Health Benefits

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Aim75 (Kane, Pa) on 11/21/2011



I have a weird side effect of trying Borax for my arthritis. First, I seem to have kidney pain when taking doses of 1/8 tsp and higher. This is nothing new, certain things do give my kidneys problems since I had a E-coli infection in my blood 12 years ago. So I've been taking a little spoon, and just dipping the wet tip of it in and swishing it in my water. Kidney problem solved. Here is the weird side effect... I get this strange headache that is located at the tip of my head... Not really a headache, just a strange pressure or ache at the very center tip of my head. I've had this pain before, years ago, when I was really stressed and it used to be pretty bad that it would affect my thinking. But that went away years ago, and now it seems the borax brings it on again ever so slightly. Anybody have any ideas what this means?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Imb (Vista, Ca) on 08/29/2011


I have been taking the borax from the grocery store for three day. I have been feeling more energize but I also am experiencing kidney pain. Is it detox symptom? And should I take something else with it to ease the pain?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Joe (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 06/29/2011


I had the same side effect. I took 1/4 of a teaspoon for 3 days, then skipped 3 days, then started again. I got a burst blood vessel in my right eye the first day back on. This same blood vessel has burst several times before so I'm not worried about it.

Otherwise, the borax has made me feel great.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Siri (Chicago, Il) on 03/26/2010

Hi Rob. Thanks for the reply. I will try to do it slowly. I am taking borax primarily to detox as i had done 2 yrs back and found that it created an alkalizing environment and prepped the hormones conducive for pregnancy. Ted had replied to the same effect but unfortunately that had ended in an ectopic pregnancy. After waiting for an yr, I have been trying again for almost 8 months without any result so I am trying my luck with borax as well as lot of other supplements like manganese zinc wheat germ oil etc .


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Cherie' B. (Pembroke, Illinois Usa) on 09/26/2015


I see some of you are worried about kidney pain and one person made a remark about a dialysis center. Well I have been on dialysis before, and I received a transplanted kidney from my sister in January 2006.

I suffer from fibromyalgia, arthritis in my spine, and mycoplasma. I began Ted's recommended baking soda and citric acid 4 weeks ago and immediately began to cough up gobs of green, and then yellow with brown, and now feel so much better.I still have a ways to go, but it's working.

Then to address the fibromyalgia and arthritis I began the Borax RX 2 weeks ago.

I take 1/8 tsp borax in 1 liter Evian water which has a ph of 7.2 and contains magnesium 26, Silica 15, and bicarbonates 360. I did not add sea salt. I began to have kidney pain 2 days later. My labs were due to be done the next day for my regular appointment with my nephrologist. Conclusion...Dr. was happy, my creatinine and BUN were normal. I'm in my second week, the pain stopped, and all is well on that front.

I'm having a little Herxheimer effect I think though. My knees, feet, right hip and right shoulder are hurting, and my spine pain is off the chart, but NO PAIN....NO GAIN!

Good luck everyone!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by L (Red Deer, Alberta Canada) on 09/26/2010

This is in response to Dave from Surrey, BC. My Genetics doctor decided last year, I'm in remission. I said, "Huh, that's funny, I've done the opposite of what you tell me. " With my kidney, liver, and heart condition, I'm told not to take potassium and magnesium. Well, I not only take those, I also take baking soda with the magnesium and potassium, once, twice, or three times a day. Additionally, I did take borax and H202, for four years. All these supplements, I started with small doses, as mentioned on earthclinic. Over time, I increased the dosages of all of these. So, I think there might be something else not quite right, going on with you:)

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Paula (Coloma, Michigan, USA) on 04/16/2009

I am on Premarin due to having a complete hysterectomy 8 years ago. I'm only 37 but have lost the majority of my sex drive since the surgery. I was hoping the borax would help with the sex drive and to lose weight. I'm also doing the oil pulling and taking Apple Cider Vinegar supplements. Should I quit taking the borax all together?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lilly (Margate, Fl) on 11/25/2009

I just wanted to reply to any post that discredits the use of Borax (store brand), I have no complaints, aches or pains but just wanted to use the borax for my own peace of mind and study if you will, to see what would happen if I injested it and not the proper way either. I was my own guini pig, so I filled a empty vegie cap "00" with borax and took it w/a cup of water. Waited a day or so, nothing happened so I did it again, still felt no change or ill effect, I continued this for a wk and still got no ill effect or change in urine or stool, no headache, no rash, no flushing or anything, I will report back to this site w/my latest findings. I also have been taking epsom salt the same way for months and feel great, my stomach is flat finally and not bloated after any meals.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 12/25/2023

Hello Art.

The dose that many women have found benefit from is 1/8th teaspoon of Borax. Your mom is taking three times that dose. She might try bringing her dose down to the 1/8th teaspoon dose for women that Ted originally recommended and see if that helps.

Btw, can you link to where you or your mom found a recommendation for 3/8ths teaspoon of Borax for women?

It is a dose that's for women who are post-menopause with osteoporosis. 150mg which comes out to be 3/4 tspn of borax.

Reading what's written below, it appears that the writer meant to write 150mg of boron, not borax. Knowing that borax is less toxic than table salt, I'm not concerned. I'm taking 1/2 tspn daily myself and did experience a little tiredness, but that came with the herx reactions which have stopped. Someday I'll go into my experience which has been a healing experience for sure.

I didn't save the link. This is from my notes with the bottom paragraph explaining the math.

"In post menopausal women a lot of individuals have found that reversing osteoporosis takes around 150mg of borax, vit D3 and 400mg-600mg of magnesium per day to reverse it and that is a far higher dose than someone without osteoporosis needs. In those without severe florosis or osteoporosis that have healthy bone mass, 50mg per day seems to be the sweet spot but again you need magnesium and vitamin D3 in the diet. It is thought that enzymes and mineral metabolism is how boron works it's many benefits. Some people probably get enough minerals in their diet but for most Americans minerals and Vitamin D3 and iodine are almost always low. Iodine helps to keep your body from depositing fluoride in your bones."

"Ted on the other hand recommended 1/4 teaspoon of borax for men and 1/8th teaspoon for women per day. Assuming an 1/8th teaspoon of borax is 500 mg, you would multiply this number by .113 to see how much boron is in an 1/8th teaspoon. 500*.113 = 56.5 mg of boron per dose. For myself, through trial and error, have determined that Ted's dose for men is my minimum effective dose at 1,000 m of borax or about 110 mg of boron per day."

For her finger issue, she might try topical melatonin lotion which I wrote about here:

I haven't tried it for hand issues, but it may be worth a try. She should try applying it to her neck and the affected hand sparingly twice per day.

I will look into this. Thank you.

Regarding osteoporosis, I wrote this which may interest her:

I will look into that as well.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 12/22/2023

More information would be helpful. Example, did she start taking borax at the same time she started taking the other supplements?

Roughly the same time. Vit C (camu camu), magnesium (chloride form), molybdenom (most recent and no noticeable change), ACV diluted with baking soda, D3 & K2, B complex and recently up to 3/4 tspn borax 8 days on 2-3 days off.

How long has she been fatigued?

This has been an issue for at least a decade. Day 1 of borax @ 1/16th tspn, magnesium chloride 500 mg and vit c she was really tired. Sleepy. Day 2, she had better energy than she's had in quite a long time. Day 3, even more tired and she's been stuck in the even more tired category ever since. She started the concoction a month ago.

When did the numbness in the fingers start?

3 years ago approx. She was a very productive secretary. Either slamming the keys on the manual typewriter or carpel tunnel I believe. Both thumbs, index fingers and middle fingers which are those used to type and those that tend to be involved with CT.

Is she losing bone in other areas?

Not that I'm aware of. Her gums are receded and she's lost maybe a 1/2 dozen teeth. She's done and still does a lot per "Cure Tooth Decay" and Dr Nara's book which I cannot remember what's it's title is at the moment. My caries have healed and my gums are no longer receding but her's have continued, albeit at a much slower rate. DMSO and colloidal silver stop abscessed teeth. Post menopausal and osteoporosis I believe is the difference between us.

This is important because she could have a particular type of infection in the mouth that causes bone loss from only this area in the body.

That's possible.

However, based on the description, if she was my mother I would stop all the supplements and add them back to her regimen one at a time. After a week or two add a second supplement, and so on. This will help you to identify a specific supplement(s) as the possible cause.

After the sups, she's just become more tired than normal. It's a roller coaster. She used to be very emotionally sensitive on the weekends.

Also, many supplements are adulterated with various "toxins". This often causes reactions, examples: magnesium stearate, alcohols, soy additives, toxic residues from what they clean their machines with, mold contamination, etc....

I don't think she's exposed to anything via these sups and she doesn't take any others than what I've written about above nor does she take any drugs at all.

Many people react to magnesium stearate, I had to eliminate all supplements that contained this additive because it caused several adverse reactions including fatigue.

She has no exposure to that. All high quality sups, unless these companies are lying.

Many baking soda brands are not actually mined (made in the lab) and include toxins. There are several good brands that are mined and do not include toxins (e.g., and others).

Bob's Red Mill is what she uses.

Many brands of ACV are contaminated with mold (patulin and others). These could definitely cause reactions in some people, especially if they already have a fungal/yeast/mold illness. Muscle testing the products could help if you can find an experienced practitioner or a syncrometer.

Braggs. Changing brands as Katie P & husband own this company now & get their apples from Gates, or so I've heard.

However, as you concluded, it is probably a detox reaction in which case it is important to scale back on everything and slowly build it back up (months). And, ensure she is adequately hydrated and supporting her detox organs (kidneys, liver, colon/intestines, etc...) with various herbs or tinctures.

Ultimately, I think it might be the magnesium. Her motility tends to be very good but lately it's been spotty. She was used to IBS for most her life and once we changed her diet and went after parasites and bad microbes, that went away. There's been times where motility has been an issue and it's typically when something's changed. This could be it or a part of it.

Your mom is fortunate to have you looking out for her, hope this issue resolves itself soon.

Thank you. Our LORD looks out for both of us.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 12/26/2023

I've clicked on the email notification option, but I never actually get email notifications, so I check my posts to see if I've gotten any replies. I suppose I don't check them often enough.

I take it you're not familiar with this higher dose for post-menopause women with osteoporosis? I wasn't either but it makes some sense and borax is not toxic, so why not just give it a shot.

My mom got back this concoction 3 days ago (2-3 days off, 8 days on) and her energy has improved. She's now taking 240-ish mg of mag. chloride which is 1/2 what she was taking before, so it might be;

too much magnesium

the herx reaction is getting easier

her detox pathways are dealing better as she pauses for a couple-three days while her motility has improved (prune juice).

EC: We'll ask the programmer about that. Some email services don't deliver these emails for some reason. Did you check your spam box?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 01/16/2024

I agree.

She started taking a 100 billion in the morning (empty stomach as she doesn't eat until late morning) & a 60 billion + fermented sauerkraut with lunch (both refrigerated).

Her motility is about where it should be now. Everythings improved. She was getting a little wobbly, slight issues with balance and that's not a good thing, especially as she gets older, but that has improved as well.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 01/16/2024

Thanks for that Art.

She had been taking it for a couple weeks and I don't believe she was getting a dose that would make much meaningful change. It's probably expected that she didn't notice anything because it was a low dose and its purpose was to help with bone loss and by bone loss, I mean her teeth.

She's been low energy for many years, so it's nothing new but after starting the borax & everything else, it got worse. I believe now that it's her cellular energy production, her mitochondria. Her bodies oxygen content is low. She breathes way too much and way too frequently, which is not good and is something that Walter Last didn't know about as I've read him write about breathing deeply.

She used to practice the Buteyko breathing method but she didn't stick with it. Older women have great difficulty retraining their breathing, breathing from the diaphragm and sticking with it, supposedly.

Mercola wrote something regarding this a couple days ago and there might be some very promising information regarding breathing retraining that takes much less time and effort. I'll find out soon.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 03/03/2024

Thanks for the advice.

No ACV issues for her.

She'll be fine, take the drink I've mentioned previously for 3-4 days and then starts to get tired, on day 3 or 4. Really tired. Sleepy. Low energy, but no actual physical complaints. After a few days off the drink, she's feeling better. Recently, her right hip was bothering her, just out of the blue. Never had an injury. It went away just as it came. She took the drink for 4 days last week and she's been tired ever since, but slowly improving.

I believe she's constantly experiencing healing reactions and there's no doubt that she needs to cycle this drink, typically 3 days off or more.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Beatrice (1135 Denens) on 10/25/2023

I am suffering from osteoporosis and joint pains and have been taking Borax for nearly 5 years now. Then I came upon the article "The Borax Conspiracy" from Walter Last and learned that the dose I was taking was far too low. I slowly increased my dose and am taking now 1g/1l of water/day combined with magnesium and himalayan salt. Now, my tongue is black and I also suffer from slight headaches and pain in my neck. Is the dose too high or is this Herxheimer reaction?

My weight: 55kg, my hight 170cm. I wanted to take this high dose for about three months and then lower it to a minimum for the rest of my life. Next year I wanted to check on my osteoporosis to see if there is any improvement. So far, nothing helped and I refused the bisphosponat treatment.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (Jax, FL) on 10/25/2023


I have osteoporosis also, but did have a good bit of detox from Borax so mainly now use in a bath. I did have a black tongue once also and it is bacteria, so your symptoms are most likely detox.

What else do you do for your osteo? I recently found a product called Osteo K that had so many good reviews that I ordered it. The reviews noted that they had completely reversed the osteo or had gone back to osteopenia and were headed toward healing. MK4 was the main ingredient that was different from other osteo products. I have been taking it 4 months and noticed my nails look like they did in my 20s.

I have not had a dexascan yet and may not b/c of the radiation. But it is a critical point for me as I am recovering from a broken hand and then was told I might have a stress fracture in my foot (I didn't). The healing has been slow.

If you are able to do any weight bearing exercise, it is a huge help. My doc told me that strontium skews the dexascan, so I had stopped that years ago.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 09/18/2023

AlleyCat, try taking borax a couple of times per week instead of daily for a while. Give your body a chance to recover and recalibrate after being sick. This Covid or RSV virus is giving lots of people trouble for weeks on end. You can pick the borax back up to 5 days a week if you feel necessary once you're feeling better.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Art (California) on 07/20/2023 2165 posts


You can stop borax and if the rash resolves on its own in a month or so, the borax is the likely problem.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mel (Saskatchewan (SK)) on 05/10/2023

Hello I have been using borax for arthritis type pain in joints the past few months (1/4 tsp in 1 litre of water 5 days a week). I'm getting muscle cramps lately. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Tim (Pennsylvania ) on 06/30/2023

Are you taking magnesium supplements with it?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by phxmtbnomad (Phoenix) on 04/03/2023

Concerning Borax dosing. Curious how quickly the initial few swallows can take to actually "feel" any effects. I'm male. I only have 1/2 liter container at the moment, mixed up 1/8 teaspoon in water and had a few swallows. Almost immediately I could feel something different. Almost heady, sort of dizzy while lying in bed and throughout the night. Not unpleasant. How long would it normally take before the body begins releasing toxins? I'm a little sore this morning all over and have evacuated several times already in healthy amounts which is not typical. Not hungry but again, nothing unpleasant. Mind you I have not drank the full 1/2 liter yet, probably have another half to go. Would it have affected me that quickly or am I imagining things?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Hedy (Sydney) on 09/03/2020

After taking a teaspoon of the Borax diluted solution daily for candida, without undue issues for many months, I increased the dosage maybe to a desert spoon and found that a tear would appear on each big toe and I would have to stop the Borax until it healed.

I tested this at least three times to see if it was Borax or the Lysine that I was also taking causing the tear.

Today, after a month of no Borax (and no problem arising from the Lysine supplement), I have again commenced with one teaspoon of the solution and I will monitor the skin reaction on my toes. I wondered whether anyone else has experienced this.

EC: Hi Hedy,

We assume you are referring to Walter Last's concentrated dosage where you take a teaspoon a day from the concentrate, which amounts to a very small amount of boron. Just so everyone is clear on that!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mark (Lubeck) on 04/14/2022

Hi Art. Great that your arthritis is healed. As a man, I would also like to start with 1/4 of a teaspoon per day. However, being a bit of a hypochondriac, I googled max. safe daily dose and the answer everywhere was 20 mg of boron. This is less than 1/5th of your dose. Please guide me - thanks.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/18/2020

First ask yourself what are you afraid of? What if it happens and how bad can it get. That always helps me jump off the cliff. I am hanging onto one right now and I am using borax in my water each day for a little over a week. I did some other death defying acts lately but nothing happened that I was fearing. Fear is a door so always keep that in mind. It is better to dive into what is behind the fear and deal with it . As far as minerals go borax is needed to move calcium out of soft tissue into bones and teeth. Salt is one of our minerals. Silica affects calcium and so does vitamin D and K-2. Threonine affects the teeth and calcium. I'm really thinking about dandelions and use comfrey every day. Dandelions are interesting because I am on acreage and almost every yellow flower is a fake dandelion. The real ones have the thick stem with one flower on it. I found one today and plan to eat it for breakfast . I hear it's full of potassium and other minerals . Now the borax will release calcium out of soft tissue and can cause stones and they can be dissolved with stonebreaker( chanca piedra ) I use that most days.

As far as how much borax I started out with in my 12 oz water just a tiny dusting pinch daily for a week and then a little bigger tiny pinch this week. I think borax is the youth mineral...and affects hormones too. Oh Yeah it kicks up against candida so use molybdenum with it.

Blessings, Charity

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Vaiolett (Modena-italy) on 07/30/2020


Wise your words, thank you very much!

I've been taking borax for 5 days.

I overcame my fear!!

Should I take these additions near borax, which you have indicated in your post, as soon as possible, to avoid some healthy problem?

I only noticed a little backache, but nothing shocking..Other thing, if I take borax on an empty stomach, I have to go to the bathroom..I think it means detoxification ..

You named dandelion, I make smoothies and

I add artichokes squeezed with a little Celtic salt and

organic lemon with peel..Really cleans ..

A big hug,


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Pamina (Morocco) on 05/22/2021

Did they include a link to the study? People who are sure of their facts will include sources in their comments.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Oliver (Deutschland) on 04/19/2020

Borax and Libido 3 years ago I have used Borax for more or less 2 months. Not in high dose. Maybe a knife tip in 1,5 liter of water throughout the day. It pushed me really a lot. I had lots of power and testosterone. But after I quit strange things happened: I had no libido and desire anymore, my testicles shrinked, and only little but no sperm came out the few times I was able to ejaculate.

Since then I never touched Borax anymore, as I blamed it. As I have found in a study of rats, that Borax can destroy their reproductive system, I thought it would have destroyed mine too. What I feel is that I never again produced testosterone as I did before. I have seen here on earthclinic that Ted wrote Borax could overstimulate the glands. - Maybe that happened in my case. Is there a way to refresh or "reset" the glands ? Or does it maybe have nothing to do with the Borax, but with the systemic candida I have ?!? But why there is that study which describes the destruction of reproductive system ?

Does anyone have an idea ? Thank you very much, Oliver

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Shannon (USA Missouri) on 04/26/2023

Wondering if you found an answer to your issue? I would also like to know if you found out what the cause was and were you able to recover? I am just getting started with Borax and my husband was going to try it as well. We have seven boys so we do not need reproduction but he at this point is not able to have an erection. I was hoping this would offer some assistance for him. Could you elaborate on why you stopped since things were going so well. I know they recommend skipping like two days a week. Also wondering if you did that? Thanks if your able to respond.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Shannon (USA Missouri) on 04/26/2023

Wondering if you found an answer to your issue? I would also like to know if you found out what the cause was and were you able to recover? I am just getting started with Borax and my husband was going to try it as well. We have seven boys so we do not need reproduction but he at this point is not able to have an erection. I was hoping this would offer some assistance for him. Could you elaborate on why you stopped since things were going so well. I know they recommend skipping like two days a week. Also wondering if you did that? Thanks if your able to respond.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lucy D. (Philadelphia, PA, USA) on 04/01/2021

Liver enzymes show other things going on besides liver function alone. You could look it up: ALT, AST. Elevation of these could mean bone turnover and other things.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Art (California) on 09/15/2019 2165 posts

Borax is considered a broad spectrum antifungal and I think you may find the following article about boric acid and yeast and candida infections. Btw, once you ingest borax and it meets the hydrochloric acid in your stomach, it is converted to boric acid. Art

Borax Side Effects
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 06/13/2019

I started taking a pinch of borax in a liter of water on Monday. Did this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (today) and had sinus/headache since Monday evening. Tonight I am running a fever. Is this herx or might I have a virus? I've been fighting a cough/sinus thing for several weeks now, better one day then back to the cough and cheek pain. I have been in airports and medical clinics with many sick people around me, so I could have picked something up. I plan to continue the borax unless I feel a good deal worse. I also take 1 drop lugols every morning in water, but that shouldn't matter, should it? I drink lots of water during the day and eat clean, but was snacking a good bit during my airport day (planes delayed, was there a very long time and exhausted when I got home. Over 24 hours, yuck).

Borax Side Effects
Posted by David (Canada) on 03/25/2019

Greetings. I have been watching several of your youtube videos regarding the health benefits of boron supplementation. I am a 62 year old male recently diagnosed with low testosterone. My doctor prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at a relatively low dose. As pointed out, Boron can apparently be useful in increasing testosterone and balancing hormones, so I decided to give it a try. Borax of course is a very cheap option for obtaining Boron. I purchased a box of mule 20 team borax at a local grocery store. The only ingredient listed is Sodium Tetraborate. Knowing that Borax contains approximately 11 milligrams of Boron per 100 milligrams, I carefully weighed out 60 milligrams of Borax (providing about 6-7 mg of boron) on a sensitive scale. This I put in a small bottle and added very hot water. To that, I emptied a 150mg capsule of magnesium citrate and shook it very well. Then I poured that into a 15 ounce bottle and filled it with cold filtered water, shook it again, and drank it. That night, I woke at 4 in the morning soaked in sweat. Could this be some form of detoxification? Perhaps I should lower the dose? The next day I did the same thing, although this time I drank the bottle over the course of the day. While I did not wake up in a sweat, I did wake up feeling quite nauseated, which passed later in the day. Again, is this part of a detoxification that could/should pass in time? Any advice, especially from those who've experienced similar symptoms would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by John (Texas) on 04/23/2019

For your first dose it sounds like you overdosed. You need to start with low doses to see how your body reacts. You then build up to a full dose. Detox is no fun and you control it by slowly detoxing. Good Luck.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Casey (NY, NY) on 06/25/2019

Your dose: 1/8 tsp Borax ≈ 500 mg Borax ≈ 55mg Boron 55mg Boron ÷ 4 = 13.8mg boron David's dose: 60mg Borax ≈ 6.8mg Boron Darren Dose = 13.8 mg Boron David's dose = 6.8 mg Boron Did I miss anything?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Sam (USA) on 08/18/2019

Good approach Darren. Way better to start way low especially with a substance like this. More is not better in many cases. Many times consistency is the order of the day. With a pH of 9.3, this is something to start slowly. I might even suggest twice a day at most. Like baking soda, this is probably something to take on an empty stomach perhaps well before a meal to see how it affects you. A Herx reaction can be intimidating. Some folks have a major tox load and can react more. I drink RO water and have a very clean diet with no health issues. Most people eat a toxin laden diet and may not be aware of it. One should not start a detox diet with chelation as this can damage the kidneys. Supplementing Boron should be kept under 3mg/day as an initial protocol. I just got some 20 Mule Power sodium tetraborate and will probably start with 1/8th tsp diluted in a pint of RO water using one tbsp per day of the solution with plenty of additional water throughout the day just to test how I may react.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Oliver (Germany) on 04/19/2020

Hello, for how long are you using Borax now? I used it for just two month - low dose, just a knife tip a day - it pushed my libido and testosterone, but then after quitting I never got back to usual testosterone production and I never ever used Borax again. Still today 3 years after, I have test. Problems.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 06/18/2020

Hi Oliver, As I was reading your posts and the one I sent you as a reply before I had the thought that maybe a complimentary supplement was missing , like a mineral or amino or fat soluble or other hormone to balance the borax. I had issues when I was on borax before and just read Arts link stating that the borax turned to boron when it went into the hydrochloric acid in the gut and I only used it in foot soaks. There are many men use like small dose progesterone. I don't remember it but Dr. John Lee wrote it in his books, what your doc may not tell you ...series. Dhea is what the body uses to make hormones and you get deficient in it as you age. Vitamin D with K-2 is a hormone regulator and horsetail affects calcium regulation . Iodine affects hormone glands and magnesium is a big one when calcium is involved. Ginger affects circulation and helps food digest . Low stomach acid would affect mineral absorption. Low fat or bad fat diets make it hard for the liver to make bile to break down proteins. hints on iron and zinc estrogen in environment and insulin I heard someone teach that high calcium is behind diabetes and borax moves calcium around . I don't think borax causes diabetes but it might be a temporary die off stage when using borax like kidney stones are and chanca Piedra, stonebreaker, helps remove those.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Bobbie (Forest City, PA) on 01/05/2019

Re: borax - My family all had bone pain in different areas so I would only use the lower dose that's recommended.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Kevin (Toulon) on 12/20/2018

I have been taking one teaspoon of borax in 1.5L water. I did a mistake because I knew nothing about dosage and read on a forum that someone was taking this high amount. I have been taking this for about two months which is huge. Now I have no more sperm. I discovered borax could be toxic to the testicles in high doses. Did this happen to anyone?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Hina (Sindh) on 11/27/2018 2 posts

I have reactive arthritis since 5 years. I'm on day 5 of using borax (two pinch), Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon in half glass of water, ACV, Coconut Oil two times a day 1, I have left wheat, sugar and also doing juice fasting(vegetables mostly). I'm feeling energized but with side effects - low back pain shoulder pain pinched nerves in elbow and lot of acne (milia) comes up on face. I also have dry eyes due to ReA. Hoping I will recover fast. Do anybody have this kind of side effect and when they will subside?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 11/05/2018

I belive msm and c and molybdenum and magnesium and chanca piedra can help

borax releases calcium out of soft tissue into kidneys, very painful use chanca piedra in vitamin isle walmart

I am still using it as a footsoak because my stomach is not ready for it after over year of footsoaks 3 x a week. Some others in this site can foot soak in huge amounts, I have to use 1/4 tsp. still work using it to get life back into balance....

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Isela (New York) on 08/23/2018

I been taking 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water, but I have side effects tingle sensation in my left arm, pain in the left side of my neck, anxiety and a lot of gasse, every time I time I touch my neck. Thanks God, I don't have the anxiety anymore. Someone who experienced the same side effects, or anyone who can tell me what can I do to get rid of the symptoms. Thank you very much for your help.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Isela (New York) on 09/17/2018

I made a mistake on a previous message, the anxiety and high blood pressure was caused by the Apple Cider Vinegar. Thank you for all your help.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Yola4 (Leh, New Jersey ) on 06/10/2018

Hi guys,

I just started taking borax yesterday (1/8 tsp in 1 liter water) and experienced some nausea and rapid heart beat almost right away. I took it again today and my pulse slowed down, but I've been throwing up all day. I'm trying to heal RA, hypothyroidism, heal my gut, become alkaline, kill off Candida, and heal this over exfoliated burning skin damage. Yeah a lot to deal with.

I want to continue it for healing purposes but I just cannot consume it that way...the taste is not pleasant and tastes like a chemical to me. Honestly just the thought of it makes me nauseated again. So I'm looking to buy boron supplements but was wondering if anyone could recommend somewhere or a brand. Also how much would I take? Thanks

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Gioia (Pa) on 10/09/2018

I make my own capsules with borax. I purchase empty capsules and fill with borax. Maybe try that instead.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Al779 (Sylva) on 05/16/2018

Hi. I'm using Borax (1/8 tsp/liter/day for 5 days) to treat Lichen sclerosus. I'm on my second week of 5 days on/2days off. Since I've started I have started having hot flashes mostly at night (never had them before). I had read that this treatment helped people with hot flashes. I'm 53 yo and I just missed my first period in April so I guess it possible that this is just part of the early stages of menopause but seems odd it started when I started the borax treatments. Do you think it's related?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ar100 (San Jose, Ca) on 04/23/2018

Thank you Teena, I will let her know. Her acne condition is due to hormonal effects. The borax was helping but she got so discouraged with the dark circles. She has tried acne antibiotics and other hormonal medicine but nothing seems to get rid of her acne...

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