Tooth Abscess
Health Benefits

Dietary Changes and Multiple Remedies for Tooth Abscess

| Modified on Aug 27, 2024
Dietary Changes, Multiple Remedies
Posted by Erin (Lafayette, In) on 04/18/2011

Took my 9 year old daughter to the dentist and come to find out she had a gum abcess and infection in a tooth with a cavity. Of course their first recourse was to put her on antibiotics so they could pull the tooth 1 week later. I refused the antibiotics, nicely, but I still got the dirty look and the "note" on the file. So, my daughter and I were very determined to stop the issue in it's tracks... Just to prove them wrong if nothing else. This isn't for the lazy at heart... it's 7 days of killing an infection and keeping it killed.

First of all, NO sugar. She got whole grain bread maybe once per day, but not at all if we could get away with it, other than that, no grains. Pasturized dairy was cut way back to just cheese on occassion. That means no sodas or juices, water was the drink of the week. Whole, low sugar fruits are okay (apples, berries, melon), and of course veges.

Okay, now for the fun part: once per day she did a rinse of water with baking soda and peroxide (I never really measured it, just put some water - maybe 1/4 cup?? -- in a cup with maybe 1 tsp of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of peroxide or so). Twice per day she did a rinse of a commercial tea tree mouthwash with an extra 4 drops of grapefruit seed extract added. Each rinse is done after brushing the teeth.

Once per day, the infected area was sprayed with 2 squirts of colloidial silver, 10 ppm.

Every day she took supplements of:
Vitamin C, 1000 mg
Vitamin D 10-15, 000 IU
Chelated Zinc 100 mg
Oil of Oregano 45 mg (standardized to 70% carvacrol)
Olive Leaf 310 mg with 40 mg of powdered extract standardized to 18% oleuropein
Krill Oil for Omega 3's
A Garlic supplement for Immune support, though if I could have gotten her to take whole, crushed garlic I would have been happier.
And Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg

Definitely believe in leaving nothing to chance.

We started this regimen on a Monday afternoon when she got home from school, and by Wednesday she was totally pain free. The cavity itself lightened in color. We kept it up for the entire week, and by the time she got to the dentist for the extraction... Well, they were surprised. Looked at her file, looked in her mouth, asked her if there was any pain (she replied no, naturally), and then the super sweet assistant actually asked me how we did that. They confirmed that she was completely infection and abcess free.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I always like to see amounts and directions... So hopefully this can help someone else :-)