Health Benefits

Borax Dosage Tips: Safe and Effective Use Guidelines

Borax Dosages
Posted by John (AUSTRALIA) on 08/15/2024

Another John here.

Fenbendazole, Ivermectin also has this reaction sometimes along with Borax, what do they all have in common, they are antiparasitic. Feeling nervous or very anxious as I did, is some of this parasitic load dying off and releasing more mess that is absorbed in your blood (which is then cleaned up). You just need more. I have family taking a teaspoon a day and they feel better than ever. The Herx will pass. Push through.

Borax has specifically fixed in my family;

  • Arthritis
  • Thyroid (no more thyroxin)
  • Regrowing Knee joint (Slowly)
  • Halted all tooth decay and prevented any new problems
  • We all sleep soundly now and can go back to sleep if woken
  • Cramps, also take Epsom salts and Magnesium Chloride. Borax works with these also.
  • Translucent tooth enamel regrown in days. Two dentists said this was impossible. BTW, your teeth are alive.
  • Hair, nails strong (I wash hair and brush teeth with it)
  • Eyesight clearer (no focus change)
  • The last for Borax for now is that we...... no longer get sun burn.. Believe it or not. We used to get burnt in 5 minutes of the Australian Sun, not anymore. It feels good to be in the sun. First exposure I was ruby red like never before and quickly. However, no pain and no peeling and it became a tan. Never since.

For other problems, I would also say to take Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO. A third would be a Bob Beck blood electrification unit and these three are going to cover nearly every problem a person has. Cancer, Autism, everything.

Green alkaline raw juice made at home also will help fix many problems or compliment.

It is worse than Pharma holding back these cures, Much Disease is actively given to you, most via vaccines.

Many more cures (Rife machine, Lakhovsky MWO), they don't want you healthy, fighting fit and questioning.

Good luck to you.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Earth Clinic on 02/08/2024

Ever wondered about the exact amount of boron you're consuming with each sip of Ted's recommended borax solution? We've got the insights you need! For a moderate sip, estimated at around 15 ml, you can expect to ingest approximately 1.7 mg of boron from the men's solution (mixed with ¼ teaspoon of borax per 1 liter of water) and roughly 0.84 mg from the women's solution (1/8 teaspoon of borax per 1 liter of water).

And just how many sips does a 1-liter bottle hold? The answer is about 67 sips. This breakdown helps you gauge your boron intake more precisely, ensuring you stay within Ted's recommended dosage, whether you're sipping throughout the day or planning your intake more strategically.

Borax Dosages
Posted by globalrapture (melbourne, fl) on 09/05/2023

I've taken borax for years now. I usually get a gallon of water and add in 1 quarter cup at least to a gallon ////I also add it to vodka and any alcohol I have on hand and let sit 48 hours........I also bathe in it. Borax makes you feel tranquil and peaceful. That's how you know it works.

Borax Dosages
Posted by John (Michigan) on 07/09/2022

Editor's Choice In response to:

Posted by Isolda (Beaufort) on 04/24/2022

Hello, I did the 1/4 tsp in a litre of water first day loading but by the time I reached 3/4 of the bottle about 5-6 hours later I started to feel antsy and nervous. I was a little anxious. Later in the evening I felt anxious again. Like it had a second cycle in my body. Probably going through my liver. I have read that the dosage of the 1/4 tsp = 114mg is incorrect. Can you please confirm that it is correct?

I find a lot of people but especially women do not tolerate the recommended doses on this site initially. I start people out on 1/16 of a USA teaspoon in liter of water. I will have them do this 3 times a week the first week. If that does not bother them next week I have them do that 5 days and take a break over the weekend. If they are an average size man or larger I will have them jump to 1/8th teaspoon 3 days a week and build up again to 5 days a week. IF they are women I have them try 1/8th teaspoon on one day and stay at 1/16th the rest of the week. The idea is to sneak up on the full daily dose without negative side effects. If they get anything more than a mildly upset stomach I will have them take a day or two off and back the dose down. Your body has been deficient your entire life on this trace mineral. Not everyone can jump in at a high dose. The goal is to heal your body not make yourself sick and miserable.

My wife only takes it once a week at 1/8th teaspoon and that keeps all of her joints pain free. I have been taking 1/4 teaspoon per day for years and it only helped my joint pain the first month or so. It greatly improved my Vitamin D absorption though! I am upping my dose though to 1/2 a teaspoon of Borax and Backing soda to see if a higher dose helps.

I started my Dad on 1/4 teaspoon of Borax and 1/2 teaspoon of backing soda each night before bed. It stopped his kidney disease and reversed it one grade and improved his joints and all of his other health markers. It also cured his constipation. He takes a lot of medications that cause constipation but that is not a problem now. It has not done anything for my joints, tendons or ligaments but I am convinced that it along with vitamin D and K2 removed the calcium deposits from my heart valves.

Before taking Borax no matter how much vitamin D3 I took I was always deficient. So start slow this is not a race. Take what you can and titrate the dose upward as your body can handle it. Do not be afraid to stop it and let any side effects go away before restarting!

Borax Dosages
Posted by Nice Lady (United States) on 06/24/2022

Editor's Choice There are two methods of taking this 20 Mule Team Borax powder. One is to put one teaspoon of the powdered borax in a liter of water and then use this by putting a teaspoon of this water in a glass of water once or twice daily. The second way is according to Ted's advice which is for men to put 1/4 teaspoon of the 20 Mule Team Borax into a glass of water once daily and drink the whole glass. He also recommended for women to put 1/8 teaspoon of the Borax into a glass of water once daily. I have read where it's according to your weight and that some women can use the man's dosage.

For me, I am a little heavier at 200 lbs and a woman and what works for me is I started with the 1/8 tsp in water, it worked well for me, I started slowly for a week or so and I also read to take a magnesium capsule once daily to offset any symptoms as this borax seems to work hand in hand with the magnesium. I take one 500mg magnesium capsule in the morning with breakfast. This works for me. After doing well with the 1/8 of a tsp of the 20 mule team borax I upped the dosage to where I take this two times per day in a hot large cup of coffee.

I have taken this for a month now and it seems to be helping me with the stiffness in my shoulder joints which I could not raise above my shoulder level without pain before and can raise straight up now, much stronger with very little pain if any and I run my rototiller about once a week, have a large garden and work daily on two acres, keeping it mowed and taken care of. Plus I am almost 70 yrs old. This has also been helping to dissolve my kidney stones and has helped my IBS very much. Helped my partner's arthritis in his knees a lot also. So for me this works well.

Borax Dosages
Posted by BevilNC (NC) on 11/07/2021

Borax is less toxic than table salt. In the case of Borax, I think the measuring spoon dosage is perfectly fine. A scale would be useful for perhaps things like Sodium thiosulfate.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Deirdre (LA) on 10/10/2019

Editor's Choice My new borax protocol, working fabulously..

A pinch of borax in 4 ounces of water.

Taken two times a day. By pinch, I mean if you were to reach into a salt jar and pinch just enough salt to sprinkle on an entree, about that much. (Don't ask me to count the granules!) I spent the past 10 years on and off doing Ted's 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water. However, a pinch 1-2 times a day seems to be the perfect amount for me. I do the first dose on an empty stomach in the morning. 5 days on and take the weekend off. I was inspired by the post on Earth Clinic in the borax cures section to try the pinch after reading where someone wrote about how they generously sprinkled borax on their food every meal. No side effects with this pinch dosage! Previously borax made me feel upset for absolutely no reason like other women have mentioned here and there on the site. With the pinch of borax, after less than a day I feel light on my feet and have no joint pain lingering after strenuous karate training.

What an amazing remedy.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Tim A. (Taiwan) on 05/04/2019

Hello, I was wondering if you knew how much elemental boron is in one teaspoon of borax powder? Or how much boron is in 6 grams of borax powder? I'm a little confused about the math. If one teaspoon of borax powder is about 6 grams, then how can you get multiple 3 gram doses of boron in the water concentrate recipe? If you start out with only 6 grams of borax powder, then you probably wouldn't have more than 3 grams of boron in the quart of distilled water "concentrate". Thanks, Tim

Borax Dosages
Posted by Val (Switzerland) on 03/23/2019

RE: BORAX dosages Hi I just watched you video on how to prepare borax solution and cannot make sense of the dosages you have there. Here in front of me I have a precise scale for mg and cup to measure the ml. So 1tsp is about 5ml. One levelled teaspoon of borax is around 4g which is 4000mg. 1L of water is 1000ml which is 200 tsp serving. Thus 1tsp serving is 4000mg/200 = 20mg which is NOT 2mg. for the Ted's formula it is not 110mg but 1000mg. Can you please clarify? I wonder if it will make any difference if I take just 2mg when you actually reported the healing effect at 20mg. Thank you

Borax Dosages
Posted by Steve (Usa) on 11/11/2018

I don't understand the confusion in how much borax to take? I use an old glass ACV bottle = 32oz to this add a 'heaping' teaspoon of '20 mule-team' borax then fill with 'distilled' water, this formula is the borax CONCENTRATE! This should be 30mg of borax / 3.3mg of boron.

Shake the bottle to dissolve and then let rest in refrigerator overnight. Next morning take 1 teaspoon of the CONCENTRATE and add to whatever amount of water/liquid you want.

I have been taking, up to 3 doses a day, this for about 4 years, with occasional 'breaks' of 1 to 5 days a month, without side-effects or gastric distress.

When starting out used 1 teaspoon on 8oz 'well-water' once per day, followed this for 6 months prior to increasing to 2 then 3 dose per day. Now I just add 1 teaspoon of CONCENTRATE to about 2 ounces of 'well-water'.

If you don't have a good source of 'well-water', then I would use 'distilled' water, to make the CONCENTRATE.

The following website is what I based my CONCENTRATE on;

I hope this helps the confusion. Blessing and peace to all.

Borax Dosages
Posted by Rob (Brisbane, Australia) on 08/20/2018

Just a very important note:

The suggested borax doses are very inaccurate! They are based on the premise that a teaspoon of borax is 4 grams. The weight of Borax is NOT 4gm per Teaspoon, it's actually 8.65gm per metric teaspoon, which means you're taking more than double the stated 113mg and 56mg.

In actual fact,

1/8 tsp = 119mg of boron

1/4 tsp = 238 mg of boron


Please don't just cut and paste information without verifying its accuracy!

Borax Dosages
Posted by Jen (San Antonio, Tx) on 02/01/2017

Judging by the percentage of negative results on Ted's regimen, and the positive results my family has experienced, I would say it's probably safe to assume this dose is too high for the average person.

My family hast been taking only at most a 1/2 tsp in 5 gallons of water daily - there are 4 of us - we put it in our 5 gal dispenser along with some other minerals (favorite being Himalayan pink salt for its 88 minerals). My husband and I are over 50 and have no aches or pains caused by arthritis or rheumatism - and we have had our share of bone injuries in the past. Can't say it has helped the Candida on my part, I could probably stand to up the dose from here. This is the dose I started my husband and kids on and no problems at all - good benefits I can see. I hope you will try this to get your daily Boron, just start low, low, low. Good luck and God bless!

Borax Dosages
Posted by A Friend (Australia) on 08/26/2014

Dear Earth Clinic,

Boron Consumption Update with Questions:

I have been taking 5 times the maintenance dose daily for some weeks, with a day or two break here and there.

I have seen an improvement in overall energy of the body, and aches and pains of the joints don't seem to last more then a short time.

Starting on a higher dose I notice a severe reaction (host flushes, numbness of face, disorientation) of 1/4 to 1/8 a teaspoon.

I still get the hot face feeling a little bit on the low dose, though I think I have found the amount that works for me.

A friend of mine in his early 70's has started on the same does that I have, though he splits his up into two cups of water a day.

The process for consumption; is using one of the teaspoon sets; like these

the smallest teaspoons on there works out to be about 1/64 of a teaspoon. I weighed and calculated; 2 of these (in two doses) or one the size up from this is (1/32 of teaspoon size on that set, the second smallest teaspoon in the set), that 2 of the first, or one of the second; is equal to 5 times the maintenance dose of 3mg of boron a day.

I calculated the boron as 11% of the the borax molecule.

I think my calculations were such;
Having measured a heaped teaspoon of borax at around 6.5 grams,
then calculating that a liter of water is 202 teaspoons;
we end up with 1 teaspoons equaling about 33mg or 0.033g of borax content.

Thus working out that this has only 11% boron (of the the 33mg) we end up with 3mg content or 0.003g or boron in each teaspoon.

Thus working out that two of the 1/64th of 1 of the 1/32 teaspoons sizes *in the drop, pinch etc. set mentioned above. Calculated these to be 0.14g or 140mg. Thus boron content is 11% = 15.4mg of boron content; which is 5 times the maintenance does of 3mg a day.

Thus when the effects become clear and at completion one can go down to the maintenance dose by drinking the solution over 5 days.

* I found the idea of using a liter with a teaspoon, two difficult for my life style in the bush.

* I would suggest always using borax, as its alkaline, as apposed to boric acid which is mixed with hydrochloric acid and acidic already.

Note; make the solution with boiling water, add the amount then stir. Drink anytime afterwards (i usually drink it an hours or few hours later, or over a few days).

My question to ted; is about boron build up; should one even with small detox as here; have a day or two of a week; or can one stick through on the 5 times does; or its a personal decision? What are the effects of build up in the body.

P.S My friend has noticed a great improvement in his arthritis; though both he and I do take some magnesium as well (small dose)

P.P.S In Australia there is a company called blants; it can be ordered cheaply from there website; it comes from turkey, very good quality.

P.P.P.S The only other side affect that I noticed that if it is taken in the evening sometimes it can cause insomnia for several hours; (only happened to both me and my friend on one occasion each).

Kind Regards,
A Friend From Australia


Borax Dosages
Posted by Sandra (The Netherlands) on 02/26/2014

Hello, I am amazed with the contradictory info about Sodium Tetraborate B4Na2O7 10H2O, on the package is saying WARNING/DANGER/TOXIC.

My questions are: Is this the right one? How come people use this for healing?

If you find the time, I would appreciate your reply.

Thanks, kind regards, Sandra

Borax Dosages
Posted by Badabing! (Cape Town, South Africa) on 05/11/2013

Hey Chris, Regarding dosages. Borax is pretty safe at low dosages. Its toxicity is lower than table salt. You'd have to be taking a lot before things would dtart to go wrong for you health-wise. As a guide: if you dissolve a level teaspoon (5ml) of borax in a litre of water and then consume 5ml of that per day then you are taking in somewhere in the region of 7mg of borax per day. That's okay for a maintenance dose. Your 1/4 teaspoon is low but perfectly fine too.

My best advice is to start low and then really learn to listen to your body. Listen to how it feels. Pick up the dosage a little and then see. Trust yourself and your body. You'll do fine.

Good health to you!

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