High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Management

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

General Feedback

Posted by Franko (Perth, Australia) on 11/20/2012

As recommended I used the combination (mixed in a mixer) as a high blood pressure remedy. Used 1 or 2 sticks of Aloe /minus the thorns/, 1 lemon, 1tbs of honey, 1 banana, every morning on an empty stomach for over a month. My Blood Pressure is around 150/100 for around 35 yrs. Never used medications. had no side effects, It made no difference in my blood pressure at all. Maybe helped with my gastritis.

General Feedback
Posted by Hil (Studio City, Ca) on 04/03/2012

I would like to thank everyone who responded to my post. It is most gracious of you to take your time and provide me with advice. In answer to some questions, yes, I tried the Mother and faithfully practiced the protocol, yes, I have had my adrenals checked and double checked. I also completely re-read the blood pressure thread and it seems what works for some doesn't work for other. I just have to find it. My offer stands.... $500.00 to you or your favorite charity if I can find my cure. God bless you all

Replied by Heather

Hi, sorry if this duplicates what you have already been advised but 2 things I know lower blood pressure are potassium( such as eating bananas) and garlic. But really there must be a reason why you have high blood pressure that should be addressed as well. I should think that anything that thins the blood like aspirin for example would help to lower your blood pressure too. Reiki lowers blood pressure too if you are interested, it always sends me to sleep! Just some ideas for you.

Replied by Mike
(Montreal, Quebec)

Here is my 2 cents: Hawthorne in capsule form. Valerian also in capsule form.

There is a lot of talk on the internet about the miracle effect of placing a bar of ivory soap between the sheets at night. This would help balance the electrolytes while you are sleeping. What I do is place each bar of soap just behind each of my knee caps and all the sudden I go from hyper to complete relaxation mode in less than 10 seconds. You can experiment by placing the soap bars on various locations of your body but should target the most stressed areas of your body. First do some reading on the internet about all those who were shocked because it worked so well for them. This has been very effective for me for as long I can remember since I to have always had high blood pressure problems because of work related pressure. Above all, high blood pressure will always be aggravating to you if you don't improve your work habits.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Hil, have you had hair mineral test for metal toxicity??? I have very high Manganese plus abnormally high Arsenic plus a fungal and bacterial infection that often accompanies heavy metal toxicity. My BP has been fluctuating and is today at 186/118, is yours this high or higher???

Kidney malfunction is common hpb indicator. Have you advanced hardening of arteries, this could elevate.

Celery is supposed to be good for lowering hbp, also the amino acid L-Arginine is prescribed.

Replied by Lusabit
(Sandakan, Sabah Malaysia)

You can simply follow my guide Hil.

First, stop eating processed food. Limit table salt, stop smoking, limit sugar, exercise every day, learn about breathing technique, no more red meats, add more vegetables and fruits in your menu. Second, juicing is the best way to reduce your HBP dramatically as I experienced after being HBP for more than 10 years and now I'm back to normal. What I did is juicing fruits and veges. Mix them together.

Drink 1-3 times a day (a cup) of freshly pressed fruits vegetable juices. Choose vegetable that you can tolerate. Each cup of juice may contain one, two ore few of the following

- Carrots
- beets
- melons
- daikon
- radishes
- FRESH celery (root and greens),
- wheat grass, barley grass, dinkel grass
- parsley (root and greens)
- dark green vegetables
- kale
- cucumber
- apples
- Grapefruits
- Cabbages
- Lettuce
- Root Turnip and Leafy Turnip
- Oranges

You can test the following combinations or create your own:

Carrots, parsley and celery
Carrots, cucumber and celery
Carrots, spinach and kale
Carrots, apples
Carrots, Cabbages
Oranges, carrots, lettuce
Carrots, wheat grass and kale
carrots with any green veges
green veges with oranges.

I also love steamed vege (brocolli, carrots, cauliflower plus any green leaves) as my lunch and followed by fresh juices. Not only lowered my BP but also energizing me too and my skin looks clear than ever. I hope this helping you. By the way I need the $500 to buy my new juicer and more fruits and veges.

Replied by Kat
(Comox, Bc)

What type of juicer do you use? Need to know good cheap ones so I can afford it, I am seraching for one that presses as well. Is there such a thing? I am dealing with breast cancer and HBP. thanks for the ideas, kat


Use your blender, add distilled water, grind your fruit and veggies, strain and refrigerate. Voila!

Replied by Lusabit
(Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia)

Hi Kat from Comox, I'm using the cheapest one I found. It's Pensonic Juicer, a local brand in Malaysia. It only cost me around $30, so far still working. Using it since years ago. I attached a link for the juicer images below. Hope this help you. http://www.ezyshop.com.my/store/pic/ezyshop2/item/PJ-37_@_LR_Green.jpg

Replied by Hope
(Sacramento, California)

Hi Hil -I also tried the ACV for over a month quite a while back and it did not help.

What might be of assistance to you would be magnesium oil and also salt loading.

Please go to a search engine to find the info for the salt loading protocol. It is powerful and effective , when following the directions, and always using pure sea salt or celtic salt. The combination of using the magnesium oil and sea salt protocol calms my heart profoundly without fail.

It also helps to walk 1-2 miles each day and to feel appreciation of one's life and connection to the earth and source energy whenever possible.

Our thoughts create our reality on so many levels....

Wishing you the best....

Replied by Lou
(Elk Grove, California)

First, I do not need the money, you can donate it to local SPCA or humane society. Next, this is what you do to lower and maintain blood pressure, Eliminate salt, absolutely zero salt diet. Make a tea as follows organic Hibiscus (quater cup), Green Tea (2 tbsp), organic Hawthorne Berries (quater cup), in a tea pot using boiling hot water (filtered). Let it steep for 20 mins, then drink it. You should be able to make approx. 6 cups of tea. Finally, go for a walk for about 30 to 45 mins every day. by the end of second week, you will see normal BP. I did that and mine is 106/72 and it used to be 180/120 and sometimes even higher. Remember, NO SALT.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Your body needs salt. You mean "no refined table salt". You need unrefined sea salt. Unrefined sea salt is a gray like colour and you can only buy it from health food stores. Unrefined sea salt will not raise blood pressure. You have to make the distinction between refined and unrefined because telling someone to cut out all salt is very dangerous. Our bodies need salt (unrefined).

Also processed foods contain huge amount of refined salt.. Cut out processed foods out of your diet.. read the labels how much sodium is in these foods (and I use the term food loosely here).

Replied by Marie
(Batavia, Ny)

I have read that the calcium we eat when we are older goes into our arteries and blood instead of our bones and it calcifies our arteries. We need vit k2 to dissolve this. I just ordered two bottles. I read 500-1,000 mg to take. I will try that since the arginine did not work for me even tho I took it for four months.

General Feedback
Posted by Merilyn (Middleton, Wi) on 11/07/2011

I have been battling High Blood Pressure since a bout of Viral Pnuemonia that the Dr. gave me an antibiotic for. Even though I questioned an antibiotic for a viral infection I was told I needed it to not get sicker(! )and I was sick enough that I did not question further. I have been trying many things to bring it into a less scary range... Anywhere from 145/89 to 210/115 varies this much in the range of the month. I decided I would try a supplement I read about in an online blog that has the extract of 7 flowers with the title of Seven Flowers Extract. Does anyone have anymore information on it? Maybe has used it? I have ordered it and it has no information on the bottle, what little is written on it is in Chinese.

Replied by Cameron
(Brisbane, Qld, Australia)

I do not know anything about your herbs but Co Enzyme Q10 should be on your list as should Garlic. Both of these are scientifically proven to bring down your blood pressure, take 200mg of CoQ10 and a couple of cloves of raw Garlic each day. You might also look at your stress levels at work or home, alcohol, coffee, caffeine consumption. Have you had a ECG or Stress ECG? How is your heart and circulation? If the simple things above do not get your blood pressure down you should wonder if something else is wrong.

BTW sorr,y about your breath with the Garlic but it does work.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Marilyn, most diseases in the body indicate a mineral deficiency. High blood pressure indicates a magnesium deficiency. With high blood pressure the blood vessels constrict making it harder for the blood to pump around the body. The magnesium relaxes the vessels around the body (including the heart) lowering the "pressure". It of course does much more than that ...

As Cameron suggested garlic is excellent and should always be in your diet along with onions and ginger root.

A good book I am reading is by Carolyn Dean, The Magnesium Miracle. Another book which is excellent and I am about to purchase "Healing Power of Minerals, Special Nutrients, and Trace Elements" by Paul Bergner. Please do your own research but I strongly recommend you supplement with magnesium.

(Batavia, Ny)

I must be cursed because magnesium does not work for me. I tried 400 mg every single day for almost 4 months. I am at my wits end!!!

And I used the powder stuff too., and still did not work. Depressing.

Replied by Frances
(Cabarlah, Qld.)

There are various types of magnesium supplements. Also, with magnesium chloride 'oil', you would need to spray 8 squirts transdermally to get equivalent 400mg of magnesium.

General Feedback
Posted by Stac3y (Winston, Nc) on 02/14/2011

I'm a 31 year old woman (145 lbs; 5'8'') with low blood pressure and a high resting heart rate. When I had my bp checked over the weekend, my bp was 126/86, but my resting heart rate was 107. I'm very concerned that my heart is overworking, but cannot figure out the cause or how to help myself.

I do drink far more caffiene than I should, but without it, my bp falls so low that I can barely motivate myself to get out of bed. I regualrly incorporate turmeric, cayenne, and garlic into my diet. I am on a restricted high protein/low carb diet b/c I am hypoglyciemic. I use ACV daily.

In the times I go to the allopathinc doctors, they see noting wrong with my vital stats, but thins just doesn't seem healthy. I have a family history of heart disease, so I am very concerned.

Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. ~Thanks in advance.

Replied by Merryanne
(Orange City, Florida, Usa)
113 posts

Hello, From what I read about your symtoms I would like to make a sugestion, it isn't a great magnefisent discover, but I sugest for the next 2 weeks 4 times a day you fill a 2 cup measuring cup with water, nothing else added to it and drink it all down ASAP, 2 liters is the miminium amount of water a person should drink each and ever day, your blood systeme is dyhydrated, drink at least 2 liters every day, to clear up most old age sings drink 3 liter a day, , , , Merryanne in Central FL

Replied by Stac3y
(Winston, Nc)

Thanks, I'll give it a try. I do stay pretty hydrated, but I'll kick it up a bit.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

A while ago I had read a book on Water where the author advised to drink water with a bit of salt. The explanation sounded plausible and I started doing it. Just a little salt in a way that I hardly even noticed it. Still, lately when I lie down I feel my heart beating in my throat, very disagreeable. This morning I went to the doctor because of horrible lower back pain and he was not happy with my blood pressure. Could it be from the salt? I think so! And although in the book the doctor advised the use of water with salt exactly for lower back pain could it be that in my case it caused the pain? I don't know! As I have recently stopped taking the pill and am now officially in the menopause the doctor did a blood test to have a look at my hormones. For the time being no more salt for me, no matter how good it is!

Replied by June
(Pasadena, Ca, Usa)

Hello Francisca,

Are you using sea salt or iodized salt? If iodized salt, that may indeed be the culprit. Try sea salt and see if that makes a difference. We recently bought a blood pressure monitor to use at home and it's been very interesting! I have low/normal blood pressure unless we got out to eat at a restaurant that has put a lot of salt in the food. Too much salt is usually not a problem here in Los Angeles area, but if we leave the state, I've found there's a lot more salt in the food than I am used to. My b/p also shoots up for the next day. As you say, very uncomfortable. Let me know if it's still raised on sea salt. Very curious! My best, June

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Dear June, I have Celtic Salt or the equivalent here in France which someone on this site told me it is Sel de Guarande but I have usually been using Portuguese sea salt which I believe is quite pure and it is not iodized. I bought it in a health food shop and it looks like salt should look like, a bit wet and gray, not the very white dry one. As I recently stopped taking the pill and have been having quite a bit of trouble with pains and aches I have no idea if the fact that I felt the heart beat in my throat is connected to the menopause or to the use of the salt. When the doctor measured my blood pressure I was terribly horrified and stressed out. I am going there again on Friday but for the time being I haven't been putting any salt in my water. Still, I believe that it can be a good idea because if you drink a lot or water, which I try to do you also lose a lot of valuable minerals through your urine.

We are planning to move to another part of France where there there are a lot of natural doctors. I can't wait..... Here there is a homeopathic doctor but I would prefer someone who uses broader therapies because homeopathy is not the best therapy for every problem, I think! I am about to go out and buy magnesium to see if it helps with the back pain. And in the meanwhile I heard from an English lady who has been helping us find a house who had the exact same problems with pain when she stopped taking the pill a few years ago.

Replied by Marie
(Batavia, Ny)

Yep true about water lowering blood pressure. I read about it. Supposed to drink one qt for every 50 lbs we weigh. I barely get a half a qt a day and I weigh 130. Trying to drink more tea becasue I hate plain water.

Replied by Marie
(Batavia, Ny)

Just sayin that for me what helped to lower my heart rate was an indian herb called Mukta vati. It's supposed to lower the bl pr and people rave about it., but it did not help my bl pressure. It lowered my resting heart rate from 80 to 65. I still take it though because it keeps my heart lower.

General Feedback
Posted by John Catmull (Trang, Thailand) on 01/31/2011

Just read a study on BP wrist monitors. They regularly read 6 mmhg higher than what's real.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

I bought a wrist BP monitor for $35 when the cheapest machine I could get at the time was $159. A great deal I thought! What a waste of money, very inaccurate, the slightest body movement also alters the reading. Plus you don't know when it is inaccurate. For anyone who wants to buy a machine (and have the time to wait) keep looking at the special brochures from the chemist because about once a year they have a good special or two. I got mine for $59 a saving of aprox $80 at the time.

General Feedback
Posted by Knyck Espiritu (Manila, Philippines) on 01/11/2011

Is it ok to combine 2 teaspoons of ACV in 8 oz of water with 2 tbs. of Blackstrap Molasses (instead of Honey) 3 times a day for my High Blood Pressure?

General Feedback
Posted by Manan (Mumbai, Maharashtra) on 08/17/2009

Hello sir, actually i am a 15 year old male. actually i have a problem of medium blood pressure. 1st when i went to a doctor my blood pressure was around 154/70. my lower blood pressure always remains normal.but my upper bp always remains high. then i started having medicines of haelopathy. but there was no reduction in my blood pressure.after few days i started having homeopathy medicines and after that my blood pressure was around 130/67. when i go to a doctor my blood pressure suddenly rise up to 135/74. so i just wanted to know how to make a control of it. and when it remains in control do i have to take medicines again and again????

Replied by Gs
(Cambridge, Ma)

Sometimes merely walking into a doctor's office can raise blood pressure. If you can get a blood pressure reading elsewhere besides the doctor's office, it might be interesting to see what reading you get.

General Remedy Guidelines

Posted by John T (Manchester, N.J. Usa) on 06/23/2013

If I decide to try a remedy for, say, high blood pressure and I am already taking prescription medicine, do I stop taking my meds when I start trying the remedies?

Replied by Prioris
(Fort Pierce, Fl, Usa)

You are supposed to discontinue the medication for however long it takes for that medication to become minimized in your system. Usually it takes between 2 to 5 days so 3 days should be enough.

I would recommend that you forget about blood pressure and focus on cleaning your arteries. See my post under peripheral artery disease regarding nattokinase.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

John: You need to be more specific than "prescription medicine" as the topic is entirely about specifics. Although in general common remedies like ACV do not have any interaction with drugs, but you may experience an even lower than normal pressure reading, in which case you would need to reduce the mg of your medication. Also, do read the entirety of "drug interactions and warnings" on your prescription; NEVER take pharmaceutical meds without first reading the info monograph.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Win F. (Canada) on 05/03/2020

Editor's Choice

My very simple way to lower blood pressure that works remarkably well for me is to drink Ginger water every day.

Be sure to monitor your BP because it might get too low.

You simply make ginger tea by putting a few slices of raw ginger in your teapot, add boiling water and let it steep. Drink whenever you feel like either hot or cold. That's it! No more beta-blockers for me.

Grape Cure

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Charles (Willingboro, New Jersey USA) on 04/04/2009

I would like to try the Budwig Diet. I've had success with the The Grape Cure I used it for high blood pressure, but was unable to last longer than 3 weeks. It really worked and reduced my blood pressure from 180/140 down to 120/80 in three weeks, but shortly thereafter I faltered and began eating a regular American Diet again which has caused it to rise once again. Please send me the specific protocol so that I may give this regime a try and see if it can help with my blood pressure. Thank you ever so much. Stay well, Charles

Grape Seed Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by M_mtz (Ca, Usa) on 11/08/2013

High Blood Pressure cured with Grape Seed Oil!

Have been using GSO now for about 2 years & must report that both my HBP & bad CHOLESTEROL have been excellent in the past 6 months of lab work! Though nothing would ever make them normal again and from using it to cook and as a moisturizer. My mom's as well. She was at 260/150 and now 105/59 just like me! Truly amazing!!!

Replied by James W

How much did you take, and how often?


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Maria (A.C.T) on 08/10/2021

I have a friend with mild intellectual disability who was diagnosed with high BP so I enquired of my Chinese MD what they prescribe for high BP in China. She said they always prescribe Hawthorn, but she is not allowed to prescribe that in Australia so I purchased capsules for him at the health food store. Don't remember dosage etc. They brought him into a normal zone after a few weeks of daily dosing.

Posted by Rose F. (Dorset, England.) on 04/26/2021

I can recommend Hawthorn drops as a great help with high blood pressure. I tried beetroot, which also worked, but could not take the taste for long, whereas these Hawthorn drops are virtually tasteless. It has brought my high BP down successfully, but I need to take it every day, once or twice a day.

Posted by Humbleheart (Sw Usa ) on 09/05/2017

I've been using hawthorn supreme for high blood pressure. I take two caps and bite them then let the hawthorn liquid dissolve under my tongue. About ten minutes after I check my blood pressure with a home digital monitor. It always goes down. Mostly the top number. If still too high, I take two more the same way. It's worked so far. Both numbers go down about 10 if I take 4 caps. I've stopped my bp medicine by tapering. I'm off it now. Only use the hawthorn.

You should do this with a blood pressure monitor and take notes. Did you eat? After exercise? After the Hawthorn extract or the capsules like I used them. By keeping this journal I can see what happens to make it rise. For me, the Methylene Blue made it rise quite a bit. Smaller dose shows it doesn't rise as much. I can take the hawthorn to balance it. In the process of trying lower doses I'm checking my pressure so its stable. You should check with all your medication and keep a BP journal. Its so important to have a journal and take it all day. Its a hassle but once you figure it out, its worth it.

Posted by Laura (Seattle, Wa) on 02/09/2010

As an herbalist I have recommended Hawthorn Blend with positive results to 8 different people. All 8 had a drop in their blood pressure after using a tincture (30 drops AM, and PM) for about 2 weeks. I would recommend anybody with blood pressure issues to research this herb. It also corrects low blood pressure.

Replied by Betty
(Canfield, Ohio)


Replied by Sarah

I'm waking up couple of times a night with high bp and palpitations pumping thumping and blurred vision, chest pain. Seen cardiologist heart fine said my BP is fluctuating and could be gut related. During day bp is low. Do you think Hawthorn might help?

(New Zealand)

Hello Sarah,

The only (couple of times) that happened to me, was when I had been for an evening meal at a Vietnamese restaurant and I could only put it down to excessive MSG as a causal factor.

Are you able to make a similar association I wonder?


