5 User Reviews
What I did was: squat sitting at toilet, and no toilet paper, just warm water with shower and drying with a towel. Western style toilets are bad for squat sitting but it is still possible. Just be careful. Use some proper consideration before trying in order to avoid any accidents.
Proper Positioning
I started using the 6 inch step (two shoeboxes for my tall toilet) and the irritation and itching have declined significantly. Now only a few times per day do I even take notice of any irritation and it is minor and goes away if I don't think about it.
It is more natural for us to squat when defecating. It loosens the muscle in the colon that controls continence and allows an open path for stool with less straining. Non-western countries where squatting is the norm have very low rates of hemorrhoids (compared to America where more than half the population will have them at some point).
Of course a healthy diet and exercise have been shown (more empirically than squatting) to increase ease of bowel movements and prevention of hemorrhoids, but the 6" step is probably the most efficient way of alleviating hemorrhoids.
Google 'squatty potty' or 'slate don't just sit there' for some informational videos/articles on the subject.
Proper Positioning
If you are constipated, you may need to wait a little while for it to get working. It is the natural position for a bowl movement, like squatting.
Teach "elbows on knees" to your children. Get off the couch and eat whole grains and other fiber.
Proper Positioning
Proper Positioning