Health Benefits

Hemorrhoids: Essential Oils Treatment That Works

| Modified on Mar 10, 2025
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11 User Reviews

Posted by Ted (Houston, Tx) on 09/10/2015

For Hemorrhoids - Use 1 part peppermint oil with 3 parts of coconut oil and apply to the area. That has always helped me in healing hemorrhoids in a night.

Essential Oils
Posted by Yorgo (Kansas) on 08/29/2015

Research the power of Essential Oils! I use them for many homeopathic remedies. And especially Aromatherapy.

For Hemorrhoids: create a sitzbath with nice warm-hot water, add 3 drops lavender oil, 2 drops lemon oil, and 2 chamomile... Aaahhh, soothing, cooling, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. etc.

Essential oils are amazing ... please make sure you are using 100% pure essential oils...

Essential Oils
Posted by Rich (Pittsburg, Pa) on 11/21/2014

I have found the holy grail of hemorrhoid treatment that worked for me almost immediately...I thought I would never be free, ..I even had a colonoscopy, & the well known Dr.who took great pride in being smarter than me about these things didn't even give any solution than more fiber & water! But I've discovered essential oils of myrrh & cypress with coconut or olive oil as carrier oils. The holy grail I found first though, was Ma Ying Long, an award winning solution for hemy over in China.

Replied by Truself

Can u offer details on the essential oil amounts and how used for hemorrhoids?

Essential Oils
Posted by Benqish (Metar, Israel, Israel) on 12/01/2013

I have successfully tried this combination. In a small jar of about 50 ml mix 2 or 3 of these oils: olive, avocado, sesame or almond. Sesame is the best but the others are also great. Then add all or any of these essential oils about 10 drops each: peppermint (or spearmint), cypress and tea tree. Apply 3 to 4 times a day when bad and less later: before and after every BM, after showering and before going to bed. Application is by dipping the middle finger in the jar and sliding about 3 cms (1 inch) up the anus and applying externally around the hole. Do this 2 to 3 times. Never double dip (ie replace your dirty finger into the jar). This is difficult even unpleasant (I do understand), but it does work. It works very, very well. Good for hems and fissures. Basically you are lubricating the area for easier BMs and applying a good dose of vitamins and ant-bacterials where they are needed. Stops the itching too.

Essential Oils
Posted by Griselda (San Antonio, Tx. Usa) on 09/07/2013

You don't believe what it help me - so simple and it feels so good, Thank you God! Because I know was U helping me! Organic Greek yogurt! , Yes, just put it in the roid, push it gentle inside, within a second, the bump just disappear! I put it with a drop of tea tree oil, God Bless you!

Essential Oils
Posted by Karl (Galway, Gaway) on 04/29/2012

Hi there, I was suffering from an external pile last week. The pain was so bad I couldn't walk properly and I had to pretend that my back was sore. What I did was I mixed 4mls if frankincense oil and 4mls of Myrrh Essential oil into 300grs of raw unfiltered extra virgin coconut oil. I would soak some soft tissue in the mixture and sit it between my bum cheeks. Within 15 minutes of my first application the pain was almost non existent. I couldn't believe it. I did this twice a day for a week and now I'm cured. I'm sure if one had bleeding and internal piles, using a enema and throwing a bit of cayenne pepper on your food would do wonders. Hope this helps all.

Essential Oils
Posted by Jennandluca (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 04/24/2012

Hi There, I wanted to add to the Hemorrhoids section. I have been applying Tea Tree Oil to my hemorrhoid, and it instantly cools and relieves the pain. I'm not sure if it actually helps to shrink the rhoid, but for pain control, I highly recommend.

I had learned about using Tea Tree Oil to help control and heal pain on a boil I had, so I thought it couldn't hurt to try it on my hemorrhoid.

Hope this helps someone else. thanks, jenn

Essential Oils
Posted by Big Tuna (Park Ridge, Illinois, Usa) on 06/29/2010

I really enjoy EC & have used many of the remedies it contains. A few weeks ago I had a rare bout of constipation. When I finally did have a movement, it felt like I was passing broken glass. It took considerable effort (and tears) , but I was finally successful.

The problem is that now I have a bleeding hemorrhoid since that day. I am starting my 4th week of trying almost all of the remedies on this site for this ailment with no success or relief. It has gotten so bad the past 3 days that I can't sleep. Even OTC pain relievers have no effect on the pain. I have taken B6 & Rutin for 2 weeks; no effect. Last night, 6/28/10 I became desperate & took my bottle of tea tree oil & applied several drops to my finger tip & gently messaged it into the hemorrhoid & surrounding area. At first I felt nothing. In about 3 minutes I felt a warming sensation & possibly a little less pain.

I began watching TV & about ten minutes later I realized that I was actually sitting on the couch & I didn't have any pain. I was able to sleep from midnight to 10am this morning. When I arose from bed, no pain. About an hour later I had another BM. I wish I could say it was pain free, but it was NOT! This time I only had a slight trace of Blood. After I cleaned up I reapplied the tea tree oil & had to wait about 10 minutes & the pain subsided. In fact I went out & cut the grass! As I am writing this I am sitting on a regular chair without the dough nut!

I don't know if the tea tree oil will cure my hemorrhoid or not, but it made it much more bearable & I was able to sleep. Tea tree oil is a fantastic product that I have used for years on cuts & scrapes, hot spots on my dogs etc. It is fungicidal, antiseptic & a germicide. It can be purchased from almost any drug store, vitamin/health food store & many on-line vitamin sites. I got mine from swansonvitamins.com.

I know your pain my brothers & sisters.

Big Tuna

Replied by Isabelle
(Garden Grove, Ca Usa)

I like to share this info: in Europe we use rutin in powder around four grammes, and here the dosage is only half a gramme it is not enough to make a difference in crisis. As per Adelle Davis (may her soul be blessed for she saved my life) vitamin c and vitamin e (natural mixed tocopherol) every hour at the beginning of the crisis shall reduce the pain in a few hours. The same for thrombosis. Unfortunately I don't remember the exact dosage of vitamin e but if one is not taking any, it has to be a small dosage to start with. As for vitamin c, increase the dosage up to 1/2 gr every hour but decrease the dosage if the stools becomes too loose. (best to use vitamin c as crystal ascorbic acid with bicarbonate to make ascorbate c as per Ted remedy). peace!

Essential Oils
Posted by T. in Los Angeles (Los Angeles, USA) on 09/18/2008

I am trying Preparation H mixed with 3 drops Lavender oil and 2 drops Eucalyptus oil. It tingles but it helps disinfect and heal skin tissue. I also have been using suppositories. I have been using Lavender oil for the last ten years on scrapes, pimples and small cuts. Amazingly my skin doesn't scar when I use it for 3 times a day for 5 or 6 days!

BTW, ACV with garlic diluted in water is an excellent way to clear out bacteria and viruses in the colon as an enema. You will need to replace good bacteria with probiotic yogurt or friendly flora supplements.

Essential Oils
Posted by Kim (Hagerstown, Maryland) on 05/31/2008

I started asking about hemorrhoid remedies while pregnant with my fifth child. During the previous pregnancy (and especially after deliver) I had horrible, painful hemorrhoids.

A friend suggested the following:
1 small (2oz.) tube of KY jelly, squeezed into another container - mix in 5 drops of cypress essential oil and 15 drops of geranium cypress oil and mix very well. Apply liberally as needed.

I'll say that it does "tingle" but I wouldn't go so far as to say it burns. It provides almost instant relief and my hemorrhoids have remained very mild this time around!

Oh - one other thing that did work great for me was straight ICE PACKS - nothing else. But not as convenient as the essential oil mixture!