Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Highly recommend ACV, there was no pain (or at least my daughter didn't complain of any) and the only thing that was bothersome was the smell. She smelt like a vinegar factory for a week, lol. Plus she had to walk around with duct tape taped around her feet for a week, but it was all so worth it!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Over the years I tried lots of ways to get rid of it- freezing, acid burning, acid band aids, alo vera, banana peal, even my own pee.. Some of them seemed to be promising, but at the end, nothing worked... A friend of mine recently told me about a method he learnt from a Thai woman in Thailand that got rid of his wart: rock burning. You take a small rock, (not larger than fist size) and heat it on the stove (he said to be careful, cause it might explode.. You never know.. ) then you wrap it up in cloth with a few layers and put it on the wart. The idea is that it kills the skin and the wart slowly, without really burning and wounding your skin - like you would if you touched the rock directly. Between rock sessions you file down the dead skin. He said his wart just fell out after 4 days, leaving the famouse "crater". Then he did one more burn to make sure it was dead and that was it. So of course I went straight ahead and tried it. Burns like hell. Did it for 2 weeks. It kills a layer of skin, you let it rest for a day and then you file it down. I reached the point where it was flat and you could see the raw area of the wart (a circle about pea size). It was as far as I've gotten with any treatement, but felt in my case I needed something else to do the job because the rock burning seemed to have lost it's effect.
Found THIS amaizing site - and read about the ACV. So went right on it: it's been 4 days already. Hurts like F---@#& HELL. Acttually couldn't fall asleep with the pain on the second night, so I decided to do it only during the day.. First day- some black spots appeared, and was quite dark all in all. I was so excited- it's actually killing the damn thing! Second day they became one centered black dot. I let it rest for the night and then filed it down a bit- so the raw wart appeared again with a black dot in the center. I also read in the testmonials about the burning of the surrounding healthy skin, so I took 2 layers of surgical tape stuck them together and cut a hole just a bit bigger than the wart - and put it as protection. I think it helps.
Anyway, I'm into the 4th day of the ACV treatement, and besides the black dot in the middle, there hasn't been much change. I'm wondering- what's all that raw part around the dot? It's distinctively not part of the regular healthy flesh. Is the whole thing supposed to just fall out when it's ready? It's not showing signs of doing that yet...
Thanks for all your support and for this AMAZING EarthClinic!!!
Hi, my son has the same as you have and the warts is already blacken, crusted and looks like it's dying but it didnt show any sign of falling out. What should I do? I tried to digging and pulling it out but im afraid of the infection. As I'm digging it out today, the pus from underneath the blacken warts came out and my son said it's pain. Please let me know how yours came out. Thank you
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've had this aggravating wart on the back of my L hand by the first finger knuckle from my thumb for several years now, and it has been slowly getting larger. On Wednesday, 4/25/12 from 2 - 3:45 AM, I searched the Internet for Wart Cures and found many references to Apple Cider Vinegar as a sure fire remedy to do this. I read several testimonies @ APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 96 YEAS!
These interested me enough that I've been applying ACV to my wart for five days now and you can see the result. It fried the Wart and it is now dead and gone, but the hand is STILL healing from the ordeal. By the third day the affected circular area (now about 2" in diameter) became swollen and inflamed from my 1st to third finger knuckles and is very tender and sensitive to touch. Also, it has formed this intensely itching, stinging scab about the size of your little finger nail in the center of it. Over the last 2 days, the swelling and inflammation is subsiding and the scab is slowly disappearing, but I do get these sudden waves of the stinging itch, which slowly recede and return at random moments. I have 3 Photos taken SA & SU of this episode.
You can't imagine how much I learned from this process. I observed the Wart through a magnifying glass every time I applied the ACV. It reacted immediately and violently every time - the first reaction to each application of ACV was a blooming of tiny, white cauliflower structures that morphed into hair like tendrils and a variety of strange tentacles and weird filaments that would slowly fade away as the wart dissolved into this black scab! A couple of times I actually saw tiny structures that looked like RF antennas form and disappear in a magic display so amazing to observe and so weird, I could scarcely believe what I saw.
(Launceston, Tasmania)
I've used ACV for both my children with warts on their feet. Currently I am treating my son, with two planter warts on each of his big toes. They have been there for a while, and all of a sudden became quite uncomfortable for him to walk and wear shoes. All I do with the ACV is use a cotton bud and soak the tip with the ACV and then just rub the wart and make sure it's nice and wet. I do it just before bedtime and we just wait for it to dry and off to bed he goes. We tried putting something over it in the beginning, but he was too stressed about it all.
So the process I use now doesn't bother him at all, except the smell, but because I'm only using a cotton bud you can't smell it for long. It is working quite well, within a day the warts had risen in height, and it didn't take too long for the centre to go black. Depending on the age of your children and their temperament, this might be the best way to go, it may take longer, but it is less of a process for the child. Give it a go, I've used the pharmacy stuff and that didn't even do anything, but make us feel sick everytime we had the lid off. I'm not a greeny by any means, but will try anything that is simple and easy and of course WORKS......
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Syracuse, New York)
Well, I have discussed this previously, but again: Genital warts are caused by a lipid coated virus. BHT destroys lipid coated viruses. BHT stands for BUTYLATED HYDROXYTOLUENE. My focus has been on the use of BHT to treat hepatitis C. But there are a very many other lipid coated viruses that BHT has proven itself to be an effective treatment for and genital warts is one of them. Here is what " fatcha brute " has to say about that:
And here is a link to the forum that quote was extacted from :Ã
(Baltimore, Md)
I've experienced the same thing. The skin on my thumb wart (I believe it's actually a plantar wart) was black and loose, and when it came off it left me with a big raw crater. I can see a small black dot where the wart still lives, so I'm continuing treatment - even though the surrounding skin is raw and it hurts like hell.
Keep us updated!
(Redding, Ca)
Hey I have a question about the progress I am seeing with my ACV treatment. I am treating a smallish wart on the back of my hand with ACV. At first I used a whole cotton ball, and left it on over night soaked in ACV with a band aid. The next morning it was black. The second night I did the same thing, and awoke to the surrounding skin being very swollen. I stopped treatment after that to let me skin heal. After a week the skin has healed well and the wart has fallen off. Now I have a small crater surrounded by red swollen skin. Inside the crater there was a small black speck (maybe some leftover dead wart) and a small grey patch that looked suspiciously like wart that I didnt get completely (maybe cause I stopped after two treatments). I continued treatment last night (the day the wart fell off) to ensure that I had killed the wart. This time I used a piece of cotton just big enough to fit inside the wart. I also applied vaseline around the wart to protect my irritated skin. This morning I awoke to the crater being filled in a bit with a blackish/dark dark red color. The color is not as dark as the first time. Today I am treating the crater/wart the same way. Throughout the entire process the burning has not been severe, and most of the time does not burn at all. Here are my questions:
1. Since I only did two treatments and stopped, is it likely that I did not completely kill the wart even though it was black, and after a week fell off. (revealing a small black dot and a grey patch (possible wart)).
2. Do I continue treatments when the wart is black?
3. The ACV has never burned as bad as some of these testimony's state. Is this an issue?
P.S thank you for all the feedback on this site, it has been very helpful. I am continuing treatment right now and hope to here from anyone that can give me some information. I am optimisitic about my treatment and feel I can defeat this wart, although it is very stubborn and has not responded to sayllic acid, liquid freezing, and tea tree oil. I'm not sure how old this wart is but I have been treating it off and on for over a year.
(Chester, Cheshire, Uk)
In reply to Phil from Redding, Ca...After having verucca of several years on the soles of my feet without even realising until until stinging began, I tried all remedies to no avail.
Until I came upon ACV. I used to the same procedure as yourself, until left with your own outcome. At this point, I applied Tea Tree Oil neat after gently filing the area with a pumice stone. I did this just once a day. Couple days of this there was no more sign. That was about three years ago and they've not returned.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Is it supposed to be like this in some cases? The thing is I am affraid that they will just keep growing and they will not go away :(. Please somebody answer. Thank you!
(Memphis, Tn)
Yes, when they turn black that means the ACV has killed them.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
My advice is be patient because my one on my big toe is very deep but the vinegar seems to be taking all the roots to the surface, I would highly recomend ACV to everyone!
And by the way I know how embarassing these verrucas are! I use to cry almost every day and my poor mum felt helpless, plus I could never wear high heels with bare feet because I was scared they would spread! My doctor said " its only a verruca for god sake " I honestly just about punched him in the face!!!! if only he knew how much it brings down my confidence :( :(
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I tried the vinegar last night just with the hope of keeping them from becoming a tail outside my butt. So far it's not clear to me anything has happened but it's very hard to see back there. Looks like the tip may be a little white, and I'm not even sure the mass hasn't grown again since last night. Hard to say. My doctor has recently seen cases even worse than mine--the day before laddering mine she had treated someone with a mass that extended all the way to the testacles, and she was unshackled and unperturbed by the size when she first saw me in August. (She works in a clinic that sees a lot of rectal and hpv-related conditions, though the focus is on HIV there and I am negative for HIV, am otherwise very healthy, got the warts from a long term monogamous partner, who I'm no longer with, for three years. ) Should I keep up with the burn of the vinegar or follow my doctors advice and let it become a painful bloody life threatening tail before a surgery that could produce months of even greater pain at least while passing bm? Who has treated internal masses this way? Anyone?
(Dallas, Tx)
The only thing I can think of is doing mega dosing with lysine and aspirin (do your own research to make sure this is a safe choice for it. ) You take 1gram of lysine an hour for five consecutive hours, and also take 1 gram of aspirin along with the lysine each of those hours to help it diffuse in the blood. This is typically for viral infections making you ill, however since HPV is a virus, I would say try this, and each day after that, take 1 gram of lysine, say 3-5 times a day. I would also suggest eating as much lightly cooked garlic as you can stomach, and as there's so much blockage and it's likely making it very hard to poop, I say take 3 tablespoons of BlackStrap Molasses twice a day, in water or whatever way you can stomach it. This helps the fecal matter slide out without actually causing diarrhea.
(Melbourne, Australia)
Pain from chicago have you tried banana peels? There is a lot of info on this site of people killing warts with banana peels. Someone even scraped inside of the peel and put that on the area with a bandage over it & it killed it in around 7 days. You could scrape the inside of the peel and insert it on the outside (and keep it there with a bandage of some sort, put some inside the area involved to see whether that helps. The banana peel even kills the roots.
Also iodine is anti viral and has also killed warts as well. Lugols iodine would be better both taking it internally and applying to the areas affected. You could use both iodine and the banana peel remedy?
Fresh urine is also good to kill warts. Soak onto a bandage and leave on the area 10-20 mins 2-3 times a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Jackson, Tennessee)
ACV Cure for Warts
I have had numerous warts in my short life, mostly on my feet. Unfortunately I grew one on my middle finger of my right hand my freshman year of college. I tried EVERYTHING, at home freezing, Dr. Freezing, wart creams, duct tape... Yeah, everything. Sometimes it would look like it would shrink a little just to come back bigger the next week. Then I read about ACV for warts. Let me tell you when nothing else works this stuff does! Just dampen a piece of a cotton ball with the ACV and put a bandage on to keep it there and continue as usual.
The downsides, it hurts like the dickens! Not at first or always, but it started to burn. After a few days my wart started to peel a little and shed a "layer". When I reapplied the ACV to the wart after taking the layer off, it burned a little all night. Then the next layer of the wart would get tough and it wouldn't hurt so bad. This happened repeatedly. Each time another layer would come off the ACV burned even more. I consider myself to be decent with pain, but there were nights I absolutely could not get to sleep because it burned so bad. It really felt like I was holding my finger up to a lighter.
Now, almost as soon as I took the ACV off at night, the pain eased - so if it becomes there's quick relief. Eventually I had a little crater in my finger where the wart had been. I probably kept the ACV up longer than I needed (about 2 weeks for the darn thing), but with all I had tried I was scared to stop.
But that was it, it was gone and it's been 5 years now.
Apple Cider Vinegar
What a mess I have :( it hurts so BAD.. And well the wart is blackish brown and a tint of yellow and the skin hurts so bad around it.. I dont know if I can continue.. But, I don't know at this point what else to do. I have already had the wart burned twice and it is going nowhere.. So I think for the night I will leave it alone.. It hurts too much and feels raw.. And looks so deformed, the skin and the wart is so big, bigger than it was.. Goodness, I wanted this to work. I would love feedback from anyone.. I am thinking, should I try the banana peel?.. maybe it would be less painful? Thank you.
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Mandy, There is BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ]. From what I have come across on the web it seems to work well for some people for warts of different types. Most of these reports disuss BHT as a treatment for genital warts. I don`t know if it will help you or not but it is worth a try. Though most people have no problem taking the 350mg capsules BHT is most often sold in some do have problems including dizzyness and hives. I suggest doing a simple sensitivity test by opening up a capsule and empty the contents onto a small plate. Then licking your finger and daubing it onto the crystals and licking the crystals off your finger and waiting a few hours to see if you have any negative response.
There has been a lot of research that shows an average lifespan increase for mice dosed with BHT over thier entire lifetimes of as much as 45%. My point being that BHT in theraputic dosages has been proven to be benificial and seems to work well for some people with warts. You can do your own research about this by doing a web search using: BHT and warts. BHT is very inexpensive also. It costs between 10 and 15 dollars for 100 capsules. I hope this works for you if you decide to give it a try....Oscar
(Houston, Texas)
Today I have no pain. The wart looks smaller and black. I think it is dead. So I plan on NOT dipping it anymore in ACV but, doing the bandaid with cotton ball. I think it is going to work. I do see a difference. I have sensitive skin and I think the dipping into the ACV was a little too extreme for me. I will update in a week. I love this site. I can spend TOO much time here reading! Thank you so much for all the information here!!
(Pittsburgh, Pa)
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Las Vegas, Nv)
Holly, Thanks for the encouraging words. I have a three year old daughter. She has a huge wart on the thumb of her right hand just to the side of the finger nail. Another on the outside knuckle of her left thumb and yet another on the inside of her left thumb. She also has two on her face. One just below the bottom lip and a smaller one just above.
I have tried the Compound W, Black Tea bags, Tagamet (per her pediatrician) and also taken her to the dermatologist who did not want to treat them due to the pain involvd...
Last week I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar. I had to stop treatment after three days on her left thumb because the vinegar is eating her flesh, but it has developed a black scab that has yet to fall off.
The huge one has turned black and I see a seperation line forming at the base of the wart. The vinegar is also starting to eat the flesh of this thumb, so I wrap the non affected area with cotton and a band aid, then apply the ACV soaked cotton ball and more band aids. She reported no pain last night. I am anxious to see this thing disappear!
(Pharr, Tx)
(Yakima, Wa)