Health Benefits

Vitamin B6 for Hemorrhoids: Benefits and Uses

| Modified on Sep 13, 2024
Vitamin B-6
Posted by Slim2483 (West Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 09/20/2012

I had hemorrhoids once, took b-6 for two days, gone. 2 pills 100mg each. Total 4 pills.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Ally (Kalamazoo, Michigan) on 02/12/2008

I too have had hemorrhoids and fissures for 9 years, tried everything on the market including' ACV, cocconut oil was about to go for surgery and read about vitamin B6. I took 50 mg of B6 after meals. It took 3 weeks for this to work, but I noticed a big difference in 3 days. I am now free of this very painful mess and it has been 6 months. If you have a relapse just go to the B6 bottle. I just want to thank Michele who wrote in about B6, on this site.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Anonymous (Birmingham, England) on 07/01/2008

Having read some information about B6 helping for anal fssures, I saw an article detailing B6 symptoms as including cracking of the corner of mouths. Seems remarkably similar problem. I have had that and hems. My nerves are getting bad again and this too is symptom of B6 deficiency. I am also detoxing Mercury using ALA. I read somewhere B6 is depleted faster when using amino acids but could not find any particular reference to ALA.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Michele (Wolcott, Connecticut) on 06/24/2006

I never had hemorrhoids until I had children. I don't remember how I learned about the B-6, but I tried it and it worked great. Taking an extra Vitamin B-6 each day. I take 100 mg of B-6 each day and they stay away.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Jualsy (Torrevieja, Spain) on 07/09/2008


Don't ever make the mistake of isolating the B vitamins, for whatever reason. They are synergistic....they all need each other. If you take one in a strong dose for any particular reason, take a smalled B complex tablet too so that they are all present. Large doses of isolated B vitamins have side effects. Wonderful Vits, but all needed to be present to work permanently.

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Vickie (Spokane, WA State) on 12/26/2008

My doctor has me taking a high dose of B-2 as one of the supplements for my migraines. I have been doing this for almost a year without taking any other B vitamins and have had no side effects. On another note, I have just started the ACV for migraine prevention. It sure helped me today!

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Mara (Portland, Usa) on 08/28/2009

Julasy makes a very good point. B-vitamins are indeed found in nature in a complex. However, unless someone has a health condition that contradicts this, they *can* be taken separately in *therapeutic* does for *therapeutic* reasons. Indeed, it's helpful to take even therapeutic doses along with a B-complex supplement. But this is not mandatory, especially in an emergency. Or if there is some reason a whole complex cannot be taken. If uncertain get at least 3 opinions from health care practitioners who are trained and have actual experience with this kind of therapy.

Mara, an RN from Oregon