Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Dental Issues
Posted by Vaidvij (Bangalore, India) on 01/26/2007

Oil Pulling Therapy seems to work well in clearing the toxins of the body. I have my bad tooth problem cured and still continuing the therapy. Overall effects are amusing and very much satisfactory.

Dental Issues
Posted by John (Daly City, CA) on 12/12/2006

Today is Tuesday. Last Friday night and Saturday morning I had increasing pain at the root of tooth #12, upper behind canine tooth. It was getting worse. I found your web page and read about oil pulling with sesame or sunflower seed oil. Saturday morning I bought 8 ounces of sesame oil and started pulling 1 table spoon in the morning and 1 tablespoon at night. Same on Sunday, and Monday. The result was immediate. The first result cut the pain in half, the in half again, and now I can feel only a little discomfort at the root of the tooth. I do not know how this works, but am grateful that it does!

Dental Issues
Posted by J. (Charlotte, NC) on 12/04/2006

I have been doing the oil pulling for three days and have seen increasing improvement in teeth whitening as well as gums are no longer bleeding. I also have my husband swishing and a few friends and we are excited and waiting for results to report back. I love your website and find the information most informative and hopeful.

Dental Issues
Posted by Jackie (Sioux Falls, SD) on 11/27/2006

I have been oil pulling for about a month now. I was noticing signs that my gums were receeding. My gums have actually stopped receeding and my dentist told me that my gums have never looked healthier. I no longer have any bleeding of my gums when I brush my teeth. My teeth are noticabley whiter

Dental Issues
Posted by Kitty (Clatskanie, OR) on 07/11/2006

We have a group of people doing this procedure on curezone.com


also www.oilpulling.com has info

There isn't a lot of information on it, in english anyway. It's excellent for dental health with results within days if not hours. It's truly amazing!!! One lady had 3 #9 pockets plus numerous 8, 7, 6 and 5s. After Oil Pulling for 5 minutes a day for two months, she went to the dentist with 2 #7 pockets at worst.

I've been doing it for a few months now. I had gone to the dentist because of problems with a couple deep pockets. He was going to send me to a periodontist for possle surgery. Then I found out about oil pulling. I had posted on the dental forum at curezone and someone mentioned the oil pulling. After a couple days of doing it my gums felt much better. Now after about 3 months my gums are so much better, my teeth are markedly whiter, my mouth feels clean and gums healthy. My cracked heels are almost cured as well (go figure that). I have less aches and pains. It used to be difficult climbing the stairs and getting up my feet would hurt, but I feel much better all around. It's a crazy thing to do but it's fantastic. It's so simple and inexpensive. I use refined expeller pressed (Hain brand) sunflower oil. I also started adding a few drops of oil of oregano, which has anti bacterial properties. Check us out at curezone! Kitty

Dental Issues
Posted by Lisa (Port of Spain, Trinidad)

I began oil pulling 3 weeks after I suddenly developed very horrible bad breath. I have no cavities, am not a smoker, dont drink alcohol, coffee and carbonated beverages and I'm a vegetarian. I used EVOO as i couldnt get Sesame or Sunflower oil. The oil pulling has done wonders for my gums and teeth, my gums are more pink and my teeth are now a lot whiter. A gap i had between 2 teeth has closed up and there is no 'gap' anymore. However the bad breath remains and it is driving me crazy as i have to interact with lots of people. I keep wondering if i should continue with the oil pulling: will the bad breath go away eventually or do i need to use other 'remedies' as well, am I suffering from the herx effect or is my body too acidic? Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.

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