Tooth Abscess
Health Benefits

Castor Oil for Tooth Abscess: Natural Pain Relief and Healing

Castor Oil
Posted by Twinsauntymom (Ca) on 03/01/2015 11 posts

Castor oil takes away pain and swelling from my tooth abscess.

I have had a long-standing problem with a tooth abscess made me miserable. My lower and upper jaw were throbbing and tender. My glands on that side of my neck were swollen and tender, and the pain went up into my sinuses.

I had experienced the pain relieving properties of castor oil before, on my arthritic joints, and thought I would try it on my sore jaw. I gently rubbed a little castor oil all over the sore area of my face and neck. I warmed the oil first, to make it easier to spread. Within 30 - 40 minutes the pain was much less, within another 20 minutes or so, it was completely gone. I applied a little more oil before bed, and put an old towel on my pillow to protect the bed linen.

When I awoke, I was still completely pain free. The swollen glands were back to normal and the facial swelling was gone.

The abscess flares up now and then. At the first sign of discomfort I apply the castor oil and the abscess never gets too painful at all.