Health Benefits

Vicks VapoRub for Hemorrhoids: Uses and Precautions

Posted by M (New Jersey) on 11/21/2020

I just had the biggest hemorrhoid ever. I couldn't close my legs or walk or sit or lay down or stand, or even wear underwear and tighter pants. It was the size of a peach pit and protruded out from my cheeks. I wanted to scream. I desperately tried ACV, sitz baths, castor oil, iodine, aloe. The castor oil soothed it a little, but didn't reduce the size of this raging behemoth. ACV didn't do anything and diluted iodine just burned. Aloe went inside my hole by accident and really stung inside all night long. The sitz baths felt good while doing them, but when I dried off, it was back to normal for ol rhoidy. Vicks is the only thing that has soothed it within a minute of application, and decreased the size by half overnight. I was able to walk, sit, and wear underwear again! In three days it went from the size of a peach pit to a small peanut. I could cry; I am so appreciative.

NOTE: I originally had a can of knock-off Vicks from Amazon (bought a while ago) that did not work at all. Why? It did not have turpentine. Turpentine is the key ingredient. I found that out from my sister and immediately went to the store and bought Vicks, and that was the key. A lot of store brands comparable to Vicks do have turpentine, but you have to check those ingredients!

Posted by Reina (Miami) on 10/21/2016

Less than one hour, pain, itching, swelling, uncomfortability from runner's hemorrhoids gone! YES!

Posted by Milagros (Syracuse, Ny) on 02/04/2016

I've been having hemorrhoids a lot since I'm always constipated (bad diet), anyways I read in several places about the Vicks and I was hesitant to try it, but I was so much in pain and nothing else was working that decided to try it. Thanks to everyone that gave this advice the pain is gone I just started today so hopefully it will also help them to go away(fingers cross).

Posted by Gert (Al) on 06/25/2015

I tried ACV for hemmies, didn't help. Also did witch hazel, which acts an an astingent and will shrink them but doesn't last very long. cool it in the fridge first, feels good. What works best for me is vaporub. Burns at first, but really heals them up. I, too, have ibs and the Apple Cider Vinegar didn't matter either way with that. Nothing I have tried has stopped my ibs-d, ever. I have had it since I was a preschooler and now I'm pushing 60.

Posted by Doris (Manteca, Ca) on 04/20/2015

Vicks worked for me; 4 day of H never helped but 2 days of Vicks and it cured it. I even had a hard BM after and no return of roid

Posted by Isabel (Tampa, FL) on 09/02/2014

Last week my hemorrhoids were very bad, spend more than $30.00 on pH and did nothing for me. Somebody told me to use vick vaporub, the pain and the swelling were gone within 1 hour.

Posted by Diane (Streetsboro, Ohio) on 01/08/2009

When I had my first child I had a terrible case of hemmoroids. I was told to apply Vicks Vapor Rub to them by a nurse's aid.(Yes..an aid! She said her grandmother told her about this) Anyhow,when I was discharged I went home and tried it. The cooling effect of the menthol cured the itching and after about a week they actually did shrink and go away!

Posted by Vella (Albany, NY) on 12/07/2008

I've recently bought organic ACV and have been drinking a cup with luke warm water every day for almost one week. I can't say that I've experienced any noticeable effects yet, but I do like the tangy, mildy sweet taste of it. A couple of times I heated the water a bit more and added raw honey to satisfy my sweet tooth. For me that's like having a cup of tea and is very enjoyable.

I've suffered miserably with hemorroid flareups for the last 10 years (since the birth of my 3rd child). For the last couple of years I've been having a great deal of bleeding in addition to the severe pain. I've been putting off the surgery suggested to me by several doctors and decided to look for alternative methods to manage and hopefully cure this painful condition.

I tried Vick's as suggested on this site when I was out of Prep H and plus I felt that it has been losing its efficacy on me. Vick's was like a wonder drug and shrunk the swelling way faster and more effectively than Prep H. I had already been applying aloe gel as I was aware of its healing and soothing properties. The combination of the 2 made me feel 100% better. My only problem now is that the protrusions return after each BM. I'm hoping that eventually my body will heal to the point that they don't return. I used to like to do strength training (I'm a woman and was only using 5-10 pound weights) but had to abandon it because of the pressure it put on my roids and caused me to have really bad flareups after each workout. I would love to be able to return to strength training.

Bye bye and God Bless!

Posted by Texan (Seattle) on 12/09/2006

Vick's VapoRub cures Hemorrhoids. WORKED FOR ME!

Posted by Harry (Tucson, AZ) on 10/16/2005

After suffering with hemorrhoids for years, I took to my sister's advice. Apply a little mentholatum every day!! I have not suffered since. Maybe not for everyone, but sure was effective for me.

Posted by Anonymous (USA)

vicks vapor rub cures hemorrhoids fast! but will burn ! but worth it