The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 12/07/2015
Hi, You can buy Harper's powdered borax at IGA; I did until I discovered I could get a 20kg. bag from Blants wellbeing and lifestyle, much cheaper even with freight. They are closed over Christmas New Year.
Posted by Jolole (Tasmania, Australia) on 01/28/2014
I bought Borax today at Bunnings in the cleaning section. Borax hasn't been available for number of years but it might enjoy a comeback. According to the label it is imported from china, contains 100% borax and has no further additives.
Posted by Anon (Victoria, Australia) on 12/16/2013
Borax / pure from Turkey can be purchased on ebay australia, good price, fast delivery
Posted by Just Mum (Sydney) on 10/25/2020
Blants sells a good quality Borax.
Posted by Art (California) on 12/24/2021 2437 posts
Posted by Thera (Crookwell, Australia ) on 07/12/2023
Borax for weight loss and alkanising:
Can you take the powdered for that's on the supermarket shelves that you would ordinarily use for cleaning
Posted by PatD (Clifton, Qld) on 03/11/2022
Can any brand of Borax be used?
Posted by Cher (Gold Coast, Queensland) on 06/18/2016
I'm wondering if the labeled Borax available here in Australia as a multi-purpose cleaner, stain remover & deodoriser is safe to ingest? It is made by "Bare Essentials", developed with "shannon lush" and marketed by Pascoe's, 13 Casino St, Welshpool, Western Australia 6106 -
The label states it contains 990g/kg Borax and comes in a 500g container.
Is there anyone living in Australia, who has posted on this website that knows of, or has used, this particular product internally.
I would be most grateful for any responses.
Thanks, Cher
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 06/19/2016
Cher, Harper's powdered Borax is available at IGA (at least in Qld.) about $5 for 500g. I now buy it in bulk from Blants Wellbeing and Lifestyle, Earlwood, NSW. I take it according to Ted's protocol, 1/8th tsp. in a litre of water, 4 days a week. I believe there are two deposit sources in the world, one in China and one in Turkey. Hope this helps.
Posted by Lyn Smith (Nsw. Australia) on 01/29/2017
Bunnings now have Borax. 1 kg -$5.50
Posted by Sandra (Brisbane) on 08/23/2017
They sell borax and boric acid that has same uses
Posted by Michele (Australia Nsw) on 09/24/2017
I just noticed that Aldi have borax on special wednesday 27 september 2017
1kg for $4.99 not sure of ingredients
says limited stock
Posted by Old Ned (Oz) on 12/30/2017
I bought some Glitz Green fro Bunnings today (New Years Eve 2017) and the staff wanted to know what I was going to use it for. Mmmmm. Maybe it is time to stock up. I'd like to be able to get 20 Mules from U.S.A, or something from Turkey. China has a very bad reputation with exported things.
Hope this helps.
Posted by Garth (Queensland) on 08/12/2021
Hi, I have just ordered
Natural Pure Borax 900g – Blants from
Is this the one I can take for Osteoarthritis by mixing with water (1 teaspoon Borax powder per litre of water as a solution and then a teaspoon or two per day in a drink). It says its Pure so I think 100% Borax without any other ingredients? Still a bit nervous on taking this internally...
Posted by Ros (Adelaide, Australia) on 03/22/2015
In Australia, we have packages of borax in the clothes washing aisle. Not a large selection. Don't get the scented one.
Posted by Bob (Australia) on 06/07/2017
you can buy it at coles 500gm for 350
Posted by Emanuel (Melbourne, AU) on 04/03/2014
Hi guys, I search to find good quality Borax which is safe to take. I find only Glitz Green by Bunnings Melbourne from Pascoes 100% made in china. I don't trust this Product... Have you a tip where can I find borax in Melbourne. Kind regards emanuel
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 04/03/2014
Emanuel , try IGA that's where I bought mine
Posted by Merrin From Mundaring (Western Australia ) on 03/20/2014
Bare Essentials Borax 500g is available from Coles supermarkets in Australia. You'll find it in the cleaning aisle. I add a tiny bit to a drink every now and then.
Posted by Ashok (Melbourne) on 01/27/2014
Hi I bought it from coles in the clean aisle!
Posted by Stacy (Victoria Australia) on 07/26/2013
Hi... Great website.... I was hoping you coud tell me where to buy borax in australia... Many thanks, Stacy
Posted by L.h (Adelaide, South Australia) on 07/18/2011
Coles sell "Bare Essentials" Borax. Found the safety data sheet on their website ( says it is not classified as a dangerous good according to the ADG code. The ingredient is Disodium Tetraborate Decahydrate 100%. Is this a safe one to ingest?
Posted by Maz (Australia) on 10/27/2020
Borax can be bought at Bunnings.
Posted by Lily (Brisbane, Australia) on 06/07/2010
I get my borax from IGA the independant store, it was in a round plastic tub in the laundry aisle32 and is 99% borax, I have used it and it hasn't killed me. I'm wondering if the other 1% is just fillers, dust, and whatever comes with the borax when they abstract it. Hope this helps. Lily.
Posted by Emma (Brisbane, Queensland) on 03/25/2017
Which IGA store was that, Lily?
I can`t seem to find borax anywhere?
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 06/27/2017
Most IGA's in Qld. have Harper's Powdered Borax, $5.50 for 500g. White round plastic container with red lid. I've bought in bulk from Blant's in NSW and is much cheaper even with delivery fee. I use it in bath as well as in Ted's remedy.
Posted by Tracey (Rockhampton, Australia) on 06/08/2009
I have been reading about Rosecea and specifically Ted's Borax remedy and have been trowling the website. I have been suffering from this ailment since 1998 and have been using a steroid cream this whole time which doesn't cure but controls. Ted Thank you so much for you research and information as I have tried many different meaures over the years with only limited success and this is the first real sign of hope.
My question has been asked before by a Melbourne person but could not find the answer - as I live in Australia, what is the brand of BORAX/BORON that I purchase to safely use in your preparations. I am keen to start your remedy and eagerly await your reply.
Thank you again for a wonderful site...I too have recently started to reduce my flouride intact so will read more haevily on this topic. TS
Posted by Linda (York County, Maine) on 06/08/2009
Hi Tracey, 20 Mule Team borax is what is sold in my part of 'the States'.....another post here stated the gentleman ordered it online; I find it in the grocery store in the detergent aisle.
Posted by Victoria (Gold Coast, Australia) on 08/05/2009
Hi Tracey, You can actually buy Borax from Bunnings or any other hardware store. I have just started with both topical and internal treatment, and can already feel it working.
Posted by Tweeksta (Perth, Western Australia) on 08/12/2009
hi tracey bunnings sells 1kg tubs of Hovex Borax in the laundry aisle where the cleaning products are 4 arnd $11. i jus stumbled across it 2 weeks ago at my local iga supermarket next to the bleach products. it costs abt same price as bunnings & so saves me having to go out of my way 2 get it next time
Posted by Tweeksta (Perth, Western Australia) on 08/17/2009
i qouted the price for the borax wrong. it is actually a bit over $5.
Posted by Ranni (Brisbane, Qld) on 01/26/2010
Borax is also available in Woolworths in Australia in the cleaners/disinfectant aisle. 500g tub for $4.00
Posted by Helen (Australia ) on 03/22/2022
How did you find the bare essentials Robert?
Posted by Philip (Melbourne, Vic Australia) on 09/30/2010
I use Sigma Borax powder 250 gram tube (blue/white label) which I obtain from the local chemist. It costs about $9.00.
Posted by Jolole (Beaconsfield, Tasmania) on 09/20/2012
Hi fellow Earthclinic readers. I would like to follow up on some older (2009-2010) entries about availability of Borax in Australia. I live in Tasmania and have searched IGA, Woolworth, Bunnings and some hardware store and no luck. Some staff knew exactly what I wanted but stores no longer sell. This could be because of Tasmania's isolation, could also be across the board in Australia. The only source I finally found was at a waste management firm in Melbourne that sells it for A$ 4 per kilo. I just ordered 2 kg and was told that product is pure and has no added chemicals or fillers, but could not obtain a chemical analysis. Does anyone know about or use this product? At present day what is the availability elsewhere in Australia. I am regularly in Melbourne and have friends in Adelaide, so if there is a better source could you pls let me know. Blessings of health to all readers.
Posted by Lil (Melbourne) on 12/24/2021
Do you know if you can still get them from waste management firm you're referring to? Do you know the company name specifically?
Posted by Steven (Byford Perth Australia) on 04/15/2017
Bunnings has a brand of borax and the datasheet and information on its seems to inidcate it to be ok. Its called glitz green borax, anyone used that yet?