Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Dental Issues
Posted by Reno (Memphis, Tn) on 01/27/2017

Why do all that gross swishing of oil and spit for 20 minutes? Just swish a small sip of hydrogen peroxide for 2 minutes then spit it out and rinse your mouth. This is even better for oxygenation of the gums and promotes healing of minor abraisions of the mouth and will not burn your mouth. (if you have a beard don't let it get on your beard especially if it's tinted or it may turn white. If you do rinse the beard immediately).

Dental Issues
Posted by Wwtd? (Hawaii, US) on 04/22/2015

Oil Pulling Has Cured 14 Year Gum Infection

I'm ashamed to admit that even though I have been "natural" my whole life it never occurred to me that dentistry could be as bogus as western medicine. There is a place for dentistry for sure, just be cautious.

My tale: In 2000 when I was 40, I had a root canal/crown. Infection persisted afterward. Dentist prescribed antibiotics off and on.

I quit eating ALL forms of sugar (except fruit) and grains in 2002. My infection disappeared. It returned a year later when I began eating grains occasionally. My new dentist treated it with antibiotics 2 months then INSISTED I see a surgeon. The surgeon explained he would have to dig out the infection and perhaps any fragment of root left in my gum causing the infection. I didn't want to die so had the surgery.

3 months later my infection returned. The surgeon told me there was nothing he could do except extract the tooth, after costing me nearly $8000.

I came across Dr. Weston Price research. I also read about countless cases like mine on the Net. I am not saying it isn't possible for infection to spread. I am just stating my experiences. The infection continued on and off for 14 years. It was pretty much always there. Not overly bothersome, but definitely there, going away for up to 2 months sometimes. I have been infection free for just over a year. I can't say for sure it is gone forever or if my remedy was the cure. I started oil pulling once a day for 20 minutes with organic cold pressed olive oil or coconut oil. I started oil pulling for my gums, having the infection leave was a bonus!

To be fair I must add I am very healthy. I eat 80% or more raw foods. nothing processed, so these results might not be attained by people with poor diets.

Dental Issues
Posted by Nora (Kentucky, Usa) on 08/10/2014

I tried organic virgin coconut oil for oil pulling which I had never heard about until now and I love it! It actually solved my oral issues when not even commercial mouth wash would, including my toothpaste! Unbelievable, if I hadn't tried it I would not have believed it, but I told myself, (what can I lose, so , I tried it and after about a month to a month and a half, great results, my mouth has totally healed! ) . I even read the website "wellness mama" and the other health benefits of extra virgin organic coconut oil and wow, even changed my toothpaste from flouride to the same mixture on this lady's website to try it out and it works! I am also looking into anti-inflammatory foods and detox foods to aid in better over-all health and flush out the toxins for myself and my family. I've always tried to watch what I eat and eat healthy, but there's always room for improvement. I do what I can, though, given a very tough economy still right now, so this coconut oil pulling is really helping and I think I'll stick with it.

Dental Issues
Posted by Cadillacmatt (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/13/2013

I came across oil pulling while looking for a holistic approach to oral care. I had a filling break from my tooth and I didn't want for it to rot out like ive seen in other people's. So I tried it, at the time I only had evoo, and although the results are awesome, the after taste made me gag. I did the evoo for two weeks, the difference was noticeable, whiter teeth, just an overall clean ( fresh from the dentist type of clean). Then I bought some coconut oil. Way better tasting, same results!! I'm glad I found this technique and recommend it highly!!!

Dental Issues
Posted by Om (Hope, B.c., Canada) on 05/21/2013

To Clio51 from Manchester. According to Ayurvedic books, oil pulling should be done in the early morning before drink or food with sesame oil. In twenty minutes the oil should look white when expelled. Then rinse mouth several times. The action is on all energy points on the tongue , that is why oil pulling benefits all body organs.

I have done it now for almost a year and loose teeth are firm again. Otherwise my teeth have whitened over time. Other benefits may be there as I have no other issues. Keep it up. Om

Dental Issues
Posted by Jenn (Cork, Ireland) on 01/12/2013

I have been oil pulling with olive oil for six months. I would use a different toothbrush for oil pulling and another for normal tooth brushing, and alway rinse my mouth out with warm salt water (one teaspoon in a small glass). I feel I am less likely to cross contaminate my mouth by using a different toothbrush.

My mouth feels much healther and my teeth are stronger, my dentist recommended for me to use a filler toothpaste as I have sensitive enamel. I choose to oil pull instead, and six months later my teeth are not as sensitive. I would recommend everyone giving it a try as it is inexpensive. It's just getting into a routine, like brushing and flossing teeth. Soon it becomes second nature. Of course you should follow your dentist advice also, I just made my own decision that suited me.

Dental Issues
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 12/28/2012

I have been oilpulling for over a year. My teeth have by nature a yellow tinge but have become whiter and brighter. My gums still bleed occasionally but are much healthier and firmer. Moreover, two molars that were lose have become firm and make no more trouble. If there is infection in the roots, take colloidal silver and keep in the mouth for a while. Do this for at least three days. The infection will go. I use only sesame oil as it penetrates all the skin levels and nourishes the tissue. I am 78 years old and have all my teeth sans one that went many years ago. Oil pulling is mandatory for sinus drainage otherwise the body becomes toxic.

Dental Issues
Posted by Effleurage1 (Aurora, Co, Arapahoe) on 11/17/2012

Hi! LOVE this site! Just wanted to share that I have been oil pulling, sunflower oil, for a week now to help with my dental pain and it has REALY helped me. Im so greatfull! Thanks again for this great site - Aurora Co

Dental Issues
Posted by U.n. Soldier (Vatican City, Italy) on 10/20/2012

Holy Cow! This oil pulling is amazing. That something so simple can have such huge benefits is just awesome. My gums have filled a sensitive hole in, in only 3 days! My teeth are white for the first time in my life! The first day I pulled with Grape Seed oil I slept like a baby the whole night through, which was just non existent for me. The other 2 days I have pulled with Extra Virgin Coconut oil. That is when the teeth whitening happened. Also pulled mucus out like a dam burst the first time. And get this, my molars which 3 days before did not all line up (they did not all touch at the same time when I clenched my teeth, or chewed)... Now they do! So tell how in the world is that possible! LOl I am in amazement, and happy, and sleeping like a baby with my new white straight teeth! Lol Give it a try, you will become a believer also:)

Dental Issues
Posted by Victoria (San Diego, Ca) on 09/12/2012


Hello. I started oil pulling one week ago, mainly due to a massive toothache I had. I've had work done in the area, but with no insurance, a trip to the dentist was definitely not happening. So I looked for everything. I'm happy to say that I no longer have the sharp pain in that side of the mouth. But the area, my jaw, and my mouth in general still feels sore, almost like when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I've also been experiencing general fatigue and body aches that I assumed were just detox symptoms. But aren't they supposed to last just for a few days? I feel like I've been sick for a week.

Another curious thing is anytime my head is upside down (I practice yoga), I feel pressure at the top of my nose and smell a strong scent that reminds me of tooth decay. I know this is disgusting, but it seriously reminds me of when I got my last root canal... The smell when the endodontist was removing the decay. What can be causing this? I do, unfortunately, have a mouth full of amalgam fillings. I've read about the concerns about pulling with these, but I've also read the arguments. Like wouldn't you want to draw out the mercury if you're able to spit it out? And if your fillings do fall out, oil pulled the decay from under it, and it's time to get them refilled anyhow. I don't know how true any of this is. I've read everything online, but there definitely isn't much on the topic. I pull for 20 minutes in the morning every day and some days in the afternoon a second time. I started with coconut oil since that's what we had but have bought sesame oil to use instead now. Should I continue pulling? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

Dental Issues
Posted by Nordlanding1 (Uniontown, Alabama) on 08/12/2012

I've been oil pulling with organic extra virgin coconut oil for about 2 months now. I literally ran from the dentist over a year ago when my hygienist cleaned my teeth and told me that I have gingivitis, bleeding gums and what not. When I brush my teeth, my gums would bleed. Almost immediately I started oil pulling, I noticed that my teeth felt tighter. When I brush, it doesn't bleed anymore so I scheduled me a dentist appointment. The same hygienist from a year ago asked where I had been and she remembered that my teeth were jacked up so to speak. So she asked have I been flossing everyday. Of course not was my response so to make a long story shorter, when she finished with my cleaning she was flabbergasted at how well my teeth are now compared to last year. I had a second cleaning a week later. She said, "Mr. Nord, your teeth are great, you've been doing something". that's when I told her about oil pulling.

Dental Issues
Posted by Jane (Mountain View, Ca) on 05/18/2012

I have been Oil Pulling with organic Coconut Oil for 17 days. Unbelievable. Nose runs a bit, while one TBS of slighted heated Coconut Oil with 3 drops of Melaleuca Alternifolia (optional) is swished around very consciously in my mouth for 20 minutes. Immediatley when oil is in mouth I have phlegm from throat slightly surfacing. Nose running. No problem. Results after 17 days: Gums and Teeth feel great, much whiter teeth, plaque has disappeared, infection is gone in one tooth, can now chew on side of mouth where new bridge was put in 3 months ago. Almost in one week I could start chewing. Soreness and sensitivity was entirely gone. Two of my teeth that dentist said to remove because of infection I am not going to remove. I wish that the oil pulling would grow bone. Anyone know about this? I have periodonal condition. My plaque has all disappeared. I spit out and rinse with [an oil] solution and gargle. I will write back when I see my hygienist July 5, 2012. Thank you all. Jane

Dental Issues
Posted by Newtoallthis (La, Ca) on 04/15/2012

I asked why wait four hours after eating and one hour after drinking water and never found an answer. Recently I added a second oil pulling, before bed--sometimes less than a full hour after drinking water--and I haven't noticed bad effects. I use coconut oil in the morning and olive oil at night.

I am mainly doing it for dental health and consider oil pulling an alternative to mouth wash. Rules like waiting four hours could just be part of making it sound mysterious and magical. I haven't noticed any magical cures, but my gums bleed much less during teeth cleanings and, for the first time, a dentist told me I have excellent oral hygiene.

Dental Issues
Posted by Lee (Boone, North Carolina) on 04/09/2012

I just started oil pulling 3 days ago. My main desire is to cure joint pain, but one thing I noticed after only 3 times is that my mouth feels great. I was having a lot of pain in a tooth that has had a root canal & another tooth with a cavity. I was getting ready to get a dentist appt. But the pain is completely gone after the oil pulling. I hope it works that well on my joints.

Dental Issues
Posted by Giveitagojones (Edinburgh, Uk) on 04/04/2012

I have been using Coconut oil for about 6 months now.

I stopped during a period of dental treatment (I had a wisdom tooth removed that was more filling than tooth, I strongly believed it was the cause of a strange cough I had had since the filling was done, the cough was difficult to describe, but it would disappear if I didn't brush my teeth???), I opted to have the tooth removed. A few days after the extraction and still not back to oil pulling, I suffered what can only be described as hell, my blood pressure shot up and I experienced palpitations like never before. The inflammation and discharge at the wound in my gum had allowed an infection to spread throughout my body.

The advice from my Doctor "go and see the Dentist", the advice from my Dentist "That's normal, just use some some salt water to clean the area", the advice from the emergency room I quickly visited shortly after that same day "It's not a heart attack, try to exercise more and stop smoking", the advice from a Consultant after I had completely lost my patience (and mind) five minutes later, "Take this Amoxicillin (Penicillin), and go and see your Doctor if it doesn't improve".

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I didn't bother with the antibiotics and went back to oil pulling, 3 days later, all was well (I did go crazy on my "cure all" Ginger as well), in hindsight, I should have just stuck with the oil pulling and sucking on a cut piece of Ginger root after the extraction, and when I get trouble with my teeth again (as we all will), I don't intend pausing the oil pulling.

Has anybody ever had a bad reaction to Coconut or Ginger when used together or alone, in any form?

(I should add with respect to the coughing situation above, the cough disappeared within a day or so after the tooth removal, and the only other way I could stop it was by oil pulling, but this would only last for about two hours or so).

This is an excellent site by the way and was the source of my original discovery of oil pulling.

As for the saturated fat issue with Coconuts, I don't sell Coconuts or have any interests in the Coconut industry, I personally feel that they are doing me no harm, your experience may be different, good luck and God bless to all (I hope this helps someone).