Health Benefits

Borax Athlete's Foot Treatment: Natural Fungal Remedy

| Modified on Mar 10, 2025
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3 User Reviews

Posted by Jimsiggy (AL) on 02/04/2023

I soak shoes with borax-saturated water and let them dry, in order to prevent foot fungus.

Athlete's Foot
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 02/04/2010

Editor's Choice

Borax for athletes foot:

After trying everything else you could buy at the store for his pretty much life long athletes foot problem - and not having results my boyfriend finally decided to try the remedy I kept telling him to try... borax - which he thought was poison him instantly but he 'trusted' the OTC stuff at the store!!! LOL

He wet his feet and then took a handful and rubbed it all over his feet.

He said they stopped itching immediately! He was stunned.

A few weeks later I asked him how his athletes foot was and he said: oh wow! It hasn't come back! That stuff totally cured it!!!

Now he tells all his friends about borax ;)

Replied by Julius
(Louisville, Ky)
1 posts

I would like to know - after rubbing his feet with Borax how long did he let it stay on or if he let it dry without washing off?

EC: Let it dry without washing it off.

Athlete's Foot
Posted by JS (Asheville, NC) on 05/31/2008

I have been trying to get rid of a fungal infection on my feet that I have had for years. Athlete's foot and now, in the past, 2 years, severely cracked heels (a sign of fungus, I have read). The over-the-counter creams that I have used do work, but they don't work permanently: the infection just moves around and later returns.

After reading up on the many of the remedies on Earth Clinic, I decided to make up my own recipe for a foot bath. So for the past 4 days, I have done the following:
3 heaping tablespoons of borax (20 mule team) dissolved in hot water, then added to a large tupperware storage container (cheap and perfect size for 2 feet).
Add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.
Add enough hot water to cover my the bottoms of my feet and ankles.
I soak my feet for 10-15 minutes every morning.

I can't tell you at this point if it will cure the fungal infection. What I can tell you is that after 9 minutes, I get a very powerful taste in my mouth. It is the same taste I get when I am taking supplements to detox from heavy metals. What's weird is that it happens every day at the 9 minute mark. (Coincidentally, oil pulling causes my sinuses to open at the 9 minute mark too). I think that this foot soak may be a powerful way to detox from heavy metals, particularly fluoride. I hope other people will give it a try and give me their opinions. I will report back with more results in a week or two.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Try coconut castile body wash for foot fungal problems. It really works!!!