For my Kidney Stone on the right side in 2014, after seeing a Urologist, it was confirmed via just a regular X-ray (No CT Scan or any other tests) that I had a 3 mm stone. I went forward with having a lithotripsy and within about 3 weeks or less, it never bothered me again on the right side.
To no avail I tried to get the same Urologist to confirm the left sided kidney stone I knew I had. He said unfortunately, there was too much gas in my abdomen to see anything on the x-ray, so it was too bad, so sad for me, because he was now a very busy Cancer Urologist that didn't have time to see me again or do another x-ray. I assume this was more over not just because he was super busy, but due to the insurance game. Could've done another X-ray and tried putting air in my stomach before taking again, but didn't and wouldn't. I lived with this excruciating stabbing pain in my left kidney for 2 to 3 years.
I saw another Urologist in April 2023 without insurance and paid out-of-pocket. Got a CT scan and they said they found no kidney stone on left side. So, I began taking Borax for joint and bone pain in my coffee in the mornings and while it hasn't yet fixed my joint/bone pain, my left kidney no longer hurts and even when I stopped using the Borax the pain only returned for a couple of days. Then I used it again and once again the pain went away and since Nov. 2024 it has not returned and I am very inconsistent with the Borax.
So if you are dealing with excruciating back sided pain in the kidney area, I HIGHLY recommend trying Borax (20 Mule Team).
I am so thankful! God Bless you Earth Clinic and for everyone that shares their incredible testimonies that doctors can't seem to validate nor fix.