147 User Reviews
- Garlic on tooth- cut a piece of garlic off the clove that is the width of the tooth. Any length is OK. The cut exposed side is the side that I use. First I used the point of a small knife to make various lines to help loosen the exposed garlic side. I put the cut side on the affected tooth. I can keep it there overnight while sleeping or for an hour. I can feel a warming sensation to the surrounding gum and jaw area like the garlic is spreading. The uncut side of the garlic doesn't seem to affect or burn my tongue or side of cheek cause its not cut. This helps with feeling less and lowering the abscess.
- Blend garlic for a quick drink - I put 1 whole big piece garlic in blender with just enough water to cover the blades. Blend to liquefy about a minute. This could irritate my stomach when drinking so I have to have some other nourishment before or after, not on an empty stomach then quickly drink the shot down. ASAP. It burns the throat a little for a few seconds but quickly subsides. This brings tooth pain relief within the hour of trying it.
- Put garlic in whatever food I have. Crushed raw garlic added at the end to some soup or blend in a smoothie with a whole lemon including peel and scoop of plant based collagen or protein powder.
- Don't use animal products while trying to get better, it has foreign DNA that stresses immune system.
- Lemon garlic lemonade recipe - that has brought abscess down by half. I had prayer what to do when the pain was bad and got this idea that works. 2 cups water, one whole small or half large lemon with the peel. One garlic clove, honey to taste...blend to liquefy about 3minutes on a regular blender... Tastes ok
- Garlic pills - make sure any immune support pills have garlic. But the raw garlic works best.
So far so good, the jaw, cheek and neck are back to normal. My tooth is still alive and improving, not as painful.
A quick pain relief before the garlic on tooth is a special tooth brushing. I put natural toothpaste on toothbrush then dip toothbrush in some Aztec calcium bentonite powder. Then a drop or two of clove oil on that and brush the tooth and gums around tooth. This helps quickly temporarily for relief but the garlic helps deeper and more long-term.
Also taking 1000 mg vit c with rosehips multiple times during the day. And holding hand over the area of cheek and jaw. I have read the hand helps with good healing energy... Staying hydrated is important, getting enough sleep is vital.
And natural nourishing salad helps, such as: 6 cups cooked white beans, half raw cabbage thinly sliced slaw with handful each of green onions, arugula, parsley all sliced, handful of a mix of raw sunflower pumpkin seeds and pine nuts, the grated zest and dressing of juiced lemon, spoon of mustard, some tamari sauce about 1/8 cup...mix well, big salad, eat for meals till gone. Helps with healing. Good nourishing mix.
Also snack of vanilla flavored plain coco june coconut yogurt with a little non sugar munk fruit extract sweetener. Known to help with cavities.
What a Godsend finding this info! Last couple of days, an infection in my gum suddenly developed(in between 2 molars) and a nasty swelling grew which throbbed and made me feel miserable. I knew that garlic can be helpful but I would never have thought it to be so effective. Late afternoon, and after reading through other's results, I took it in earnest and followed similar protocol. I used about 4 cloves in all, each one minced & taken separately in bit of water - hourly. Also sprayed with CS, also took liposomal vit C, which I happened to have. Went to bed and during the early hours of morning awoke to discover, to my amazement that the swelling had gone! I think it drained itself.I was expecting to have to continue treatment on next day I am so grateful!! I can hardly believe it!
Take 4 cloves internally, crushed. To prevent a burning sensation in the stomach, coat in butter or extra virgin olive oil or honey prior to swallowing & take with food. Also drink lots of water.
Garlic thins the blood, so if your not taking any blood thinners, you can take a few more cloves.
Raw Garlic is the most powerful natural antibiotic, antimicrobial, antiviral & anti-inflammatory agent. It can be used to treat a fever too. Because it's heat sensitive, it loses these medicinal qualities if 'warmed' or cooked.
It can be applied directly onto the sore gum/tooth, also.
The spice, clove, in powder form, can be placed in the problem area to help numb any pain. It's also available as an 'essential' oil which means it's pure.
You can also apply Himalayan pink salt or any other natural salt, directly onto the area of discomfort. It acts as a mild pain reliever. Salt can also be used as a mouthwash and/or toothpaste.
Lyle from another post mentioned oregano oil.
Hope you get some relief soon!
You have to take the garlic every 5 or 6 hours. Once you crush and mince the garlic wait about 10 minutes because an oil is released then. If you take it with grapefruit juice it is much easier on the mouth and tastebuds.
I want to thank all the posters for their experiences. I tried several things before the freshly crushed garlic clove held next to the toothache area for as long as I could tolerate the burning (about 20-30”).
When I lay down to sleep, I had quite a headache along with the still throbbing toothache. But it's now been about 2 hours later and I want to thank Abba Father God because I feel like a new person. It's just a tiny bit sore now. I hope to wake up in the morning well once again. (PS I swallowed that lg crushed clove with peanut butter.).
The peanut butter mix w garlic works for swallowing it. Thanks.
The Assyrians 700 BCE and Hippocrates 400 BCE used garlic as an antibiotic and to pack in rotten teeth cavities.
THIS WORKS, I still feel sick because of the garlic and salt but I have a smile on my face and feel I can make the next 3 hours till my dentist opens, massive improvement.
I used 4 cloves of garlic in a garlic crusher, 2 pinches of salt and then used the flat side of my knife over and over to create a smooth paste, I placed it directly on the tooth, around the tooth, the gum, everywhere I was effected, please do this next time you have toothache instead of rip off over the counter medicines.
Over 3 days of this, the pain and swelling diminished and it all went away by the 4th day or so, and I fully recovered. However, I think that tooth may be cracked, so I've now had two re-occurances (separated by several weeks) and treated it the same way. Trying to locate beef feet which is supposed to help with actually healing teeth (what doctors don't ever tell you) meanwhile I also at beef bone broth daily as part of the regiment though I am not sure if that part helped - but it tasted good and was less chewing.
Every hour 1st day 1 garlic clove. Maybe slight relief, but did not get worse, so I still had hope.
I added salt water rinse, bentonite clay slippery elm with white oak bark powder also activated charcoal and a little pinch of cayenne mixed together - did this 20 mins to an hour about 4 times this day.Note after the first bentonite clay mixture pack on the inside of my mouth and the outside where it was swollen, the swelling changed and got bigger, but the pain had stopped throbbing, still intense but slightly better so I still had faith to continue. Full disclosure I did fill the antibiotic prescription incase I needed it, but gratefully did not need it. I then did oil pulling with coconut oil and a couple drops of Doterra On-Guard essential oil - I did that 2 x the first day 20-30 mins.
I did something every hour along with the garlic clove, which I rushed and ate - an herbalist told me eating a clove of fresh raw garlic is equivalent to a dose of penicillin regarding the antibiotic properties. I also sprayed colloidal silver right on the tooth. Probably about 6 x total this day. I alternated the accompanying treatment with the garlic.
Other things I did was several drops of diluted in olive oil oregano essential oil. Yes it burns, but provides relief. I have molecular hydrogen tablets, I drank that in water 2 x this day. Also I began fasting the day before, because the I felt the pain that day. This whole time I "fasted", the only things I consumed other than water for these 4 days has been these supplements, in hopes to speed this process of healing along. I used a few drops of iodine directly on the tooth. I used about a 1/2 teaspoon of ACV and a pinch of cayenne directly on the tooth and swish and hold and spit. I found this relieved the pain significantly for about 20 mins, which was awesome. I also did not take pain killers at all because I wanted to keep my liver as healthy as I can. Honestly I did have the advil bottle out and picked it up a few times but then prayed and kept the faith. I also used tea tree oil, lavender oil and frankincense oil very frequently, maybe 20 mins at a time since it was much more calming than the oregano and I was starting to get a little raw feeling. I kept alternating all these every hour. (But did the garlic every hour).
That evening I saw Dr schulze tooth and gum formula and put a few drops of that on the tooth, it stung for about 30 seconds and then a lot of relief from pain for about 20 mins or more. Yay! I did that a few more times this day before bed. I couldn't sleep at all so kept doing the remedies all night. Also drand about 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder about 5 times throughout the day. Alternated with 20 minutes of ice, heat and then ice again in the eve before bed. The swelling was very bad, my lip was hard and everything hurt. At 3 am I got the thought that my garlic is not fresh enough! It was about 2 weeks oil in my fridge, and who knows how old from the store.
At 7 am I got new garlic and thank God it was pretty fresh. I used this now every 20 minutes to hit it hard the second day. from 7:30 am til 4 pm I literally took a clove of garlic every 20 minutes and did an accompanying treatment as I did the first day along with the garlic each time all day again.I added a dose of liposomal vitamin c liquid every 20 mins today. Also salt water rinses a few times and a couple of peroxide rinses. Oil pulling again once today. Three hours into the new garlic and I saw the swelling going down, the swelling changed too, was traveling down my neck and the pain was changing too, slightly less as the day went on, so still had faith. Finally at 4 pm the pain stopped!! Thank you, God!! I eased up on the remedies and only did two more treatments before bed, slept! Woke up on day three with a little pimply stuff on my lip. I don't care, it has to come out. I still have swelling but much better, and the pain in the tooth hasn't come back. The small pain in the cheek and the swelling and the gum rawness are nothing compared to that tooth pain. I brushed, and did the tooth and gum formula in the morning, garlic but I am only going to do 4 cloves total like a normal antibiotic dose would be today. I am continuing the Lipo Vit C very high doses today in divided doses.
I am so grateful that it is getting better and the pain has subsided! I hope I can help someone with this. It is a holiday weekend and nothing is open to even set an appointment until Tues but I am relieved of the pain so I can relax now. Bless you and I hope you heal quickly! The garlic should be pretty wetish when you crush it, if its drier and rubbery it is way to old to use medicinally in a serious time like this.
Glad that after all the pain, you've managed to control it. But did you go to the dentist after all this? And did you get the puss out of the abscess?
I'm having a gum boil which I didn't seriously treat it for a year. There is no pain but another small boil popped up nearby. So I started the oil pulling and taking 1 clove of garlic a day. When I read about the dangers, I get scared. If I didn't read it, I would have treated it like a bump that takes time to heal.
Hope to get some advise hot to get rid of the abscess. I'm OK on my current diet but I probably need to know if anyone put frankincense essential oil in their oil pulling procedures?
Or any other supplementary diet to look out for?
Each and every infection in a body leaves damage behind. A gum boil sounds kinda important to jump on and try to kill it until it is dead. Your gums are the foundation of your oral health and your teeth. Digestion starts in our mouths! People get heart attacks if they eat before brushing their teeth all the time (ingesting bad bacteria). Please take care of this.
I recommend Colloidal Silver, 1TBSP 3 or 4 times a day until that thing is gone. I would also soak a cotton ball and put that against it for 20 mins at a time. Also look into DMSO, as it will take the Colloidal Silver in deep. DMSO on its own would work, too. Also, look into Castor Oil Packs (plenty of info on this site). There are many ways to heal an abscess naturally.
If you can't afford CS or DMSO, please read the Tooth Abscess threads here and look for the healing ingredients that you can or already have.
Oil Pulling is great. If you add any essential oils, just make it for a few drops (5-7), as they are very powerful on their own. Any essential oil would work, too, I'd think.
Healthful healing thoughts to you!!

thanks Robert. We do need to be careful for sure with "even" natural things. I accidentally had the top of an Essential Oil (frankinsense) popoff when adding it to my bath. I didn't want to waste it so I went ahead and got it. I was very lucky to only get the burn feeling and no skin damage though. I sure learned my lesson. The "burning" lasted a couple hours, even having showered quickly, and and then dabbing with cold-water towels. This was 100% pure, so-called good brand which I believe it is. But too much can get us in trouble, or "how" we use it ;)
(Miami, Florida)
Are you totally healed now?
(Southern U.S.)
Next time try mixing a bit of raw honey to the crushed garlic (& even a cpl drops of cayenne pepper) Combination works v well with little to no burn at all.