I appreciate any help!
Eggplant Water
Now how to do it, peel the eggplant skin off and then make small pieces and put it in a glass jar fill it with water cover it with the lid and put the jar in the fridge, after 48 hrs you can start drinking this water at least twice a day say 200 ml each time. Each time you drink this water, you can put same amount of fresh water in the jar and finish it in three days. After that you can make the fresh batch. The capacity of the jug should be around one to one and a half liter. I suggest you try this and see if it helps, I am sure if it does not help then it is not going to harm you either.
Good luck.
Eggplant Water
(Somewhere Usa)
How does he do this exactly... you say he skin s and eggplant. So does the skin go in the water or does the eggplant go in the water after being skinned? And two to four oz daily, how long will it stay good for? At 4 oz a day it would take 36 days to drink a gallon. I am very interested to know how this is done.
Thank You, Rebel
(Middletown, De)
Rebel......He cuts the skin off of the eggplant, throws it away, and places the eggplant in a gallon pitcher and then pours the distilled water into the pitcher. On the dosage I was off, he drinks 4 to 6 ozs morning and night. If you email me at universal.spirits @ I will give you his information so you can contact him directly.
(Toronto, Ontario)
(Middletown De)
My son-in-laws blood pressure was never any lower than 190 over 110. After drinking one glass of eggplant water for about a week it went to 135 over 90. He has been drinking the water and sometimes taking the eggplant capsules. He learned of this remedy from a man while waiting in the doctor's office. After struggling with taking two bp meds he is totally blown away with this simple remedy.
To Dave from S.C Foutain View S.C.
My wife is on dialysis 3 times per week and her blood pressure is around 200 without medication. She is in her mid 50 and waiting for transplant. How should I utilize above remedy and her medication at the same time ? What is your opinion on the remedy? She has to take HBlood medication twice a day to get under control. Can you suggest how should I incorporate this into her schedule? Thanks Dave in Advance.
I just try to cut down regular medication as much as possible. Do you accept private email?
Eliminate Salt
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Oh, and then while I was laying still on the table (they called it a "stretcher" which freaked me out more) I had a full blown panic attack. I started trembling all over real bad. I counted the minutes and it lasted 20 min which is what they typically do. Have not had a panic attack in a yr, but I was freaking out.
On the blood pressure paper for the machine it says to wait 4-5 min before taking blood pressure again because the veins need to get back to normal or the low reading will not be accurate. I wait 5-7 min but usually take bl pr 7-10 x a day to see if pill and/or Apple Cider Vinegar is working. Not sure yet, but at least am out of the woods. I am older like 65, only ten lbs over weight, but lost 4. Go get a mini trampoline and bounce gently for 20 min a day. Helps blood pressure. Even doc at hosp said to exercise and it would help lower bl pr. Cheap ones are available, but I have a good one cost $200. Do it 20-30 min 4 days a wk. Back hurts so can't do longer. At 20 min the lymph nodes clear out so it helps the immunity.
(Batavia, Ny)
The amino acid L Argine yes does lower blood pressure because it has nitric oxide in it. I tried it for 4 months - drank 6 gr a day in divided doses. It didn't do nuthin for me. I just recently quit. But it may work for someone else. I am older, so may take time to clear out my arteries. I am now trying Apple Cider Vinegar and vit k 2 to clean out the arteries.
(New York)
(Hotspot, Texas)
(New York)
(Hotspot, Texas)
Fennel Seeds
Fermented Foods
I have a story of extreme High Blood Pressure (over 200) and how I corrected it within 15 days, returning it to a good healthy range of 117/73. If you find yourself in a situation where you suddenly have high blood pressure where you had never before I suggest you look for outside influences that might have caused the situation. Let me tell you my story and let you draw your own conclusions.
I am a 53 year old healthy male. I do not take any medications and am proactive with my health. I believe that nutrition (from whole food sources not vitamins from bottles which a very high number on the market are of a synthetic nature and just don't work) is the key to good health. When a problem occurs with my health the first thing I do is sign onto Earthclinic and look for solutions based on a whole foods approach. By whole foods I mean as close to grown from the earth as possible. This means herbs, roots, food based vitamins/minerals, spices, vegetables, wheatgrass, (and so many more) and products made from these).
So last year I had some dental problems which necessitated numerous rounds of antibiotics - 3 rounds of amoxicillin and one round of penicillin over the course of a year. I had a recurring infection in a front tooth. I did not want a root canal instead I opted for an implant and was using the year to save up for the procedure. I foolishly thought that antibiotics could handle any flare ups until I could get the procedure done.
When I went into the specialist to get the implant he checked my blood pressure as he would have to put me under to do the implant. At that moment he bluntly told me that he would not do the implant and that I needed to see my doctor immediately. If I did not, I could suffer a heart attack or stroke at any moment. He went on to say my blood pressure was over 200, well in the danger zone. He refused to do the implant until I was on medication and my blood pressure was in the normal range.
I left the dentist office in shock. I had never had high blood pressure. As soon as I got home I got on Earthclinic looking for help. I found a post on how one cup of Kefir (fermented yogurt drink) every day could help lower your high blood pressure and that a compromised gut biome from taking too many antibiotics could cause a wide range of health issues one being high blood pressure.
By gut biome I mean the healthy microbes and bacteria in your gut that helps you break down food and assimilate it for the body's health. At this point I was willing to try anything. I did not want to go on any medication. I decided I would do a test to see if kefir and fermented food in general would work in lowering my blood pressure. I purchased an inexpensive blood pressure monitoring cuff from Amazon for around $25 and headed to Walmart to purchase some kefir (in the refrigerated yogurt section) and a health food market to get some fermented Sauerkraut and fermented pickles (because they are fermented - I.e. live foods - fermented sauerkraut and pickles must be refrigerated. You'll find them in the refrigerator section of a health store where they sell pickles).
I figured the more fermented food the better. I would drink one cup of kefir in the morning, eat 1/2 cup sauerkraut at lunch and dinner (twice a day), eat 1-2 pickles for snacks, and drink one ounce of the fermented sauerkraut and/or fermented pickle juice a day (fermented juice is loaded with probiotics). One word about sauerkraut, I am not a fan of many of the brands on the market except one - I'm not sure I can say the name on earthclinic but it is one word, begins with B, and is seven letters. I found this brand to be very tasty. They also make the fermented pickles, just as tasty).
The experiment was simple. I would consume the fermented foods in the proscribed manner mentioned above and check my blood pressure every morning before any food or coffee. I didn't notice any change in my blood pressure until around the 5th day. That day it dropped two points. and from there it rapidly dropped. After 15 days my blood pressure was 117/72 in the healthy good range.
I continued with the routine for another two weeks then weaned myself off the kefir. I still eat one 1/2 cup of sauerkraut or one pickle or drink one ounce of fermented juice a day as a good health routine. It has been a year since doing this and I feel so much better. I find I sleep better, have less stress, less depression, and a higher overall sense of well-being. I just had a full doctor's checkup with full blood work and everything came back excellent.
The doctor gave me a clean bill of health. So get out there and try fermented foods - they do work.
(the beaches)
Will you be sharing what is in the simple capsule?
Fig Leaf Tea
Two teaspoons of dried fig leaves in one cup of boiling water (steeped for 20 minutes) and drank each morning will normalize the blood sugar in a matter of days.
Dried fig leaves are not easy to find in the US, but Lloyd Kretizer at sells them for $5 a (quart) bag which will last about two months of drinking a cup of tea at breakfast each day. (That's all that's needed.)
Flax Seed
(Batavia, Ny)
Food Allergies
Foods That Help
For more information about potassium, please read our potassium fact sheet.
You can also visit for more information on potassium.
Garlic appears to lower blood pressure by 5% to 10%. It can also lower cholesterol, reduce triglyceride levels, discourage clot formation, and promote blood circulation. A typical dose of garlic is 900 mg of garlic powder per day. This dosage is also recommended for lowering high cholesterol.
Fruits like apples and pears are also said to decrease blood pressure by lowering cholesterol due to their high fiber content.
Click here to read much more about the wonders of garlic!