provide effective pain relief and aid in healing the infection.

Home remedies for a tooth abscess can offer rapid pain relief and potentially save the tooth by promoting healing. Swift treatment of a tooth abscess is crucial to prevent the spread of bacteria through the bloodstream, which can result in sepsis—a severe and potentially life-threatening systemic infection.

Effective Natural Remedies for Dental Infections

When faced with a dental infection, several natural remedies have shown promising results in alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, and fighting infection. Combining these remedies can often enhance their effectiveness. Here are twelve proven natural remedies to consider:

1. Garlic

Garlic, a potent antibiotic food, can be used to treat dental infections. With over 125 positive reviews from our Earth Clinic readers, garlic has earned the top spot on the list of effective remedies for tooth infections. 

Raw garlic is the most effective, but garlic powder can be used if fresh cloves are unavailable. Do not leave raw garlic on delicate gums for an extended period to avoid potential irritation. To enhance the healing power and minimize irritation, mix minced garlic with honey or coconut oil before applying it to the painful area.

2. Cloves

Cloves are a strong antibacterial herb with numbing properties. Whole cloves, clove powder, or clove essential oil can be used for abscess treatment. Hold a whole clove in the mouth at the site of infection. Alternatively, place clove powder in a tea bag and keep it in the mouth. You can also apply clove essential oil with a cotton bud.

Repeat the treatment every few hours during the day, and if necessary, reapply at night.

3. Tea Bag

Black tea possesses infection-fighting, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties. Moisten a tea bag and place it against the infected area in the mouth. Keep the tea bag in the mouth for 30 to 60 minutes before replacing it with a fresh one. Avoid sleeping with a tea bag in the mouth to prevent choking hazards.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric acts as an antibiotic and provides pain relief. Apply a mixture of turmeric with water or honey directly to the abscess or consume it internally several times a day, similar to an oral antibiotic. Golden milk, which contains turmeric, is an effective way to incorporate it into your routine regularly.

5. Colloidal Silver

If you have homemade colloidal silver, you can use generous amounts. Gently swish a tablespoon of colloidal silver in your mouth for one minute every hour or two during the day. If using store-bought colloidal silver, apply a dropperful to a cotton ball and place it on the abscess. Hold the cotton ball in place for 5 minutes, discard, and repeat every few hours.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, containing acetic acid, combats bacteria. Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of water and swish it in the mouth for one minute every few hours. Rinse your mouth with water after spitting out the solution to prevent potential tooth sensitivity caused by the vinegar's acidity.

7. Oil Pulling

Healing oils like coconut or sesame oil can be used for oil pulling. Put one teaspoon of either oil in your mouth and swish it for 15 minutes several times daily. Spit the oil into a trash can and rinse your mouth afterward.

8. Hydrogen Peroxide

The 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in the brown bottle effectively kills infection. Swish a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your mouth for a minute every few hours during the day. Using hydrogen peroxide before other remedies helps clean the infected area and complements their effects.

9. Honey

Honey has antibacterial properties and releases hydrogen peroxide as it breaks down. Apply honey to the abscess multiple times a day. For optimal results, choose Manuka honey or raw, local honey.

10. Clay

Bentonite clay or French green clay can draw out infections, including tooth infections. Clay also reduces inflammation and pain. Mix equal parts of dry clay powder and water, allowing the mixture to sit for 5 minutes. Apply the clay to the infection site, preferably overnight if the amount is not excessive, to avoid choking hazards. A pea-sized amount should suffice.

11. Activated Charcoal

Like clay, activated charcoal powder draws out infection, kills bacteria, and reduces pain. Place activated charcoal powder in an empty tea bag, moisten it and apply it against the abscess. Change the charcoal poultice every two hours during the day.

12. Supporting the Immune System

To enhance the effectiveness of the above remedies, incorporate additional measures to support the immune system:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Zinc
  • Elderberry syrup
  • Astragalus root

Additionally, prioritize a diet rich in fruits and vegetables while avoiding processed foods and sugar. Drink plenty of water or herbal tea to help flush out toxins. Rest and exposure to sunlight are also important for immune system support.

Recognizing Tooth Abscess Symptoms

Introduction: Identifying the symptoms of a tooth abscess is crucial for prompt treatment. Common signs include severe pain, tooth sensitivity, bad breath, and fever. Swollen lymph nodes and radiating pain to the neck or head may also occur. Visible signs of infection beneath the gum near the painful area can sometimes be observed. The intensity of tooth pain may be so severe that it hinders daily activities such as work or school. Over-the-counter pain medications may not provide adequate relief.

Please continue reading to discover our readers' experiences and top recommendations regarding the most effective remedies for treating an infected tooth. If you have tried any of these remedies, we invite you to share your feedback!

Related Links:

Cloves for Tooth Abscess: Natural Pain and Infection Relief
Echinacea and Goldenseal for Tooth Abscess Relief
Effective Natural Remedies for Toothache Relief
Garlic for Tooth Abscess: Natural Antibacterial Treatment
Onion for Tooth Abscess Relief: Natural Pain Remedy

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Cell Salts No 9

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maypeacebewithall (Singapore) on 04/13/2012

I have used cell salt no. 9 Mag Phos to relieve my mum's and my brother's toothache a few times. I crushed the tablet in some water and asked them to drink and hold it in the area of their tooth pain. Swallow it after a few minutes. The tooth pain subsided within minutes, sometimes as fast as when holding the solution in their month.

Once my brother had an excruciating tooth pain which shoot up to his head. He said that your tears will just rolled down automatically from the intensity of the pain. I dropped a few drops of flower essence into his decayed wisdom teeth and set an intention for the flower essence to heal him in his highest good and the severe pain also subsided within minutes. The flower essence I used is made from the painkiller plant.

Lastly, there was another time where I applied Aura Soma Physical Rescue oil to his cheek where his tooth pain was located. I poured some oil onto my palm and just rubbed onto his cheeks. Then, I placed my palms on his cheeks and send healing prayers to his decayed tooth. And his pain also subsided within minutes. Intention and Faith seems to be very important. Combined with the appropriate "tool", it can work miracles! Hope my above experiences can help others.

Replied by Facm

Do you moisten the teabag before you use it or use it dry?

EC: It will be more comfortable to moisten the tea bag before you use it.

Garlic, Tumeric

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Posted by Rubin (North Carolina, Usa) on 03/07/2017

I used turmeric and garlic cloves crushed from someone else's suggestion on this site for a tooth infection and want to thank them because it worked right away.

Garlic, Turmeric

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Fxbelle (Bellevue, Wa) on 09/09/2011

I have a tooth that has been on the edge, since I lost part of the filling. It started throbbing and kept me awake the first night. That's when I got out my arsenal! I immediately started with tumeric tea (Tumeric - as much as you can stand, 1/3rd Almond Milk or Almond Oil, some vanilla flavoring for taste and the balance with hot water). I made 6 cups during the day and as I went about my day, I just swished the tea around on the upper side where my tooth hurt.

Late in the afternoon, I peeled about 6 garlic bulbs (not kidding) and sauted them in olive oil (about 25 pieces). I ate every one (its a good thing I like garlic! ) By late evening, the horrible swelling had gone down and I had this "nub" of swelling between my jaw and cheek. The throbbing had completely gone away by this time. All of a sudden, the "nub" burst and now I am back on the mend! I really love Tumeric Tea and Garlic!

Garlic, Vitamin C and Bamboo Salt

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Posted by Yvonne (Singapore) on 11/28/2016

Editor's Choice

Hi guys, woke up with dull pain in lower molar, went to a random dentist nearby at 10am (and though a regular cleaning will do the job), the 'cold test' they performed made the pain worse (unbearably excruciating and non-stop), that I have to keep holding water in my mouth or the pain keeps coming back. At 2pm, I can't take it anymore, went back, they told me it was really bad gum infection with pus and my molar was shaking. So they suggested periodontist specialist and root canal. I can't wait and make a trip to periodontist specialist and didn't want to do root canal after reading all the bad things about it, so in desperation, I opted for extraction. 1 day after the anesthesia of the extraction dies off, the neighboring teeth and gum start to ache (bacteria spread), so I started on the ponstan and antibiotics given by the dentist, which helped reduce the infection/inflammation by around 40%.

Then after reading reviews of this site, I started chewing garlic and taking lots of Vitamin C (6,000mg) for a couple days. Both helped by around 70%. Then there is the side effect of skin burn/sore on the cheek and inner lips with use of garlic, so garlic can't be used constantly.

But what I would like to share with whoever is reading this review is that Bamboo Salt (9x baked) is the game-changer. It managed to fix the remaining 30% sensitivity, sore and ache in nearby gum, teeth and extraction site, that garlic and Vit C can't fix). I really didn't have to extract my molar if I knew about bamboo salt before I go to the dentist.

All my gums and teeth and in perfect shape now. Google "Bamboo Salt" and there are medical reports it can even cure oral cancer:

EC: Interesting, thank you!

For those who don't know much about this Korean remedy...

Jukyeom is a Korean folk remedy consisting of salt roasted in bamboo. ... The trace elements in the clay and bamboo are thought to make this form of salt more healthy. Historically, jukyeom has been used as a digestive aid, styptic, disinfectant, or dentifrice.


Replied by Sunny

Can you please clarify how is bamboo salt used in conjunction with garlic?

General Feedback

Posted by Mario H. (Dallas) on 06/03/2020

to mom of many, I have serius tooth infection in about 5 tooth, for financial reasons was not able to see the dentist , to do treatment and extraction wood be about $10.000.00. Also i read somewhere that H202 react to almagan. Help please.

Replied by Teena
233 posts

Mario, you might like to try oil pulling with an organic oil to which you've added a potent natural antibiotic. Something like oregano oil or clove oil, olive leaf tincture, follow the directions for oil pulling but add a drop of the oil or tincture. Adding a drop each time you pull until you can feel that it's working. Aim to pull, really forcing the liquid between your teeth, for twenty minutes, but your first time could be much less. Best to you.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Fede (Madrid ) on 06/06/2023

Hi, I have. A broken molar that I should have gotten treated a long time ago. Because of traveling I have not had my regular oral hygiene and Ive been eating too much sugary foods. I'm in a country house away from home. The pain yesterday was so high I wished for death. Although Garlic had worked wonders in the past It didn't this time. There were some frequency binaural audios that helped in the past..not this time.

After trying salt water, Binéfar, alum and every tea you.can think of I remembered the antiinflamatorios properties of Ginger. My opinion IS while Garlic is an excellent antibiotic and works to treat the infection It can easily burn your mouth and the taste IS unpleasant. Tor those reasons its not practical to have for a long time next to the afectes área.

Ginger on the other hand IS an antiinflamatory that starts fighting inflamación right after you apply It and It can be kept there for a long time. I cut 2 Slim slices bite them little bit in the pain free side to the the juices flowing and put the on each side of the gym if the afectes tooth.if you are not able to do this operation with your mouth feel free to wash your hand with soap and acomódate the Ginger slides with your fingers.Thats all! Go on with your daily tasks.eventually you Will even forget its there and you Will forget you had a can Crush It a little bit more every now and then yo keep the juice flowing.dont swalow saliva.alow It to mix with the Ginger juice.I personally LOVE the taste of Ginger.

Advice: choose a Ginger root that IS Big in size not small and organic.the small ones are extremelly potente comcentrated with less water content and It can be hard to keep in your mouth.they burn like garlic. For this use it's better the lower potency Ginger, the kind that la Big in size usually coming from China.

After 30 minutes you can Crush It put all the pieces around your affected tooth for a little.bit and swallow It for extra internal antiinflammatory effects.
Combining Garlic and Ginger can be your BEST bet cause hit the infection and the inflamación. feel free to experiment

Grapefruit Seed Extract

4 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by Jen (Carson City, Nevada) on 02/12/2012

I have found that grapefruit seed extract kills the infection and takes away pain. After trying many home remedies including cloves and vanilla extract (which helped quickly, but didn't last), I decided to try grapefruit seed extract. I put three drops in about 1/3 cup warm water and swished for about a minute. The pain usually goes away quickly. After a few days of swishing a few times a day, the pain was gone and didn't come back for over a month. Now, I use GSE anytime I have a toothache, and it's gone within a day. I'm trying to avoid a root canal. I also need to change my bad sugar habit and eat healthier to really heal the problem.

Replied by Judy

Hi, I was wondering if you avoided your root canal still in the last 2 years of taking the grapefruit seed extract? I was told I need one and don't want to go that route. Thanks

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Katrinika (Morehead City, Nc Usa) on 12/09/2010


I wish somebody had mentioned in the tooth abscess thread that grapefruit seed extract should not be used full strength in the mouth. It was one of the few items mentioned in the thread that I had in the house when at 3:00am this morning I read four pages of the thread and decided to try it as part of a poultice in a bit of gauze, which I left in my mouth until the pain from it seemed so much worse than the abscess I was trying to relieve that I got up and took it out (about three hours). I've been sick and have missed a lot of sleep over the last five months... At 3am I'm not too cogent. I didn't read the bottle. Now I've got second-degree burns in the entire left side of my mouth.. Gums and cheek. It's worse than the tooth abscess, will last longer (with tissue sloughing and probable infection), and is likely to leave significant scars. Now there's no chance that I can avoid the antibiotics. I really could have used just a tiny warning.

Replied by Mike

I think you were supposed to mix it with water.

(Bend, Or)

Yep, the post right above her post says the lady put 3 drops of Grape Seed Extract in 1/3 cup of water and Swished it around for a few min.... so sad for all the pain....

Replied by Hunter
(Newark Nj)

I used Solaray GSE and I never mixed it l applied it on the area that was hurting because it has a lot of glycerin in it unlike other brands that don't and can burn you but if I had to consume Solaray GSE l would mix it.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Nickie (Ruislip, Middlesex, Uk) on 07/15/2010

To those suffering tooth abscesses, I recommend Grapefruit Seed Extract. Put about ten drops in half glass of water, stir thoroughly and swish around the mouth before swallowing. Do this a couple of times before sleep and next morning - pain gone! This stuff is great as it works for sore throats, incipient colds, upset stomach and fungal infections. You can soak your athlete's feet in it, it's safe for children, takes care of diarrhea. You can dilute and use as a topical antiseptic for open wounds and I dab it neat on insect bites and a precautionary dose each morning will protect from the trots if you are vacationing somewhere the water is dubious. It is a natural anti-biotic and anti-viral and, unlike amoxycillin etc, will not kill off the friendly gut bacteria and expose you to fungal infections. In other words, it's really effective and won't hurt you and because it is good for so many things you shouldn't leave home without it. Tastes bitter of course but you can put in orange juice to mask the flavour if you are a cissie. I've used this for ten years, sung its praises to all and sundry who usually ignore me but the abcess sufferers to whom I have given some are now TRUE BELIEVERS. Nickie

Replied by Bells
(Asheville, Nc)

Grapefruit seed extract is a natural antibiotic, so it is great for external and internal use for ANY KIND OF INFECTION. But just as with perscription antibiotics, it will kill all bacteria in a human, including the probiotics in your gut which help us all stay healthy. GSE is comparable to penicillin. So if any of you in suffering take this wonderful supplement, make sure to take high quality probiotics(perferaably enteric coated) for at least 2 months.

Replied by Jules
(Denver, Colorado)

About grapefruit seed extract, I will definitely agree that it's a potent natural anti biotic and have used it myself for various ailments. However, everything I've read points to the fact that it does no harm to the healthy flora found in our bodies. I do agree that a dose of probiotics is always good as well! :)


Buyers Beware - the new GSE no longer has citricidal in it, that is why it tastes different than the old stuff. The reason is some red tape. There is a brand that has it but you have to do so research to find it, supposed it is the one that is for external use.

EC: Nutribiotic, the company that was the first to manufacture Grapefruit Seed Extract, now makes one called "Citricidal Grapefruit Seed Extract". Their old brand of GSE is called Vegan GSE.

Replied by Maria

I use oil of oregano. 2 to 4 drops under the tongue and it works for all the symptoms mentioned here, without killing the good bacteria.


Under the tongue? What sort of oregano oil are you using for this? It seems far too strong to put under the tongue and would burn like all hell.

EC: Some companies sell diluted oregano oil that you can put under the tongue.


Put a quarter to a half tsp of animal fat (lard, salmon oil etc.) in your mouth with the oregano oil. I like to use butter. Yogurt or sour cream may work too but I haven't tried it. The oregano won't burn your mouth when mixed with a bit of animal fat.

High Dose Vitamin C

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Sharon (Lou Ky) on 06/17/2017

Editor's Choice

Dental Abscess - High Dose Vitamin C in daily divided doses

Using 500 mg (what I had in the cabinet - ordinary low cost)

I took 2.5 grams first day by 1 500mg pill for 5 x day @ 8am noon 4pm 8pm midnite - next morning remarkable improvement with start of fistuala draining (already tried to lance abcess with pin the month before w nominal drainage) pimple-like process, pain and swelling down remarkably.

I doubled the dose for day 2. I took 5 grams on second day in divided doses, 2-500 mg pills per dose for 5 times (8am 12 4pm 8pm midnte) I woke up the next morning nearly 95% resolved. You could see the draining and I used my fingernail to direct it out. You need to remove this pus and this brought it to a head. Pain gone, doesn't hurt to eat on that tooth now, slightly noticeable. Swelling down immediately around tooth area but still swollen at the jaw/bone part.

3rd day - same as second. Extra insurance and I don't know if I will continue for 5 or 10 days yet, so I will reduce later dose and maintain a basic level for the future. At the end of the day, swelling done farther. The vitamin C is acting like an antibiotic. I know it needs to be taken on schedule and maintained at high levels for up to 10 days. So far so good. Very happy because it's basically gone in two days, but I want to make sure to get it all.

I am 5-5 at 112 lbs. This dosage did not hurt my stomach. I was compelled to jug water to get the pills down. I think it is important to drink water until you feel the pill go down your esophogas. This helps to keep it from dissolving in your throat which can cause acid reflux. With any pill that causes this I also eat about half of a bananna. It's a great buffer and helps push the pill down. Also, with vitamin c there is something call bowel tolerance. If the daily dosage you are taking causes nausea or diarreah, then lower the dose.

Note - I had already tried placing garlic on the tooth and abscess area. It worked. I did it once and after 5 days the infection was reduced after 1 15 min garlic treatment. It wasn't enough and it came back. (I never did the second round, learned this later that I should have done it again 5 days later) Yes, garlic did work as well, not as fast as Vitamin C dosing.

At this point, I am going to take advise on some of the other things I've read here. I will be applying vit E or Aloah topically in the mouth to help healing on the sore area. I will also add minerals to my supplements to help maintain or rebuild my teeth.

The reason I wrote this is because I want others to know that there are other options when your dentist tell you you need a root canal and crown and you don't have $3000.

Replied by Michael
(Phoenix, Az)

Read up on liposomal vitamin c, as it allows you to take a larger dose with no stomach problems at all. To help heal your teeth and other bone issues, try some Bio-dent from Standard Process along with your vit c. I've personally seen this work well for healing teeth and bones.

Replied by Jenny

May I ask what do you mean "a head" in "You need to remove this pus and this brought it to a head"? Is the pus cause a head? Or we need to remove the pus until a head show up? Please, please, please explain this.


5 User Reviews
5 star (4) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by April (Michigan) on 10/23/2017

Clove Honey: I took a teaspoon for an abscess tooth ache. It worked!

Posted by Sandy (sandhya) (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 08/17/2009

I took a couple of teaspoons of raw honey in my mouth and kept swishing it around for 20 minutes (procedure same as oil pulling), and the spat it out and rinsed my mouth. Voila! Toothache gone immediately!!

Replied by Deedee Shadowmist

Did not work at all- why not just swallow the honey tho'?

Replied by Juston


Posted by Jarrod (Fillmore, CA) on 01/18/2008

Apparently, there are three types of sugar. Glucose, fructose and sucrose. Sucrose is the only kind of sugar which is detrimental to the strength of your teeth. The other two turn out to be good. They trap bacteria and do other good stuff. I don't know all of the technical, scientifical (I know it's not a word, but it should be) theory behind it all, but I have tried this remedy myself and it works! I had a sore tooth for months. I had to stop rinsing my mouth out with hydrogen peroxide because the pain was unbearable. I bought some local honey and started eating a lot (two tablespoons with my coffee in the morning and more here and there when I had the time. Up to probably 10 tablespoons a day. I like honey, so this was easy. I don't think you need that much though. I also chewed on some honey comb that was in the jar. Not sure if that helped either, but it was a good gum substitute. Anyway, my pain is completely gone now and I can rinse with hydrogen peroxide! God bless!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lynn (Vero, Florida) on 03/10/2012

I suffer from horrible absesses. Pain almost as bad as giving birth. I had a molar pulled 2 years ago due to one that I had left untreated.

I also gave up on comercial toothpaste. I started using ONLY baking soda to brush all my teeth. I was advised by my last periodontist to brush UP and DOWN, not side to side. Side to side brushing causes gum irritation and eventually will cause receeding. Mine have. Start at the gums and brush down ( for your bottom teeth you'll actually be brushing UP :)

I will actually wet my brush with HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, then dip into the BSoda. Now I will begin the brushing. I do this several times a day, even in the car while driving.

In conjuntction, I use those little plastic flossers found at the dollar store, as much as possible thru-out the day, in the car, at work, in front of the computer, on the phone, etc. You can HP rinse any time of the day as well. A quick swish and your done.

I have not had an absess (infection) in over 10 years since the first one. Once you get an absess, or even something as common as a toothache, your tooth may be damaged and should NEVER be ignored. Getting rid of the pain is a temporary fix. The problem is still there, and by ignoring it, you are putting yourself at risk of serious infections going in the bloodstream, and/or brain. I read of a man who died from a tooth absess finding its way into the brain. After I heard that, I stopped ignoring all tooth pain.

The general health of your entire body is connected to oral hygiene.

Bypass the Colgate. Try the BS/HP brush and wash instead... You won't regret it, you'll save alot of money, your teeth will be whiter and your overall health will be better. TRUST ME, an experienced absessor!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Glue

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jack (Toledo, Ohio) on 11/18/2009

Just like thousands of other's I had 3 fillings fallout which I attribute to drinking "Mountain Dew" which at the time I had no idea it cause's teeth to lose emanel and even split or break off.!

and now just like others I have no insurance to pay the exorbitant fee's of dentist's and I knew,and felt the pain and abcess had to go ! "But how"??

Well, for the past 3 months I've had "no pain" and I filled the lost fillings with "no pain"! For the fast relief of the pain and to stop the abcess that I had I took the cotton off of a cotton swab and soaked it in 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, and put it in the cavity where the pain and abcess was,until all the pain was gone,which wasn't very long !After that,every time I shave or use bathroom I swish a small amount of HP around in my mouth(this kill's all the germs and bacteria in your mouth) "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE LOST FILLING'S?"

I tried some "DEN TEMP" and all it did is fall out after the first meal I had! But I got a small bottle of
gorilla glue AND put about 6-8 drops on a plastic surface, let it set until it started to harden and took a tooth pick and put some of it on the end of the tooth pick, then applied it into the cavities until each was filled,(I also found the cavity doesn't need to be dry!)it sticks just fine and I eat with the GG in and I still swish the Hydrogen Peroxide and My abcess has stopped and "I'm in "NO PAIN AT ALL"!

I fully realize I'll need treatment at some future point when I can afford it. "BUT FOR NOW I'M HOLDING MY OWN!"

Replied by Hollygolightly
(Tigard, Oregon)

I am so glad to hear I ain't the only one trying to hold them own on the dental front! Resourceful guy - thanks for your advice. Made me feel better, too :)

Replied by Joy H.
(Saint John, Nb)

The glue is a temporary fix. All dental procedures damage teeth and denten. Much research that is ignored ($'s) show that Vitamin D will regrow teeth and denten! Best option is to eat whole fruits and veg for the body to process properly. Try the Butler Gum Wax instead of the glue. It will fall out, but will allow the tooth to "breathe" and regrow.

Re Brushing - above - A pioneer doctor was advised to have all his teeth removed because of gingivitus - Dr. Hall maybe. Instead he researched where the bacteria grows. I believe it is 95% under the gum line. So if you brush top down and bottom up you will def get gingivitus! You need a small soft brush and need to brush gently at about 45 degrees into the gum line top and bottom. About a 5 minute process once or twice a day. The good doctor died with all his teeth intact!

Also much research everywhere except North America on Coconut pulling. The coconut oil is a natural antibacterial (Must be cold pressed! - All goodness is removed in heat or hydrogenation processes the latter being a poison! ) 1 to 2 teaspoons in your mouth - softens to liquid quickly - swish through the mouth for 20 minutes. (Longer than that allows the bacteria that was removed to be reabsorbed! ) Spit into garbage not sink - this is full of poison. Rinse with warm water then brush gently as described above. Your teeth won't require whitening - the coconut does that. Your gums and teeth will be happy. There is lots more info about dental myths out the - check it out!

Replied by Scott
(British Columbia)

I had wondered about using glue I'm glad you took the time to write this out, I've used the zinc oxide powder and clove oil recipe to make temp fillings and even had dentists say they prob could not have done a better job. but as a temp filling they eventually wear out (I've found you need to cure them properly for a few hours and then light use for a day or so after that they last weeks even months, I plan to get one of those uv dental lights off amazon now that they are $30 or so.)


Replied by Green Augustine
(Mold, Denbighshire)
41 posts

Thank you very much Bill. I'll get a hair analysis done for zinc and copper issues. Are you saying I should not try Ll iodine until this problem is sorted and the zinc and copper are balanced ? Or is it OK to start and hope it helps other issues like Thyroid, hormones etc whilst I'm sorting out copper zinc thing? Thank you again.

Replied by Maureen

tks. for thr info.; I will certainly try it! Between crowns; 1 broke after 30 yrs. and another after 5 yrs.; I'm tapped out; money wise.

I started using Nature's Smile; over 1 yr. ago; brushing my teeth; as I started to have gum problems. this did the trick for it! Stopped having my gums recede! But it isn't cheap. So I used Sensodyne toothpaste; on and off with this.

Quit with Coca Cola; after yrs. of being addicted to it and it didn't help my teeth! Drink reg. Polar gingerale; I have a sweet tooth.

but have a toothache; in what few btm teeth I have left and I grind my teeth! Have for yrs. Got an appliance and I nearly chocked on it from the dentist; yrs. before and threw it out!

Thanks so much! Will see if I can get the coconut cold pressed oil tomorrow!
