Health Benefits

Can You Use Borax in Capsules?

| Modified on Mar 10, 2025
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3 User Reviews

Posted by Eric (California ) on 06/16/2022


Can I take the 1/4 teaspoon of Borax and put it in a slow release veg capsule?

Replied by RB
(Somewhere in Europe)
85 posts

Eric, Great question. Yes, exactly, how about using slow-release veg capsules?

Alternatively, Everybody, how about using regular gelatin capsules, taking one capsule every 4 hours (that is a total of 4 capsules per day) where each capsule contains only 1/16 teaspoon of Borax?

2424 posts

RB & Eric,

If you just follow the original method that Ted described of mixing the borax in a quart of water and sipping a bottle everyday for 4 or 5 days a week, that is essentially a slow release of the borax all day. Sometimes simple works just fine.



Art - much appreciate your knowledge. I'm having some herx at very low doses. I'll be using my quart of borax over some extended time until my body tells me I'm ready to increase. My -question is - should the solution be kept refrigerated? thanks much.

2424 posts


Refrigeration between uses would be a good idea. I never have to refrigerate because I finish what I make in one dose now and I take it all at once since I have gotten to pain free.



Yes, it is not problem to refrigerate it, even it is better for me.

Borax Capsules
Posted by Jens (Vancouver ) on 07/24/2015

I have been taking gelcaps of 20 mule team borax which is about 11% boron mixed 50% with magnesium citrate. The caps full are about 0.5 gram, or 0.25 g borax or about 0.0275 g which would be about 27.5 mg. I feel that when taken it helps with sleeping better waking up less stiff and less sore. If I don't take them a few days later I am reminded first thing in the AM.

Borax Capsules
Posted by Alakhi (Mt) on 11/16/2013

I have a question regarding Borax. I do not like the taste. I was wondering if it would be effective to take borax in a capsule as an alternative? I grew up in a moldy envirnment and have had problems with pcos, acne, hirstism, energy, food allergies, candida, etc.

Replied by Prioris

You can put borax in a capsule or just keep diluting it in more water until it is palatable.

Replied by Ken B

Try mixing it in with lemon water or juice :)

Replied by Elsie

Can the borax be put in veggies caps instead of mixing it in water. Thank you