Also if you can start using chlorine dioxide solution as s mouth was and add w few drops of DMSO right before you're going to use it because DMSO deactivates the Chlorine Dioxide within hours of mixing the two. If you're only using the Turpentine I'd say continue to use it until the infection is gone but shouldn't take long.
You should see some improvement within a few days but I'd use it multiple times. But it's also crucial to ensure there's no food stuck between or in a crack of a tooth. A Waterpik on semi low or higher if it doesn't cause too much pain in your mouth really really helps.
Bill Thompson, never got back to you on your advice to treat my infected tooth with turpentine. It worked, but that's not the end of the story. Our daughter and several friends came down with the same problem. Your advice worked for all of them. Not one failure. Myself, I think you need to either write an e book or ask D to set up a site for your advice. Ted was good, but so are you. Also, I have lots of questions as to how you got your knowledge. If you don't want to go public, I would appreciate your life's profile by e mail. You are a special fellow that I would like to know better. ====ORH====
ORH...Thanks for those kind words, though I'm sure I don't deserve that sort of praise. Meantime, here's some more proper(honest) research on the wondrous beneficial activities of gum turpentine. This research describes the wide anti-pathogenic effect across many different pathogenic species of particularly the pinene chemicals -- monoterpenes -- that are in turpentine in such signifcant amounts. This might interest some people; http://www.extremehealthradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Turpentine-PDF.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6920849/ The drugs companies have known all about the anti-pathogenic capability and safety of alpha- and beta-pinenes and other useful plant terpenes for many decades. Trouble is the drugs companies still can't make a patentable, marketable drug from these pinenes. So that's why they suddenly banned gum turpentine from supplementary use in the Merck Medical Manual in 1999. They knew perfectly well how useful, safe and effective the pinenes in turpentine are when used as an all-round pathogen-killer -- their own drugs and antibiotics could never hope to compete with gum turpentine as the ultimate blood purifier so they rather desperately wanted to scare people away from using the turpentine by simply calling it a poison and banning it as a supplement. No doubt this sort of illicit and baseless ban is perhaps yet another shining example of what the drugs companies would proudly refer to as their "proper scientific method"(sic).
Thanks, Bill for your information on turpentine. I had an abscess in a tooth where I just had an implant, and had fought the pain for a month. I used turpentine, around 1/2 to 1 tsp around the tooth and had almost instant relief. I did that several times a day and the pain is gone completely after 4 days, and aches some now after 7 days, so I use it each day to complete the healing. Thanks so much for the links; I have read the studies and now feel confident enough to low-dose internally. You are a great resource for Earth clinic!
Hi Lori,
Yes, some people have cured a specific type of cavity called a "root cavity" using Turpentine essential oil along with a few other ingredients. Several holistic dentists have lectured on this condition and it is easy to verify using one or several of the applications below.
I know of a few people that have traveled to Switzerland to have their teeth operated on because of this condition. You can actually see a few videos of the surgery showing them removing these organisms, yuck.
These types of cavities are most often caused by parasitic/ectoparasitic organisms and their associated pathogenic co-factors (viruses, bacteria, fungus, retroviruses, etc).
The organisms cause hyperacidity at the root level which eventually develops into a cavity. So, they need to be removed to cure this type of cavity.
Turpentine and a few other remedies are used for these types of cavities because they "drive" and/or "draw" out the organisms and infections (e.g., eucalyptus essential oil, orange essential oil, peppermint essential oil, oregano essential oil, thieves type of essential oil blend, other essential oils, salt, baking soda, iodine, pine tar, certain soaps, drawing clays and others).
Turpentine specifically creates an anaerobic environment that drives them out. The old American cowboys often used turpentine for this reason - on themselves and on the farm animals. They often mixed it with pine tar, sulfur, etc...
These substances "draw" and/or "drive" out the organisms and infections. Be sure to spit them out.
Most often, turpentine is combined with a few other ingredients like salt, baking soda, eucalyptus, a soap, etc.. and gargled with 2-6 times daily.
In addition, a pack is often applied at bedtime, stuffed into a cloth tube (contains such things as a drawing clay, salt, a thieves essential oil blend, activated charcoal, oregano oil, turpentine, ...).
Some people treat this infection externally by applying the same ingredients to the skin over the teeth as a poultice, twice daily, 30 minutes and apply an essential oil over the gum line at least twice daily (eucalyptus, oregano, turpentine, thieves, etc....).
Some use a wet hot salt pack with turpentine as the poultice placed on the skin over the teeth area.
Using baking soda in some way is very helpful because it helps to neutralize the excess acidity. Can also brush with it.
1. GARGLE - as long as possible per session, minimum twice daily (e.g. turpentine + a thieves blend + salt)
2. HOT SKIN PACKS, 30 minutes, twice daily (e.g., hot wet salt/turpentine pack)
3. GUM PACKS, applied at night (e.g., keep it simple - baking soda + bentonite clay + a thieves blend and oregano - put into a cloth tube)
4. GUM LINE - apply essential oils to gum line twice daily, minimum (e.g., oregano, cloves, a thieves blend - can also add turpentine).
5. BRUSH - brush teeth with baking soda (can add essential oils to it).
Hope you resolve the issue soon,
Warm Salt Water
Also, if you take a lot of antibiotics your body builds an imunity to those antibiotics eventually. That is why diseases, flu's, ect., are getting worse, they are becoming resistant to antibiotics. It also strips away the bio-flora in the lining in your stomach, which can cause a long list of health problems itself, yeast infections, reflux..
however, if it doesnt get better and reoccurs frequently you should not play around with not seeing a dentist, a tooth infection untreated can easily infect the blood stream, causing septicemia, weakening the heart, and could kill you.
Wisdom Tooth Infection Remedies
Do not have anything in your stomach when using food grade peroxide/distilled water. Don't eat from 1 to 3 hours before or after using peroxide/water solution. After doing all of this, I felt much better. The swelling was down and the pain was virtually gone. I kept the routine up for another 5 or so days to make sure that the infection was gone. Hope this helps everybody!!
Shana18: Good to hear your success report. I have been advocating Zinc Lozenges here for some time as I have had good results also. Studies have show that pathogens cannot properly adhere to cell surfaces that are optimized w/ Zinc.