Health Benefits

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Hakara (Vancouver, BC) on 12/29/2022

I started the borax cure 3 days ago for arthritis in my wrists, knees, fingers and especially feet. Feet have become quite deformed from the flare ups. I'm also taking magnesium, D3, K2, ACV and vitamin C with it. They are not new, I take them all the time. Just the borax is new. Drinking lots of water. My urine really stinks. It's more yellow. Can anyone speak to this and explain why my urine is stinky?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Isolda (Beaufort) on 04/24/2022


I did the 1/4 tsp in a litre of water first day loading but by the time I reached 3/4 of the bottle about 5-6 hours later I started to feel antsy and nervous. I was a little anxious. Later in the evening I felt anxious again. Like it had a second cycle in my body. Probably going through my liver.

I have read that the dosage of the 1/4 tsp = 114mg is incorrect. Can you please confirm that it is correct?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Preston (South carolina) on 04/22/2022

Looking to take borax for an autoimmune condition. I have a small hiatal hernia and get acid reflux easily. Just started taking and it gives me reflux. Can you mix this with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in the water, like you can baking soda?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mackenzie (Australia) on 04/09/2022

I am day two into taking borax, taking the recommended mg for women in a litre of water, I'm noticing a heavy chest? Does anyone else experience this and tiny little red bumps coming up all over my cheeks? I'm hoping this is just a detox reaction as I really hope borax is a life changer for me. Any one else experience this?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ivan (Slovenija) on 03/08/2022

Hello, I prepaired a solution with borax as you recomended, 1 smal teaspoon in 1 liter of water and take it today first time after a lunch, it was just a half of teaspoon a solution. Very soon after take it I feel in my stomack burning like acid and it doesnt gone for some hours even I drinked a lot of water, I ate some almonds on it also. I bought 500 g of borax from company REVIVO in Slovenija, city Kamnik and on the package is writen that it is a restavration material and it makes a big itching eyes or skin. In this comapny told me that in package is just a pre borax without additives. Is this burning in stomack normal for borax, even a smaller dose as you recomended? Thank you very much, Ivan

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Sarah (Kalamazoo, MI ) on 12/10/2021

I am getting back on drinking borax throughout the day. I had forgotten that it keeps me awake at night so I try to get it all drank by noon but it still keeps me awake. Why is that and can anything be done? Thank you. Sarah

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Robin (Pinkney, MI) on 06/27/2021 2 posts

I'm finishing my fourth day on drinking borax in distilled water protocol, but I'm having low back soreness on the right side. It's not muscular as it cannot be rubbed out. I have no nausea...just this back pain that was here a few days back and left and now is back again. It feels very sore. Should I back off the protocol? Or could this be a healing aspect?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by KM M (Colorado) on 05/25/2021

Hi. I started talking Borax 5 days ago. I am tasting mold/ mildew when I drink water. Has anyone else experienced this?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Debbie (United Kingdom ) on 05/12/2021

I've been using 1/4 teaspoon in a litre of water 5 days per week.

I was wondering if borax side effects can be with the urethra as I'm having pain after I've finished peeing and wondered if it was build up??? No fever or any other symptoms other than frequency of urination.

I do have candida and take other supplements

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Yvonne (England) on 04/13/2021

I have been using 1/2 tsp borax in a glass of water for the past 3 days. My arthritic knee pain today is worse than ever. Is this usual? Should I stop taking it or persevere. Any advice would be grateful.

EC: Hi Yvonne,

Why are you taking such an enormous dosage of borax?! That is not the correct amount as mentioned in our borax articles, videos, and feedback posts from hundreds of our readers!

For women, it's 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water sipped slowly throughout the day, 5 days on, 2 days off. However, many people start with far less than that and work their way up slowly.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Tracey (CO) on 04/01/2021

Borax Remedy Day 6. Debilitating die off, didn't leave bed for 2 days. Tension headaches, body aches (mostly in jaw, lower back, and pelvis), flu like symptoms. Did 1/8 teaspoon in water for 3 days (tired but no die off), day off, then had a small amount day 5 morning and have been “sick” with aches ever since.

Have not had an appetite while having Borax. Worried to ingest again.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Andrea C (Wales, Uk) on 10/07/2020

I tried Borax the last two days, 6th and 7th of October, I put 1/16th of a Tspn in 1 and a half litres of bottled spring water drank that most of that yesterday by mistake. I'd forgot I'd put it in there.

The day before I took a few careful sips from the same bottle, my intention was to go very low and slow for a week to test it so I didn't want to drink the whole bottle in a day or two at all

I then had a bath with Dead sea salts, a cup and a half which I've been doing all week but added some borax, about half a cup on the first day as well ( the 6th)

Last night ( the 7th) I put 2 Tbls of Borax+ my usual cup and a half of dead Sea salts into a warm bath sat in it for 10mins, and today I am in a lot of pain, muscles hurt, joints hurt and its hard to move about I feel like I've been beat up!!!

I'm really sore and achy. It's really really painful, my muscles are rock hard in my back has anyone else had this happen after using the Borax?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Hedy (Sydney) on 09/03/2020

After taking a teaspoon of the Borax diluted solution daily for candida, without undue issues for many months, I increased the dosage maybe to a desert spoon and found that a tear would appear on each big toe and I would have to stop the Borax until it healed.

I tested this at least three times to see if it was Borax or the Lysine that I was also taking causing the tear.

Today, after a month of no Borax (and no problem arising from the Lysine supplement), I have again commenced with one teaspoon of the solution and I will monitor the skin reaction on my toes. I wondered whether anyone else has experienced this.

EC: Hi Hedy,

We assume you are referring to Walter Last's concentrated dosage where you take a teaspoon a day from the concentrate, which amounts to a very small amount of boron. Just so everyone is clear on that!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (W. Des Moines, Ia) on 08/31/2020

I am taking 1/4 teaspoon of Borax daily 5 days a week for more than a month, and affected my sleep pattern and I cannot sleep. Any suggestion what should I do? I also have 3 mg Boron capsule, Is it safer to use capsule, rather than Borax?


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Oliver (Deutschland) on 04/19/2020

Borax and Libido 3 years ago I have used Borax for more or less 2 months. Not in high dose. Maybe a knife tip in 1,5 liter of water throughout the day. It pushed me really a lot. I had lots of power and testosterone. But after I quit strange things happened: I had no libido and desire anymore, my testicles shrinked, and only little but no sperm came out the few times I was able to ejaculate.

Since then I never touched Borax anymore, as I blamed it. As I have found in a study of rats, that Borax can destroy their reproductive system, I thought it would have destroyed mine too. What I feel is that I never again produced testosterone as I did before. I have seen here on earthclinic that Ted wrote Borax could overstimulate the glands. - Maybe that happened in my case. Is there a way to refresh or "reset" the glands ? Or does it maybe have nothing to do with the Borax, but with the systemic candida I have ?!? But why there is that study which describes the destruction of reproductive system ?

Does anyone have an idea ? Thank you very much, Oliver

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