Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Dental Issues
Posted by Christel (Nolanville, Tx, United States) on 03/31/2010

Some months ago I had this terrible tootache (not the first time-always the same one) and tried several things, all of which where short lived relief. I searched the web and came upon this strange thing called oil pulling. Curiosity made me read up on it and since I had no sunflower oil (as mostly recommended) I decided to give it a try with extra virgin olive oil (which I keep at all times). It was almost like a miracle. The throbbing subsided almost immediately and after 3 days it was all gone, including the swelling. Since then I have not had any problems with this particular tooth, I just try to keep the area very clean, and since I have learned a thing or two about toothpastes I now brush my teeth with bentonite clay. I really wish I had known a lot of things a few years ago, I might have been able to safe the rest of my teeth (I wear a full denture on top), but now I want to at least keep what I have left on the bottom, and so far it's working.

Dental Issues
Posted by Atul (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 03/11/2010

Hi, I'd like to provide some background info first. My grandmother died at 90, all her teeth were intact and she never visited a dentist in her life. My father at 65, one tooth had to be removed otherwise no dental work. Both of them rubbed a mixture of mustard (rapeseed) oil and white rock salt on their gums. Besides this like all hygenic Indians they rinsed their mouth after every meal. This meant the the tiny bits and pieces at breakfast seldom rotted till night.
I on the other hand have had severe problems with teeth and gums. I took to the grandmas recipe, but found my gums were feeling inflammed so I stopped it.

I tried OP using sesame oil and have found that it does not irritate my gums.

Dental Issues
Posted by Mike (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 01/05/2010

Editor's Choice Cure for the dentist!

I've been oil pulling off and on for over a year with sesame/sunflower oil. Extreme tooth sensitivity (hot, cold, and warm) completely gone, toothaches from 1 troublesome tooth completely gone, teeth ridiculously clean smooth (stains tartar are gone). I dont think im ever going to the dentist again! I use in combination with a few drops of oil of oregano as i no longer use toothpaste (tried every brand/type of toothpaste, they all aggravated sensitivity and toothache and don't do squat for healthy teeth (in my opinion)).

Dental Issues
Posted by Lindaa (Chipley, Fl) on 12/30/2009


How do you hold coconut oil in your mouth for 15 minutes?

Yesterday I lasted 2 minutes, but it really worked for plaque on my teeth and the white coating on my tongue was gone.

This morning I used the same amount (about a teaspoon) and I had the same problem as yesterday. Saliva poured into my mouth. I lasted 3 minutes. I had to stop and breath through my mouth frequently (I must be a mouth breather) I was a coughing, gagging, spitting mess, but it worked again:) My teeth looked better, my gums are getting a health pink already.

Dental Issues
Posted by Cajun62234 (Opelousas, Louisiana) on 10/31/2009

As a proven believer in Castor Oil, the other morning I awoke with a very sore gum in the vicinity of my right canine tooth. A look in the mirror indicated it was blood red, very tender, but no blood excreted when massaging. I generally 'oil' with Sesame Oil, but thought 'Why not try CO?'... Two 20 minute sessions [about 3-4 hours inbetween] and a session at bed time. I excreted all of the 'oiling', but let the CO coating remain in my mouth over night...the next morning it was 95% better; a repeat of the previous day's treatment produced a 100% recovery by the following evening...no redness, no tenderness and a normal, healthy gum..

Dental Issues
Posted by Teresa (St. Augustine, Florida Usa) on 09/20/2009

Sesame Oil Pulling Reversed My Periodontal Disease

I have always brushed my teeth regularly but I have not been so good at flossing. A year and a half ago I went to the dentist for a usual check up and cleaning. My gums had started bleeding when I was brushing my teeth so I wanted to get them checked. I was especially worried about my 2 front teeth which are implants I got after an accident years ago.

I was told I had gingivitis and pockets in my gums indicating the onset of periodontal disease. They gave me a dental rinse to use at home and had me come back in 3 months. After 3 months the bleeding gums cleared up some but not much. After that, I did not go back to the dentist for a year. Of course my teeth and gums continued to grow worse, bleeding and causing me problems.

Then about 8 months ago I was searching online about bleeding gums and discovered oil pulling. I became curious and figured it was worth a try. I bought some organic refined sesame oil. Within about 2 weeks I noticed a remarkable improvement in my oral health. My gums stopped bleeding and my front teeth quit bothering me.

I stopped oil pulling as an experiment just to make sure it was indeed the oil pulling that was causing the improvement. When I stopped for a few days my front teeth started bothering me and my gums got red and puffy, looking like they were going to bleed again. I resumed the oil pulling and noticed immediate relief and improvement.

I just went back to the dentist last week (this would be a year between visits). They took xrays and did the cleaning. They discovered that my gingivitis/periodontal disease was almost completely gone! No cavities either. The cleaning was a breeze. They were surprised. The dentist verified that my oral health has greatly improved. I am delighted!

I am convinced it is the oil pulling that improved my oral health since I did not change anything else in my lifestyle or hygiene habits. I will continue to oil pull for the rest of my life. I am using refined Sesame Oil every morning before breakfast.

Dental Issues
Posted by Hadessah (Charlotte, Nc) on 09/08/2009

Editor's Choice I use 1 teaspoon extra virgin Olive Oil for 15 minutes every morning, first thing.

Oil Pulling has made my teeth stronger and whiter and it is healing a disorder I was going to doctors for nearly 20 years. I've tried all kinds of antibiotics to cure sinusitis. Now after oil-pulling, I feel the pressure in my upper gum, above where a tooth was extracted. Above the bony part of the gum. So I 've had an abcess for two decades. No wonder people stepped back when talking to me. My breath smelled like 20 year old decay.

I developed tinnitis and oil-pulling may eventually clear up all the abcess right at the base of my maxillary sinus, BUT actually above the bony part of my gum where a tooth was extracted in the 80s.

Dental Issues
Posted by Sandy (sandhya) (Bangalore, Karnataka) on 08/17/2009

I took a couple of teaspoons of raw honey in my mouth and kept swishing it around for 20 minutes (procedure same as oil pulling), and the spat it out and rinsed my mouth. Voila! Toothache gone immediately!!

Dental Issues
Posted by Allen (Austin, MN) on 07/20/2009

I've tried several kinds of oil for oil pulling and I find olive oil to be the best by far. My dentist is impressed with the results too... as my gums have reattached to my teeth. I use 1 tsp twice a day for 15 mins. When I first wake up and right before bed. It doesn't taste very good at first but after 15 mins. by mouth feels very clean. It's very soothing for a tooth ache or cut inside your mouth too.

Dental Issues
Posted by Linda (Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies) on 07/06/2009

Oil Pulling Cured My Gingivitis. About 1 month ago I began experiencing very horrible breath. So I began to search for remedies that were 'natural' as opposed to prescribed medication. I discovered your site and started oil pulling about a month ago, using cold pressed olive oil (couldn't find any other cold pressed oil). I used 1 tablespoon each morning before eating breakfast and before retiring to bed at night. After a few days I began to see my teeth whiten and my gums become very pink and healthy looking. A gap between 2 teeth closed up totally so that now there is no 'gap' anymore! Last week I visited the dentist where I was told that my gums and teeth were so healthy and clean that I can visit the dentist once per year instead of every six months! My previous visit to the dentist 6 months ago was not so good....I was told I had gingivitis and that my gums were receding from my teeth, my gums were also very dark purple instead of bright pink. So thank you Earth Clinic, with oil pulling my oral health was restored beyond my expectations! Oil pulling did so much for me, I will continue as long as I have life. I told a colleague about it and she too has started oil pulling! However I still wait for my bad breath to clear up. Any suggestions for elimination of this chronic bad breath?

Dental Issues
Posted by Andy (Burnley, Lancashire, England) on 06/24/2009

Yesterday, I was in excrutiating pain from a tooth I broke and had filled about a month ago. Could'nt get an appointment for a week at the dentist. I looked online for anything that could possibly help with the pain (strong painkilers did not even touch it).

I tried raw garlic, garlic mouthwash, cold water with salt (hit the roof with pain) warm water with salt (hit the roof again) nothing worked. I had read about oil pulling but discounted it as I needed an instant fix. At 3.00 am (3 hours before going to work) after 16 hours of constant pain,In desperation I decided to give OP a try with extra virgin olive oil. Five minutes after swilling and cleaning my teeth I was asleep.

I woke up with no pain at all. Another thing I noticed during the day was when I had a drink of water from the cooler, although I did feel a slight throbbing after, there was no sensitivity to the cold water at all. (I have always had sensitive teeth even before the toothache)

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. CONVERTED. I am going to carry on with OP and see what long term benefits I get.

Also I have not had a cigarette today yet and its nearly bedtime ! not even thought about it until now.

Dental Issues
Posted by Ophelide (Montreal, Canada) on 06/21/2009

After a night of web-search to avoid antibiotics for a dental abscess, found this site ! In addition to ingestion of a few drops 4xday of oregano essential oil, I started Oil pulling with coconut oil. Within 3 days, the inflammation was reduced by 80 % and no more sensitivity - The 4th day it started again to pulse and I switched to Sunflower oil, twice a day during the week-end. It has been now 2-weeks I began oil pulling and all seems OK by now - I have a dental appointment next week and I hope not to need a root treatment ! In addition my gums look healthier as well as my skin. Very grateful for the helpful information and testimony.

Dental Issues
Posted by Dorett (Lima, Ohio) on 06/07/2009

I was searching on the web for more information about castor oil after reading Kaycee's book on The Oil That Heals when i came across oil pulling. i also wondered how oil pulling that would work. Anyway i decided to give it a try, because I was having problems with gum disease and other problems, I started oil pulling about two weeks ago, and i am truly seeing some changes in my mouth, first of all my breath is so fresh, my teeth has gotton three or so shades whiter.

When I was younger I was able to bite a piece of thread because my teeth was in great shape, but i got to the place that they began to shake, and i could'nt grit the top and bottom togather, My dentist wanted to extract some of them, i would bite the inside of my jaws and lips when i eat. But now my teeth is getting closer together so much that i am able to bite a thread and chew well without biting my lip and corner of my jaws. Oil Pulling is the bomb. I am going to continue this for the rest of my life. there are othe benifits I have notice and i am glad to find out about this site.

Dental Issues
Posted by Rainidaze (Lakewood, CA) on 05/11/2009

Coconut Oil Pulling: I used 1 tbl of CO 20 minutes in the morning first thing for a week straight then on and off for 2 more and I am amazed that I have no more morning breath or mid-day yucky mouth any longer after 2 days and my teeth are even whiter than before. My mouth always feels fresh teeth very dentist clean. So glad I found this site. Thanks so much!

Dental Issues
Posted by Renate (Parrish, FL, USA) on 04/24/2009

Nancy, Change your oil. Try cold pressed organic (or expeller pressed) sesame oil or Safflower oil. Everyone can react differently to different oils. Our (my husband) gums are much better from OP. My husband's previous dentist (we changed) would not do a cleaning and told him he needed $1,000 in root planing etc. I told him he had to do the oil pulling for 3 months and then go to a new dentist and see what they have to say. The new dentist did the regular cleaning and they could not believe how clean his teeth were. He has to have a little gum work done, but all in all I was very impressed with the results. It was 10 months since the last cleaning. My dental checkup showed a lot of improvement with my gums as well showing pockets that are now 2 and 3 and a few 4. Big improvement. Thank you Earth Clinic and everyone who took the time to write about their experience.

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