Health Benefits

Borax Banned in Some Countries: What You Need to Know

Borax Bans
Posted by Andrew (England) on 06/30/2015

My usual borax supplier had this message when I went to some a few days ago:


This product is restricted for Sale to the General Public under Annexe XVII of EU Regulation 552/2009.

It is only available for sale to Companies and any sale will be subejct to a Declaration of Use being completed.

Please contact us before purchasing"

Seems our beloved Ted was right on the money as this restriction is totally irrational to a compound less toxic than table salt.

It can still be bought from that auction site and be imported but my advice is STOCK UP before a total ban if you live in the EU. Medical tyranny is halfway here. Look out for each other and stock up for your "chemical" remedies.

God bless.