Health Benefits

Raw Potato for Hemorrhoids: Natural Relief and Benefits

| Modified on Sep 13, 2024
Raw Potato
Posted by Selva (Washington) on 08/20/2021

Editor's Choice For hemorrhoids

It is well know in my country of origin that if you peel a small potato and use the center of it to make a suppository like shape and insert it in your anus, you will cure internal hemorrhoids. I saw how it cured a close friend of mine back then.

Raw Potato
Posted by E.B. (Chattanooga, TN) on 05/24/2007

Remarkable relief from hemorrhoids by using a raw potato. Cut a slice and shape into a suppository, coat with a tiny bit of vitamin e, then insert. (If potato is chilled - even better!) Retain as long as possible, sleep with it if you can. Keep putting a fresh suppository in after every bowel movement. Use for a couple of days and you will be pleasantly surprised! Don't know why it works, but it does!!!

Raw Potato
Posted by Dale (Wilmington, Delaware) on 05/15/2009

Ukranian village cure for hemorrhoids:

I had a very bad case of hemorrhoids and my wife at the time was from the Ukraine. she advised me to take a fresh potato, grate it with a potato grater and to press the grated potato onto my hemorrhoids. I did this for 3 days and my hemorrhoids were gone, the juice from the potatoes will shrink the hemorrhoids a fresh potato must be used each time. This does work!

Raw Potato
Posted by Kathleen (South Africa) on 06/08/2016


To all those who suffer with hemorrhoids, I have felt the pain. Two years ago I stopped mine completely. I read an old Voortrekker health book written by a minister. Low & behold The sweet potato.

Make sure outer area clean not peeled. Cut into pencil length & width, insert into anus, quite painful to start. I used some coconut oil/witch hazel to help insert. What a cure. I hope this helps all of you suffering out there.

Regards, Kate

Raw Potato
Posted by Glenda (California) on 12/06/2022

I can tell you why the RED potato with peel works for hemorrhoids.

There is a chemical compound in the peel of a red only potato that causes the blood vessels to constrict, they shrink and pull back internally where they belong, this works very well.