The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by SC (CT) on 12/24/2008
This site has helped me cure (yes cure, not just relief) some nasty foot warts that kept coming again and again for the last 3-4 years. I had been through several dermatologists, been through the freezing, biopsy, laser, name it, all treatments but only to see them come back again in months. I was so frustrated to go back to the Dr. so many times and even asked the Dr if there was any cure for it and what I can do to make sure they don't come back but they just kept on doing the freezing/lazer every time I went (good business I guess).
After reading the ACV treatment for warts on this site I tried it and it REALLY worked as others say on this site. I dipped a cotton ball in ACV and placed it on the wart and taped it (body tape) over night and for 3 weeks. Some warts turned black within a week but others took time but they all were gone. I am sure they will not come back again this time. Even if they do I have a cure I can do myself at home instead of repeated trips to the Dr.
I am very thankful for this site, now I am also taking ACV drink (in water, honey) 3-4 times a week to see if it helps boost my immunity. I will know this next fall when the allergies start every year for me. I hope I won't get those seasonal allergies this year. That would be wonderful, all with a natural, safe and do at your own time cure.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jean (St. Louis, MO ) on 12/23/2008
Apple Cider Vinegar cured my wart.
I normally do not write reviews, but after reading on a medical site that ACV does not work, I had to post my results. I had a wart on my hand for over a year; I tried all the over the counter medicines but they did not work. I logged on to your site and saw the ACV cures and decided to try it. Within two weeks the wart was completely gone. I spent about fifty dollars trying different things to get rid of it and the bottle of ACV in my pantry did the trick. As suggested, I put the ACV on a cotton ball, covered the wart and wrapped it in tape every night before bed. Thank you all for your postings, please try this remedy, it works.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kimberly (New York, NY USA) on 12/14/2008
I would like to enthusiastically offer my support for apple cider vinegar in the cure of various skin ailments. WARTS: I dipped a very small piece of cotton in ACV, put this directly on the wart, then covered all with an air-tight bandage. I left on for c. 12 hours, then let the entire area breathe for 12 hours. I repeated for about 3 weeks, as this was a deep and large wart. The first 2 applications stung and throbbed a bit, but from then on, the entire enterprise was painless. The area eventually ulcerated--looks messy for a while--and painlessly peeled off. No more wart! As maintenance for about 3 more weeks, I dabbed a little ACV on the area, without bandage. The wart has not recurred after more than a year and a half! This really works, folks!
ACTINIC KERATOSIS: My dermatologist identified this on my skin just above my upper lip. She offered to burn it off with liquid nitrogen: no, thanks. I followed the same ACV routine, and it worked! Took a lot less time, as this keratosis was not deep.
BENIGN PAPILLOMA: I am currently eliminating a little bump from my nose that I've had for over 10 years: it is in the red and ulcerating phase and about to sluff off.
I am THRILLED with the way ACV works to remove skin ailments! This method is cheap, safe, and natural. The skin afterwards is perfectly healthy and not scarred: quite preferable to liquid nitrogen or fluorouracil-5 or other harsh chemicals. Try it!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robyn (Somewhereoutthere, Maryland, USA) on 11/21/2008
My 10 yr old son got a huge nasty wart on his thumb about 2 months ago. I took him to the docs and he suggested freezing. I didn't agree and wanted to find something without side effects. Found remedy for warts on earthclinic and after 1 application, the wart was 1/2 the size when my son woke up in the morning. I soaked a cotton ball with ACV and secured to his thumb with a bandage. Now the core has completely gone...all within 1 week. Hooray! Thank you soooo much!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by William (Vancouver, Washington) on 11/18/2008
A nasty looking wart appeared on my forehead one day out of nowhere. After a couple of weeks looking at it I recalled having removed a wart several years ago from my left hand using apple cider vinegar. I still had the ACV. First I rubbed the top of the wart a bit with fine sand paper. An emery board would probably work as well. Then a used a small piece of cotton from an ear swab. I soaked it in ACV, put it on top of the wart and a bandaid over it. Used the other end of the swab to drip some more ACV behind the bandaid on the cotton/wart. It burnt a little bit.I changed it in the morning and at night, adding ACV during the day. The third day it was flat and black. No more ACV, no more bandaids. It didn't fall off, so two days more and I just picked on it a bit and it came off. There's a little pink spot there, about 1/8 inch in diameter. I'm now putting V-E on it. If the pinkness goes away great, if not, no big deal. I'm just so glad to be rid of that nasty looking wart.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by H (Toronto, Ontario) on 11/09/2008
After 4 months of discomfort I realized I had a massive planter wart on my left foot. After one week of applying ACV-ing band aids, it fell off. YAY!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by A (A, VA) on 11/03/2008
I wrote in previously that the ACV killed my wart now, after trying all different remedies (pine tar, banana peel, sulfur, aspirin, etc, my daughter is AMAZED that her small wart on her finger is turning black. We started the ACV on her finger after my wart started disappearing. It took only 3 days of bandaide use on her finger with the ACV and her wart started turning black, she was so excited. We are going to continue to use the ACV bandaide until the wart and every piece or root or black dot is gone. Strange thing, she got this wart after getting a slight burn on the toaster, after the burn left, it left a bump which turned into a wart. She got this last year, we killed it with sulfur then, it did go away, then reappeared this year.
If I only knew about the ACV years ago, I would not have suffered so when I had a wart on my thumb that was the dread of my life-it always came back, even came back when surgically removed. AND HALF OF IT WAS UNDER MY THUMB NAIL. I used to file off my thumb nail, and apply over-the-counter medicines that BURNED FOR HOURS AND DAYS ON END and did absolutely nothing.
There is no pleasure like pulling off dead wart tissue after using ACV. CHEAP ACV, COSTS PRACTICALLY NOTHING. I really would like to know what are those black dots. Nothing like seeing the ACV KILLING THOSE HORRIBLE BLACK DOTS.
Replied by Paul
(Redditch, Worcs, England)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by D (Virginia) on 10/30/2008
Apple Cider Vinegar cured my stubborn wart on my leg. For about a year I was trying to 'kill' this half-dollar size wart below my knee with: sulfur, aspirin, pine tar, aloe, and Itchameol (sp?). I kept it taped up all summer long, those above mentioned never worked. I read on Earthclinic about the vinegar, I was willing to try EVERYTHING and I did try EVERYTHING!!! Forget the over-the-counter medicines-they are expensive, AND THEY BURN AND THEY DON'T WORK.
I kept searching and searching the internet and came across Earthclinic and I really wanted to try the vinegar but was afraid of the burn. WELL, I tried it just a couple of days ago and THE WART IS MELTING AWAY!!!! I just kept a small piece of cotton and duct tape over it 24/7. Yes, it did burn, but it also itched. The burn, (I did over-kill, I really soaked that cotton) was not as bad as the silicic acid in the stores. And the burn went away after an hour or so, depends on how much you soak that cotton.
The wart is about 90% gone. When I change the bandage I wash the wart under hot soapy water with a brush to get rid of the excess DEAD WART TISSUE!! I try to pick the dead tissue along with the black dead holes with a tweezer, but, time limited, I decided to just scrub it with a gentle brush under hot soapy water.
I am a clean person, they only way I can think of how I got this EVIL WART is the following:
--washing the floor on my hand and knees because I like a clean floor and cannot to this day find a mop that gets in corners
--since the vinegar is working FAST I figured my body is not getting enough acid, I just might take a teaspoon of vinegar daily
Thank you Earthclinic for BEING THERE!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Andrea (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA) on 10/13/2008
I have always had warts on my hands since I was very young. Most of them would come and eventually disappear. I had one on my finger on my right hand for atleast 3 years. I never really cared about it because I thought it would eventually go away like the others, but obviouslly it didn't. I was googling home remedies for back pain and found this AMAZING site. I decided to check out the wart ailments, and I read every single feedback. They were so helpful in deciding to use the apple cider vinegar. The first night I was going to do the ACV I was very nervous. But I went ahead and poured enough ACV on a cottonball to cover the wart and some surrounding skin. I then put a bandaid over the cotton ball to keep it in place. I did this at night and kept the bandaid on at school. I took the bandaid off when I got home from school. The next day the wart was white and so was the surrounding skin. I did that same procedure for about a week and a half. I was so anxious for the wart to compeletly turn black and to peel it out. I finally did, and there was a hole in finger with raw skin. **warning: do not put ACV on the raw skin!** I tried that because I read it in a user feedback, and my finger felt like it was going to fall off. After that miserable time, the raw skin finally scabbed up, which itched very badly. About a week after the wart finally came out, the scab peeled off and now you can not tell that I ever had a wart there. Towards the end of the first week and a half, my finger throbbed only one night. The ACV is not painful at all, on the wart. I recommend anyone who has warts to try this. ACV is worth the time for getting rid of nasty warts.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tone (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/10/2008
I have had warts on my right hand for years. I tried treating them with commercial products, and they would work for a while, but the warts would always come back (and invite a few more to join them!). I stumbled upon ACV as a natural way to treat warts and decided to try it. The first attempt on my thumb was a learning experience...I put too much on and it lifted all of the skin off and made it raw and sore. After that, I kept the cotton and ACV only on the wart area with a bandaid, and it has worked incredibly well. After a couple of days the wart will turn black, then die away. It's a miracle considering how many years and the amount of money that I spent trying to rid myself of them.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tami (Chicago, Illinois, USA) on 10/05/2008
Well, I was the biggest cynic, but ACV worked for me too. I didn't realize it, but I had plantars warts on my feet and then one spread to my finger. I tried the ACV after reading all the good stories on this site, and guess what? Same good outcome! I used the Qtip cotton with a bandaid and changed it several times during the day to re-wet the cotton. I think the vinegar only hurts alot if you have sensitive skin, because i didn't reeally experience any pain. After about 4 days of this, the wart turned black and i picked it off with a tweezer - this did not hurt. It left a little hole which i covered with neosporin and a bandaid and voila, no more wart.
Now, for those plantars warts...
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Baltimore, Maryland) on 09/19/2008
My son had several plantar warts on the bottom of his feet. We tried several other remedies, such as the banana peel, potatoes, etc. and nothing worked. Then every night for about a week or two I applied a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar to the warts and taped it on using gauze tape. Those stubborn warts started to clear up and have not returned, it's been a year so far. I would highly recommend apple cider vinegar to remove warts.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (San Jose, U.S.) on 09/18/2008
I used apple cider vinegar to cure several warts on my hand. Previously I tried freezing them at the doctor's, as well as a home freezing treatment. I followed the advice by soaking cotton pads in the ACV and leaving them on overnight. I did it for about a week, and by the end the week they were gone! The smell isn't great and the skin feels irritated the next morning, but it is quite worth it for the results. It has been over a year now since my treatment, and the warts have not returned. I'm grateful to this site for informing me about this great natural remedy.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Durham, NC) on 08/16/2008
I went to the dermatologist because I had a very painful wart I had for several years in the palm of my right hand. She prescribed several expensive prescription topical ointments, and nothing worked. I read about ACV and removal of warts on line, so I decided to try it. After 10 days, it was completely gone! I applied the ACV to a cotton ball on the wart every few nights (otherwise, it burns the surrounding skin) with a piece of adhesive tape, and I was very excited about the results. I've not had any recurrance since then and I am a firm believer in ACV!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Billy Brent (Austin , Texas) on 07/10/2008
Warts!! Ugh. I had plantar warts and warts all over my hands. I tried the typical stuff: Compound W, that Sray cold/burning stuff you pay way too much for at the drugstore, duct tape, direct accupuncture on the warts (i'm not discounting accupuncture as it does often work wonders), having them professionally burned off (which worked but they came back within a month!). I spent several hundred bucks trying to get rid of those bastards. The plantar warts were of the 'mosaic' variety, meaning they were forming in clusters, especially on my heels. They were even beginning to hurt--not to mention that they were a source of embarrassment at the pool and in yoga classes.
I unenthusiastically tried organic ACV as a last resort and voila! Within a week to ten days those suckers were gone! They didn't peel off like they tended to do with the above mentioned treatments (only to return). The roots of them turned black and they just withered.
Here's what i did: took some gauze and saturated it with the ACV, and secured it with duct tape over the warts before bed. Did this for about a week.
I wish I had found this website earlier before spending all that money. Went to two doctors who, it turns out, were clueless. Maybe they were clued in on the fact that a 3 dollar bottle of vinegar (of which you're only using a few pennies' worth) can really do the trick--they make their money off of illness (in the U.S., anyway)
Incidentally, I've been meaning to post this for a while. Several months have passed and not a sign of a wart!!