Health Benefits

Diet Changes for Hemorrhoids: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sara (Des Moines, Iowa) on 03/10/2007

I didn't get hemorrhoids until after giving birth and I suffer terribly from them. I have yet to find a great cure but will try some of these things. I have found though that having a tsp of fiber powder (not the pills...they don't work) in the morning and at night and eating a banana once a day makes your stool soft, and I can still eat meat and all that stuff your not supposed to. Makes all things come out a lot easier but you have to take your time going. I'm not cured..they come back when I forget to take the fiber but it is a relief and allows you to eat the things you want for the most part..at least for me.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rob (Myrtle Beach, SC) on 08/08/2006

Eat a bowl of high fiber cereal 1-2 times per day. Your hemorrhoids will go away in a couple days.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rachi (Los Angeles, CA) on 02/13/2008

I have hemorrhoids for about year and had to face the worst when I traveled to my home country which required a 22 hr air journey. I used all the tricks in the bag - from using coconut oil to taking metamucil ( fiber ) - Finally following has worked for me and I would like to share this as this can be of help to many others;

Fundamental to curing or at least' getting a temporary relief is to thin your stool /feces and at the same time not to have constipation.This needs eating /drinking following and avoiding regular food.

Morning I would start my day with drinking a glass of water and then Papaya ( eating about a lb ) - Just peel it , remove seeds and cut into small pieces and eat - simple.

Next I would eat some raisin bran in milk ( post make ) - try not to eat all the raisins.just avoid some of them if not all. Have a glass of water againcThis is your breakfast - if you feel hungry in between - have some more?
of the same stuff.

Be sure to drink at least
2-3 glasses of water in between. this is very important

Lunch - Lightly fried mixed vegetables - about a bowl and have V8 Veg soup - hot - and Water again.

Have some Figs ( sunmaid? ) 3-4 inbetween whenever you feel hungry in between - follow everything you eat with water - you need to drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water

repeat the same stuff for your dinner as well - Green vegies - boiled or fried in oil are good - snap peas , softs pears , no carrots , no juices absolutely no hard food. anything you feel hard is not good -

As I said - Water is the key and also do not sit on chair - you may be either lying down on bed or walking - but absolutely no chair / sofa

This will give you slurry kind of feces next day and you 'll be surprised to see the results in 2 days flat - atleast it worked for me? when nothing was working for past 40 days and I was about to give in for sigmoidoscopy to check the extent of damage and subsequent surgery

Good Luck and remember in short >>>>? lots of water papya raisin bran ( post make ) soft veggies can put you back on your feet.

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