Health Benefits

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Molly (Princeton, Nj) on 04/05/2018

I began again taking, in the morning, 1/8 tsp borax in 1 liter of water daily (sipped throughout day) for 5 days then 2 days off. In the first week alone it makes me very sleep around 1-3 pm that I have to take a 2 hour nap. After that I'm fine again. This is the 3rd time over 1 year I started this dose and each time it makes me sleepy so I stop taking it. Why is it making me sleepy? I'm healthy and should have few toxins in me. Thank you.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Alexander (Washington) on 03/31/2018

I've been using two pinches of borax as a supplement everyday for nearly a year. Now I'm worried it has built up in my system and is causing skin rashes, irritated throat, slight fever etc.

I regularly drink alcohol which could have inhibited my kidney function, preventing my kidneys from flushing boron out of my system.

The amount I used daily would have been roughly 20 or 25 mg per day.

Should I have been taking two days off?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Sschulz (Ca) on 12/05/2017

I've been taking the Borax now for 4 weeks...1/8 tsp in 1 liter of water like Ted described... I built it up slowly from 1 day to 4, and at the end of last week I felt very depressed and nauseous...Took it again yesterday and the same nausea came back. I'm wondering if this is a herx or if I am allergic to the Borax or if I may have to reduce the dose...

I have scleroderma and also have Spincter of Oddi issues after having my gallbladder removed 6 years ago...Not sure what to do... I was on antibiotics for many years (I know bad) but I was hoping this would work out and help me feel better.. I am a low weight 95lbs and maybe need to reduce this to 1/16th of a teaspoon? I would be very grateful for any help...

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/06/2017

Yes Sschulz, reduce dosage. I only take a tiny pinch.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Josephine (Ny) on 11/18/2017

I never knew Borax killed parasites. Does anyone have more information about this?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Annette (Ohio) on 09/28/2018

When u say u add 1t in ur coffee, do U mean straight borax or 1 t of borax solution diluted in water? Thx

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 04/24/2017

KT, love you like a sister, but I have to have a process problem to solve least I end up in the top of a tall, tall pine tree. Went to EDTA chelation today and with all my problems I have not had a treatment in 3 years. You are supposed to have a treatment every month to maintain what you have already accomplished. We then went by our little farm to see what damage the flood had wrought. Well it took out a new raised bed, the fence on the South end and the water is still too high to tell the damage on the north end. Our green house plants are ready to be set in the ground, but the garden is standing in water. They will soon be root bound in their small cells.

I am in my glory as I have one heck of a problem and will have to think and work my way through it. I could cuss and throw my hat but that won't help a thing. My industry career was straightening out mills that were in the ditch. Once I got them running smoothly, life was boring and I then looked for another challenge. Right not with my health problems and our farm, life is about as interesting as I can stand. Oh yeah, slept with my legs elevated last night and my edema was slightly improved.

Thank you for your concern. ===ORH===

PS, here is a graph the Sewee Creek level at our farm. The Corp of Engineers tower is located on our property.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Kendra (Washington) on 07/15/2017

There is an antidote to poison ivy. Jewelweed is the antidote and there is a company that sells a spray, salve, and a soap, I think.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Sue (Usa) on 04/11/2017

Try reading the Boron Conspiracy article ( ). It references the magnesium/calcium relationship as it relates to boron. I wonder if your boron regiment is causing calcium redistribution.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Frank (Tampa) on 08/02/2017

I've been using borax for about 3 weeks, at first I experienced some headaches and depression, but now an old broken toe (broke it 15 years ago) suddenly started to hurt, not the like the occasional ache associated with the weather. Now it hurts like I just broke it! I really think it re-broke all by itself, there's been no event to explain it. Calcium redistribution? Anyone else experience anything similar?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 08/03/2017 2063 posts

Yes, kinda. As I have been dealing with Bone disease for several yrs, my experience with Borax has been rather effective in killing a chronic mycoplasma infection but not much improvement for Bones as far as I could tell. So a few months ago I assumed I was not getting enough boron from the Borax and started supplementing 4mg with very good results.

Recently in my up & down cycles of bone disease, I too get an acute or temporary episode of bone pain which is later sensed as marked improvement in the condition. This happened last night as well as July 3rd and both times I was noticeably better the fallowing day, which leaves me to conclude there is a point of pain into as well as out of disease, like a gateway; kinda like the emotional hurts-so-good phenomina.

Take Turmeric to reduce inflammation. Other minerals needed for bones are Calcium/Magnesium, Manganese, and Strontium. Vit D & K are need also.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Carolina (Chile) on 10/14/2017

Good feedback. I'm passing through the hell on earth you say. Taking the second o third day with 1/8 teaspoon of B. But the kidney pain is frightening! Could u remember how many days it passed until the pain is gone? How many olive oil u took? and water? I dont know what to do but I dont want to stop B. thank you all :)

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lolo (Ontario, Oregon) on 03/23/2017

I have been taking diatomaceous earth, using magnesium oil, and started the borax treatment. And my question is since I started the borax prototol suggested on here and all of sudden these pains randomly in my body flared up the pass few weeks which were pains and old injuries I had through a 20 + year period. Such as neck pain, sciatic nerves on both right and left side, both knee, old stress fraction, and more. They come and go it's so weird. So is it because they are getting a treatment they open back up to truly heal. A month ago I had no pain in most of these parts of my body but now I'm feeling achy and harder to move around even though I exercise everyday it's just a little tougher. So should it eventually heal and go away or what should I do? I just found a bump on my small toe. And it hurts.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mic (New Jersey) on 04/27/2021

For LPR or "silent gerd" try pharmaceutical-grade D-Limonene from Integrative Therapeutics at bedtime only and as directed at:

Take together with a measured teaspoon (5 mL) of organic apple cider vinegar in eight ounces of filtered or distilled water. Sleep with upper body at an angle. I use three pillows to accomplish this. A European square pillow and two standard pillows. One in back of the European square and against the headboard and the other in front of the European square and behind my head.

Do not consume borax.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Julie (Nashville ) on 02/18/2017

I just started taking Borax solution yesterday (20 Mule Team) - 1 tsp in 1 liter water and taking 2 tsp of that solution per day and I don't feel so good. I feel somewhat continually nauseous. I so want to experience the benefits I've read about!! I don't know whether to take any tomorrow, even at the low dose, although it's likely I will. Really not feeling so hot...

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Dorothea (Calgary Ab) on 08/23/2016

I take Synthroid 100. When I take Borax I get a headache and I can feel it in my thyroid right away. I get too hyper. My cheek bones hurt me. Now I will stop with coffee and only drink chamomile tea to calm myself.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/18/2016

Irma, you might possibly be taking much more than your body can handle.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Pomegranate (Sw Usa) on 10/17/2015

I would think it is low stomach acid. The solution neutralizes the acid in your stomach because it is alkaline (think baking soda mixed with vinegar=water). The low level of acid makes the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) get sloppy and what acid you do have left splashes up into the esophagus.

This is the reason I can't take the borax water or the potassium ascorbate water or the magnesium water, or the etc etc...

I don't know if taking a betaine HCl with your borax water would help or not.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Sharon (Bluffton,indiana) on 01/09/2015

I am replying to this because I seen your taking evening primrose and thought I would comment because I'm going thru menopause and started taking evening primrose and my hot flashes got so much more worse. Then I read where it makes you estrogen dominant so I stopped EPR and started black cohosh. Wonder if the EPR is making your breast worse, cause I read that borax helps normalize hormones. Just a thought.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mindy (Texas) on 02/04/2017

If you took levaquin, you are probably suffering from Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. There are many sirs that can email what is going on with you, as Dr.'s will not admit to it.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 11/25/2013

Borax also needs enough magnesium in the body to work, according to Ted.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Hisjewel (New York, America) on 07/30/2015

I take it easy with the borax and I am doing great. No side effects. Maybe some tingling earlier but that it. In answer to the question how to keep the blood pressure normal while taking borax, I followed somebodies advice in EC to use Pomegranate juice. What a blessing! The first two days I took about 1/4 of a glass after each meal. After about a week I was able to skip a day. The juice is quite sweet so I did eventurally get the capsules. I have NOT had high blood pressure since I started taking or drinking Pomegranate.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 02/21/2017 2063 posts

Yes on checking Sodium/Potassium levels as the meds keep sodium low and Potassium high. If this balance is too delicate it suggest deficiency in other major and/or trace minerals. Start with a good healthfood store brand Multivitamin/Mineral supplement and then a Trace Mineral supplement. Oh, let me back up and suggest, first switch from regular table salt to Iodized Sea Salt which contains trace minerals. Blackstrap Molasses (BSM) is a good superfood high in minerals.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Carin (St. Louis, Missouri) on 06/25/2013

I am writing to give my feedback on the borax remedy. I followed the recipe exactly as it was submitted by Precisely from Mineral Hill, New Mexico, Usa on 5/19/13:

... dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water* free of chlorine and fluoride. This is your concentrated solution. Keep the bottle out of reach of small children. (* I''m using distilled water)

Standard dose = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or as a maintenance dose you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily."

I took a teaspoon at night just before going to bed for exactly a week and experienced extreme hormonal and/or brain chemistry side effects that came close to pushing me over the edge into the looney bin! I think this is a very potent remedy that affects hormones and brain chemistry much more than is known. I went from calm and peaceful to crazy high amounts of anxiety and paranoia by the end of the week. I lay awake every night worrying that the sky was falling in every part of my life!! I ceased taking the remedy on a Sunday and it was Wednesday morning before everything returned to normal. I urge GREAT CAUTION to those taking this remedy. I only wish I could have monitored the changes in my hormones and brain chemistry before, during and after my borax week with blood panels.

Another side effect is that I lost 5 pounds in a week! It has stayed off, which I am happy about.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by M (Up There, Usa) on 12/26/2014

You took way too much. One teaspoon is NOT the dose. Ted's comments have been 1/8 tsp per day. Please read this entire section before wildly experimenting like this.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by John (London, Uk) on 06/23/2013

Hi Baldev, I don't know how dangerous borax at that level is. But if I had accidentally consumed a teaspoon in a glass of water, I would drink a lot of distilled water for the next week or so and take a dose or two of activated charcoal in a lot of water. Let us know how it turns out.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by G (Australia) on 03/29/2016

Borax is definitely causing a healing crisis, with flu-like symptoms, burning up (fever), etc.

As I have Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism/Thyrotoxicosis, I was expecting a reaction, but am determined to push through because I read somewhere that continued use can and will heal Graves Disease, etc., and restore balance.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 02/19/2012

Update 2 - I thought I should add this because it seems it may not be the Borax producing these side effects after all but my ______ ACV. After having loss of appetite, nausea, burping, fatigue and diarrhoea a few days ago (an 80ml dose of colloidal silver in water fixed it), I went off the Borax and ACV drink for a day and all was well. BUT last night I had an ACV/honey hot toddy before bed (without the Borax). And this morning woke up with the same symptoms! Another dose of CS cured it. So I think the ACV may be too acidic for me. Yes, yes, I know despite it being made from acetic acid and having a ph of only 3. 075 ACV it is meant to have an alkalising effect. But as somebody who has a very acidic body, I think I'll stick with drinking my alkalising colloidal silver for now. ACV has never worked for me when drinking for asthma, hayfever, bronchitis, colds or rheumatoid arthritis - perhaps this is why? Mind you, it worked great topically for skin tags and herpes! :)

Anyway, thought I should update this is it doesn't look like the Borax is the culprit after all. If I have the courage to return to the Borax I'll update...!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Usa, Pa/usa) on 04/13/2011


I would like your opinion on my reaction to borax I have taken borax as written about on your posts and have had a strong reaction on it. I was taking it for 4 days and felt a headache that moves from place to place with a bad taste in my mouth. Leading up to this dose I was sprinkling borax over coffee grounds of my coffee maker. I stopped taking it and started now for 2 days taking Idoral Potassium Iodine and the first day took two and had a stronger reaction and even felt vains of pressure on my face around my head (like a poison) sleeping all day and drinking plenty of water throughout this.

I feel much better now without stopping the Idoral suppliment. I only feel a pressure in my kidneys. Also I had strong feelings run through my body when I heard different sounds and is still there but minor now. I have had this reaction to sound for a number of months and is one of the reasons I am looking into causes. I suspect a fluoride/bromine build up but no tests have be taken and would like to figure this out on my own as much as possible. I have always thought I was much smarter than I am throughout my life. My memory isnt that great and have sensed a fog with me in some degree through childhood onward. I had odd stage fright as a child and onward but am a very confident person. I suspect that myself and family have been exposed to toxin in some form. My mother died of breast cancer when I was young, my sister has dystonia, and my dad has very bad brain fog and generally lost. I'm glad that I'm feeling better and plan on taking Iodine for some time for a long term detox if that is indeed what is happening. Also through my adult life I have had body parts fall asleep very easily during sleep and a certain sensation on the top of my legs. I can tune it out but I have had it for a very long time. Any thoughts you might have would be helpful. I see the world alot like you do.

dave /36

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Garrett (Wichita, Ks, Usa) on 02/15/2011

All right, I've been doing research for about two weeks now and it seems to me that ingesting Sodium Tetraborate is potentially dangerous due to the fact that you are not VERY SPECIFICALLY measuring the amount of Boron you are receiving. The upper alowable limit for boron is around 17-20 mg per day for HEALTHY ADULTS. Now when you take borax, in amounts such as 1/4 teaspoon per day, this is very unregulated. The boron atom in sodium TETRAborate is multiplied by four so anyone taking this amount is putting themself at risk. Just do it right by taking a boron supplement.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read this info on Boron. It's very simple and straight forward. It explains ALL your negative side effects. I will be using this as a guys to my anti-flouridation efforts upon myself.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Pomegranate (Sw Usa) on 10/17/2015

Sweating is a good way to get rid of metals. I have heard that it is the only way, but I don't know if that's altogether true. It feels lovely too. When I'm having a bad day a good sweat can reset me nicely.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (Lafayette, La) on 10/03/2010

To clcball: Surely you don't really mean 18 tsp in one litre of water? Please correct this amount to read 1/8 tsp in one litre (approx 32 oz) of water, or I just might hyperventilate at the thought of you drinking that much borax!!!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 10/07/2010

Hi Everyone,

Peter from Chicago emailed me yesterday to ask if I would contact the manufacturer of 20 Mule Team Borax to find out if there are additional ingredients in the Borax. (Thanks, Peter!) Below is the customer service response I just received.


P.S. Here's their product page for more info: - click on the FAQ tab at the top.

October 7, 2010

Dear Ms. Layne:

Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding Twenty Mule Team Borax.

Borax consists of the elements: Sodium, Oxygen, Boron & Water

Boron = 11.56%
Sodium = 12.06%
Trace Minerals (0.5%) found at the mining site

Thank you again for contacting us.

Consumer Affairs

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lara (Sarasota, Florida) on 06/20/2010

I am on day 4 of the borax protocol (1/8th teaspoon in 1 liter of water, sipped slowly throughout the day). I didn't experience any side effects until this morning when I felt slight brain fog. At about noon I looked in the mirror and discovered that a blood vessel had burst in my left eye. I have had these before, but usually only after flying. I am guessing that this is related to the borax. I have also been regularly taking lugol's iodine (3 drops a day in water) for months but have never noticed this side effect. Anyone else experience this? I found some information on Dr. Weil's site about how certain supplements can cause a burst blood vessel in the eye, but nothing mentioned about borax or iodine.

I stopped the borax solution right away and am going to wait 3 days to pass before trying again. Will send update.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Bo Jangles (Ca., US) on 01/16/2015

Don't mix borax with high amounts of iodine - they seem to have a negative interaction (I took 60mg KI and around 1 gram boraxat the same time). And of course both tend to increase T3 so you are likely becoming very hyperthyroid. I have my theories about what the problematic interaction is...but needless to say best not to mix them.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 03/26/2010

1/4 tsp per litre and a whole glass is most likely too much. Try 1/8 and little sips throughout the day. When experimenting with this I found strong effects at this amount (1/8tsp per liter) and would only consume about half the bottle in a day. Also, why are you taking it? If to get pregnant there are most likely other safer and time proven ways.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/15/2009

This is not the correct way to do it. The proper method is to dissolve the borax 1/32 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon in ONE LITER of drinking water and drink throughout the day. It was not designed to take in pure powder form, usually to rid of autoimmunity disease or a known fluoride poisoning. In rabbit test the dose is roughly lower than this concentration to protect against fluoride poisoning when they added lethal dose of fluoride.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Robin (Chicago, Il) on 07/30/2010

Response to "Jgrau from Coquitlam, Bc"
Clearly, you have NOT read anything on this Web site regarding the differences between "boric acid" and "borax". They ARE NOT the same!! One is acid aka boric "acid", and one is alkaline - borax. Even the Web site you noted states "boric acid". COME ON, PEOPLE. TAKE THE TIME to "READ". This is a forum for sharing experiences, not one in which to exhibit your shortcomings... Furthermore, boric acid IS used medicinally, often for women who do not respond to conventional therapy for yeast infections. It is put into a capsule, placed into the vaginal canal, and actually works very well.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/20/2010 391 posts

If the concern of borax or borates is converted to boric acid, then just add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in case the hydrochloric acid of the stomach should convert to boric acid. Also stomach acidity varies greatly throughout the day. It is very high before meals, but is very low acidity after meals. Therefore this can be taken after meals, or before sleep. If kidney problem does occur, simply discontinue them until it does get better. To neutralize any borax negative effect, I usually take magnesium chloride drops and just skip a week or at least three days, allowing the body to get rid of excess borax from the body. Most lower back pain I have found turns out also taking excess calcium and not enough magnesium also.

Yes, I do receive emails of testical pain from taking borax from a few men. I got one person from Vietnam who is an earthclinic reeader and came to Bangkok on a tour packaged, and managed to find time to see me about his hair loss condition. He mentioned that taking borax did cause his testicular pain, but that went away because he masturbated. Apparently what I found was borax caused the pain from higher sperm volume and sperm count and as resulted the masturbation reduced that and made him feel more like a man. In other words more sexually responsive (getting it up) when having sex. It's the viagra effect for people who have low male hormone levels. Apparently, this particular person thought not masturbating was a normal thing because he had no desire, and got used to that line of thought. The borax remedy made him change some behavior to masturbate at least weekly, as he reports of much larger sperm volume he never he had it before. It should be noted that if person does not wish to masturbate at least weekly or need to abstain from sex, then borax is clearly not good.

The other problem concerning borax used is it's tendency to make women get pregnant too easily. If people do not wish to conceive, and have unprotected sex, you get pregnant much more easily. I have over four cases here in Bangkok of women becoming pregnant from taking this, but luckily most of them are married, or wish to have a child, so they were happy. One has been struggling to have a child for 10 years and got pregnant in just 1 month after taking the supplements. It seems it increases women's fertility and men's fertility also, through increasing sperm count and sperm volume. Therefore borax is not something a person will use if that person does not wish to have a child or requires sexual abstinence. The opposite is also true.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/23/2010 391 posts

There are a couple of wrong information here. The LD50 of boric is 2.66 grams per kilogram, but not borax, but for convenience purpose in calculation I used just 2. gram per kilogram, just to be safe. The borax LD50 is LD50 for borax was 5400 mg/kg in male rats and 5000 in female rats, see Borax Pesticide fact sheet. Toxicity Category IV, Table I, Oral. The correct name for borax is sodium tetraborate decahydrate. It's molecular weight is 381.37 while it has a boron molecular weight is 10. 81. In a typical borax, there is 11.33% boron content. That means there is 4 boron molecules in a sodium tetraborate hexahydrate. The dog and rat studies on testicular atrophy is based on boron content rather then borax content or boric acid content.

So if they were to calculate that the limit of boron is 20 mg per kilogram content per dose, this would mean if I were consuming borax, to get the same amount on a per kilogram basis, I would need to consume 20/.1133 = 176 mg per kilogram per dose. This means, I weigh 70 kilograms, I would need to consume 176 mg x 70 kilogram = 12,320 mg of borax, or 12.32 grams. Assuming that one teaspoons has 4 grams per teaspoon, this would mean consuming 4 teaspoons per dose to get a testicular atrophy. In a typical dose of 1/4 teaspoon this would be only 0.25/4 x100 = 6% of the unsafe dose. Animal studies of LD50 is based on per dose, rather then per day. This means the scientist has to literally stuff the chemicals down the throat. In a typical borax diluted in one liter of water, few people actually drink this in one sitting. The likelihood from suffering from death by water intoxication of taking all 4 teaspoon would require taking 16 liters of water in one sitting.

Sorry, but I can't go into further details, regarding individual studies, I have limited time at the moment.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/25/2010 391 posts

Sorry, don't have time to answer all the details, but briefly please refer to "UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION International Programme on Chemical Safety, Environment Health Criteria 204, Boron"

1.1.3 Kinetics and biological monitoring

The pharmacokinetics of boron appear to be quite similar across species in the following respects:

a) Absorption of borates is essentially complete (approximately 95% in humans and rats), and boron appears rapidly in the blood and body tissues of several mammalian species following ingestion.

b) Distribution of boron in mammals appears to occur by passive diffusion throughout the body fluids. In contrast to soft tissues and blood, bone shows selective uptake of boron (>4 times higher than serum) and significantly longer retention times.

c) Metabolism of boric acid is thermodynamically unfavourable in biological systems. Thus, the ionic species in systemic circulation are expected to be equivalent across mammals. This eliminates a major source of potential uncertainty for risk extrapolation, as interspecies differences in enzymatic pathways and/or metabolic rates do not need to be taken into consideration.

d) Elimination kinetics (especially route of elimination and terminal half-life) also appear to be similar for humans and rats. The similarities in pharmacokinetic parameters between humans and rats, the species defining the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for laboratory studies, reduce the uncertainty for risk extrapolation between these two species.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Joe (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 06/29/2011

It seems like boron is the culprit for long-term effects, not necessarily whether it is in acid or salt form.
Borax is about 11% boron, boric acid is about 17% boron

MINIMUM lethal dose of boric acid in human adults 15g - 20g boric acid = 2. 6 g -3. 5 g boron (This is not the LD50. LD50 is defined as the dose that kills 50% of the population, so the LD50 may be somewhat greater than this, but it certainly won't be less than this amount. )

Take a 60 kg individual and that gives 43 mg B/Kg - 58 mg B/Kg minimum lethal dose.
I'm assuming the individual who died at 15 g was 60 Kg, as well as the individual who died at 20g. FYI my fellow Americans, 60 Kg = 132 lbs.

The density of borax is 1.73 g/mL

A teaspoon is 5 mL
So 1/4 of a teaspoon gives (1.73 g/mL)*(1/4)*(5mL) = 2. 16 g = 2160 mg borax = 245 mg For a 60 kg person 245 mg B-> 4 mg B/Kg

So taking 1/4 of a teaspoon of borax gives 10% of the MINIMUM lethal dose.

Now on to the report from the European Center for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC). Report No. 63. This is available free online.

The report is quite long, so I will concentrate on two sets of findings.

First, they review the fertility effects of acute exposure to borax and boric acid, in rats. That is, a one time exposure followed by monitoring. The lowest 'No observable adverse effect level' (NOAEL) is 88 mg B/Kg. They find testicular atrophy and decreased sperm volume above that level, but reversible up to 700 mg B/Kg. Beyond that concentration, the damage was not reversible.

Second, they review the fertility effects of repeated exposure to borax and boric acid. The lowest NOAEL is 17.5 mg/Kg /day for 2 years.

Based on that second review, they calculate a tolerable daily intake (TDI) for humans. Assuming a 60 Kg person:

TDI = NOAEL * 60Kg / [(UF intraspecies)* (UF interspecies)]

They use an interspecies factor of 3, accounting for the fact that humans may not tolerate boron as well as rats, but they state that interspecies differences are expected to be small. 3 is just a large safety margin.
"The toxicokinetics of borates in man and animals is similar irrespective of the route of administration. Borates are not metabolised and so there is no potential source of variation among species, with respect to metabolic competence. The same critical effects are found in all animal species examined. "

They use an intraspecies factor of 10, to account for the fact that some humans may be far more sensitive to boron than others.

They finally arrive at a TDI = 17.5 mg/Kg/day * 60Kg / [3*10] = 35 mg B/day for fertility effects. 1/28 of a teaspoon of borax
This is based on 2 years of daily consumption, so a human could theoretically consume this amount every day for 2 years and experience no adverse fertility effects.

If we apply this same standard to the acute exposure numbers, we get:
88 mg B/Kg * 60 Kg / [3*10] = 176 mg B for fertility effects
This is over the course of a single day. 176 mg B corresponds to 1600 mg of borax or about 1/5 of a teaspoon

Some individuals may be sensitive at this level, and that may explain why some people have reported adverse effects. However, these numbers are based on very large safety margins, so the vast majority of individuals will not have any adverse effects at these levels. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, there is no test for boron sensitivity.

The LOAEL for acute exposure was between 88 and 175 mg B/Kg. Translating that to humans and using the same factors means that adverse effects from a single exposure may start somewhere between 176 mg and 350 mg B in a single day.

I've been using boron on and off at the 1/4 teaspoon per day level for 2 weeks now, and have noticed very good effects. I will post a more detailed report on my own experience later.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Sayno2gmo (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 10/14/2011

David (Dave) from Surrey, BC Canada that posted on 02/19/2009 saying he took it for 2 weeks then got kidney, testicle, and headaches, only to try it again on 04/15/2009 for 2 days and quitting due to the pain in the same areas.

I'm really glad some of these misinformation artists are dumb. Thank you for exposing yourself Dave!

People that are researching natural remedies, just know that there are many people like this, some paid some not, trying to scare you away from trying things like this.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Peg (Virginia USA) on 04/03/2022

Your post is the first to mention pain from fluoride detoxing. I believe that is happening to me. Thank you for answering the question I have had about why I'm in such pain despite doing all these healthy things!

Can you recommend additional reading sources on this issue? Thank you.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Misty (Indiana, Usa) on 07/17/2012

I also experienced hives after taking taking the borax water. I get the breakout on my face, neck, hands, legs, and especially my lower back and buttocks (it fades everywhere but my back/buttocks). I initially thought it was from spending too much time with the family cat (I'm allergic), but when the rash didn't go away after taking an antihistamine, I knew something was up. Borax is the only new remedy I have been trying, so I googled "borax rash" and found similar stories. According to a Wikipedia article on borax, borax poisoning can cause the following symptoms: "a beefy red skin rash affecting palms, soles, buttocks and scrotum has been described. With severe poisoning, erythematous and exfoliative rash, unconsciousness, respiratory depression, and renal failure."

I have also been experiencing hair loss since starting this remedy that I didn't connect to borax until I read of others experiencing this symptom. I have been urinating white specks for the past 2 weeks or so which could be borax buildup. My naturally soft skin has become dry all over my body; my lips are cracked. If I drink too much of the borax/water mixture at once, I will experience headaches and dizziness almost imediately. To me, these side effects indicate that this is not a very safe remedy, and I will discontinue my oral intake of borax at once. I will continue to bathe in borax water about once or twice a week (to treat my recurrent yeast infection) and hope the side effects disappear after I cease oral intake.

To be clear, my dosage is the recommended 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of water sipped throughout the day, 5 days on & 2 days off. I finish about 1/2 to 2/3 of the mixture in one day; I usually stop when I get a slight headache (it worsens if I continue taking it). I am a 115 lb woman. I eat an almost vegan diet (completely vegan for the past 2-3 weeks) and drink plenty of water. I'm not taking any hormones or anything as Ted speculated may be the cause. I also do not have symptoms of Morgellons disease or any other parasitic disorders aside from a recurrent yeast infection I've had for about a month. I started taking the borax because I believed it would help fight off the yeast infection (which I think may also reside in my gut causing constipation).

I had previously been trying whatever remedy was recommended on this website, forgetting that any nonprofessional individual can submit a testimonial. I rarely bothered to do research or even read the side effects posts on this site. I now realize that even "natural remedies" can be dangerous, and I encourage everyone to do their research so that they are aware of any adverse effects before they experience them.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Michael (NY) on 01/28/2024

Hi, I was wondering if the borax detox of 1/4 tsp in a liter of water can potentially cause DHT hair loss since borax increases testosterone?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by AZJJ (AZ) on 01/01/2024

I took a VERY small dose of Borax and had a really bad reaction... yes, it was very old... but I have no idea why... perhaps an interaction? I used to take a lot of different supps...???

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 12/15/2023

Borax and tiredness


My mom in her 70's has been taking borax for nearly a month. The last digit of her thumbs, index fingers and middle finger tingle, are somewhat numb and at times uncomfortable. She was a typist most of her life. She's experiencing bone loss noticeable in her teeth. Her energy is not great.

She lifts weights and walks and has a very health diet (a lot of raw fruit and lightly cooked veggies, all organic) though she does have a cheat night every week (pizza) and does eat organic wheat soft taco shells 1-2 times a week. She had a hysterectomy, part of her thyroid removed and suffered from IBS for a long time. Now and for over a decade, her digestion is very good, no IBS and she takes zero meds. We're trying too reverse her bone loss, increase her energy and hopefully help her finger tip issue.

It appears that the borax makes her more tired than normal and saps her energy.

She started at 1/16 tspn and is now taking 1/4 + 1/8 tspn daily which I believe is the recommended amount for woman post-menopause with osteoporosis. She also takes 10,000iu d3/k2, vit B complex, molybdenom, vit C (camu camu), magnesium chloride, and recently added 2 tblsn ACV pre-mixed with 1/2 tspn BS. The vit c, acv/bs mix and molybdenom are added to her borax drink which she sips throughout the day.

Anybody have any advice or experience? Herx reactions and/or detox slowing her down via kidneys or liver is what I'm thinking.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 12/27/2023

I haven't seen anything in spam. I did get a notification for the first time just now. Thank you.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Claire (QLD) on 11/03/2023

A week ago, I took a pinch of borax in a glass of water 2 days in a row & it has made my arthritic symptoms much worse. Today, 5 days later, I'm experiencing a further worsening with pain in my lower spine & in multiple joints. Does borax actually harm some people & work against effective calcium metabolism? That's how it feels to me at this point. Given the negative symptoms I've experienced from borax, I don't have any confidence in it reducing the arthritic calcifications.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Sandra (Brisbane Qld) on 03/23/2024

My understanding is to start very small and that sometimes symptoms get worse before they get better. Maybe half a pinch...put a pinch in a saucer and devide it in half with a knife? All the best

Borax Side Effects
Posted by PG (Puerto Maldonado, Peru) on 10/05/2023

Heat intolerance while taking Borax

Hello everyone. I starting taking Borax internally about 4 yrs ago to combat an internal yeast overgrowth. It took care of the candida over a long period of time. Really appreciate having learned about the anti fungal properties of Borax.

I live in a hot tropical region and so fungus issues are prevalent and reoccurring here and so like to keep the Borax on hand so when an issue arises I can take care of it quickly by ingesting some Borax for a short period. My question for you guys is has anyone noticed becoming heat intolerant while taking Borax. I mean I am so overheated once temps go over 30c and almost am dead when it nears 40c. I never was like this before I took Borax. Lately a friend of mine who also lives in the tropics has just started taking Borax and she too is complaining about sudden heat intolerance. We are both experiencing extreme excessive sweating. I put two and two together and it seems it is Borax that is effecting us in this most uncomfortable way. Have any of you experienced such a thing while consuming Borax?

Thank you and I love Earth Clinic!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Conniffer (Wi) on 10/12/2023

Please explain how Borax and Lugol's "cancel" each other:

"...If you take the Borax at the same time as the iodine then they will each cancel out the other's beneficial effects."

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