High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Management

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
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Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 09/20/2022

Hello, Art,

I was looking for something that I already had in the house to help lower my blood pressure (hypertension) when I saw your Arginine/NAC post. Thank you. I had no idea NAC regulated blood pressure. And it did so without the use of Arginine. I took two 600mg NAC before dinner (My blood pressure usually goes up when I eat). My blood pressure did not go up. I was surprised. As a matter of fact, I looked a the blood pressure machine and said, "you're beautiful." This has been war!

Last week my blood pressure was hitting around 179/100. I had tried everything that usually worked to lower blood pressure at least a few hours, but nothing would regulate it. My doctor has never prescribed blood pressure pills for me, a person's blood pressure had to be steadily high for her to put you on them.

A couple of nights, I wrestled with my blood pressure all night long. It would slowly creep back up. What has helped in the past better than anything was water-pills, that's all night work.

I have taken NAC before, I heard that NAC is the precursor of Glutathione. I have also heard that Glutathione was the fountain of youth. Therefore, I bought some and used it from time to time. I had no idea that it was affecting my blood pressure one way or the other.

During the last ten years, I have used up maybe three or four bottles of NAC. I never even realized it was doing anything until someone said it helps with COVD symptoms. When I Checked Earth Clinic for hypertension help, I saw where you said it helps lower blood pressure.

The NAC regulated my blood pressure the same day and hour, and it stayed good all night. I will not be taking NAC along with other supplements that might lower blood pressure; the pressure may go to low. Today I took it at the same time as yesterday, I also took Vanadyl Sulfate to help regulate blood sugar and my blood pressure dipped to 105/57. This has happened a few times in the past, but I never knew why.

It's just nice to know all about what you are taking. I have looked at several articles online about NAC. Most of them failed to mention that it helps lower blood pressure.


I am sure people should check with their doctor about this supplement because of possible side effects. But it is certainly a great help until you get there.


Replied by Art
2353 posts


Thank you for the feedback on NAC, it is helpful!

I am glad to hear that NAC alone is helping to control your blood pressure. Unfortunately for me, NAC by itself was not enough and ultimately I needed both L-Arginine and L-Lysine to have good control of my blood pressure, but I hated to have to take all three supplements multiple times per day to control my blood pressure.

I have since found an herbal supplement (Carditone) that works even better for me and this one is working very well for me at just one caplet every third night instead of one caplet every night as recommended on the label.

I reported on Carditone here:


From reports and reviews, it doesn't work for everyone, but appears to work for the majority of people who have tested and or used it, but I don't think any supplement or medication works for everybody.



1 User Review
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Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 11/07/2013

Here we go again. Trying to solve a problem that doesn't need solving.

Blood pressure and cholesterol are irrelevant when it comes to cardiovascular health. It's all about cleaning the arteries. Nothing more. Of course, too low blood pressure and you can faint.

The problem with even measuring blood pressure is that your blood pressure varies through out the entire day. Blood pressure readings are mostly irrelevant.

Now they are saying that people's pressure varying is the real cause of strokes. The lies of blood pressure are starting to crack. Instead of 1 in 3 people being put on statin drugs, they can put everyone on statin drugs.

The myths of heart disease and strokes are so deeply imbedded in people.

nattokinase supplements.This natural enzyme helps to dissolve fibrin, cholesterol and calcium that has accumulated in the arteries of the body. It is a clot buster.

Fibrolytic enzymes prevents all the problems that high blood pressure and all those other phantom causes is to cause even hardening of the arteries.

Replied by Donna

I have been on Nattokinase for a year and I have not noticed a reduction in blood pressure. I am going to start trying Mukta Vati to see how it works.

Natural Progesterone Cream

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Martin (San Miguel, Spain) on 12/23/2008

I though that the following might be of interest. I am a male of 57 years. I had a heart attack and subsequent angioplasty with stents when I was 45 and then until earlier in 2008 I was fine.

In June I had a series of heart attacks followed by bypass surgery. All went really fine but shortly after being released from hospital I developed very high blood pressure of 200+ over 100+. Despite various changes of medication by my doctor, my blood pressure would not stay under control and so I started my search for "other" remedies, which is what lead me to this site.

I tried the Apple Cider Vinigar cure, and although it did relieve the acid indigestion that I sometimes suffer from, it did not help with my blood pressure which despite continuing to take my medication would often read 210 over 118 or more (The ACV did not help me to lose any weight either.

It seemed as if a stroke was inevitable and I was beginining to despair when I read that L- Arganine helps to lower blod pressure. I tried the maximum recommended dose (as well as my meds) of 1 gram 3 times a day, and did see a little improvement, but still in the region of 170 over 95.

Then I made a break through. As you can imagine, I have spent a lot of time seaching the internet for help (hope) and I have read just about everything that has been published from the various research papers regarding high blood pressure. I read a report that natural progestorone cream - in addition to many other benefits - lowers blood pressure. Three weeks ago, I started to apply natural progesterone cream at the dose of 10 mgs morning and evening. I continued to take 1 gram L-Arganine 3 times a day as well as using my medication.

Yesterday morning I took my blood pressure reading and to my delight it was 127 over 89. It stayed around this figure with all of my daytime readings and this morning was 130 over 84. I know that this may not seem to be a great reading, but for me it is fantastic. I am not recommending any of what I have tried as being right for anyone else, but it may be something that others may want to research if they, like me, cannot get their BP under control.

Nettle Tea, B Vitamin, Garlic Tab

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Isma (Edinburgh, UK) on 04/19/2007

nyone with a high blood pressure should be taking Nettle Tea, B50 timed release one tablet per day and 100% pure garlic tab a day too, you'l see the results within weeks oh and not forgetting add two table spoons of olive oil to your cooking too.

Nitric Oxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, FL) on 04/22/2021 46 posts

What do ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction have in common? Low levels of nitric oxide (NO).

I've finally put together the pieces of the puzzle. Although I don't have heart disease and my ED is/was only an occasional thing, I do have high blood pressure. In the past I found that red beets, especially the juice from red beets (beet root), is extremely effective at lowering my blood pressure. Unfortunately, after about 12 hours or so, the effect of the beets goes away.

Why is nitric oxide critical for our health and especially for maintaining healthy blood pressure and sexual health?

“Released by the inner layer of cells (endothelium) of blood vessels, nitric oxide relaxes the vessels and keeps them flexible, allowing them to dilate, boosting blood flow, and helping to control blood pressure. Nitric oxide also has anti-inflammatory effects and helps prevent platelets and white blood cells from adhering to the lining of blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of plaque development. As we age, our cells produce less nitric oxide, so blood vessels become less flexible, which contributes to hypertension, inflammation in blood vessels, and atherosclerosis (plaque buildup)—that is, cardiovascular disease.”


Now that you know the importance of nitric oxide and why it decreases with age, you probably want to know how you can fix it. The good news is that the body has a number of pathways to produce NO. One of them involves your gut microbiome. The trillions of good bacteria and yeast that live in your gut and account for 80% of your immune system.

For those who are interested in the science and biochemistry behind the process, I am including the process here:

The chemistry for the production of NO involves 3 steps. Consumption of nitrate (NO3) rich foods, the reduction of nitrate to nitrite (NO2) and the further reduction from nitrite to nitric oxide (NO). (Nitric oxide cannot be supplemented since it is an unstable gas and will quickly oxidise back to nitrate and nitrite).

The following is one of several ways in which these reactions can take place in our bodies:

The following reaction converts nitrate (N03 from food with the help of gut bacteria) to nitrite (N02) and water.

Bacterial nitrate reductase:

NO3 – + e– + H+ → NO2 – + H2O

This is then further reduced from nitrite to nitric oxide (NO). This is facilitated with ascorbate (Vitamin C). It's a 2 step process where with the help of vitamin C nitrite is converted to nitrous acid (HN02) and then from there to Nitric Oxide (NO water and a transformed type of vitamin C).


NO2 – + H+ → HNO2

2 HNO2 + Asc → 2 • NO + dehydroAsc + 2 H2O

Higher levels of Nitric oxide help athletic performance, prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, lowers blood pressure, and fixes erectile dysfunction (ED).

What to do in summary if you want to fix ED and lower blood pressure as well as get all of the other benefits of increased levels of NO?

1. Avoid glyphosate since that kills your microbiome and causes all sorts of serious havoc in your body. (Avoid soy and corn that is not organic. Eat as much organic vegetables and fruits as possible. Also, avoid non organic wheat products such as bread and pasta, since that is heavily sprayed in the USA just before harvesting. If you eat imported pasta and bread from Europe, that isn't the case and you should be fine.)

2. Juice or otherwise incorporate organic red beets and green vegetables into your diet.

3. Drink kefir.

Kefir has tons of benefits besides helping in the production of NO. Our gut is said to constitute 80% of our immune system, so we should focus most of our attention on our gut, or more specifically on the microbiome in our gut.

After switching from yogurt to kefir, I saw great improvements in my energy levels, stamina and overall health. Kefir is the heavy weight champion of probiotic foods. It contains over 60 different strains of beneficial bacteria as well as several strains of beneficial yeast. Milk kefir has the ability to colonize your intestines with beneficial bacteria and thus rebuild your microbiome.

Integrating red beets and kefir into my diet on a regular basis has made a big difference to my health and I hope it can do the same for you! Only doing one without the other will only get you partial results. So I highly recommend doing both.

I hope that this article will be posted by EC under Kefir and high blood pressure cures as well.

Thanks for reading and God bless!

Non-Fluoride Toothpaste

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Airzone (Mississippi, Usa) on 09/08/2013

In the last six months, I have changed my Toothpaste that had Fluoride to non Fluoride Toothpaste and my Blood pressure has gotten to a normal state. Our Government is feeding us C**P, it is a money maker for Dentist & Oncologist. Fluoride has never been approved by the FDA to put in water & Toothpaste The Government won't go near this subject they know it will open a can of worm's. If you read your tooth paste it will say if a six year old swallows a pea sized amount call Poison control. If its poison for a lab Rat it is Poison for Humans of all ages. It stops the production of "62 vital Thyroid enzymes that will open the door to Cancer and other illnesses" it was used in the Sarin gas that was used to kill people it has been classified a neurotoxin by toxicologist with Fluoridealert.org. The German scientist came up with it in 1930 and the United States started using it in 1945 under the false image as good for teeth it passes the to the endocrine system there it does it's damage to Bones look it up: www.fluoridealert.org.

Olive Leaf

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Kat (Florida, US) on 11/08/2014

To reduce blood pressure, take Olive Leaf Extract in liquid form and after about 3 weeks you will see a major drop. It will cure the high blood pressure, unless its another ailment causing the high blood pressure such as something stressful your body is fighting off. But google olive leaf extract. It works. I PROMISE. Also, hawthorn extract stabilizes the blood pressure once its down. Garlic is also great for blood pressure and reducing cholesterol buildup. Raw garlic is the best. I chop up a clove each day and drink it with milk (I swallow the chopped up pieces like pills). Then I take liquid chlorophyll, which acts as an internal deodorizer. I hope this helps.

P.S. My friend had been on medication for 30 years for high blood pressure.After taking the liquid olive leaf extract every day as directed, he was off the medication after 3 weeks and has been off of it ever since. He continues to take it. That is only one person I saw cured.

Replied by Donna

If I take liquid olive leaf extract for high blood pressure how much should I take?

Olive Leaf
Posted by Bee (New York) on 01/15/2014

Hello, I am a 59 year old female taking olive leaf to lower blood pressure but wondering how long can I take it? Been reading and seeing different reports. The health food guy said I can only take it temporarily as it damages your gut.. is this true? Thank You

Replied by Prioris

Besides the doctor telling you to lower your blood pressure, why do you want to lower it? If it is for heart disease, take nattokinase.

Replied by Mike62

Bee: There are not any harmful substances in olive leaf. Many people in the Mediterranean drink several cups a day all their lives.

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Oh; yes of course my bp was high at doctors office but I also check it at home and it was a bit high and although I have gotten it down with weight loss and diet and using ACV and Taurine and Olive Leaf and Magnesium .. Now since I gained some weight back its back up a bit.. but I can control it with these remedies and diet and exercise but I have to take my bp everyday .. I also do acupressure and that brings it down..

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Re: Olive leaf -- wow thank you. I will keep taking it then ..

Replied by Prioris

Why not get to the root of the high blood pressure problem.

Here's an excerpt from Harvard Medical School's newsletter...

MYTH 3: It's okay to have higher blood pressure when you're older.

Blood pressure tends to rise with age, but the fact that this trend is "normal" doesn't mean that it is good for you. It happens because artery walls become stiff with age. Stiff arteries force the heart to pump harder. This sets up a vicious cycle. Blood pounding against the artery walls damages them over time. The overworked heart muscle becomes less effective and pumps harder to meet the body's demands for blood. This further damages the arteries and invites fat into the artery walls. This is how high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Source: http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_Heart_Letter/2013/June/10-myths-about-heart-disease


Vitamin K maintains normal coagulation, preserves bone, and protects against calcification by carboxylating specific proteins in the body.61

In the arteries, vitamin K is required to carboxylate matrix Gla-protein. If matrix Gla-protein is under-carboxylated, then it is unable to perform its normal function in protecting arteries against excess accumulation of calcium, or inhibiting vascular calcification.

Source: http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2009/jan2009_Vitamin-K-Protection-Against-Arterial-Calcification-Bone-Loss-Cancer-Aging_03.htm


Most Nattokinase usually has some vitamin K in it. You could take additional vitamin K also. Many people who want to lower their blood pressure only because they are told. They really don't know why.

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Well at first I thought it was my age and that I was overweight at the time with a bad diet and under extreme stress at the time.. So of course the doctor put me on meds.. But then I lost 35 lbs. which I have gained back half .. Now when I lost the weight, changed my diet and cut back on bad foods and salt and started walking everyday my bp came down.. Oh; and I was handling my stress much better.. Only thing as soon as I gained the weight my top number went up to 140 .. but then since the meds were not working I decided to try natural things such as Taurine.. I am a vegetarian so I am missing amino acids. what could It hurt? the man in healthfood store gave me magnesium, taurine, beet root and olive leaf. So I figured what could it hurt.. So after taking these things bp is stabilized.. doctors say bp is complicated but for me I believe its stress and since I am 59 could be age.. and yes rusty arteries.. So now I am trying to figure it all out and get to the root of it but how does one find out? No regular doctor cares or will help so I am going to an alternative doctor and see if she can see what kinds of things I should be on.

Replied by Prioris

Let me correct what I said previously. Most Nattokinase brands remove K2 but some include it. One brand that included it was named "Natural Vitamin K2 with Nattokinase."

A better route to go for arterial calcification problem would be to add something like the Life Extension brand - Super K ...

Their rationale for removing K2 is so it won't interact with prescription medications. Some brands will actually tout that they remove it while other brands remain silent. There is a lack of consistent labeling.

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Hi, well I have found K2 with nattokinase from a company I already get products from. It just says do not take with blood thinners. I am not on those .. Anyway.. I believe I also have gallbladder issues so using lemons and ACV and probiotics and lecithin.. I have to say when I wake in morning and take the ACV my blood pressure readings are good.. That is before medication.. So I am thinking the ACV is cutting the fat and stuff in my body and working on clearing the arteries along with lemons. could that be true? maybe the lecithin is doing that also...

I would love to get off these meds that don't work but now I am afraid to wean off myself so lets see if an alternative doctor can help me figure out what I should do. its pricey but what else can I do?

thank You for your time and responses.. so appreciated.

Oh; and thank you EC...

Replied by Prioris

Also K2 comes in two forms - MK7 which comes from natto and MK4 which is synthetic and comes from animal tissue. MK7 is the preferred form. Take it with meals and in first meal of day. A few people say they have experienced insomnia from MK7. Maybe it builds up in the body but just something to be aware of.

Replied by Prioris

In regards to "No regular doctor cares or will help". Exactly. this is what motivates a lot of people to become DIY-ers (Do It Yourself-ers).

If you can find and afford alternative health doctor then you have some luxury. Many can't so they have to take personal responsibility and just research the problem themselves. Doctors themselves are heavily regulated and compromised so that could prevent them from giving you the best advice.

The problem with blood pressure measurements is that they are not reliable. As far as stress, it is normal for arteries to constrict during stress so I wouldn't worry about that problem. If it were a real problem, you would have been dead a long time ago.

If you combine hard arteries and stress then it would be a problem so remove or prevent the hard arteries. Supple arteries help withstand stress more.

The core issue with blood pressure is with aging people who have hardening of the arteries. If you got normal blood pressure but hard arteries you still got a problem. Curing or preventing hard arteries will address the underlying problem. If you don't get enough sunlight, you may want to think about adding some vitamin D with the K2.

One way or another - hopefully you get off the prescription medications. Once your off, try to stay off by finding alternatives,

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Yes I agree and I do take Vit.D.... I will def. look into K but is L Ariginine the same thing? I get my best advice from an 85 year old working woman at the health food store.

Anyway; Yes I do understand about the conventional doctors and how they are regulated and I am doing alternatives things and will continue..

One natural or integrative doctor I called wants 300.00 for a first visit and then not sure what after that.. it could be worth it if I just say I want off these pills and do it safely and the right way and if she will help me get off the meds. If not I wont return.. she also can offer natural things I am assuming and help me in figuring out what a 59 year old woman should take as natural supplements. Thank You and yes I am helping myself and finding things on my own.

Replied by Mike62

Bee: To function at peak performance you can take a complete raw whole food program that involves organic produce, grass fed animal products, super foods, home brewed water kefir, fermenting adaptogens, mushroom extracts, earthing, and spring water. The cost would be $12 to $15 per day.

Replied by Tori
(Mira Loma, California, U.S.A.)

My husband was about to go on 3 high blood pressure pills for his high blood pressure when he discovered Himalayan salt! Himalayan salt is a great mineral and it's actually is good for us. My husband said he uses all he wants on his food and his blood pressure is perfect.

123/72 was his last blood pressure reading and he got off all blood pressure medication! My blood pressure is good as well 117/72 only I still use one blood pressure pill. I am going to ask my doctor if I can get off the pill. We buy it on Ebay or you can buy it at a health food store. The man at the health food store told us that regular store salt (white) is like poison! But I don't know if that is true or not?

Replied by Prioris

I think arginine has been reported to reduce the thickness of arteries but I don't know what that means. K2 has the strong evidence behind it.

A big myth is that salt causes heart disease. Like cholesterol, it was another lie. The scientific studies have shown that the amount of salt consumption has no bearing on whether people get heart disease.

Salt is healthy. I use Kosher Salt because it blends in with food better. Sea Salt is suppose to be one of the healthy salts. I hear a lot of good things about Himalayan salt and it may be better. So don't deny yourself salt. It actually helps you stay healthy.

The reason why your blood pressure goes up with more salt is because it expands the water in your blood. This is not a good reason to give up your salt. Salt is healthy for you. Many health conditions improve with salt especially the sea salt.

Vitamin K2 is proven to reverse calcified artery damage. It also helps take the calcium that would end up in your arteries and put it into your bones hence increases bone density. some anecdotal posts I have read report drastic reduction in people's artery calcium in only a couple months. Nice thing about this is that it says that once you give the arteries a good cleaning then you probably don't have to take it every day so can find a maintenance dose.

So vitamin K2 essentially keeps calcium out of your arteries and into you bones. Vitamin D (i use D3 kind) works in tandem with K2. Don't deny yourself salt.

Replied by Jenny

Also, I read when you age you loose silica in your body and that can harden arteries around the heart. I hace been taking diatomaceous earth, this stuff has been helping with my anxiety and high blood pressure. Do some research. I like it.

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Hi, thank you for the feedback.. yes I use sea salt here and there. I really don't like salt all that much but I do eat foods with it.. I also realize salt doesn't hurt us in moderation.

Well my bp has been pretty stable for awhile so not sure I need anything else for now besides what I have been using...but I will look into K and the other things you mentioned. One reason I want to see a integrative doctor.. maybe they can tell me exactly what I need cause I just do it by trial and error and experiment.. About two months ago I started using ACV, . Lecithin, Taurine, Magnesium and beet root powder and olvie leaf...once in while I use motherwort .. All of these things are working for the bp..

Thank You and thank you EC..

Replied by Bee
(New York)

I made an appt. with a integrative doctor a few months ago and she didn't have an apt. until feb.. Well that is next month and not sure I should cancel. The initial first fee is 300.00 without lab work.. Now I go to a clinic and its very poor care but better than nothing.. I have no insurance and just thinking maybe she can tell me what to do or take and set me on right path and then be done with doctors only I am an aging 59 year old woman and who knows?? I know you cant put a price on health but is this crazy??

Plus do any doctors really care about patients?? Any advice??

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

Is this about getting off beta blockers?

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Bee,

Well, here are my two cents worth of rambling...we have been blessed to have some doctors over the years who do indeed care and are not all about $. When we lived in KY there was a family doctor in town that only charged $40 for a visit and didn't even charge that if you couldn't pay. He was puzzled by the symptoms one of my children had a number of years ago (on and off fever for a long time and swollen lymph nodes.) He called me on his day off to ask if we had cats. Turns out my son had cat scratch fever. (And I thought it was just a song! ) He really cared. He didn't know anything about natural medicine, but he was helpful to us in diagnosing things at times. Sadly, we have had more dealings with doctors who really didn't care or were not open to alternative treatments. Once I saw a doctor and the first things she said was "You are not on any prescription medication! " She promptly wrote me two prescriptions for I don't recall what as I threw them away.

So, I don't know if you should go to this person. It troubles me that medical help is so expensive. I have more positive results in improving the health of my family through implementing what I have learned on Earth Clinic and herb books than through the medical field. Though, I have needed medical services at times and have been grateful for that, especially when I have had good doctors and nurses. But when medical help is so expensive, and $300 for an office visit seems absurd to me, I worry that $ is the driving force in the practice and not that of helping people feel better.

My husband was having heart palpitations years ago and went to a heart doctor who put him on beta blockers. It was a low dose and he felt terrible on that. He went off them cold turkey (he hadn't been on them long and we didn't know any better.) He figured out that caffeine was the cause of the palpitations, so he went off that, too.

One option you have is to continue to read and study and try different things for your health. You have already found that diet and exercise and stress affect you...that is great knowledge.

Please keep us posted on what you try and how you are doing. We are all learning together here. I will pray that you have wisdom in your decisions!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile Tn.)

HI U BEE, , , , , , , , , , , , What you need to understand is that you are directed by BIG PHARMA AND THE AMA to go to Allopathic doctors. To force you to do that , no insurance company will pay a Naturopathic. This is left to you. I will not express what is now going through my mind least my EC boss will chastise me. It's a womb to the tomb thing. Just glad I's going out at 92 and will not have to endure the coming Alinsky mind set.

=========OLE ROBERT HENRY=============

Replied by Mt
(Ottawa, Ontario)

Please read about mistletoe tea -it will fix blood pressure issues and will bring hormonal balance.

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Thanks for the replies .. will try and answer one by one..

well I do live in NY and doctors around here are very pricey and one either pays out of pocket these high costs just to get information or goes to a clinic where the care is okay but I feel it is sub par..

Now I do the best I can with my health and yes I read all I can on EC but sometimes I need validation if I am doing the right thing.. So just figuring should I just go once and get my whole health thing in check and make sure I am using and taking the right things..? I mean if that doesn't work I can always go somewhere else and back to the clinic.

You guys are right in that main stream medicine does not believe in much. I told the doctor at the clinic that I was taking ACV, taurine and some other things and they look at me with three heads and say well we are not under regulation there so we cant offer anything and blah blah blah..take this medicine and go away..

I would love to find a middle of the road doc who believes in both but again its probably very pricey.. where I live the deal is rich or poor.. cant move right now so I have to find some balance.. Right now my balance is integrating alternative with the other but I do that on my own and have given no advice from anyone.. just reading and experimenting here on EC..and experimenting with my own self.. I just don't know if it is the right fit for me .. I make it up as I go...

Being an aging woman at almost 60 thinking let me get this right for a change and thinking I need help just once or twice..and then I can move on on my own or go to a doctor who doesn't cost so much...

Thank you for the info..

Replied by Bee

Yes P, I am hoping some doctor especially an integrative one can tell me what to take that is right for me. so far I am experimenting on my own and doing good but once in awhile I would like to make sure I am doing right thing.

Maybe this doctor can tell me if I need beta blockers or can wean off or integrate whatever. In the beginning of this journey the meds alone weren't even working that well and I stupidly believed that they could.. Well after some time I added natural things and they seem to be working together now.. Too bad I found out too late and hoping I didn't damage anything.. but that is me for believing doctors and being stupid.. I usually am up with these things but those docs scared me a lot and kept blaming me that their stupid medicine didn't work.. I did take matters into my own hands and the complimentary doctors wont even budge in helping me but again this is a clinic with sub par care ..

So I would love to hear what an integrative doctor says.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

It's a nobrainer about what you need to do. You can continue to take it and increase your chances of dying by 25% or you can gradually stop over a couple weeks and decrease your chances of dying by over 25%.


it's clear how you get off beta blockers. you can save $300 and do it yourself or pay $300 and have someone tell you the same thing.


start taking the nattokinase then add K2 after you are off beta blockers

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Dear Bee:

I have thought long about your post here on EC. There are no integrative doctors - they are allopathic doctors trained by Big Pharma to sell their wares. Some doctors hear their voice of conscience and try to help patients according to their inner promptings. However, if found out in not prescribing a max of meds, they will receive a warning. So many are working while silencing their conscience as it would mean a negation of all that had been washed into their brains, which they did not question boot.

Allopathy teaches about sickness and not WELLNESS

Allopathy treats your eye, foot, stomach; NOT THE WHOLE PERSON

Allopathy admits of a mind and seeks to alter it

Allopathy seeks to dominate a mind with chemicals but


You and I as a human being have the gift of intuition. You live in this body and you alone can take responsibility for your health.

A doctor is a stranger. In a few minutes he can cause a lot of damage to your health by allowing so many minutes and then "next one please".

He has in mind how his earnings will be and many doctors vie among themselves who makes the most. They are obsessed with their salaries.

Much more could be said, but the choice is up to you. You have as a faculty discrimination and awareness which can be sharpened by practice and experimentation.

The main point is that chemicals and plant colloidal chemicals are a world apart. For one thing, they do not work well together and cause more damage creating a chaotic picture. And when money is the main object and not the well being of man, BEWARE. Love, Om

Replied by Mike62

Bee: I always enjoy reading you because of the absolutely amazing way you put thoughts together. I was poisoned by toxic fumes and wish I could do that as well as you do. You remind me of me a while back. For 5 years I took isolated supplements and herbal remedies. I wasn't sick anymore but continued to suffer from fatigue. Everything was a struggle. After watching some raw food videos I went on a 90% raw organic vegan and 10% raw grass fed animal products program, except when my dear beloved brother gives me the best tasting food in the whole world for my birthday, smoked wild caught Alaskan salmon. I felt better but not great. I did not have the enthusiasm and spontaneity of a 6 year old or the hormones of a 16 year old. Then I discovered something that was way better than everything else put together including the best super foods. Organic baby leaves have growth factors, steroids, and hormones not in anything else. Today I walked 30 minutes, rested for 30 minutes, 8 times. My body buzzed like a bee the whole time. I take 8oz daily in green smoothies because the nutrients are locked up in the cellulose. I hope this info assists you in feeling great all the time.


Organic baby leaves of what?

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Okay so you are saying all doctors are the same? Holistic and conventional and naturopaths.. they all want to just give us drugs? I don't understand some of your post.

So are you also saying never to see a doctor .. I would have loved that and I hadn't been to a doctor in like five years until two years ago when I had some horrible symptoms of shortness of breath, severe fatigue and a lot of coughing so I had to finally break down and see a doctor because I had no idea what was wrong. At that time I couldn't diagnose myself. So off I went to the clinic due to NO insurance.. They diagnosed me with hbp so of course I went on some medication and was monitored for a whole year.. Now what I didn't know at the time was that the meds were not working so well but I didn't piece it together so I lost a lot of weight and I changed and revamped my diet to more healthy and lifestyle more healthy..my bp went down but heck I am almost 59 so attributed this to age and stress .. At that time I had a lot of stress..After awhile I started reading more about health and wellness and I went on a quest to feel better and get well.. Only thing I didn't still connect the dots to the meds not working so well and I was stupid in still believing that they would. I was then put on the beta blockers for anxiety and all and I had no idea what they were. Like I said before the doctors scared me into them .. Fast forward to this year and started taking other things to lower the bp that worked way better than the meds in which I wish I had figured out way back but okay I didn't.. Plus I am learning how to control the anxiety and all.

Now I am thinking though it might be time for lab work or something just to see what is going on but believe me if I didn't have to see any doctor it would be fine with me.. I just at times would like to see what is going on I guess because of the aging process..but I dont know. do I really need to ??

I basically dont even go in for routine screenings and always refuse them..but I do try and keep a vegetarian diet and keep my body as alkaline as possible and knowing exercise and diet are a good way for wellness and taking certain amino acids and vitamins and minerals..

I have no idea what else to do except for what I am doing. Now to just get off these bp meds..

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Mike 62from Denver

Ha ha not sure what you mean about my writing but thank you for the compliment I think? LOL

Anyway; which post are you referring too?

I feel like I am writing so much but I get so much great info on here and I love EC and the recommendations.

Thank you all and EC

Now in regards to those hpb pills its so challenging to cut them and now I am afraid it wont work well... OY VEI

Replied by Kay
(In The Valley)

Mike62 from Denver, can you tell us what is meant by 'organic baby leaves'? What type of leaves are these, is this a supplement, or do you grow plants and eat the budding leaves? I'm curious about this. Thanks, Kay

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Hi, Bee --- but you are on the right track! Forget about aging and enjoy every moment. Listen to your body and learn what is going on. My ideal is intuitive healing. Just think of the many wonderful doctors in the past who did not rely on tests but on their experience and expertise. Today it is mainly a mechanistic approach that makes accessibility not possible for many.

I definitely touched only on the allopathic system which has driven good healers underground, closed the many schools of natural medicine and is forcing people to pay dues to big pharma alone. Good men who have cured large numbers of sick people are in jail or had to leave the country.

Ultimately it should be everyone's right to choose a healing system so desired. Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, while thousands of years old -- these are under pressure. This should never be. Might is not necessarily right. Namaste, Om

Replied by Mike62

Kay: They are in all grocery stores. They come in 1lb tubs and an open section where you can put some in a bag. They are called baby herbs and baby spring mix. I buy the 1/2 baby leaves and 1/2 baby spinach, organic. They are the Frank Sinatra of food, the best of the best. They made an exhausted old buck like me feel like an exuberant young fawn. They have growth factors, steroids, and hormones not in any other food. They cured the arthritis and chronic fatigue that I suffered from for over a decade in just 3 days.

Replied by Kay
(In The Valley)

Thank you Mike62 from Denver, I appreciate you're getting back to me, I'm going to try it.

Replied by Bee
(New York)

Hello Me Again!!

I am using 2 tablespoons of ACV a day, 500 mgs. of Taurine but sometimes I take two at night before bed.. I also use olive Leaf and Magnesium and beet root powder.

I was told by a woman in health food store to use the ACV before meals for my digestive issues and then take 2 probiotics after meals.. Well I am feeling a lot better with that and now wondering was my digestive issues which could have been blocked or something the cause of the hbp... Of course I am on the pills and want to get off but am scared of trying it alone as they are beta blockers.. Only thing when I wake up morning my pulse and bp have come down a lot....stomach feeling like its being cleared but is this the ACV and the probiotics together??

So now wondering I can eliminate something or cut down on something and is it the Taurine helping so much or the other things.. yes I get so confused easily and not sure its my nerves or the digestive issues or fact I am almost 60 and having these issues...

thank you

Replied by Marie
(Batavia, Ny)

You are right about the k2. I recently read about it and ordered two bottles. The arginine did not work for me. I took 6 grams a day in divided doses for four whole months and bl pr still high. Doing Apple Cider Vinegar now and soon the k2. I am older at 65 so I am sure my arteries are stiff.

Replied by Rose
(South England)

Please do NOT go on any beta-blockers. I was left on that drug for 7 years, and it finished my legs. I have M.E. and apparently, it was the worst drug to be put on.

Replied by Bp Help!

Hi Bee, I was wondering if you ever were able to get off your HBP meds? if so could you share how? Forgive me for replying on such an old post, I am trying to read through all that there is here on EC. would appreciate anything you have figured out to help.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Samuel (Short Hills, N.J.) on 11/17/2009

For high blood pressure use olive leaf extract or powder. Please be careful if using medication or allergic. It might lower it too much. Try a little at a time, and see the effects. Use powder in tea. It's somewhat bitter. Add a little honey to sweeten taste.Mix with cayenne pepper extract if desired.. Start with smaller amounts.Very sharp taste.S tart with one or 2 drops to begin with. Check blood pressue about half an hour later to see results. Use common sense and use with caution.You might be pleasantly surprised.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Vicki (Littleton, CO) on 02/14/2008

My husband has had high blood pressure for years. we have tried low salt diet, no caffiene, minerals, hawthorn, as well as other herbs. We were able to lower it to borderline but never normal until we tried Olive Leaf with 20% oleuropein. His pressure stablized within 24 hours. He takes 1 pill 2x daily. He went from 130/94 to 119/74 and has maintained it for 1 month and a half. No side effects as of yet.

Replied by Jocelyn
(Tulsa, OK)

What was the dosage used? I've found several website's advertising capsules in different strength's from 150mg to 825mg. Most articles I have read recommend 1000 mg a day.

Olive Leaf, Mangosteen, Hawthorn

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jizana (New Orleans, LA) on 01/22/2015

Olive Leaf Powder, Mangosteen Powder and Hawthorn Berry Powder. Mix equal amounts of powder in a baggie and shake for equal distribution. Place/Fill in 0 empty gelatin capsules. Take every am or pm. I am totally off of bp meds (norvasc etc). One of my readings even read 115/86. I am on my 3rd week of monitoring my b/p 4 times a day. I can make at least a 6 month suppy for about 10 bucks. My hair is not falling out anymore and I am losing weight. One more thing before I forget. Every morning or night I take 1 tbsp of honey and coconut oil/place in water and drink up. I am just super blessed and amazed after looking for a cure/remedy for so long.

IT WORKS!!!!!!

Olive Oil, Avocados

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Barry (Camarillo, Ca) on 05/18/2009

I went from using extra virgin olive oil to coconut oil for cooking. I also starting eating 1/2 avocado/day. In 5 weeks my blood pressure went from an average of 125/85 to 114/75.

Omega 3 +

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 11/18/2021

Hello There,

I notice that there have recently been quite a few postings re. B.P. and I thought I should share my recent experience.

I have been taking an oil capsule each day, hoping that it would assist me with numerous pains and soreness one inevitably experiences with advancing years. My diet is pretty good, as we have been constantly seeking improvements over the years and try not to eat rubbish - processed cheese is now a "no-see-um" around here and it seems you cannot buy a pie in N.Z. any more unless it contains some cheese!? We grow a lot of our own food, partly because we realize that nationally, our soils are somewhat depleted in minerals, especially trace minerals (more on that in another post but I have banged on about it before on previous postings).

Now here's the thing, the day time pains have improved BUT the night time ones (the ones that hit you about four thirty a.m.) have not changed. Makes for a very stiff and sore early morning rise and interferes with quality sleep so much so that I no longer look fwd to going to bed. Probably Fibromyalgia?

However, this Oil capsule HAS helped to lower systolic (whatever the higher one is?) blood pressure by a significant amount say 10% over approximately six weeks at the recommended one capsule per day taken with breakfast. It is manufactured here in New Zealand to a high standard.

Ingredients include Omega-3, Vitamin D, Co-enzyme Q10, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin.

These are claimed to operate in a synergistic fashion to combat the aging process.

The capsule claims to support joint mobility, healthy cholesterol levels, healthy inflammation, eye health, heart health, blood pressure, brain health, hair, skin and nails. I notice I am having to trim my nails more often too!

It is also claimed that there are no significant side effects when taken as directed but SEE your doctor if you bleed easily or are on blood thinning medications. Your chosen doctor should have an open mind and you need to be honest with her/him or it will be difficult for them to give you correct advice - they DO know STUFF!!

Cheers from Down Under


Onion Juice

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Antonia (USA)

Mix half onion juice and half honey. Take two teaspoons once daily for a week and then take as needed.

Replied by Karen
(Los Angeles)

Should I use a juicer for the onion juice or is there another method to make juice?


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Gee Man (Canada) on 01/31/2022

I have had hypertension for many years and am on medication.

I have Covid for the last 4 weeks and was recovering. I was put on oxygen as they believed I had pneumonia. As I started getting better I realized I didn't need the oxygen during the day but only at night.

I then started measuring my blood pressure in the morning and found that if I used a 1 liter setting and slept with that my blood pressure in the morning was lower than not using it. ( I stopped taking medication and monitored the blood pressure, ready to take medication again if it seemed to high.)

Also I started taking cinnamon with rolled oats for breakfast most days and it seems to be lower still. My normal is typically 153 / 94 but today it was 135/87.

So give a little oxygen (use less than 1.5 liters at night) a try.
