Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Dental Issues
Posted by Chris Nielsen (Vancouver, Canada) on 01/11/2008

Thank you!!! I had an absessed touth and do not live anywhwere near a dentist. I am a herbalist so I lanced the absess and extracted the poisens. I then soaked a piece of cotton in echinacia and golden seal tincture with grain alcolol and dabbed this into pure goldenseal root powder. This seemed to help the tooth for a while. About a week or so later it started to infect again.I was already taking the echanicia golden seal tincture internally to boost my immune system.I found your info on oil pulling and gave it a try. Unbelievable !! It worked. My mouth felt clean and the absess has disapeared. My tounge was pink immediatly after and i loved the clean feeling in my mouth. I am so grateful because my tooth absessed during the Christmas Season and getting to see a dentist anywhere close by is next to immpossible. Thank you for this info. Chris.

Dental Issues
Posted by Ann Kelly (Glasgow, Scotland) on 12/30/2007

I tried the Oil Pulling remedy and found my mouth felt very clean and 'lubricated' - almost like my mouth was younger inside!!! I recommended it to my sister, but I am a little concerned because she is on thyroxin for her thyroid. Does anyone know of any adverse effects from using OP alongside thyroxin?

Dental Issues
Posted by Hollis (Hilo, Hawaii) on 12/27/2007

barbara from camden, I have crowns on many molars and have been oil pulling for 14 months, every morning with sunflower oil. So far I have had no problems with my crowns or other dental work. My health/life has improved in so many ways due to oil pulling.

Dental Issues
Posted by Cathy (Madrid, Spain) on 12/08/2007

the oil pulling is amazing. never before such mouth hygiene and healthy looking tongue and teeth.

Dental Issues
Posted by Successhere (Fairfax, USA) on 11/02/2007

I tried OP for some days a few weeks ago with Virgin Light Olive Oil, but did not experience any positive results. Changed to Sesame oil about 10 days ago, and can feel its effect in a good way. Little shine on gums and teeth and skin feels better, too. Will keep this updated as it continues:).

Dental Issues
Posted by Maria (Courtenay , BC) on 10/14/2007

Hi I've started OP 6 days ago and am pulling twice a day with sesame seed oil. I just lost a filling in my tooth 5 days into the oilpulling. I was not familiar with your site and just discovered it today. And there is the evidence with amalgam fillings. I had no idea. I do have some more fillings, but would hate to stop OP as I have noticed a difference in my energy level, my mood seems to be more consistent and steady and my feeling achy in my body, is starting to diminish. My mouth feels cleaner, my tongue looks pinker, my teeth look whiter and stronger. My gums are not as sensitive. I think I just convinced myself, that I will keep on with the OP as I really like the way it makes me feel. I think the visit to the dentist will be unavoidable, but perhaps a blessing to replace amalgam fillings anyways. Thank you for such a wonderful and informative site.Keep up the good deed. Maria

Dental Issues
Posted by Jake (Chicago, Il.) on 10/09/2007

Many thanks to Lucille from Jersey City. I had sensitive gums and nerves for several months after having two dental procedures - removal of an impacted and decayed wisdom tooth -lower left,and placement of a crown on a molar above. I was very sensitive to cold especially but hot as well. Oil pulling with coconut oil just three times cured it 95%. It was hard to believe after it was so sensitive it virtually went away. I rarely feel anything anymore except with extreme temperatures and I see even that declining as the days go by.

Dental Issues
Posted by Michelle (Winfield, Kansas, USA) on 09/23/2007

I began using acv a few weeks ago at a small dose of 1 tsp. per day. After two weeks I noticed I was sleeping better and that my dreams were better. Rather than dark and heavy, my dreams were becoming more and more light-hearted. I actually woke myself up laughing the night before. I don't know if I can attribute this to acv, but I suppose it's possible.

Yesterday morning I discovered your website and tried oil pulling for the first time. While swishing I could feel some gritty bits in my mouth, like the feeling you get after the dentist has scraped off your plaque but it's still in your mouth. Afterwards I looked in the mirror and could see some tartar between my front teeth even after brushing. I haven't been to the dentist for a cleaning in a year so I had gotten some dark plaque build up in between my front bottom teeth and on the backs. I decided to floss and when I got to the bottom teeth there was a scraping sensation then the plaque came off! I was really stunned and just couldn't believe the oil had dissolved the plaque. My teeth also looked whiter. I thought I must be making it up, but then I came back to this site and read about other people's results and they confirmed mine. I oil pulled again this morning, using walnut and sesame seed oil which I have on hand, also I have a small mouth so only used 1 1/2 tsp. I didn't see as much of a difference, but the oil was definitely very whitish-yellow which I read means toxins are being removed. I have accessed other information on the site and am hoping your reccomendations will help me overcome pcos, estrogen dominance, low immune system and adrenal burnout, problems I have dealt with most of my life. If Ted has any information on building the immune system and healing adrenal burnout and glands in general I would love to hear more. I really like your site and I am also hoping the suggestions here will rid me of the need of spending $100s a month on other supplements. Thanks for sharing your secrets!

Dental Issues
Posted by THealth (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/14/2007

Hi, I started Oil Pulling wih Sesame Oil 3 days back and the tooth which was bothering me a lot no longer bothers me. I am really a health frick and would like to see a lot of changes in my body with Oil Pulling even though i am perfect right now. Will let you guys know more as days past and i see more changes in myself.

Dental Issues
Posted by Tanneika (Kingston, Jamaica) on 08/18/2007

I started oil pulling two days ago. The first time I tried it my gums bled immediately after. I never had bleeding gums before. I tried it again the next day on two separate occasions, The first time a small hard plaque of mucus came up and about three hours later I did it again and something that I'm not quite sur what it is came up. It was very smelly. I'm seeing if OP will help me with my acne.

Dental Issues
Posted by Barbaa (Camden, AR) on 06/07/2007

I had four teeth extracted early 06 and I started having trouble with nearly the rest and I could hardly eat because it was too painful.I started oil pulling in october 06 and been doing it every day since. The result is unbelievable- my mouth is no longer out of alignment, no pain and my teeth are as white as when I was a child. I told one of my sisters about it , she been doing it with great results. I can,t say it,s helping with other problems but it is sure working for my mouth! I am truly grateful for the info. Wish I knew about it before I had four teeth pulled oh well better late than never.

Dental Issues
Posted by Abby (San Felice Circeo, Italy) on 05/22/2007

Comment and Question: It's been 2 months that I have been oil pulling. The other day a piece of sediment came out of my lower teeth. I thought my tooth was broken. I brush my teeth 3x a day it really amazed me the effect oil pulling had on my teeth. This loosening of sediment must be because of the oil pulling right? I wonder if the same thing has happened to anyone else? Regards Abby

Dental Issues
Posted by Lucille (Jersey City, USA) on 04/23/2007

Wow! I just read this cure [oil pulling] for the first time and decided to try it with my organic coconut oil. I still can't believe it but the chronic sensitivity I had in two of my teeth is gone! It's hard to tell which teeth were hurting! And my teeth feel different.

Dental Issues
Posted by Lucille (Jersey City, USA) on 04/23/2007

Wow! I just read this cure for the first time and decided to try it with my organic coconut oil. I still can't believe it but the chronic sensitivity I had in two of my teeth is gone! It's hard to tell which teeth were hurting! And my teeth feel different.

Dental Issues
Posted by Lucille (USA) on 04/23/2007

I just wrote something but I didn't say which cure it was. So, the OP is fantastic, as I said. Cured my teeth pain immediately. I want to see how it handles my chronic, horrible candida.

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