Health Benefits

Hemorrhoids: Coconut Oil and Cumin Treatment

Coconut Oil, Cumin
Posted by FR (MN) on 08/18/2021


WARNING & SUCCESS: Not totally sure this was the cause but I've been using the Magic Milk Tonic with all four spices -- curry, turmeric, ginger AND the cumin. Today was the third time I'd taken it and maybe an hour or two after that I was going into the kitchen and all of a sudden felt "pulled" toward the floor to my right side. Only when I grabbed the counter did I feel at all light-headed or dizzy and I never blacked out (I had that experience in junior high and I'm 59 now). It's the only new thing I've been doing recently.

I did a search on Duck, Duck, Go: "Can taking cumin, curry, turmeric or ginger make you lose your balance" and ended up on this page (I'd meant to say AND ginger):

https://www.drugs.com/mtm/turmeric.html and looking under common side effects I found the "dizziness" hyperlink and clicked it and found the "Vertigo" page below with the following comment.

"What is vertigo?

Vertigo is a condition that causes you to feel dizzy. You may feel that you or everything around you is moving or spinning. You may also feel like you are being pulled down or toward your side."

I HAVE had good results with this combination, otherwise. I think I've only taken 1x/day the few times I've taken it. I HAD been contemplating 3x/day just to move on from this more quickly. I was basing that idea on the coconut oil/cumin ointment first mentioned by Dibro828.

Does anyone else have anything similar to report? Now I'm thinking I'll stick with the 1x/day and maybe make it before bed so I can sleep it off. I also think I'll discontinue as soon as possible after total or near-total relief because of this strange side-effect.

I don't take any medications.