Where to Buy Borax
Health Benefits

Where to Buy Borax in Ireland

| Modified on Sep 18, 2024
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2 User Reviews

Posted by paddyk. (Meath) on 06/22/2023 6 posts

hi good people after days of searching the states/eur. for borax amazon or ebay would not ship it I eventually found homeloft.ie irl but I had to pay shipping maybe they are shipping it up the boyne river beside me I just said id let people know where to get it but but but the cost a 65 ounce box of 20 mule team detergent booster e72.35 hope this helps someone paddyk.

Replied by Alan

You can buy it on biolaboratorium.com that ships from Poland across the eu. I got some a few months ago.

Posted by Glynis (Galway) on 10/06/2020

I would like to buy borax for taking internally. Where do I find it?

Replied by Anon
(Not Canada)

This is what people are usually taking internally:


Replied by Art
2370 posts

Hi Glynis,

Here is a page which shows listings for borax on Ebay Ireland :

Good luck!


Replied by Art
2370 posts


I forgot to include the Amazon Ireland link :



Replied by paddy k.

Hi, I have been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis over the years I have been on all types of non natural medication nothing works my knees are the worst really swollen and painfull my lower back effects me if I stand straight for any length of time, plus in bed the only relief I got was the syrnge in the kneecaps to drain the fluid its not the nicest treatment and it depends on the doctor thats doing the job after the last time I don't fancy going in there again I never thought I could roar so loud with clenched teeth thats why im here looking for help from you good people on the best way to go about it I tried a few days ago to buy pure borax on line but the few I tried won't ship it here Ireland seemingly its been banned a sure sign it works just like ivermectin. I do not know which way to go now so all advice would be appreciated thanks paddy k.

(Kitchener On)

Hi Paddy k

Sad about your psoriatic arthritis...

My wife has it also, sugar is the main cause, less sugar less pain. She takes a prescription is 2.5mg/6 pills once a week called ACH Methotrexate and 1 Folic Acid pill, Pain has almost gone 90%. Before the prescription, she got over the counter called Ostio Move made by Natural Facters. 60% pain gone.

It is a terrible burden.

Hope this helps


2370 posts

paddy k.

It looks like eBay UK has 3 suppliers of borax powder, but that seems like a little risky if it is not what they say it is. eBay UK also looks like it has boron supplements in capsules and boron is considered an active ingredient in borax and the original founder of using borax and boron for various forms of arthritis said that boron can also be effective and I have seen it work for RA. It might be a consideration. It is not as cheap as borax, but in the world of arthritis treatments, it isn't too expensive. The following link is what I was looking at :



6 posts

hi gary thanks for the info I will keep it all in mind paddy k.

6 posts

hi Art thanks for replying all the borax from e bay etc. is a substitute think I'll put the word out for a smuggler

paddy k.

Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 08/30/2009 84 posts

hi all - does anybody in ireland know where to purchase 20 mule borax or another ingestable brand without having to buy through the internet. So far all I have been able to get is small 100g tubs and each time have to eaplain to the chemist what I want it for as they have to order it in especially. I cant see it in the supermarkets. It went off the market here years ago. I want ot use it in the bath and as a shampoo so the small quantity isnt enough.

Replied by Kitty
(Galway, Ireland)

Hi Tricia,

I've found an Irish website which sells lots of eco products for babies and they sell Borax in a 400g box for €2.40. I don't know if I can mention their name but they're based at Old Singland Road, Limerick. If you google 'eco baby products and free delivery in Limerick you should get them. I've just ordered a box for myself to tackle rosacea and recurring blepharitis and delivery is costing me €3.70 so altogether €6.10 which is very reasonable when you consider ordering from the US on ebay could set you back $30 for delivery alone.

Hope this helps!

EC: Hi Kitty,

Please let us know the name of the company -- would be helpful to our Irish readers. Thanks!

6 posts

hi thanks Kitty everywhere I tried here in Ireland it's banned so it must be good bit like ivermectin a few places offered me borax substitute also from the pharmacy unbelievable the lies they tell thanks again paddy k.

Replied by Jackie
(Northern Ireland)

Hi Kitty,

How do you use borax for blepharitis. Can you give me details of how much to use, how often to use it, and what do you do with it, etc?

Replied by Kitty
(Galway, Ireland)

The company is called ecobrats.ie and I'm awaiting my delivery of Borax with great anticipation! Jackie, I've figured out that the rosacea and blepharitis have to be connected through my reading of various posts on Earth Clinic about demodex mites. When my Borax arrives I'm going to wash every stitch of bedding and clothing in Borax because it kills the mites. I also plan to wash myself with Borax. There are instructions on E.C.regarding ways to do this.

Until then I'm changing my pillowcase every night and taking one teaspoon of turmeric in hot water (topped up with cold) 3 times a day to clear the blepharitis. It is causing the gunk in my eyelid to surface quickly and clearing it up much faster than any other time I've had a flare up. I clean my eyes throughout the day with a moistened cotton-bud/q-tip to remove said gunk. The rosacea on my cheek also seems to have calmed down. I wash my face every night with about a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda with a little water added to make a paste. Rub it in like an exfoliant and rinse off with tepid water. Use apple cider vinegar to tone - you may want to dilute the vinegar if you find it's too drying. I then dab some tea tree oil on my rosacea, let it soak in and then use virgin coconut oil to moisturise my whole face and neck. I put the CO on my eyelids and eyebrows too and inside my nostrils as that's one hiding place for the mites! EW! In the morning I wash my face with a clean flannel and warm water and tone again with ACV diluted with a little water. You'll know yourself what feels ok for your skin. Moisturise again with VCO avoiding eyebrows as I don't want to look greasy during the day. It's early days but I do see an improvement. I might try Ted's remedy of drinking Borax solution also. I'll try it for washing only first and if need be I'll give drinking it a go.

The mites exist on everybody but only cause trouble when your immune system is weak. In my case this is linked to candida, something which is so hard to beat into submission. I've had success previously with sugar and yeast free diet but it's very hard to stick to when everywhere you go the only food you can eat on the move is laden with candida friendly ingredients. I have to instigate a lifestyle change, stop being so busy and make time to restore my health with good food. Thanks to Earth Clinic I am even more inspired to take charge of my health and get rid of candida for good this time and then hopefully become super healthy! Congratulations on your wonderful site and thanks to all.