Multiple Remedies
Everything was going great until yesterday after I used my Power Floss where it felt like is might of hit something with the warm water. Then pain set in again. Oil of Oregano drops weren't working anymore. Garlic didn't work. Last night I did my coconut oil pulling for 20 minutes. Followed by light brushing with coconut oil and baking soda. Then I packed fresh coconut oil with baking soda all sound the area and on the tooth for 10 minutes. Rinsed. 30 minutes later they pain came back and I just went full on hydrogen peroxide 3% capful and let it sit in the area for 10 minutes. It definitely was drawing the infection out but the annoying pain was still there. I saw my gums had a nice sized pure white streak midway between the teeth and the base of the gums.
I caved and took a Rite Aid migraine tablet which I believe helped since I was able to sleep with no issues an woke up okay. 2 hours later, pain was back. I did it all over again without the migraine tablet and instead packed it with a crushed garlic close mixed into a paste with equal parts turmeric, black pepper and table salt. Oh the burn! My eyes were tearing. Worked to take my mind off the pain but that was all it did. I waited an hour and did another hydrogen peroxide capful left in my mouth on the side where it hurts.
Folks, I'm flying overseas on Tuesday on my birthday trip that I've been planning since February and is the first real vacation (sightseeing) I've done in 25 years. I can't not go! But I also can't suffer on the plane either. The dentist can't see me for another week, of which I will be overseas. What else can I do? Thanks for reading and your suggestions. I appreciate it!
Dear Mkd89,
Activated charcoal is good for abscesses. If you get tablets, you can put them, one at a time, over the pained area. (Moisten it first.) And let it sit there and slowly dissolve. It is fine if that takes hours. I have also done this overnight.
Extra Vitamin C would be great, as would turmeric, internally.
If you are traveling, all of the above are wonderful to have with you for a variety of ailments. I hope you feel better soon and have a wonderful trip!
~Mama to Many~
(Ft. Worth, Texas)
I did 1tsp of table salt in 1 cup of warm water as a rinse after the hydrogen peroxide sat for 10 minutes on the pain/infected area. Although it minimized the pain (thankfully) my left cheek is now puffed up. Also, the curve in my jaw below my ear still has a slight annoying pain to it but it's not as bad as it was.
(Ft. Worth, Texas)
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Mkd89,
Re the infections issue.
If me I'd definitely try Colloidal Silver. Let soak five times daily for a full two minutes per application.
I soak my teeth and gums with a mouthful of CS once a week for a full minute. I believe it keeps infections form kicking in...and I've see CS work many times on gum/tooth/jaw infections.
(Ft. Worth, Texas)
Thank you for that! I went to the store and of course, no activated charcoal. I have to order the colloidal silver. That should be here when I get back. I looked through my cabinet and I forgot that I had Dr. Schulze's Oral Therapy, Super Tonic and Echinacea Plus. Things you forget about after you move. So I added that all to the regime. I'm going to call a few more stores for the activated charcoal. I hope that will help on the plane.
Mkd89, in addition to all of the good suggestions you have received, one of the things that I have had success with when this happens is to up my oil pulling. I have had it draw out infection from the jaw and lymph nodes and also when it feels like it is going into an ear infection. It isn't necessarily a quick fix but I would do it before any flight I take as I have issues with the pressure in planes. Good luck on your upcoming flight.
(Cortlandt Manor, Ny)
You could stop using flossing-sticks and use a Water-pick instead. Floss cab cut gums between teeth rather quickly and not always knowingly. Before using Garlic on my own abscess, my regime was 3% Peroxide flush, brusing teeth with toothpaste, then half a capful of Listerine. The detritus which comes out after spitting into the basin, has to be seen to be believed!
Lastly, I use a Water-pick with warm water and a small amount of a liquid freshner and again, I'm staggered by what is flushed out. Obviously, prevention is preferable to cure but I've stopped flossing because a cut gum permits bacterial entry and with all that stuff secreted within the teeth-crevices, it seems to be asking for trouble.
Multiple Remedies
Hydrogen peroxide rinse. Three parts water to one part HP. Don't make it too strong. If it stings, it's too strong. Swish it in your mouth until it becomes foamy, then spit it out. Do this once a day only.
Organic virgin coconut oil rinse. Twice a day for 30 minutes each. (morning, then once before bedtime)
Tumeric tea: one tbs of turmeric in a cup warm water. Rinse until finished.
An abscess is like any other blister or boil, it fills with pus which causes pain. Heat treatment works on exterior abscesses and I thought it would work on gums as well.
I discovered while eating soup, that by leaving the warm soup in my mouth and pushing soft vegetables against the abscess, that it took the sting out of it and, by the next day, it was smaller.
Clove oil is good for deadening the pain. Mix it with a little carrier oil (like olive oil) on a cotton ball and apply. CO takes the pain away, but it doesn't help shrink the abscess.
The main thing is to keep the area as clean as possible and do the treatments every day. I took about a week for mine to completely disappear.
If the pain becomes worse, spreads to sinuses, or causes a fever it may be an infection and you should see a dentist or doctor immediately.
Multiple Remedies
Try measuring a cap full of peroxide and a cap full of water to swish around the area several times a day. This worked for me when I had an abscess (also lower canine) that apparently broke through the gum, became red, swollen and very sore. I could rub the blister-like eruption to burst. Take special effort to keep the area clean so food debris doesn't keep getting trapped under the gum. My problem was, that tooth and the one next to it had crowns. Tiny pieces of food got trapped between the crown and the gum. Flossing helps.
Don't use the peroxide straight as it will damage tissue. (I tried that...not a good thing to do, but it did heal). That tooth had a root canal but once in awhile I can tell an abscess could be forming again, (I had the crown removed because I could not tolerate it after my teeth shifted) so I'll well moisten a brand named tea bag in very warm water and drape it over the tooth for 20 or 30 min. It will draw out pus and/or blood. There are posts here on EC about that too. I think it is recommended to use Eucalyptus, but I didn't have that available. The brand named one worked for me.
I too support the use of garlic. I had an abscess under one of my upper molars that was very painful. Using the garlic and alternating the tea bag reduced the abscess so that it was no longer visible on an x-ray and I didn't have to have the tooth extracted.
Sorry to be long-winded...hopes this helps you.
Multiple Remedies
I have a terrifying fear of the dentist, based on a history of tooth problems that started when I was a toddler. I was literally dragged into the dental chair by the assistant, slapped across the face by the dentist, then filled with silver fillings where I didn't need them. It went downhill from there over the years, so I try to avoid them, their massive expense, their fluoride and other poisons.
The abscess appeared in the back of my mouth, where I have a broken molar....thank-you sadistic silver filling dentist. The pain was excruciating!
This is the list of what I did for a week and so far, so good:
warm salt water rinses, wet tea bag over abscess, clove and/or peppermint oil on a cotton ball, brushing gently with baking soda (I don't use commercial toothpaste anyway), coconut oil pulling and a concoction I found somewhere on the net that I tweaked a bit....
the contents of 3 capsules of activated charcoal, 1 capsule of echinacea, a couple of dashes of cayenne pepper, a few drops each of peppermint & clove oils and some coconut oil.....mix it into a paste of sorts. I didn't measure, but eye-balled it until the consistency seemed right. You may want to use gloves because this is messy stuff. I placed it onto the abscess a couple of times per day. Coconut oil turns into liquid when it is warm, so I put a cotton ball in there to help keep it all in place.
Using a mix of these remedies...and a bit of ibuprofen...the swelling went down and the pain disappeared. I am still rinsing with warm salt water, oil pulling and placing a cotton ball with clove/peppermint oil on it once a day to make sure the infection is well and truly gone.
My abscess didn't exactly pop in the manner that many on here have described, but I did get some puss and blood at times as the swelling went down. It was a slower process, rather than the dramatic dam bursting I was expecting, but it worked. There is no pain, swelling or even much sensitivity there now.
I wish everyone luck in their quest to alleviate this pain as naturally as possible.
Love & Light :-)
Multiple Remedies
I ignored it, thinking it would go away. Two days later, it had built up into a throbbing flame on the left side of my face. After one bad experience with a dentist, I did not want to risk it again. Also, I did not want to eat antibiotics, expose myself to xrays, do toxic fillings or root canals.
So I tried the whole combination of remedies listed at earthclinic, starting with raw garlic. Oy! The Allicin bowled me over with its own heat, but the throbbing went away soon as I chomped on the garlic. I reeked of garlic at work, but the effect on the pain was amazing. When I was not chewing garlic, I had cloves clutched between my teeth. Three times a day, I swished concentrated salt water around my mouth, drank my morning tea with a teaspoon of turmeric and raw cream; drank warm milk at night with another large spoonful of turmeric, ate two table spoons of cold pressed flax seed oil daily after I swished it around my hurting tooth. From time to time, I also did some Ayurvedic style oil pulling with either coconut oil or flaxseed oil (the flax seed oil seems to work better). I commenced eating 1. 5 tsp of fermented cod liver oil twice daily. In addition, I was gently brushing my teeth with baking soda and/or coconut oil, drinking nourishing broths, resting the inflamed, side (from chewing), sleeping a good 8-9 hours nightly and sitting out in the warm sun when I could.
By the end of day 7 my pain was gone, the infection was gone. I will continue turmeric in warm raw milk for a week. I will continue to give my tooth 'chewing rest' for another week. My face is not hurting, my gums feel better, and my complexion has become remarkably smooth.
I will now make an active attempt to remineralize my scraped enamel and take better care of my gums.
I wanted to thank you all for generously donating your cures here at Earthclinic. Dr. Hal Huggins by the way is a remarkable doctor. I recommend all his books, podcasts and articles.
Update to the tooth saga. It turned out that it was the molar next to the one with the eroded gumline had cracked, and had become infected. From a small fracture it had developed into a full scale crack right down the center of my right second molar after I wrote the above post. Over the last several months, I checked out the pros and cons of all my options - clamps, crowns, root canals, pulling out one half of the tooth and attaching a fake one to the larger half etc. I finally decided to do nothing.
The reason was this: I came to the conclusion that I would rather live with a cracked tooth than chemicals and foreign metal implants in my mouth; that given the choice between autoimmune and other degenerative disease vs. missing out on 1/32th of my dental capacity, I was better off choosing the latter. Both halves of my molar are now doing well. The larger half is firmly rooted, while the smaller half is rooted but moves around like a door on a hinge when I bite down. I have learned to bite gently on the right side of my mouth. Giving my tooth time to heal and strengthen has been an experience that has taught me much - about myself, about slow and steady healing, about all the health issues that stem from dental treatments, about the dental profession, about the medical and dental scams that abound, about the institutional imperative and about accepting the fact that teeth sometimes break, but its not the end of the world, and that panic leads to overtreatment, which leads to side effects that frequently are far worse than the disease the treatment was trying to cure.
Luckily I am fluent in several languages and thus have access to other than English research, testimonials, etc. There are hundreds and hundreds of testimonials in Russia from people of all ages about regrowing their teeth purely by visualization and specific consciousness, awareness techniques. For example, guiding a "violet laser" light through the thyroid gland, navigating it to all 32 (or 28) teeth and then from there to each organ where the meridians are connecting. The "violet laser" which you visualize is strongly anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-microbial and works wonders. There are several Russian seminars and videos by Arkady Petrov on all these techniques, he travels around Russia (no, I am not Russian but I am fluent in Russian language) giving his lectures. He wrote about 20 books, all his information when applied are OFFICIALLY confirmed by dentists, doctors, health practitioners and certified by the local court (!!! ) thus it is certain that they are not fraud and it is all real deal. Remember, YOUR MIND is extremely powerful, trust your body intelligence, spend several minutes a day dedicating to your body (and teeth, gums).
Multiple Remedies
Tuesday-Friday - Sinus infection, near the end of it on Friday, an abscess tooth popped up, pain started Friday night. Took 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen for pain before bed.
Saturday - Intense pain, gums above tooth hurt to the touch. Minor inflammation, took 2 x 200mg Iburprofen, once at noon, another at 10p. M. Swelling increased before bed.
Sunday - Abscess bubble formed above tooth, intense pain, 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen for pain, once at noon, once before bed. Inflamation increased, spread to side of mouth, under nose and slightly under eye.
Monday - Intense pain again, 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen twice at same times for pain. I read about the garlic treatment and attempted to do it. Held 1/4" piece between gum and cheek. 5 minutes of intense pain, then subsided, held for 30 minutes in total. Felt no more pain in tooth. Abscess bubble increased, and multiple ones formed. Inflammation increased in same areas.
Tuesday - No Ibuprofen today. Did the garlic again for 30 minutes on my drive to work. Again, no pain in my tooth, but pain at bubbles and felt like inflammation was getting worse. Entire left fact hurt to the touch. Attempted to pop bubbles w/ a needle but nothing came out, became scared and almost went to emergency room for penicilin. Heard about a solution to pop abscess. It was taking a cotton ball, putting equal parts of Baking Soda & Sea Salt on bubbles (not on teeth though). First application at 7 p. m. for 20 minutes. Gums had turned white, and pain had increased in area. 2nd application of same at 8 until 10:30. Gums so swollen, it hurt to shove the cotton ball inbetween my cheek and gum. Woke up at 3:30 in the morning, 3 abscess bubbles had all popped, and started draining into my mouth (gross). Instantly rinsed mouth out w/ Sea Salt and Hot Water. Drained bubbles best I could for 10 minutes. Went to sleep.
Wednesday. Woke up at 7. Both abscess bubbles were completely gone (not to mention a bitter taste of poison in my mouth) Rinsed again w/ salt water. Inflammation almost gone (from my left side being so swollen, I could see it from my eye) These two things did wonders for everything and I highly recommend it.
Not saying some should not seek medical attention (I was close to going to the emergency room) But spending $600 to be told what is wrong, as oppose to $20 to solve everything (naturally I might add, minus the Ibuprofen). This is a good solution. Please spread this to anybody suffering from an abscess tooth.
Multiple Remedies
The dentist prescribed me Clindamycin and Methylprednisone (Medrol). I also came down with a UTI (which makes me think that my body is obviously not balanced creating a breeding ground for bacteria). For that I'm taking Ciproflaxcin.
Last night, I used my knowledge of spices and vegetables that had antiseptic qualities and made an extremely concentrated soup of turmeric, curry, freshly cut garlic, onions, potatoes, carrots, and celery. I slow cooked with a lid on to make sure the vegetables soaked up the cartenoids and other benefits from the soup. I would then add more turmeric before eating.
I then rinsed my mouth out with a turmeric/sea salt room temperature mix. Swishing it through my teeth until the concoction became cold.
Following this I opened an activated Charcoal capsule added a tiny bit of water to some gauze and placed it in between my cheek and my teeth. I held that there for about a half and hour.
I then rinsed once more with the turmeric solution to dispell the excess charcoal.
Following this I cut a clove of garlic, slowly biting into it so that the antiseptic qualities from the juice would sanitize the wound around me teeth. I did this for about a half an hour to an hour holding the tiny pieces against my gums. Yes, it burns but the burning creates an almost soothing effect after a period of time.
After the garlic, I then rinsed my mouth out with water and then decided to try oil pulling with coconut oil. I heated up the coconut oil so that it would melt and added a few drops of oil of oregano and swished it through my teeth for a few minutes at first. The texture was horrible but I could tell a difference. I tried it a second time for longer.
This morning I woke up, hoping it would be completely gone. The pain has considerably lessened. There is still some swelling but not close to how it was yesterday. I also took minerals, oils, greens, and probiotics. I will try and update this as time progresses but I can see that I've already been through the worst of it.
Multiple Remedies
I have been coming across this site about 4 weeks ago, I was searching the Internet for a natural cure for an abscessed tooth (I had my teeth cleaned 4 days prior to it, could that be the cause of the abscess?) and came across this site. I have applied raw garlic and also consumed it, used black and green tea bags with sea salt on the abscessed tooth (I contribute the abscess opening and draining to this remedy), took 2 times 2 tablespoons of Nano Silver for 10 days, 875 mg of organic Grapefruit Seed Extract 2 to 3 times a day for I don't know how long, 5000-9000 mg of Vitamin C (with added Calcium) per day, Vit. D (to improve immune system) 20,000 IU's daily for the last 15 days. Aged Garlic Caps. 3 Caps 2 to 3 times per day for the last 7 days or so, I drink at least 1 cup of green tea per day. I started oil pulling 10 days ago with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil mixed with 5 drops of oregano oil (Carvacrol content above 55%)1 to 2 times per day, 1 to 2 drops of oregano oil on gauze applied directly on tooth, I leave it on over night. About 5 days ago I also started taking alpha lipoic acid 400-500 mg per day. The result: the pain has left, the abscess has opened and drained, but the tooth is still somewhat tender and has still been filling with a little puss every day, that I have to drain. Is there anything else that can be done - besides going to the Dentist? Does anyone have a suggestion??? Feedback is appreciated, thank you!!!
(Seattle, Wa.)
Update: I went to see the Dentist today and was told that the tooth I had the abscess on needs to be extracted. Years ago I had a root canal and crown done on this tooth, and to my understanding the root now is fractured (the crown is loose due to the crack). According to the Dentist the options are extraction and either an implant or a bridge. The cost share on my part would be appr. $3500.00!!!
A week after I wrote my first post, I finally decided to go ahead and get the Oil of Oregano made from the wild mediteranean oregano (I had used the "regular" oil of oregano and didn't seem to have much success with it). I continued treating the tooth with oil of oregano applied to a small piece of gauze, left on fissure above tooth, overnight. In addition I started taking the mediteranean oregano in caps. from the original producer. I haven't had any pain, nor drainage ever since. The fissure above the cracked root tooth is still there though. Is there anyone out there that has knowledge about how to avoid getting the tooth pulled? If the tooth would be a molar I most likely would go ahead and have it pulled but it is tooth no. 12 and pulling it would be very noticable to other people. Any advice? Anybody??? Please!!!
Multiple Remedies
1) Drank a cup of my own urine. I held my nose and drank it quickly. This is a known cure.
2) Took an ice cold shower for one minute. I'm in Burlington, Vermont, and it's October, so it was very cold. This is hydrotherapy. After the cold shower, I slowly turned the water to warm but kept my head away from the water. A wonderful feeling of relaxation came over me.
3) Visited your site and saw that baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) was recommended for tooth/gum pain. So I poured about a tablespoon of it on my hand and put it right on the tooth/gum where it hurts. Minutes later, the pain left.
Thank you for your website. You are a blessing for doing this! Praise God for your efforts because you're helping people get well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Neem Seed Oil
I had one case of a woman who got septicemia like conditions (blood poisoning and the blood becomes dark brown) where the bacteria went so deep that it caused a major fever, and headaches. Chemically speaking a low concentration in the blood of aspirin, was found to eliminate or kill the bacteria. Chemically speaking the acetylsalicylates actually digests the thin bacterium walls which causes the condition (and has a potential as antiviral and antibacteria properties like an antibiotics on the merits of it being able to destroy very thin microbial walls) and it was essential that aspirin was used to wash out the cavities cleaning.
One case the teeth where cavities exist was so black that the oil pulling dissolves the bacterium that resulted in streaming black streaks during the die off, which I think is how oil pulling can kill certain cavity causing bacteria, not all mind you, the bacteria plaque are a bit more difficult to remove. I haven't been able to get neem oil, but the idea that it help somewhat is an interesting finding.
I believe that long term acid saliva is one factor which initiates enamel erosion as well as eating sour foods where potassium I think is what controls the saliva pH, while sodium controls the urinary pH, or extracellular fluids, in some ways. I still need to do further experiments in proving this of course!
Thank you for your contribution!
Oil of Oregano
Steeped fresh oregano plant from a friends garden and chopped fresh organic lemons (with peels- important) and let both steep (do not boil) together for :30 mins - and swished in mouth every 15-30 mins, then consumed - repeat during waking hours for at least 5 days.
Amazingly, the very severe pain subsided instantly! The medium inflammation reduced daily. It's important to continue applications for 5 days or longer- as needed, even though symptoms are relieved.
Oil of Oregano
Oil of Oregano
Step 1
Saturate one end of a cotton swab with oil of oregano and apply to your gums.
Step 2
Saturate the other end of the cotton swab and apply it to any abbesses in the mouth. According to Medicine Plus, mouth abscesses may require surgery in order to drain the pus, which would ultimately reduce some pain as well. Oregano oil assists abscess drainage and kills the bacteria leaking from the pus-like packet in the mouth.
Step 3
Apply oil of oregano to the teeth affected by the jaw infection with another clean cotton swab. A jaw infection typically affects the gums and teeth. Applying oregano oil on the tooth can prevent further tooth decay. Apply the oil to the gums between the teeth that are affected.
Step 4
Do not eat for 30 minutes after application. This gives the oil time to work.
Step 5
Saturate a cotton ball with oil of oregano and apply to your jaw. You need a topical application for the external jaw area. You may feel pain around the ears, cheeks and throat. Apply the oregano oil to these areas. Apply the oil anywhere you feel pain.
Step 6
Use oregano oil every 2 to 3 hours until your infection clears up and add oregano to your foods for maximum benefits. Phyllis Balch, author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements, " recommends adding oregano to foods or oregano oil to salads for maximum antimicrobial effects.
Oil of Oregano
However, in the past two days, his pain has become unbearable. He was moaning and crying out... Writhing in pain! He's tried all the OTC pain medications at their presciption dosage and even a powerful pain medication he got at the dentist yesterday. Nothing helped. He did not sleep at all last night.
I came to check on him at 5 am (he was in the living room. ) He was distraught from the pain. I got on this site and another one and found suggestions for tea bags and oil of oregano. I reasoned that I could put the oil of oregano onto a wet green tea bag and get "more bang for my buck" so to speak.
He put it onto the sore area, and within a few seconds was calmer. He spat out the excess fluid as it accumulated for a few minutes -- perhaps 10 minutes? He then took the bag out and slept solidly for 7 hours!
He just ate something a few minutes ago and was rubbing at the sore area. I fixed him another tea bag with 6 drops of oil of oregano on it. Within a few minutes, he was falling asleep again.
Highly recommended!
Incedently, he did see the dentist yesterday and is scheduled to have these teeth removed next week. This will get us through though!
Oil of Oregano
I simply put 3-4 drops of Oil of Oregano in about 1/4 cup of warm water and swished it around in my mouth; particularly on the side where the abscess/soreness was. I did this several times a day. In a few days I was pain free. In between rinses I also used my finger to dab a bit on my gum, but it does burn some.
I recommended this remedy to other people and it worked for them too. Make sure the Oil of Oregano you purchase comes from the Mediterranean; the kind the cures isn't the same kind of oregano you buy for cooking.