Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Dental Issues
Posted by Scooter (Phoenix, AZ) on 04/16/2009

I started OP almost 2 years ago and no immediate effects except my teeth feeling like they were just cleaned by a dentist. Over a month into it (daily routine), teeth tightened up even though I never thought/felt them being loose. Give it time but be routine.

Dental Issues
Posted by Lynn (San Francisco, ca) on 04/09/2009

I started oil pulling 3 weeks ago with Sesame Oil. At first I was absolutely disgusted by the consistency and could barely keep it in my mouth for 3 minutes. The next day I tried again and was able to swish for about 7 minutes. Everyday the process became easier and easier and now I'm up to 15 minutes. It has not taken away the dark circles under my eyes, my allergies are the worst they've ever been, and my energy has not improved BUT I have definitely noticed that my teeth are extremely clean and feel absolutely amazing. The horribly bad breath (which I attribute to several years on antibiotics) that plagued me has completely disappeared. Clean teeth and fresh breath are reasons enough for me to continue oil pulling and hopefully after a few months I will reap the benefits that others speak of.

Dental Issues
Posted by David (Brooklyn, NY) on 03/18/2009

We can hardly praise your efforts enough. Came to EarthClinic for natural approaches to abcess, and have come away with so much useful information.

Again and again, you are applaused for promoting natural answers in the manner you have.

Used a generous tablespoon of raw virgin coconut oil the first time, then an hour later used extra-virgin olive oil. Four OPs so far since last night, with at least eighty percent reduction in pain, fifty to sixty percent reduction in swelling. I confess I've slipped a few drops of clove oil onto the gum area, which virtually erases the pain, but only for a half-hour or so. The oil-pulling is so surprising. Fast, simple, inexpensive.

Bless every one of you a million times. Looking forwarding to incorporating links to your site into my many sites. So MANY great stories. Thanks to you all.

Dental Issues
Posted by Sonia (Charlotte, NC) on 02/05/2009

Hi, I have been oil pulling for 10 days now since my dentist told me some of pockets are 6. I do see it removed some plaque in just few days from 1 tooth. My teeth are little bit whiter too. I do see benefits and will continue this.

Dental Issues
Posted by Susan (Stroudsburg, Pa) on 01/25/2009

Oil pulling got rid of my tooth pain in just 3 days. I had a very painful toothache, my whole jaw and ear hurt from the pain. I could not get into see a dentist for two weeks. For several nights I could not sleep due to the pain. I tried several things first like splitting raw garlic and applying to both sides of tooth and gum area, it relieved it somewhat. I also tried rubbing with oregano oil I had in the medicine chest. I then found info on oil pulling on earth clinic. I was disparate, and tried it. I'm not sure if the garlic kicked in or the oregano....but soon I drifted off to sleep in much less pain. I used organic pure extra virgin coconut oil, unrefined, unbleached. I remember reading that this oil has antibacterial properties somewhere. I woke up the next morning and did it again. I also rubbed raw honey on he area, as I have read that has antibacterial properties as well. It was still hard to chew food for two days...but the pain was subsiding dramatically. By the fourth day I stopped oil pulling. And the pain continued to diminish and go away. I can chew good now and absolutely no pain. I am amazed! I'm curious as to what the dentist will find when I go to see him next week. Now today I did oil pulling again...going to do everyday to see if it whitens my teeth. Will keep you posted!

Dental Issues
Posted by Louise (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) on 01/15/2009

hello, i staretd oil pulling 3 days ago,all i can say is WOW, my teeth are whiter already and the black streaks on them disipated, by the way i still drink coffe,presently i use Siberian cedar nut oil (cold pressed)and only use a sip of it for pulling and 1Tsp, internally for tonifyng the organs. amazing !!!

Dental Issues
Posted by Renate (Parrish, FL, USA) on 01/13/2009

I have been OP for about a month in am for 20 minutes. My gums and pockets are better! Many 3s are now 2s and gums are not bleeding during the cleaning. I also have been doing ACV for Acid Reflux and Molasses for anti-aging (I am 56) and general well being. The ACV gave me burning tongue and very burning throat. I did the Baking Soda remedy and now do the EC receipe of 2 TBL ACV, 1 TBL Molasses in hot water w/1/8 tsp of BS. I add the turmeric and cayenne pepper as well.

My liver enzymes are elevated for the 1st time ever and the doctor seemed concerned and I have to retest in 3 weeks. I read in one of Ted's comments that some of the oil in OP settles in the liver. Has any one experienced elevated liver levels or heard of this? Not sure if Ted's comment is a bad thing or not. Thank you EC for this site and to all that contribute.

Dental Issues
Posted by Nancy (Brighton, Michigan) on 12/24/2008

after op for a month my last visit to the hygenist was greatly improved. she said what ever i was doing to keep doing it. i didn't tell her about the op. now yesterday i noticed a bump about the size of an eraser on the inside of my gum near a tooth. it isn't painful but it has me concerned and wondering if i should discontinue. can't get in to the dentist as it Christmas.

Dental Issues
Posted by Babby (Ridgefield, CT, USA) on 10/30/2008

Oil pulling is supposed to cure anything from angina to warts. While I can't say I've noticed any great bodily "health" benefit from oil pulling, my teeth are sparkling.

I'm a smoker and I have several crowns and an inlaid bridge, and these types of porcelain teeth do not respond to typical whitening methods at all.

The first time I tried oil pulling, I could actually see the difference after one 10-minute session and folks have commented on how much whiter my teeth look. In a week I noticed improved gum color. At my last dental check, my dentist wanted to know what toothpaste I was using, because I barely had any tartar (needless to say, he was incredulous when I said I had stopped flossing, which I have never been good at anyway). He also commented that my gums not only looked great, but had actually improved.

I simply can't stand the taste of sesame, so I mix it with either safflower, sunflower, or flavored olive oil. Teeth are then brushed with a good castille soap (soaps made with oils rather than animal fats) which does NOT taste soapy, by the way, then rinse with a little salt water. I am brushing my teeth only slightly more than normal -- twice a day for two minutes after oil pulling, and then a quick scrub with toothpaste just before I go to bed.

Other folks I know who have tried oil pulling have also remarked about the improved appearance of their teeth as well as improved oral health.

Oh....just make sure you don't spit your (now somewhat hydrogenated)oil down the sink drain or toilet or you'll be calling in the plumber or septic guy. And be careful NOT to swallow!

Dental Issues
Posted by Aliesha (Newcastle, NSW, Australia) on 10/18/2008

My partner recently had immense toothache pain. One of his upper teeth had broken away revealing a large cavity, and the two bottom ones, had small black flecks on them - obviously needing fillings. He had seen me doing oil pulling on a regular basis, and although happy with my results, I don't think he thought it was for him. He was writhing around in pain, couldn't sleep and pain killers would not work. The earliest dental appointment was a week away. I finally convinced him to do oil pulling. To be honest, I wasn't sure it would work, as I thought perhaps his tooth was too far gone to be be saved, but he did it every morning for around 5 days. The pain completely disappeared in all teeth. He is now a big believer and is recommending it to all his clients. Thanks for a wonderful site.

Dental Issues
Posted by Peggy (Marengo, IL) on 08/22/2008

I had a cavity in my wisdom tooth when eventually the tooth began to loosen and caused me pain. I started oil pulling in an effort to stabalize the tooth. The OP had eliminated the pain. After a month the tooth did not stabalize. But the tooth loosened up enough for a family member to yank it out of my mouth. The gums did not bleed and the gums closed up with out complications. When I examined the tooth I noticed that the OP had created a natural filling in the cavity. This amazing proof is why I continued to oil pull besides the other results of whitening of the teeth, stronger enamel and knowing I will never have to see a Dentist again to remove tarter, teeth or fill cavities, etc. I have been Oil pulling for 1 over 1 year and could not be happier with my over all mouth health.

Dental Issues
Posted by Larry (Bon Aqua, USA) on 07/10/2008

I learned about OP from a nurse at my VA. I thought about it and searched the internet for info.
The reason I used it was to remove the bacteria and poisonous toxins I was sure were under my teeth. I also have diabetes and that causes teeth problems. When I started I was in pain from an exposed nerve.

I used 1T seaseme oil and 1T sunflower oil combined w 5 drops black walnut, 5 drops pepperment and 6 drops cinnamon oils. The peppermint for pain and the cinnamon for the antibacterial. Note: oregano as far as I know is an anti-fungal, not an anti-bacterial.

Regardless I swished my mix for 15 min, keep in mind I was in pain at the time. The first effect I noted, there was no pain even when I drew cold air through the area of my mouth. I could eat hot or cold food w no pain. Needless to say I am hooked for life. Teeth that were rising and becoming loose over the next week returned to near normal and tight in the gum. I don't know about the rest of my ailments. My teeth are much better.

A side observation I would like to mention is directed to the lady in India who tried OP for her wrist and arm metacarpal. I had metacarpal, and the thing I knew that allowed me to overcome it was this. The nevre when damaged will swell in its pathway and this is what causes pain when the joint is moved. Nerves continue to swell if they continue to bump bone which causes more pain. The wrist has a very small passage for its nerves. The swelling that causes the pain is closer to the thumb than the elbow (I mean the swell is trapped). The nerve for the thumb and forefinger extends thru the arm up to the armpit. To releive the pain from my wrist I reach up on a door frame as high as I could. I held on to the frame and dropped my body slowly down, stretching my arm until it was fully extended way over my head. At first fire was running up my arm but when I reached full extention of my arm I felt a pop in my wrist and all pain vanished. Now I stretch to insure it doesn't happen again.

I hope this can help someone. It worked for me.

Dental Issues
Posted by Winnie (Washington, DC) on 04/03/2008

Thank you earth clinic. we're all in this together. I spend lots of time reading about remedies and testimonies, the yes and the nays, its all good. I am pleased to read the nays that come from people who understand that even though the product didn't work for them, doens't mean the other testimonies are fake, just as we all are individuals, we get different responses. it's all good, learn from it and ask your higher power to send you what works. that's what i did; I have been trying lots of things, every time I read a testimony, I run out and buy the stuff and start using, and a week later, I decide, this thing is not working, and sometimes get angry because I have a cabinet full of ingredients I don't want to use anymore; then I started reading the testimonies from my heart, and listening to how I really feel about a product.

What happened is that ideas started coming to me, and one of them is honey, I decided to try honey on my acne face, I had half a jar of manuka honey at home so I started using it along with baking soda and lemon juice, and imediately I could see a glow. I also had pain in my gum, and have been using OP with some results, but still had soreness with brushing, then today I DECIDED TO USE THE HONEY in place of oil, put a tsp in mouth for about 5 to 10 minutes, then spit it out and brush, wow! no pain or soreness, I also had a bump on my face, i put a dab of honey and went to bed, this money bump gone. I took the honey jar and spoke into it, thanking all the bees that gave me this wonderful product, I thanked the farmers, the store keepers and last but not least this wonderful site, earthclinic. thank you for taking us back to earth, now i know everything works, at the right time with the right attitude. Love always.

Dental Issues
Posted by Carol (Melbourne, FL) on 03/18/2008

I have been OP for 1 month,1 tab of sesame oil daily, with great success. My teeth are white and my chronic sore tongue is no longer sore, my gums and teeth are pink not white any longer. My Question concerns a tooth extraction I will be having in 2 days. Is OP a good idea after this extraction or should I wait for it to heal over about a week? Carol

Dental Issues
Posted by Sue (Manchester, CT) on 02/18/2008

Hi, I have been oil pulling for about a month. It does make my teeth feel cleaner,also notice if I'm feeling tired and need to stay awake, it perks me up, I don't have a lot of problems, so thought I would use it for preventing illnesses.Sue

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