Apple Cider Vinegar
I looked up home remedies and tried ducktape first, with no luck after about 2 weeks I wanted to kick it up with the APC. It worked great the first week, I noticed the wart became flat and was looking great. Then it all went down hill, I have a pretty big pain tolerance so at first the trobbing/beginning pain was ok but by the end of the second week this was too much. It was killing the wart but with such pain walking on that foot became impossible, then putting on a shoe was too painful. I cant even manage my sandles right now, let alone a pair of socks. I was wearing the APC soaked in a cotton swab 24hrs/day. Took it down to only at night but it was still compleatly awful, the blanket was too much weight on my foot. It's been just over 3 weeks with APC and today I'm stopping compleatly. Im going on vacation in a week and would really like to be able to wear shoes and perhaps if I'm lucky WALK!
So yes, acp works but its PAINFUL. I imagine it would have worked a lot better if my wart wasn't so deep. A new wart that's still pretty small would have probibly given up by now, but if you have a deep one that wants to hold on with all its got this may not be whats right for you. All I can say is, OUCH!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Please advise, Annete
(Houston, Texas)
I know how horrible that pain is.. I had one and it is awful pain. I suggest trying the apple cider vinegar. I have read over and over again on this site how it worked for them. Absorb cotton ball in ACV and apply to the wart, then tape it on the wart. Try to use tape. I believe it will work! I am working on killing a wart at this time that is on my finger tip and it is shrinking, and has turned black. I hope you try this! Good luck to you!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apply a little cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar every night, attached with some tape and in less than one week you will see how the wart starts disappearing. I had tried every chemical I found for months and nothing worked. No salicylic acid, no freezing, nothing! Try it!
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa)
For about two years I had a wart on the inside of the third finger on my right hand where the first joint is. I went to the dermatologist and she applied liquid nitrogen on two or three separate occasions and it did not work. I read about applying ACV to the wart and this is what I did: I took the cotton end of a Q-tip swab and soaked it in ACV that I purchased at Target for less than $1. With the ACV soaked cotton pressed to the wart, I secured it with a band aid. I did this for about a week, applying a fresh piece morning then again at night. Eventually I just kept the wart covered with the ACV/band aid overnight.
After about two weeks later I noticed the wart turning dark and eventually it dried. I was able to remove what was left of the wart with cuticle nippers. The skin where the wart once was is perfectly smooth and the wart has not grown back. I swear by this remedy and will now use organic ACV (_____'s) for solar keratosis that I have on my back and chest. My dermatologist prescribed imiquimod but the lesions look worse now than before. After the course of treatment I will try the ACV if the imiquimod does not work. I will keep everyone posted!
(O Fallon, Missouri)
Apple Cider Vinegar definitely works. Just make sure to apply it consistently it for fast results! I used cotton balls, Q-tips, adhesive bandages, and sports tape and it worked wonders for me.
In fact, here is a picture of my foot before and after I used ACV on it:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
I had the contrary, as I had a big wart on my leg which wasn't disappearing with ACV I decided to use white vinegar for a few days. It was looking good so I decided to do it one last time during the night to be sure the wart was gone. My leg got very sore and it hurt a lot. When it healed I had a big brown mark, many times bigger than the wart so I really regretted it but now, almost a year later the mark is a lot lighter and actualy doesn't bother me anymore. It is near my ankle so no one is going to look down there and I think that it will still get lighter. As yours is white I really don't know. I have a lot of white spots all over my body and I have never found anything to give them some color.
(Edinburgh, Uk)
I am responding to the lady with little white scars from warts, I have stumbled across dermal rollering and I am in awe, be carefull of doing this if you have any flatwarts as they could spread. It will bring the pigment back after time. My flatwarts were everywhere after being misdiagnosed and given cortisones ( which will stimulate them as sugary foods will too... So the CURE IS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR from head to foot ( yes I stank) 1 month 3 times a day and now I dermal roller I want to upload a picture one day as I am 50 and my skin is better now than it ever was in my entire life. Clarins 20 sunblock everyday and argan oil at night. This really does work. I felt like a leper a year ago now I am so happy I found ACV simple but it WORKS be patient and keep at it.. Love and light to anyone out there who feels like I did. BE DETERMINED xxx
Apple Cider Vinegar
Found this site, did ACV on it for about 3 weeks, on a cotton ball taped to my foot every night. It got swollen, turned white, hurt sometimes. Then about 2 weeks in I noticed it was turning black. A week more and it practically fell out. I still had some black dots, but there was a small crater where the wart used to be. To make sure it was gone I used a salycilic acid liquid on it for about 4 days. Today I scrubbed the acid off and everyhting is completely gone. Just some dead skin and a hole where the bugger used to be! No dots, nuthin! I am very happy! After all this all it took was a 2 dollar bottle of ACV, some bandages and tape and a wee bit of patience. Saved me another 150 bucks and my knees from hurting because I was walking funny! ACV is now a part of my daily life!
(Fremont, Ca)
Hello all, I have been using apple cider vinegar for a week now. At first I saw some black dots but eventually the wart got white and puffy. I picked on it and the outer layer came off. Thus the wart looked smaller but underneath the other layer there remained a smaller wart. I have been using a cotton ball soaked Apple Cider Vinegar and bandaid to cover it over night. But it's again getting white and puffy with some black dots, but that's about it. The wart is not getting completely black as I read it should. It hurts like hell. B4 Apple Cider Vinegar I tried raw crushed garlic one night but ended up with a huge blister. Now to treat that I am using neosporin around the wart and Apple Cider Vinegar on top of the wart. Getting impatient with this now. Need help.
(Dfw, Tx)
(Seattle, Wa)
(Destin, Fl)
I had what I assume was a plantar wart imbedded into the ball of my foot; it was a growth that looked exactly like a kernel of corn (when dug & pried out) but obviously with a root attached to a blood vessle, because it was a bloody mess to remove. Despite removal, it keep growing back bigger year after year. Nothing 'cure it' after 10 years. Being my dominant foot and very painful once it reached a certain size; I got desperate and used an insulin needle to inject it with a bit of Clorox. Problem solved; within a week it 'died" once and for all, and turned into a dried up callus-kernel which I pried out for the very last time. It's been 10 years now and no sign of it! What a relief to have that over & done with!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Edina, Mn)
ACV worked like a charm for me after all other costly methods failed, but it hurts like crazy (an achy, stinging hurt), so if you can't put up with pain for two to three days…. Well…? Details: I had a wart on the heel of my right foot that spread and eventually became so large that it covered almost half of my heal (about the size of an American Eagle coin, without exaggeration). The wart started as a tiny little thing, then spread aggressively DURING treatment by a dermatology center. After ~$800 out of pocket for extremely painful and worthless dermatology treatments (acid, liquid nitrogen, and laser, where they numb the area first with stinging pain killer).
I began to scour the Internet for other methods. I came across this string of notes concerning the application of ACV to your warts, and decided to give it a try. I took a cotton ball and centered it on an ~4" strip of duct tape [buy only 3M duct tape… all the other brands are worthless as they do not hold to your oily skin very well], then deposited a cap full of ACV on the cotton ball and taped it over the ginormous wart area, sealing it on either side with a couple more 1" wide strips of duct tape at the same ~4" length as the one that held the ACV cotton ball. Within hours after applying this homemade gauze the area began to hurt like heck, and by the next morning my leg was throbbing with pain. I didn't care though, as I knew this was a good pain; that my immune system FINALLY had kicked into high gear to battle my wart. I downed a couple of ibuprofen to help ease the pain and kept the wart dressed like this for two days, changing my homemade gauze every 24 hours or so. By the third day, the pain began to subside a bit, so I removed the dressing. To my wonderment the wart has begun to turn a disgusting shade of green, yellow and black (just like the article I read said it would). Within a week or so the wart area dried up to all black, scabbed over and fell off. It was amazing. The area now is semi rough after it healed over, but I can live with this.
I told of this treatment to the dermatology center that I had gone to during a visit there with my young daughter for a different issue. The older Dr. that I spoke to was very interested in this method, and asked his assistant to get the details from me, which she did with pen and paper. The fact that the Dr. did not pooh-pooh this homemade remedy in the least was refreshing. The Doc said this method made perfect sense, that the acid content of the ACV was obviously enough for my body to react to it as foreign matter as it interacted with the wart area, and as such attacked the area with antibodies. The Doc said that that is really all they are trying to do with their methods… to get our own antibodies to kick in.
As a coincidence, last summer I ended up with another set of warts on my right pinky toe and the toe next to it after I injured / cut my foot. Somehow the papillomavirus (HPV) found its way to this wounded area. Again after trying to apply other methods to rid me of this wart-infected area, I finally decided to try the ACV method. I'm in my third day of treatment as of writing this letter, and again, my foot / leg aches like the dickens, but the warts are already beginning to turn black. I'll remove my homemade gauze tomorrow, and let nature take its course from there. Good luck using this method… I personally can vouch for it, but it may not work for everyone.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Clarksville, Tn)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar