Health Benefits

Black Peppercorns for Hemorrhoids: Natural Relief and Benefits

| Modified on Sep 20, 2024
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Black Peppercorns.

Black peppercorns, commonly used as a spice in cooking, also have medicinal properties that can be beneficial for treating hemorrhoids. Known for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, black peppercorns offer a simple and natural remedy for this uncomfortable condition. This article explores how black peppercorns can help alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms, improve circulation, and promote healing.

How Do Black Peppercorns Help Hemorrhoids?

Black peppercorns contain piperine, an active compound that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. These properties can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with hemorrhoids. Piperine also enhances the bioavailability of other beneficial compounds, making the action of other herbs and nutrients more effective.

How to Use Black Peppercorns for Hemorrhoids

Using black peppercorns for hemorrhoid relief is straightforward:

  • Oral Consumption: Swallow 5 whole black peppercorns twice a day—morning and evening—preferably on an empty stomach. If taking them on an empty stomach causes discomfort, you can take them with a small amount of food. Many users report experiencing relief within 24 hours, even in cases of severe or bleeding hemorrhoids.

Cautions and Considerations

While black peppercorns are generally safe, there are some precautions to keep in mind:

  • Digestive Sensitivity: Some individuals may experience digestive distress when taking black peppercorns. If this occurs, reduce the number of peppercorns or take them with food to mitigate discomfort.
  • Pregnancy and Fertility: In very large doses over a long period, black peppercorns may cause miscarriage in pregnant women and decrease fertility in men. It is important to use this remedy in moderation and consult a healthcare provider if you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to conceive.


Black peppercorns provide a natural and effective remedy for hemorrhoid relief, offering benefits such as reduced inflammation, pain relief, and improved circulation. This simple treatment can be a valuable addition to a holistic approach to managing hemorrhoid symptoms. However, as with any natural remedy, it is important to use black peppercorns cautiously and consult with a healthcare provider if you have any concerns or pre-existing health conditions.

Have you tried black peppercorns for hemorrhoids? Let us know how it worked for you! Continue reading for feedback from our readers who have experienced relief with this remedy!

24 User Reviews

Posted by Easterly (Elsewhere) on 11/19/2023

My elderly father asked me to pick up the "H" remedy for him at the store. While I was there, I also got a jar of black peppercorns because I had seen the remedy while scrolling through Recent Posts some years before. When I dropped off the products for him, he said he would try the peppercorns before the OTC product. He swallowed 5 peppercorns for three days, and he said his problem was gone.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Kelly (Lindale, Georgia, USA) on 04/13/2023

I am hoping to help those suffering with chronic hemorrhoids. I have had large hemorrhoids for over 16 years. External and internal. Sometimes with fissures. I was at wits end with surgery being the only option left. Hemorrhoids are pure misery, but you know that already. They take up every hour of your day. I have tried many remedies. All the ointments (Butler's, Prep H, hydrocortisone, Ching wan hung, ma ying long musk), Castor oil, sitz baths, apple cider vinegar, etc..... I have even tried prescription procto foam to no avail.. The only thing that has helped me on this miserable journey is the Earth Clinic website and black peppercorns. I take seven peppercorns whole with coffee in the morning and seven in the evening. I have been taking them for four months now. I saw results in about two weeks and have been improving since. I will continue to take them for the foreseeable future. My hemorrhoids have not dissapeared, but I will not need surgery anymore. They are bearable and have shrunken to at least 1/3 size. I do not need to tuck them in anymore to get relief. No more bleeding fissures. Some discomfort at times after a bowel movement. I just sit for 30 minutes or so until relief arrives. You know the feeling.... Thank you earth clinic for this site and for caring about natural health.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by C J (USA) on 02/09/2023

I had an external hemorrhoid burst yesterday. Usually fiber and a daily dose of ACV keeps it at bay but sometimes it still flares up. Looking for fast relief I decided to try some black pepper corns. I took about 8, morning and night on an empty stomach yesterday. Woke up today and I feel completely healed and no blood when I used the restroom. I will continue to do this 2x a day for a couple more days. And will do it 1x a day as a preventative measure. Thanks Earth clinic. Also, witch hazel on a baby wipe is a god send when one has a bleeding hemorrhoid.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Evan (Lubbock, TX) on 01/27/2023

After having performed two traditional surgical procedures to remove Hemorrhoids and still having problems I came across the article on Black Peppercorns for Hemorrhoids and so I started to swallow 5 black peppercorns 3 times a day. After a few days the difference was already noticeable and after a few weeks I felt completely cured of the hemorrhoids.

That is, the use of Black Peppercorns changed my life completely. I still consume black peppercorns a few times a week, but only once a day as I believe it continues to be very beneficial for me.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Nick (Thessaloniki / Greece) on 05/20/2021

I did the 5+5 black peppercorns protocol. In about one month my one swollen hemorrhoid had almost vanished (it was very swollen). In few days from the beginning of the my itching had decreased (but not the swelling) so I suspect this therapy worked and it was not the fact that one it cured by itself in one month. Mine was not a bleeding one and an external, so I suspect it was a thromboses external hemorrhoid and caused also some humidity in the area.

Replied by Pam
(Jupiter, Florida)

I'm going to try the peppercorns for hemorrhoids but are they bad if you have diverticulitis? Just wondering as I didn't see anything about any problems with that condition and peppercorns
Thanks! Pam

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Pat (Jacksonville, Florida ) on 04/05/2021

Absolutely works, had bleeding hemorrhoids, took 8 peppercorns morning and evening, the bleeding stopped the next day.

Replied by Mike
(Naples, ME)

I have a question on using black peppercorns for hemorroids, are the peppercorns swallowed whole or are they chewed first? Thank You.

(the beaches)

Swallow whole. Works every time for me.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Nanu (United States) on 03/19/2020

I was having a bad time with swelling, itching, pain... I couldn't sit! Earthclinic is my go to for home remedies so I went to my spice rack after reading about the peppercorns. I took 5 in the morning and felt no discomfort so did 5 at noon and then 5 at night. Just to experiment I went up to 7 peppercorns at a time. Didn't feel discomfort, so my dose varied between 5-7 depending on how many rolled out from the envelope :) Itching and swelling went down almost immediately and in a few days I was right as rain :)

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Patrick B. (Ghana) on 03/19/2019

For the past years I have been trying me best to cure my piles, but nothing works for me, till this few day when I started chewing peppercorn on an empty stomach every morning for 3 days now, I have stop bleeding, I am very impress..

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Abby (London) on 02/17/2017

I tried everything for piles from OTC treatments to Dr prescribed creams, Rutin, Apple Cidar Vinegar and coconut oil. Nothing worked. Then I came across black peppercorns so I tried it. I took 5 twice a day and my piles are now painless, no bleeding and reducing in size. Different cures work for different people - if nothing else has worked for you try this!

Replied by Geo Phil

Amazing! I have been told that you should not touch black peppercorns if you have piles! Now it really cures it. I have tried it last night and this morning. Can not say it worked. May be I need to take more days. Any particular variety Abbey? Also, how many days it took for you to see the actual reduction? Thanks.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Candice (Brisbane, Australia) on 12/30/2016

Just wish to say thank you for the recommendation of Black Peppercorns to treat ( in my case) hard Hemorrhoids. Prior to knowing of the cure, I had tried off the shelf remedies fronm the local pharmacy but, outside of easing the pain, they did nothing to rid me of the hemorrhoids which seemed to get bigger and more bothersome over a four week period. The black peppercorns I wasn't sure of but figured I had nothing to lose, and sure enough as mentioned by others here, within two hrs of the initial administration the pain had gone and a week later the hemorrhoids had also gone.

My initial dosing as per what was recommended here was 6 - 8 black peppercors x 3 - 4 times per day but after a day or two I stopped counting and instead went by appearance which equated to 12 + by 4 times per day. Following the benefit I received which I shall be forever grateful for, I have decided to make this one part of my regular diet.

Thank you once again.

Replied by KT

Does anyone know if black peppercorns can get caught in lesions and/or between intestinal walls to contribute to obstructions?

Replied by Geo Phil

Dear Candice, by 'hard' do you mean thromboses external hemorrhoids?

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Ira (Springfield, Va ) on 08/13/2016

Black Peppercorn - Amazing Little Gems

Hemorrhoids would not go away from stress and change in diet. I tried popular suppositories and it appeared to be worse. I added 6-8 to my morning regime and sometimes to my evening after eating. The swelling went down and after a week were gone. I also now add 1/2 tspn of ground black peppercorn to hot water throughout the day because I read that helps with inflammation.

Interestingly enough, I remembered that my grandmother gave me hot water with black pepper to relieve my severe menstrual cramps and it was the only relief I ever had.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Sazia (Newark, Delaware) on 07/17/2016

Editor's Choice Here is my story (It's long, so please bear with me! ). I am probably the only person who had a "self inflicted" hemorrhoid! Let me tell you why! I am one of those people who have been struggling with weight for a long long long time but not strong enough to continue with a strict diet and exercise regime for more than a week. So I bought a Chinese Herbal Laxative tea, which (according to the makers) is pretty strong. I took that few months ago for a week, and other than running to the toilets few times a day, no serious side-effect happened. Now, after 2/3 moths, I again wanted to consume that tea for another week, and again I drank that tea for 5 straight days, every day on an empty stomach. By the 5th day I went to the toilet so many times that my "...." (you know what! ) area got really strained and I developed a hemorrhoid. Now, remember, I wasn't suffering from constipation or diarrhea naturally, neither was I having any problem evacuating on my own. However, the first day was uncomfortable and I had some burning sensation. But by the third and fourth day it got so bad that I couldn't sit, stand, or walk without feeling pain. The area got really swollen and I was having all the symptoms of a hemorrhoid. I wanted to kill myself for going overboard with that laxative tea. But the damage was done, and I was frantically looking for a natural remedy. Mind you, I am one of 'those' who believe in natural remedy and avoid going to the Doctors as long as possible.

And after numerous search I found the Earth Clinic website and read all the comments of people who have had success with various natural remedies for this condition. Most of the remedies seemed appropriate for constipation (which I wasn't suffering from). I tried coconut oil in the external area for one day, and it didn't seem to work form me. I was using organic, pure virgin coconut oil but I guess that wasn't apt for my situation. So as my last resort, I bought some black peppercorn on the night of July 14,2016. I had my first dose that night. After taking the first 5/6 peppercorn, I felt significantly less pain within an hour or two. The next morning my pain was 75% gone. Even though most people suggested to take 5/6 peppercorn on empty stomach once in the morning and once at night, I found from another website that the dose can be increased much more, and one can consume 20-25 peppercorn a day. I did the same thing two days. Today is July 17,2016 (morning), and I am pleased to inform you that I absolutely no pain, no bleeding (as of this morning), almost no swollen gland. Evacuation was easy this morning, and I hope within a day or two it should be Completely alright.

Therefore, YES YES YES... it DOES work like miracle... and you guys were Godsend to me :-)! Thanks for your Honest review and comments, and this is the very first time I am writing a review about anything online because I know it is true. So anyone who is suffering from this condition, please take 5/6 black peppercorn each time and a total of 20/25 Black peppercorn every day until your situation gets completely cured.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Sjones56 (Sherman Oaks, California) on 04/17/2016

I have an externally thrombosed hemorrhoid. It is very painful. I thought I had exhausted all my options, until I found this peppercorn remedy.

I took five peppercorns last night on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. I repeated the remedy this morning. I am no longer in pain, and the peppercorns are actually shrinking the hemorrhoid! I can't believe it! The improvement in less than 24 hours is dramatic.

This is a miracle/game changer for me. I thought I would need surgery or would be in weeks of protracted pain until my body absorbed the clot. Not so! I intend to continue using the peppercorns until I am fully healed.

I echo what other reviewers have stated here: THIS IS NOT A PRANK! IT WORKS!

Please share this remedy with others! It works!

I paid $3.35 for a bottle of Black Peppercorns.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by Toni (Oregon) on 02/03/2016

Editor's Choice I have had what have been called "historical" hemorrhoids (yes, by a nurse after having babies). I have bled for almost 8 years. I have been weeks away from bleeding to death this year. Last month, I was pouring blood. I was told my only option was that brutal surgery (invented in the 1920's) and because my problem was SO bad, I'd be debilitated for about 4 weeks with the real possibility of having to use a catheter for a few weeks and possible additional surgery of stenosis of the anal opening. I stumbled upon this site and WOW! I tried the peppercorns. I had nothing to lose. Within 24 hours the bleeding was about 3/4 less (they figure I was losing 1/8 of a cup every time. In about a week I actually had bowel movements without blood. I canceled the surgery. Now, three weeks later, I have more non-blood bowel movements than with (and if there is, it's like 1tsp). Pain after bowel movements is practically nill.

Last week, I also added Fragelin, a chinese herb and Collinsonia Root, a supplement, that are said to strengthen the colon wall. THANK YOU....Oh, and my husband has shared my buns with the neighbors...well, the information about them. In one family, the 40-something year old son, father and grandfather all have this problem. They used the peppercorns and they said they are also having great results.

Replied by KT

Dear EC,

I do not have painful, external hemorrhoids. I suspect I have may have internal ones/blood clots because after vigorous massaging of my abdomen I will expel blood. I have been taking cayenne for that. Cayenne is also reported to restore peristaltic action to "dead zones". I feel I have killed some nerve cells. From holding my bowels so long over the years I also feel I have stretched my gastrointestinal tract so much it seems to be full of lesions and stool is accumulating between the tract walls. I read that the inner lining is only one cell thick and in my mind, it could stretch and tear easily. One CT revealed "free fluid" several years ago. Where there was a complete separation of the lining, stool collects as if in a "pocket" in the lower section just before the anus and causes rectal prolapse. Sometimes tampon use will help prevent the vaginal "bladder" prolapse but if not, I have to push that prolapse back in so stool can be expelled.

I know I have adhesions due to multiple surgeries and have resumed taking Serrapeptase...being only available in a capsule now, this could contribute to another problem. My question is, if taking peppercorns morning and evening with shrink hemorrhoids, would it be harmful to take peppercorns three times a day? I think the "fleshy" lining has become similar to someone losing a lot of weight and having excess skin. I took two yesterday before lunch as a trial, making attempts to help reduce the excess overlapping, fleshy lining that seems to hinder evacuation.

I would appreciate any feedback concerning this situation.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Kt,

My thought is that people tend to like remedies that don't have to be dosed multiple times a day and twice a day seems to work for people. But if you want to take 2 peppercorns three times a day, that is not an excessive amount at all, if it seems to agree with you or benefit your particular situation. I think that smaller amounts of a remedy over the course of a day are often preferable anyway in many cases.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U KT,,,,,,,,,, could respond on most posts but on yours, I have first hand knowledge via my Tractor Driver. Up until about 10 years ago when we got into this natural stuff, she had a bowel movement every week or every two weeks. I got her on a fast colon cleanse that caused her bowels to lock up . We got in touch with a Hydro Therapist and began her colonics for about 2 weeks. That got her out of this dilemma, but did not solve her problem.

Her next colon cleanse I have written about years ago. It took about 6 months for her to clean the accumulated plaque from her intestines. Now we fight over who goes upstairs or downstair to the potty first every morning. She is a different person.

For folks who have bowel problems I recommend that they go to Holistic Horizons web site and read. Buy Dr Grey's book.

ATS =====ORH==========

Replied by Sara
(The Beach)

I take this at least twice a week and eat it like a yogurt: I blend one apple into a sauce, add a cup of water, then add ground flax and chia seeds and add raw honey blend them all together and let sit for a few minutes for the chia to thicken then eat. You will have no troubles with build up in bowels or colon ever again.

The measurements are 1 tsp of raw honey, 1 heaping tbls of chia and flax.

I hope this helps anyone with this issue.

Replied by Namaw

Not everyone who has hemorrhoids gets them from constipation. I got mine from constant diarrhea. Apples with chia and flax? I'd never get out of the bathroom!

Replied by Sara
(The Beach)

The apples, chia and flax was in response to the post about build up in the colon and bowel on the thread, not hemorrhoids. It is probably in the wrong place but just a reply.

Replied by Amctab


Do you boil this apple, flax and honey?

Replied by Geo Phil

I have seen a quote regarding the Chinese medicine Fragelin. It contains very high amount of arsenic, much much higher than FDA standard. So its worth checking.

Black Peppercorns
Posted by May (Orange, AU) on 04/15/2015

After 4 months of bleeding internal hemorrhoids - and trying most of the suggestions on this site - I decided to try the black peppercorns - my goodness - in 3 days, bleeding has stopped and what an improvement - still not completely gone - but - wow this is amazing!

Replied by Dries
(Free State)

Hi May

I posted the remedy about the black peppercorns originally...I would like to know if it cured your problem completely...strange that the doctors don't tell us about this stuff...peppercorns very cheap to buy...

Replied by Susu

It's not strange, the doctors don't learn any natural remedies, only pharmaceutical because there education is heavily influenced by the drug industry.

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