Natural Remedies

Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

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Apple Cider Vinegar

145 User Reviews
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Posted by Love19 (Washington ) on 11/19/2016

Wart remover with Apple Cider Vinegar. It's seriously amazing!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzie (Huntington Beach, California ) on 09/07/2016

I used ACV on a huge wart that the doctor tried to remove and kept coming back... Ad I soaked a cotton ball with ACV and taped it on his toe with the sheer white Medical tape changing in the morning and at night and before my very eyes this wart slowly went away! The center started turning black and it seemed to be like a seed... Truly this is amazing and I tell anyone that will listen! Lol! My husband is thrilled! 😊

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hannah D. (Los Angeles, California) on 09/06/2016


I dealt with the same incessant warts on my hands and feet for YEARS--I went to the doctor once a week to get freeze treatments, eventually she started giving me yeast shots directly into the wart as well--I was desperate. I couldn't work, I couldn't have a confident relationship, and instead of helping more kept popping up.

I tried duct tape, no luck.

I realized I needed to really alkalize my body so at the beginning of the summer I started taking a shot a ACV before each meal and eating primarily green veggies and fruits as well as cutting back on caffeine, alcohol and smoking. I felt healthier, but warts were still there, even with treatments.
Then I read on this page to actually put ACV on the warts topically, which I did, 50/50 ACV and water. I left it on overnight--yes it burns a little but not unbearable and if it is unbearable, just take it off rinse and it was fine. But at this point I welcomed that burn! Definitely less painful than going to the doctors and having the try to freeze of give shots.

Within one night they started changing colors, and within two they were all black. I kept the ACV on all night and most of the day too mind you--I was so excited to see results, I just pushed through. Within three days, all the warts--probably 10 total, had falled off, YES FALLEN OFF!! How cool is that? Leaving completely clean craters in the skin. I did one more treatment of ACV to be thorough and then let my body start healing. It's been 3 years now and I've never had another wart, they never returned. I still take ACV daily orally, because a healthy internal balance will prevent them from making a reappearance.

I have pictures that I will post later, it's pretty crazy. Good luck to all of you I know it can be so debilitating but there's hope!

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U HANNAH,,,,,,,,,,,,, have told this story before, but you need to hear it. My little sister had warts all over her hands. A guy at the mill told my dad that a heated pencil lead inserted into a wart would kill it. I was in college at the time and when he decided to do this I objected, saying this is dumb and you will give her blood poison. He ignored me and stuck a heated pencil led into each wart.

In a week or so all my little sister's warts were gone and I had egg on my face. Don't know the science behind this, but it worked. Since then I have been hesitant to doubt natural cures.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Ny, Ny) on 07/16/2016


Currently doing the ACV treatment. I have a cluster of warts on my fingers. The first 5 days of treatment, there was stinging when I applied the ACV overnight. Day 6 I decided to let my fingers rest because the skin around the warts were starting to burn. It is now day 7, and when I applied the ACV, it began to really hurt. It still hurts a lot, and I've had it on for over 15 hours now (the longest I've put it on so far).

From what I can tell, there has definitely been a lot of progression. The smaller warts have gotten even smaller. The larger warts are starting to turn black. They are hurting the most. I am going to withstand the pain and continue treatment. I will update with pictures when I can.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Chris, instead of ignoring your body's "yelling" that what you are doing is too much for it, why don't you go the slower route, no rush, and let the pain heal, and then start again with watered down ACV?

Replied by Chad

Might wanna skip all that pain and use liquid Ionic zinc sulphate. Kills in one application. Truly miraculous stuff, no virus can stand it including herpes, hpv, you name it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Avantsiena (Atlanta, Ga.) on 07/11/2016

My son (14) had four warts on the palm of his hand. We have tried CompoundW for several months and it was working a little then we let our foot off the gas and tapered down on the regimen of nightly use. We are on the 5 day of treatment with ACV. Today one of the four warts just fell off. The others are visibly shrinking and turning black. The area around the skin is white.

-Clean hands well or affected area

-Use gauze, band-aids, duck tape and sterile tweezers

-Straight, non diluted, organic ACV

-Dip the gauze in ACV then apply to the warts

-Cover the gauze with the bandaids

-Then blot the surrounding area of skin to dry the excess ACV.

-Cover with ducktape. This is used to seal the area so the band-aids do not fall off at night.

-We apply this method in the evening at 8pm and remove in the morning at 7am.

I am thrilled this is working! Thank you Earth Clinic!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Avi (Sydney, Australia) on 05/30/2016

Apple Cider Vinegar for wart removal is fantastic. I had a wart develop just below my eye about 3 weeks ago. I let it go, thinking it would disappear by itself but it didn't. I jumped on this site last night -yes, last night- and saw the ACV for wart removal treatments. I doused a cotton bud in organic, unfiltered, unpasteurised, and placed it over the wart. I stuck it in place with a bandaid, and left it over night. I took it off this morning and noticed the wart had turned purple in colour. When I arrived home from work this evening, I touched the wart to see if it was sore or anything and it literally peeled off my face revealing soft, new skin underneath. The wart is completely gone, falling off in one lump.

One night. One night it took for this treatment to work. 24 hours later and the wart is completely gone. This treatment is amazing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Veronica (San Antonio) on 11/08/2015

Editor's Choice

My son had two warts for the last three years that I tried everything to get rid of: OTC gels (3 kinds), banana peels, freezing it with an OTC product and at the doctor's office (that was $70), finger nail polish, acetone, silver nitrate (ouch), duct tape, potatoes, voodoo methods, and fig juice from our fig tree. Nothing worked. Nothing. Finally, I convinced my son to stop being wish-washy and follow through with the ACV method every day for two weeks.

One of the warts was huge and sitting on his elbow. It was about the size of a pencil eraser. I worried it would take more than two weeks, but our next option was having it surgically removed.

The first week I just rolled a little piece of cotton ball big enough to cover each wart, dipped it in ACV and slapped it on with a bandaid. After a six days the wart began turning black/red and looked angry and raw. But so did the rest of the skin around the warts. So I let my son's poor elbow and wrist rest for about three days. Then I started putting vaseline on the skin around the wart before I put the ACV cotton ball. Don't skip this part or you will burn the tender, unaffected skin.

Every few days I filed the warts down with a fresh Emory board that I threw out after each use. I don't even remember how it happened, but I think there was a scab after the second week and then the scab fell off, leaving a small scar. The wart on his wrist just disappeared with the other wart. I must have spent $150 on the doctor and OTC medications. In the end it was 10 cents in cotton balls, a $3 bottle of ACV and $1 in bandaids. Amazing.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

V: Thanks for the success report.

Back when I was a kid, I developed a big wart on my middle finger. My dear mother suggested soaking it in Vinegar. I think Mom picket up on many of the folk cures back in the 60's & 70's from reading educational journals like Readers Digest among others. Anyway, as I recall, I soaked that finger in Distilled White Vinegar for about 30-60 minutes per day for about 10 or so days and the wart fell off to never return. It did leave a noticeable scar, but no big deal.

Fast forward to a few yrs ago and have developed another big wart on the heal of my foot. Have applied many different ointments and medicinals (both natural & pharmaceutical) including ACV & H2O2 (which were quite effective but caused too much pain) with only modest success and even have clipped & dug with incisors for removal. I once almost dug the wart out completely but it grew back again. Couple months ago I decided to apply Zapping with two small pieces of Silver Wire purchased for making C.S. water antibiotic. The zapping effect was immediate but after about 2 wks of a few minutes daily I had reached stalemate. So I increased the voltage with some improvement but still continues resistant. In conjunction with the zapping, I have, for about 2 wks to now, applied a small strip of SalonPas over the W at night during bed-time. At this point the W seems 80% dead and so am continuing with said treatments.

Replied by Dyan


I've been doing the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment for 1 1/2 weeks (covered by bandaid day & again at night.). There is a scab forming with white rim around it. Do I continue with same process until it falls off or leave open now so scab can harden? Unclear what to do going forward.

Thank you so much for info & help, Dyan

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dixie (Uk) on 07/17/2015

I have had a seborrheic wart on my forehead for the past 7 years. It started of as a freckle when I became pregnant and steadily turned into a warty looking mole. I went to my GP who confirmed it was some type of wart and they would not do anything as it was cosmetic, if I wanted it removed I would need to see a cosmetic surgeon. I looked into this but it was so expensive so I then began to look on line to see if there were perhaps any home cures.

That's when I discovered Apple Cider Vinegar!! There were many reviews saying this worked. I knew I had this in so the first night I soaked a bit of cotton wool in the ACV covered my wart and stuck a plaster on. I slept with this on and removed in the morning, there was a stinging and redness but other than that not much difference. I repeated this on night 2 and 3. The wart started to turn black and the skin around it irritated by the ACV. I thought on night 4 I would not apply it to give my skin a rest. On the morning of day 5 I was lying in bed and felt my forehead, there was dry skin around the wart which I grabbed to pull off, when doing this the whole thing just peeled off and fresh pink skin underneath.. It had totally gone!! I cannot believe I have been walking around for 7 years with that thing stuck to my head and it's gone after a few days, painlessly and inexpensively. I was skeptical about this working but it does.. so happy!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Legoboybristol (Bristol) on 05/11/2015

I had to create an account here just to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

A few weeks ago a wart appeared on my chin, I picked at it and assumed it was a spot, but it just got bigger. I accepted it must be a wart and set to work looking for a way to get rid of it. All of the pharmacist approved treatments say they are not suitable for use on the face, and so I was almost consigned to having it frozen off at my doctors surgery. It was at this point I found this site. ACV is clearly the most popular option amongst users, and I had used ACV to treat the effects of shingles successfully in the past, so thought I'd give it a go. I knew ACV stings when it has been in contact with broken skin, so thought I would also include some Aloe Vera on the plaster I applied, for the antiseptic soothing properties. I spent most of the weekend with a band aid, covered in Aloe Vera, a drop of Tea Tree, and most importantly the ACV as the top layer, which was in direct contact with the wart, I thought this had the added bonus that if the cotton wool ball slipped in my sleep, then there was still the AV and Tea Tree to work on my skin.

After the very first treatment the wart changed in appearance, turning into a visible structure of almost hair like cells (more akin to pics of other facial warts I've seen, which mine hadn't really looked like before) as well as being much whiter than previously. After 24 hours the wart had blackened, so I knew it was doing something. I woke up this morning and washed my face with a tea tree wipe and as I gently cleaned my wart it fell off in the wipe, so in just 48 hours the wart is visibly a million times better already, approximately 20% of its original size. I will of course continue the treatment, and would recommend ACV to anyone, try Aloe Vera to work with it if you have a problem with pain, because I've had no such issues. I wanted to thank this forum for saving me from having to get it frozen off. I can't thank you enough!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fatfretter (Phoenix) on 04/30/2015

I got a pencil eraser sized growth on my upper ankle. It was flat at first then within a week or so it grew and became very raised above about 1/8" or so. I thought I better go to dermatologist. But decided to try a cotton ball cut in half, soak in mothers ACV, I was very skeptical. After a shower in the morning for three days I would put the soaked cotton ball on it and two bandaids criscrossed. it turned pretty black and ugly after the second day, freaked me out. Third morning one side of it was peeling of at the surface of my leg. I didn't touch it but applied the cotton ball again. That night I took a shower after removing the band aids. I thought I would let it dry out so put on Levi's and forgot about it. Three hours later keep feeling something wet on my leg, thought was water from doing the dishes, finally got up and my Levi's had a lot of blood on them around the wart. It had fallen off. I hope its a wart and not something worse. Anybody have comments? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam (US) on 11/16/2014

handsdown ACV WORKS!!!! I had a wart for a few years. I sought medical line of treatments and otc packs (dr.scolls). nothing worked. Finally I used ACV PACK, the duct tape method and changing the pack every 3 days after gentle scrubbing..for 2 months. Results: voila ...it just vanished and I saw new skin coming, yet I continued for one more month.. I don't have a sign of it now ? it's slow but surely works!!!! Try it now. Be very religious about the procedure. Do not be lazy!! It WORKS!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Sterling, Ma) on 08/18/2014

Apple Cider Vinegar for Warts: This works! I had a wart on the top of my foot for 6 years! Like many of the other people who have posted on this site, I had it treated by the doctor and I treated it myself with the patches and every wart kit you can get at the drug store. It worked a couple times but then it would come back. I heard from some people that it may just go away. I also read that if I focused on improving my immune system that it would go away, so I did. But it just got bigger and then had 'babies'. So I did some research about surgery but I tend to lean away from western medicine. A month ago at about 3am I couldn't sleep and was thinking about how much I hated this stupid wart on me. I wanted it gone and knew I could find a way. I found this site and started reading all the feedback about how the apple cider vinegar was working for so many people. It sparked some major hope that I could potentially rid myself of these things and a month later, success!!!! I attacked the mother wart first. At the same time, I started treating a small one on the bottom of my foot and another between some toes. Every night (it was time consuming- but be persistant, you will be so happy once the warts are gone! ) I used an eye dropper full of ACV. Soak some balls of cotton that I pulled off of q-tips. I tried to make each ball the same size as the wart that it would go on. I used bandages called Nexcare, which were great because it kept the Apple Cider Vinegar from dripping and they stay on really well!! The warts first turned white. Then black spots. Then I used a pumice stone to filled the skin down a bit. A few times I got over zealous and it would bleed. I would only do the filing every other night. With the big wart, I notice the process repeat itself after I filed away a layer, it would turn white, then black again. By the way, it is painful too! I just kept thinking about how happy I would be once they were all gone:) I highly suggest taking a magnesium/calcium supplement like Calm. This will help you to sleep through the pain (besides the many other health benefits associated with taking a mag/cal supplement). I think I may have treated it longer than was necessary. I finally decided (around the 4week) to give it a break. I had come to the point where there really couldn't be more filed, and there were just crators left. Now there is new skin. It just looks a bit like there was a wound there. I am confident that with some rose hips oil the skin will heal up nicely. But first I am going to start treating the small 'baby' warts that are around where really big was. I promised myself a few things if it worked. 1)I would post the experience, 2)I would throw away all my flip flops - because I'm paranoid I will get another wart from them 3) I would buy myself a new pair of sandals! Oh and P.S. I started taking a zinc supplement and drinking ACV as I did the treatment for added immune support. Another thing, the pumice stone grossed me out after a few uses (because a lot of dead, infected skin comes off! ), so I tossed it and started using small rocks that I would gather from my backyard that looked rough enough to file the skin down:) That way I could use a new one each time!

Replied by Kelly
(Pinconning, Michigan)

My dad had a pretty nasty growth on top of his ear that I figured was a wart. So one day I decided I was going to use my hippy method on him to prove that ACV is the bomb. My mom only had the pasteurized stuff, so I soaked that in a little piece of cotton ball, applied it to the growth which I had previously cleaned with an alcohol pad, held it all there with a huge Band-Aid. Kept in on there for 3 days, changed it everyday.

By the third day it had turned black and was beginning to flake off. Mom decided to let it get some air. It pretty much fell off on its own after that. So use your discretion on how long you want to keep the vinegar on it- but I say HOSE THE THING if you can stand it. It worked so fast. Some of the surrounding skin was also flaking off, but maybe it was infected as well. I just looked at the spot- two weeks later- it's like that thing was never there. Just a tiny little scab is left and the surrounding area is nice fresh pink tissue. This thing was probably the size of 2 pencil erasers together and it's gone!

Replied by Darby
(Des Moines, Iowa)

I want to try Kelly's method of applying ACV on the warts. I have many warts scattered around my neck and a few under my breasts. I am planning to have them surgically removed but it's a little expensive so I decided to look for natural remedies that really worked on removing warts. It's good that I found this forum as there are lots of options that I can try.

Thanks a lot for the info.

Replied by Diamond
(Ma., US)

If the ACV does not work fast enough or at all, try castor oil packs also.


Replied by Darby
(Des Moines, Iowa)

Thanks for sharing the link. I'll try castor oil if the ACV cannot remove the warts fully.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Earth Clinic Friend (Forster, Australia) on 01/04/2014

I had a wart driving itself into the left side of my neck & was slow doing something about it...finally I got on to this site. I first used duct tape only on it for the first 3 days & then Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) applied twice a day with a cotton ball & band-aid for the next 3 days & it just fell off leaving no scars etc. Thanks heaps to this site!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Sc, Usa) on 12/01/2013

I love how ACV can get rid of the warts I've had on the backs of my hands and fingers for years, permanently, in no time at all. All I did was scratch the wart up a bit with a clean sewing needle, then soak a small piece of cotton (perhaps torn from a q-tip), place that on top of the wart, and secure it snuggly with a band-aid. Then, for two days, I would re-soak that piece of cotton, replace the band-aid if necessary, and the wart would almost certainly be gone within 48 hours. But me being me, I usually continue to do it for an extra day just to be sure. From my experience, and from a few others whom I've convinced to try this, it works at least 90% of the time, or 100% of the time if they need to do it again a second time with a little bit of deeper scratching from the pin. This doesn't hurt! All you are doing is scratching the wart's thick outer layer so that the ACV can seep down into the root.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Miracles (Santa Monica, Ca, United States) on 07/11/2013

I was intrigued by all the posts on Apple Cider Vinegar for various ailments and to be used as various remedies. So I recommended to a client that he use it for his wart after reading that it could disappear and/or fall off overnight. This client had been going to podiatrists and having the painful wart removed from the bottom of his foot for nearly two years - the wart probably gotten from going barefoot running. So I recommended this cure and he told me that the wart literally got black and fell off - and suddenly the pain was gone. Thank you to Earth Clinic and everybody who writes in for these amazing remedies!

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