The problem is that now I have a bleeding hemorrhoid since that day. I am starting my 4th week of trying almost all of the remedies on this site for this ailment with no success or relief. It has gotten so bad the past 3 days that I can't sleep. Even OTC pain relievers have no effect on the pain. I have taken B6 & Rutin for 2 weeks; no effect. Last night, 6/28/10 I became desperate & took my bottle of tea tree oil & applied several drops to my finger tip & gently messaged it into the hemorrhoid & surrounding area. At first I felt nothing. In about 3 minutes I felt a warming sensation & possibly a little less pain.
I began watching TV & about ten minutes later I realized that I was actually sitting on the couch & I didn't have any pain. I was able to sleep from midnight to 10am this morning. When I arose from bed, no pain. About an hour later I had another BM. I wish I could say it was pain free, but it was NOT! This time I only had a slight trace of Blood. After I cleaned up I reapplied the tea tree oil & had to wait about 10 minutes & the pain subsided. In fact I went out & cut the grass! As I am writing this I am sitting on a regular chair without the dough nut!
I don't know if the tea tree oil will cure my hemorrhoid or not, but it made it much more bearable & I was able to sleep. Tea tree oil is a fantastic product that I have used for years on cuts & scrapes, hot spots on my dogs etc. It is fungicidal, antiseptic & a germicide. It can be purchased from almost any drug store, vitamin/health food store & many on-line vitamin sites. I got mine from swansonvitamins.com.
I know your pain my brothers & sisters.
Big Tuna