Health Benefits

Horse Chestnut for Hemorrhoids: Benefits and Uses

| Modified on Sep 13, 2024
Horse Chestnut
Posted by Kea (Austin,Tx, Us) on 06/30/2010

Horse chestnut tablets, 3 times a day for 3 days and no more hemorrhoids!!! Guaranteed. It worked for both my sisters and my mother. They tried all the OTC products and nothing worked. I knew that Horsechestnut tablets worked for vein health and also know that hemorrohoids are a cluster of veins so I did a few experiments with family and 100 percent success rate everytime. You can buy horse chestnut tablets at a health food store (not to be confused with horsetail tablets) Try it, it works!

Horse Chestnut
Posted by Amynmatt (Warrenton, VA) on 04/20/2009

I have suffered from hemorrhoids for years. Even had the laser treatment. They no longer bled, but still came back at times. I had a particularly bad one a few weeks ago. I tried may cures on this site including ACV, Listerine, and tea tree oil. Nothing helped, and the Listerine HURT! I had read that Horse Chestnut was good for varicose veins so I thought I would try it for the hemorrhoid. I could feel it working within an hour of taking it. I continued to take it morning and night. The hemorrhoid was gone in a matter of days. I now take it daily as a preventative.

Horse Chestnut
Posted by Dennis (Marshall, OK) on 02/19/2007

I read on internet that taking horse chestnut orally will cure hemorrhoids, so I'm taking that right now and I think that it's working. Horse chestnut is also good for chronic venous insufficiency or swelling of the legs which was the main reason I was taking it in the first place. The swelling in my left leg is slowly subsiding but I think it's working for that also. Horse chestnut is good for also coughs, arthritis, and some other things I can't remember at this time.Pycnogenol is suppose to be better for hemorrhoids than horse chestnut, but I don't know, I'm just trying the horse chestnut for now, and if I'm not satisfied with the results, I will try pycnogenol instead, in which it's supposed to work better for leg swelling