Health Benefits

Borax and Gut Flora: Natural Treatment for Healthy Microbiome

Borax and Gut Flora
Posted by Bill (San Fenando, Philippines) on 06/16/2014

Hi June...I'm afraid that I cannot give you any real research evidence on whether borax kills good microbiota in the gut or not -- I have looked at the research and their isn't very much on borax. But that's probably because the drugs companies don't really want you to know about how effective borax is against both mycoplasma and fungus.

What's more, I've been using borax water regularly for the last 8 years or so and it has never made me feel ill (even when I used it against my candida). So if you want my own opinion -- because that's all it is from my own experience with borax -- I would say that it doesn't kill good gut bacteria.