Health Benefits

Borax for Joint Pain

Joint Pain
Posted by Scsharon (Piedmont, Sc) on 10/24/2017



I had been struggling, for many months, with extreme joint stiffness, after a back injury last year. After much research, it seems that perhaps I've been taking too much Calcium (3,000mg plus greens) and not enough boron to balance that out. So, I cut way back on supplements, and started the Borax as per Ted's instructions. The stiffness is nearly gone after 3 days! But, I get some very strange symptoms...wanting to run, jump and twist to get rid of a strange feeling in my bones... It is so wonderful to be able to walk easily, now, but am concerned about this strange feeling!! Could it be detoxing me too quickly? I took one small dose today...and feeling strangely now. I also increased magnesium to balance out the boron..'.please help! Thank you.