One day I searched earthclinic again and noticed the posts for castor oil. I bought organic, food grade oil and he started using it. We were careful, applying a couple of drops each time, 3 times a day. It shrank the hemorrhoid greatly pretty fast, in a half of the day the pain was less and the size became much smaller, it worked like a miracle. In a day the shrank piece fell off. We were shocked!!! I talked to the doctor, she said that it is possible...Because that piece fell off he had some blood, we healed the wound with neosporin, just applied it several times a day. Finally our suffering stopped!!! After a very short time everything was over!
After reading that it's a laxative, I have taken a tea spoon internally as well empty stomach in the morning. It is an excellent remedy to clear my intestines, and heal the hemorrhoids. Thank you!!
Castor Oil
I did a compress yesterday and this AM it had shrunk from a grape to a watermelon seed, though today I have bled (alot- the bowel was bright red~)twice with two BM's, will the bleeding go away? If this bleeding persists, when should I see a Doctor?
All I did was apply the castor oil on a square cotton pad and press it onto the area and leave it there. I will continue applying it and hopefully I am hemorrhoid free soon.
On another note, I also take magnesium and blackstrap molasses daily to prevent constipation. It is a miracle cure for anyone suffering from hemorrhoids and/or constipation because it causes you to become regular and softens the stool naturally.
Castor Oil
When I had babies it really brought on the hemmorrhoids. I tried creams, pads, espom salt soaks, sitting on pillows. I had to suffer 'til it went away. Nothing helped. Years later I was using the Edgar Cayce castor oil felt pad method on my abdomen for another issue and on a whim decided to try it on my hemmorrhoids. It worked! Gone in 20 minutes. This is what I do now when I occaisonally get hemmorrhoids. The ticket is not to get them in the first place... But childbirth.... Fiber dosen't fix that! Ha Ha
Treatment: Tear one sheet of toilet paper off the roll. Fold it in half and then half again into a small square.
Open the bottle of caster oil and set on a stable surface. Unfold the toilet paper to half open. Hold the paper on the top of the open bottle and hold them together and tip the bottle on to the paper so you can carefully pour about 1/4 tsp on to the paper. (be careful not to get on your clothes or carpet as it can stain)
Apply the paper directly to the hemmorrhoid, between your bums. Pull up your pants and go about your business.
The next time you sit on the toilet the paper should fall out in to the toilet, or take it out yourself. If the hemmorrhoid is not gone with the first treatment, repeat until it is. I have had results as fast as twenty minutes!
My 83 year young mother recently had a hip replacement. After a few days she told me she had hemmorrhoids. I said I have a treatment for that, why didn't you tell me? I did the above and handed her the paper that she applied to the hemmorrhoid while laying in bed. Her next trip to the toilet she said it was all gone! The next day I asked her if she needed another treatment and she said it never came back and she was so surprised.
I wish I had this when I had my babies. I know this will help a lot of people.
Castor Oil
I think castor oil is making a huge difference. The swelling and itching has almost entirely subsided and I feel I'm on the verge of a complete recovery. I'm so grateful to have access to this site and appreciate finding natural and least invasive treatments for many conditions that may otherwise be chronic. Thank you Earthclinic and all contributors!
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
I also employed the 6 inch step and ate a bit more fiber in the form of flaxseed. But I always up my fiber around this time of the month anyway, but it doesn't help much tbh.
There was a 80% improvement in 2 days! I couldn't believe it. I think it was the castor oil and 6 inch step.
The other thing is that I added sauerkraut to my breakfast these last 2 days too. I think fermented foods are amazing for intestinal health no matter what, so I'll carry on with that. Not sure if that contributed to my healing to quickly, but I'm sure it didn't hurt.
Thanks for such an amazing site!
What I did was to use Hexane Free and Paraben Free Cold pressed and cold processed castor oil and exfoliating cotton round cotton pads (yep the cheap ones you find in the make up aisle). I placed several drops of castor oil on the pad and then placed the pad against those hemorrohoids. I left the pad in place and went about my day. Every time I had to use the bathroom I replaced the pad. I also sleep with a pad in place. I feel so much better!!
I also have been taking sitz baths with only warm water three times a day. I sit in the sitz bath 20 minutes each time.
I, like most others, have tried many things to control the pain and bleeding of hemorrhoids, with little success. OTC, sitz baths... none of it was giving me much, if any, relief.
After reading through all the posts on this site, I decided to first try apple cider vinegar; both externally and taking orally. Sadly, it has not helped me.
I then decided to try a Castor Oil pack last night. This morning I had the most comfortable BM I've had in a couple of months. I started getting a little throbbing from sitting a couple hours later; did another pack and felt relief in a matter of minutes. I'm not cured yet, but so far Castor Oil has helped me where nothing else I'd tried to date has.
Castor Oil
Kept it again and hemorrhoid disappeared. When I stop applying the cotton with castor oil... I see a small one in the morning... Repeating for 7 days now....
How many days should I continue this? Did anyone face this?
What kind of a diet did you follow when you applied this topically?
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Anyway, what i did was to coat the rear area, especially the inflamed tissues with castor oil twice a day after visiting the bathroom. Amazingly, after a couple of days, the area went back to normal and I did not have to go back to the doctor.
I will try castor oil for other various problems that I read about on earthclinic. Castor oil rocks!
Castor Oil
I found out that low copper can cause hemorrhoids. Zinc and copper need to be balanced. I was taking lots of zinc and got bleeding hemorrhoids. Took same amount of copper as zinc (1-1). Next day almost 100% better.
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
The #1 spice to stop bleeding is Cayenne Pepper Powder. I had dental work done. It bled a lot, So I tossed a 1/4 spoon of Cayane Powder and it stopped right away and never bled again., hardly any pain.
You will be very happy that you did this.
God Bless
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Progression of the issue will stop, either way, though a regular castor oil pack may take a week or more to resolve that particular issue if there are other things that also need to be done. Which there would almost certainly be but what's a week? It's practically no time at all. Plus, the worry would be gone due to progression being stopped so, take as much time as you need with it. Use a little or a lot, applied directly to the hem or systemically with an ordinary castor oil pack over the liver (I'd skip the heat).
There's no guarantee it wouldn't push it out through the skin, even with an ordinary oil pack but, if you're worried, simply roll a tablespoon of cayenne pepper into gauze to about the size of a teabag and leave it in the bathroom, "just in case". Apply that and go back to bed.
The main thing is to not worry about it. Worry/fear is modern medicine's biggest revenue stream and your body is THOUSANDS of times smarter than modern medicine.
You can buy reusable teabags now! They're sort of like brewing bags or aquarium filter bags. Fill some with cayenne, tie the end up and keep them in a mason jar in the freezer for emergencies!
And just FYI - castor oil doesn't "draw" things out. There are instances in which the body will PUSH things out through the skin, if need be and castor oil PENETRATES very deeply - deeper than the other oils - but it doesn't draw. Charcoal will draw toxins through the skin and even out of the blood to dispose of them via the digestive tract, epsom salt practically yanks foreign bodies out through the skin and clay has some drawing power as it dries - but not castor oil.
Castor Oil
I have no experience with Caster oil for that issue but I found that using Frankincense Oil on any lump or bump once you apply 2-3 drops on the area they soon disappear and do not come back. It works for me.
God Bless
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Thanks for your response! But was it a thrombosed hemorrhoid? Or a “regular” hem?