The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
14 User Reviews
Posted by Grace (London) on 05/21/2023
After reading through some remedies for hemorrhoids I tired ACV and Vicks and even castor oil but was making the progress I wanted. And at 37 weeks pregnant I did not want to have them in labour so I used Coconut oil morning and night pressing it into the anal entrance and after a 2 days it healed.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Inky (India) on 11/12/2016
I wish the whole world knew about this remedy
I've begged my doctor friends to suggest it professionally.
I've had a few bouts of haemorrhoids in my life and have discovered that coconut oil inserted into the anus and around the piles to sooth clear symptoms up often completely within 24 hours.
My general approach is after every stool and every shower actually every time I'm in the bathroom .. with my finger after proper cleaning I just insert a blob of coconut oil and then lightly massage around the anus also.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Bily (Bitola, Macedonia, Macedonia) on 02/20/2016
Coconut oil cures my hemhoroid. After 1 day of inserting coconut oil almost everything is gone, all pain and itchyness are gone.
Replied by Amanda
(Cleveland, Tn)
Coconut Oil
Posted by Valindafiddle (Bushnell, Fl) on 01/19/2016
These things have driven me crazy since menopause-I did not have them before (hemorrhoids). I tried everything under the sun, including many remedies on this site. I was headed towards surgery until I had this breakthrough: I had made a salve floating around on FB for gum issues, made of turmeric and coconut oil. One night I accidentally reached for the turmeric salve instead of my hemorrhoid salve, and fully expected inflammation to set in. The next day, no pain. The second day (I applied again), they seemed to burst or something. Third day, no pain.....this continued until all I have left is a skin flap with no content. I apply the salve daily, made of two capsules of turmeric mixed in with 1 and 1/2-2 Tablespoons of organic coconut oil (this amount lasts for weeks as is applied sparingly). Works for me. My chronic discomfort is gone and constantly needing to apply helps is over. Once a day is about it. I was careful not to make this 'gum' salve too strong as turmeric is potent, to some extent. I eat healthy and make sure regularity is consistent. All I can say is, it worked for me.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Banjara (India) on 08/03/2014
Hi, I can vouch for the coconut oil for relieving the pain and swelling of hemorrhoids. What I did was take a small cotton ball and generously dip it in coconut oil. Then I placed it you know where and in two days the swelling has gone down dramatically and the pain too. I haven't had any blood in these two days. I did this at night while sleeping. I also did once in the day and wore a sanitary pad to help from staining cushions / clothes. One could wear their PJs as against a pad and rest. This works!!! And so do apples. Say no to white flour/sweets and alcohol till one is healed. :)
Coconut Oil
Posted by Charlotte (San Francisco) on 06/01/2013
Coconut suppositories really work! I have struggled with hemorrhoids for a while now during pregnancy and after. I came across this site, got rid of all those over the counter creams. Have been drinking cayenne tea in the morning and evening and doing a warm sitzbaths with Witch Hazel also using ice cubes to cool the area in between, Apple cider cotton balls if I feel pain. Three times a day EVC suppositories, made with plastic wrap super easy and popped in the freezer. After 3 days I feel so much better! Also changed my diet to help with the constipation due to breast feeding. No bread, read meat, lots of grain salads, apples and lots of water! Hemorrhoids are much less painful, not totally gone now but a big relieve not to be afraid to go to the bathroom! EVC Give it a try! PS: Kegel exercise also helps, not only for women!
Coconut Oil
Posted by Simmy (Toronto, On, Ca) on 04/08/2012
Just wanted to share my experience and hopefully someone will use it the same way I used the info posted here when I was in need. I got a very bad external hemorrhoid on March 23 , due to one day of constipation. One time only! BTW, will never eat white dry Chinese rice ever again! Anyway, I got scared when I saw it there, like a bean size and very... Outside! So, I started the research and after I filtered the remedies I tried the AVC local first. It didn't work for me, it actually got a bit more swollen and red and itchy. I gave up the AVC used external but I did take internal one tbsp every morning and every evening in a full glass of warm water. Then I did the following: small cotton balls wet with witch hazel, put in the freezer, used one local after every bowel movement. After that applied the coconut oil ( sometime dried my "area" with the hair dryer ( don't laugh).
I used Coconut oil suppositories every night: I rolled coconut oil in the wrapping plastic foil, put in the freezer- just give them the form of a normal suppository, a bit thinner to ends. It worked very well, I could swear by it! Every evening I was drinking a full glass of water with a tbsp of flaxseeds. I let the flaxseeds sit in the warm water for 5-10 min just to get them soft and very easy to swallow. Bathsits, warm water ( I did hot water at the beginning, the hemorrhoid didn't like it). I also started using Proctosedyl cream ( Dr recommended) on March 27. By April 1st my hemorrhoid was gone. I didn't use the cream too much, maybe three days only but the best result I believe I got it from the coconut oil. I hope this helps. Simmy
Coconut Oil
Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl) on 06/03/2011
(I apologize in advance for the TMI). Have to add a big YES to the coconut oil remedy. I was on opiate painkillers for 2 weeks following wisdom teeth removal. I became severely constipated and was barely passing any stool, then, to make matters worse, yesterday I developed a painful hemmorhoid which made it impossible to pass any stool! I went to the store and bought Preparation H and Tucks suppositories but they provided little to no relief. I was still experiencing swelling and burning and my constipation was so bad that I couldn't do anything except for lie in bed motionless or lay in a fetal position. I really thought I would have to go to a hospital. Desperate, I tried to think of some other remedies I could try. I always keep a jar of coconut oil (make sure to use a brand that is organic, unrefined, and closest to its natural state) around, so I decided to make my own DIY coconut oil suppositories. Here is what I did:
1) Find a wrapper to use as the mold for your suppository. This can be an old suppository wrapper or, in a pinch, you can use tin foil.
2) Use coconut oil in its solidified state. If your coconut oil is too warm and it has liquified, pop it in the refrigerator or freezer until it has solidified. It will be easier to mold that way.
3) Spoon some coconut oil into the suppository mold. Don't worry about it being perfect the first time, the goal is to just fill the suppository mold. NO DOUBLE DIPPING into the coconut oil tin, use a clean spoon, especially if there is any possibility that the spoon has come into contact with any feces.
4) Pop your suppository into the refrigerator or freezer for at least a few minutes so that the coconut oil solidifies further.
5) Take the coconut oil suppository out, use your clean fingers to remold the coconut oil into a "bullet" shape (it doesn't have to be perfect), and put back in the refrigerator or freezer for at least a few minutes more. The cool temperature is especially soothing, so keep it in longer if you want it to be colder.
6) When you are ready to insert the suppository, take the coconut oil out of the fridge or freezer. Try not to touch it until the very moment when you are ready to insert it, because it melts very quickly once it touches your hands or body. Insert the suppository quickly into the rectum.
Aaaaah, instant relief!!! The cooling, lubricating, anti-inflammatory nature of the coconut oil goes to work almost instantly. Every hour, I alternated these cooling coconut oil suppositories with warm baths with epsom salt. Within 3-4 hours of alternating the suppositories and baths, I was able to administer a mineral oil enema and pass a bowel movement comfortably without too much pain and with absolutely no bleeding. I will continue to use these suppositories until the hemmorhoid is completely healed and will try the ACV remedy tomorrow. This is a great alternative to chemical-laden, ineffective suppositories and I hope it helps someone else who is suffering from this painful and debilitating condition!! (P. S. There is a natural suppository on the market made from coconut and vitamin E oil that can be found in major health food stores in the U. S. - can't list the name because EC probably won't let me, I haven't tried it but I'm sure it could be helpful. It's from one of the biggest natural fish oil/vitamin E oil manufactorers). Good luck everyone!
Replied by Alfred
(Rangsit, Bangkok, Thailand)
Replied by
Anna (Austin, Texas)
13 posts
Coconut Oil
Posted by J.S. (Portland, Oregon) on 06/07/2010
I am curing my hemorroid fissure with virgin coconut oil and turmeric. I make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of turmeric. I apply this to the fissure when ever needed (after bathroom, when pain gets to bad). This is the only thing I have used that controls the pain and swelling. I have tried ACV, hydrogen peroxide, Listerine, vics, otc's, cornstarch, ice, mud, sea salt, and baking soda. Nothing worked for longer than 10 minutes. After 4 applications of the coconut oil/turmeric I was able to continue with my house work.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Rose Fenton (Bournemouth, England) on 02/14/2009
After suffering from haemorrhoids and inflammation with severe itching, also anal fissure, I can recommend virgin coconut oil for it all! Tried various medicinal products and nothing seemed to help, and was in desperation, being disabled, so put the VCO to the test, and within just 3 days, everything was 50% much better. Do try it!
Coconut Oil
Posted by Maria (Valdosta, GA) on 01/07/2006
After having a baby, I had horrible hemorrhoids. Certain underwear was out of the question, but it usually took me a day to figure that out! After one episode that left me in pain every time I sat down, I found this web-site and chose the coconut oil remedy. I added an extra step--first, I clean the area with a cotton ball soaked in Witch Hazel. Generous amounts of coconut oil followed, and I did this about 3 times a day--basically every morning/night and after each bathroom trip. After 3 days the pain was completely gone, and after a week and a half I can no longer see visible outer hemorrhoids. I continue the treatment everyday, just not as often, and I'm hoping to wear that sexy outfit for Valentine's! Thank you so much for the advice!
Coconut Oil
Posted by Carol (Baton Rouge, Lousiana)
When I was bleeding going to the bathroom it was bright red. I spoke with my Dr. and he told me bright red means there are hemorrhoids inside the rectum and the fesses is hard and scratching. If it were cancer the blood would be dark or brownish red. I read that coconut oil was great for hemorrhoids so I used it and guess what I have had no problems in over a year. Remember no double dipping.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Terri (Carlisle, PA)
I am a nurse's aide and I have used coconut oil on some of my patients hemorrhoids, some so large the patient could not sit down without pain. After using for about 6 months the hemorrhoids have completely gone. Applied externally 2x's a day or after each bowel movement and bath. For sanitary reasons, each person had their own separate bottle for their rectum area only. (no double dipping!!)