Health Benefits

Borax for Osteoarthritis: Natural Joint Pain Relief

Posted by TxRN (Texas) on 11/15/2022

The Role of Boron Salts in Osteoarthritis

As a science-minded clinician I needed to read some studies - here is a useful one from PubMed (searched through Google Scholar)...

Posted by Joe S. (Boston Ma.) on 03/07/2017

Editor's Choice I deplore honeymoon reviews. I've waited nearly 10 years to chime in! Sorry bout that.. At age 40 osteo-arthritis was setting in and was worst in my toes (two surgeries) back (car accident) as well as what we expect as "normal" in a couple of my digits. I started to get relief from the 1/8th-1/4 teaspoon Borax protocol within a month. After 6 months my pain in latter areas was reduced by more than 80% and remains so 10 years post.