Health Benefits

The Powerful Health Benefits of Borax: Natural Remedy for Wellness

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Posted by Rhonda (Tahlequah, OK) on 10/04/2019

Editor's Choice Started using Borax over 3 months now. Before I started, my health was going down hill fast. My ovaries failed kicking in early menopause over 2 years ago. My thyroid function was way out of whack. Bone loss was occurring quickly along with joints deteriorating. Psoriasis on my scalp worsened and arthritis from it was insane. Cholesterol levels increased, Vitamin D levels plummeted. I had intense muscle tension, weakening muscle strength, hair loss, thinning skin, dry skin, worsening vision, bone spur on my spine, heart palpitations, depression, anxiety, brain fog, extreme fatigue, UTI's. Yeast infections, shortness of breath, blood sugar fluctuations, bleeding gums, chipping teeth, loss of libido, migraines, jaw pain, receding gum line, and I could probably go on. Discovered the use of Borax for treating a UTI and Yeast infection. I refused to take antibiotics to worsen my issue.

Made up some gel capsules with Borax to insert. Within days the problem was gone. I was astonished. To my surprise, I learned that I could possibly treat myself for a lot of the problems I had going on. I had been badly affected by halides like fluoride, bromide and chloride. Gut bacteria too of course. Started taking Borax by the Walter Last method after learning about our deficiencies with Boron due to depleted soil, and water. Used 1 tsp of Borax Powder in one liter of distilled water dissolved in a glass container. Took one tsp daily from that liter 3mg of Boron. Felt it right away. Noticed a decrease in pain in 3 days. Had a herxheimer reaction about a week into it. Backed off and started back when I felt better.

All was good, increased to 2 tsp daily for 6mg daily. Always took my doses with magnesium spaced out. 400mg Oral Glycinate and used Magnesium oil (transdermal magnesium chloride) Felt more pain with the increase, but this time, I started taking a bath in 1/2 cup Borax and 1/2 cup Epsom, daily sometimes twice for 20 min.

These baths were phenomenally healing for me. Made me feel so good afterwards. My skin loved it. It got softer and had a nicer appearance. I also soaked my head and scalp for my psoriasis. This really helped with the plaque build up and itch. Very nice on my hair too. After my bath I moisturized with a mixture of Organic Cold pressed unrefined Virgin Coconut oil and Avocado oil. (Avocados are a source of Boron.) Soon increased my dose to 9mg, 3 tsp spaced out. Still used ample magnesium to help correct the calcium metabolism and took my baths.

About a little over a month went by and I decided to try to drop off my prescription medications to see if I really still needed them. One by one I quit taking them. Asthma inhaler, Asthma Steroid, Nasal Steroid, Anti depressant, Anti Anxiety, Migraine and Allergy. I wasn't even taking much aspirin or ibuprofen. Didn't even seem to miss them. My pain had decreased so much. I was getting my life back after wanting to give up. Fast forward to today, pain has decreased to almost none. Bones feel much stronger as do my joints. My energy has returned, depression has lifted, I'm not as anxious. My thyroid gained correct function, no more heart palpitations, weakness, muscle weakness, or bone pain.

My hair stopped falling out and has returned to growing back in. Skin feels more youthful and not dry. Eye sight seems to be improving still. Libido has increased some, no more gut issues, UTI's or yeast infections so far. My nails are even growing longer and stronger. My bone spur on my spine disappeared, psoriasis improved, cholesterol and vitamin D levels are improved, muscle tension is very seldom. Another thing I did other than getting rid of fluoride and tooth paste with it, I used some of my dissolved dose as part of my oral healthcare. Poured some of the mixture on my toothbrush during brushing every time. In no time, my teeth were not chipping, sensitive or weak. Gums stopped bleeding and I had no mouth sores.

The best part, my teeth are getting whiter all the time! I'm just amazed at the results I have had. I'm continuing with a maintenance dose of 3-6 mg daily and I'm still a fan of my baths and tooth care routine. Borax has been a life saver for me. I will continue to introduce others to it. My whole family are fans too. Even my dog without her case of the itchies. It doesn't always take large doses to be effective. Low and slow is my motto. Don't forget magnesium and other essential vitamins too! Don't give up! If used properly, Borax can be the best thing we can do for our health!

God Bless!

Broad Benefits
Posted by J.D. (Colorado) on 07/13/2019


I started borax water (1/8 tsp to litre of distilled water) 5 days a week about 6 months ago. I had been diagnosed with osteopenea, got rear ended resulting in whiplash that kicked in the arthritis in my neck, the age of menopause, 53, and spending $50 a month on estriol cream, toe nail fungus for as long as I can remember...the list goes on. Not wanting to support big pharma and be dependent on medicines or neck injections, calcium supplements, wanting to live a more natural "get back to basics" lifestyle in the simplest, easiest and cheapest way, I found borax. Which I'm really excited about (cleansing of the pineal gland, BONUS!) Tho I did not notice immediate results as I read others have had, I no long use the estriol cream, my toe nail fungus is almost gone, old crush injuries in both my feet are less painful as well as the arthritis in my neck, my thinking is more clear, I sleep so much better and rarely take melatonin anymore, I'm hopeful it's strengthening my bones, and is it possible borax is responsible for curing my depression?

About a month into using borax water I had a little dermatitis on my ear and eyelid. It did go away. Now it's back on my eyelids and neck and it is bad. I've stopped using the borax water for a week and it is not clearing up. Also, my legs have become very stiff when I wake in the morning (tho not my old injured feet which used to be so painful in the morning) and stiff legs when I sit for any period of time. Is there an explanation for this? I don't want to stop using borax water for any amount of time as I'm putting all hope in it fixing my bones, estrogen, and clarity, but this dermatitis is not fun to deal with. I was adding magnesium drops to the borax water for a bit but ran out and didn't think it was necessary, could that be the supplement I need to get rid of my swollen, dermatitis covered eyelids?

Also, is a borax and coconut oil face cleanser reccomended and shown to increase collagen production?

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Posted by Mary (Mi) on 08/29/2018

I started reading about ingesting borax and was kind of afraid at first but I've been using a 1/8th teaspoon in a bottled water (liter of water, to which I add more water as I drink it) every day except weekends. I think it has given me more energy, which is why I am keeping it up. I recently fell outside and twisted my ankle-but actually not a whole lot of pain (except when I first did it) and I was able to walk and work (and my work is standing factory work)-and I did twist it so that it swelled up and bruised. I don't know if the borax drink helped-because when I did it I thought I was going to have to call in to my work.

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Posted by Teresa (Oh) on 05/31/2018

IMHO 3 mg of boron is useless. Search YouTube for Dr Jorge Flechas videos on boron. He recommended to my dentist that I start with 90 for 3 months then dropping to 60 for 3 months. Then dropping to a maintenance dose of 30. Every time I decreased my knee started hurting. I had to wait six months for each decrease. I have put off knee replacement for three years and still going. Every time my RA flares up, I up my dose. Currently I am taking 150 mg to combat osteoporosis. According to Dr Flechas this is the dose his wife needed to reverse her osteoporosis. And My RA is doing great.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Caroline (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 04/11/2018

Borax for arthritis pain and hair growth

I am 70 years old, and take no prescription drugs, and am a 0+ blood type.

I had a bakers cyst, torn meniscus and severe swelling and pain in my right knee for several months. The Dr. wanted me to do a clean out surgery under a general anesthetic. I instead went to a Chiropractor who did three sessions of a laser and 2 weeks before that I had started borax, doing 1/4 teaspoon in water daily. My knee is perfect now and also 2 knuckles on my right hand that have hurt for years is also gone, and much fewer body aches, also my hair is coming back in after a lot of hair loss.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Fran (Greer) on 12/20/2017

It's wonderful. I only use a pinch. No more hard agony menstrual cycles. Nails are so hard. Skin so clear.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bob (Chonburi) on 11/07/2017

I've been taking 1 teaspoonful twice daily of a concentrated solution of one teaspoonful of borax to a litre of water and supplement this with magnesium. I usually put my dose into half a litre of cold green tea which I consume during the morning, and do the same in the evening.

I noticed an improvement in my general health after a few weeks and a great improvement after a few months. My claudication has improved greatly and my mind is so much clearer. I am 70. My mobility has also improved greatly. I've had no adverse effects from borax.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Annette (Los Angeles) on 07/20/2017

Editor's Choice Borax for Yeast, Bone Density, Inflammation, Etc.

After reading much about boron in the form of Borax, I decided to give it a try not knowing what my results would be. I have Hashimoto (autoimmune thyroiditis), osteoporosis, undiagnosed gastro intestinal issue (like IBS, but gastroenterologist did not diagnose me after a year of seeing her! ), high blood sugar and cholesterol (total and LDL), extreme thirst for years, and have had inflammation issues for a while, especially in finger joints, but others as well including pain in left upper back for months now which I was starting to think may be some form of arthritis developing. A few weeks prior to starting the Borax, I had some sudden strange pains in my upper right chest and got unusual noxious feelings in my stomach (then) a few times. All of those unusual symptoms were strange, scary, and had just begun.

I made the liquid form using a 3 cup ball jar, mixing 3/4 rounded teaspoon of Borax into just over 3 cups of purified water.

I admit, I should have started out with 1 tsp of the above mixture in water for a few days, but I went right into the 1 tsp. of the Borax/water mix in water 3 times a day. I still had the extreme thirst when I began. Within a few days of starting the Borax, I got terrible stomach pains that stopped me cold. They did not last long, but I also had strange pains in other areas of my abdomen. I attribute the really bad stomach pains to yeast die off (herxheimer effect), because the very next day, not only did the extreme thirst go away and has not returned, but I lost all craving for sugar or other carbs (chips, etc.) and to date (6 weeks from beginning the Borax), those cravings have not returned. My appetite is somewhat suppressed, but I do eat when I'm hungry. During the first couple of weeks, I got achy all over. It was almost unbearable. So far, I have done 3 weeks on, 1 week off, and two weeks on. During the one week off, the thirst and cravings did not return. All abdominal pains have disappeared, the pain in my upper right back has disappeared, and after 6 weeks, the aches in my body have totally subsided, which has paralleled the inflammation, which has been much better to non-exhistent in the last few weeks. My gastrointestinal issues have been much better. I make/drink kefir, which has helped my gut issues greatly, but I've noticed that gut issues have improved more in the last two weeks.

With all the positive effects, I really could not wait to go back on after the one week break. I cannot wait to see what the effects are after 3 months. I plan on doing 3 weeks on, 1 week off every month. I cannot wait for my next blood work to see if my blood sugar is improved, and the next dexiscan for any bone density improvement.

My daughter has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I certainly hope that she gives this natural "remedy" a chance to see if it will help her as well.

I look forward to the next 1.5 months and beyond with Borax! Thank you for all the information and posts! Love reading others' experiences and hope mine is encouraging for others as well.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jeanette (Québec, Canada) on 04/24/2017

My friend told me about borax and how it helped her brain function so I researched it, found this site and started taking borax daily in very small amounts. Once a day I take only 1/2 teaspoon of the borax solution. Borax solution = 1 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water and I take 1/2 teaspoon of that once a day instead of the 1 teaspoon that most people take. It is wonderful. I am clear headed, clear thinking, more energy. The only issue I have is that it makes me feel very emotional and I wonder if this means it is affecting my estrogen levels or another hormone? I can handle the emotions, but have not yet figured out if this means I should take even less borax solution a day. I am female in my late 30s. Anyone with experience or knowledge, please chime in.

Broad Benefits
Posted by M. (Small Town in CT) on 02/25/2017

I have just completed my first 3 weeks on borax. What an amazing supplement. I started with the 2 mg solution (1 teaspoon of borax in a liter of water). The first day I took just 1 teaspoon of the solution. I felt a slight sinus pressure in my forehead within 10 minutes of drinking the solution. It was very distinct but not uncomfortable. I also felt emotional the rest of the day! I am in my early 40s by the way.

I kept it up, 2nd day I took a teaspoon in the morning and a teaspoon at night. Same thing, more emotional than usual, pressure in my forehead. But the 2nd day is when the amazing things started to happen. My dreams became more vivid and my sleep more restful. I had a GIANT increase in energy. My joint felt less creaky and achey. I kept up the borax solution, but started to increase it on my 2nd week from 2 teaspoons of the solution a day to more like 5 teaspoons a day. Yes, definitely felt an increase in libido. My heart feels stronger (weird thing to say, I know, but true).

After a few weeks of feeling great, no side effects, this week I decided to try 1/16th teaspoon of borax in a litre of water and drinking the entire litre during the day. No side effects to report, but after doing one liter for 2 days, my body just didn't want any more borax. The thought of drinking it made me go "uggh, no!"

I have now taken 3 days off and will go back to my lower dose borax solution on Monday. The older I get, the more I will need. But low dose seems right for me now.

Broad Benefits
Posted by John (Pennsylvania) on 02/14/2017

Editor's Choice Hi. I just wanted to tell you how I've been taking my borax and how its helped me. I've been making a fruit smoothie which I drink through out the day via a thermos and just been putting the 1/4 teaspoon of borax directly in it.

What I've noticed is my back pain, leg pain gone. Other things like hormone issues great again but I've had a mastoid ear infection since I was a child. Been on many antibiotics, tried everything even had a mastoidectomy done with cholesteatoma removed and nothing had any good effect till I started using borax in my smoothies with vit. C.

I wanted to let you guys know and thank you for the great info and the fact of the matter is that without the info my infection would still be here and once again thank you.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bloc (Potsdam, Germany) on 09/29/2016


TED'S Remedies and Borax saved my Life, that's for sure. I used 99,9 percent clean Borax available in France / Germany. Borax fixed in a timeline of 6 month most of my physical problems. The biggest Issue was a heart problem which I didn' t noticed in the Past but Borax fixed it! I had noticed this "micro or nano operation:)" when its getting "warmer" inside! The Heart. This was very nice expirience:). The same feeling I had with jaw pain (because of an old but already fixed cyst). Borax fixed an "Tennis Elbow" and somerhing behind my Eyes, too. And something in my right leg. But in this case It was really "hot" for 3 seconds. I dont' t know what it was. But before taking Borax I noticed "Red Points" at the right leg. ALL these operations took approx 2 minutes together!!

For your books. I took approx. 1g borax (1/5 teaspoon) in hot Coffee:) half a year but the "fixing moment" was very early in the beginning. Thank you

Broad Benefits
Posted by Patty (Texas) on 09/22/2016


Borax water. I would like to know more about your cleansing symptoms. I started drinking 1/8 tsp per liter. I noticed improvements in facial skin, healing, leg pain, and knees not popping the first week.

HOWEVER - Day 6, I became immediately nauseous and very hot while volunteering (planting flowers). I had to leave after 2 hours because it happened 3 times. Then I had to make a trip to the bathroom-very loose evacuation. Was wondering if the magnesium supplement they suggested while drinking borax water may have had more punch than normal from the Borax. I was dumping water on myself to help cool down and since I was with a bunch of older women, joked that it must be my first hot flash that I've been warned about for the past 5 years. (I'm almost 50).

What symptoms did you incur? And is 6 weeks a standard time table? I have no idea what to expect. I'm very tired

Broad Benefits
Posted by Katiekaye (Bend, Or) on 09/12/2016

Editor's Choice I just wanted to say ~ that the 20 Mule Team Borax diluted (1 rounded teaspoon) in one quart of water 32 ounces (if you have city water I would not use it and get distilled water or the Zero Water purifier which is AWESOME)

I have No More Pain in my shoulders (even had a cortisone shot 5 months ago in one) and I started taking the Boron concentrate in water (not with meals but before bedtime on an empty stomach) and not only does the left shoulder not hurt anymore at all but the right shoulder does not hurt either (as it was starting to have joint issues! The shot didn't seem to help much but after a week of taking the 2-3 teaspoons of concentrate in a glass of water I have been Pain Free and have a lot of mobility in the shoulder where I couldn't move it before! My skin like others is BABY SOFT!!! Oh my gosh it feels like velvet it is so smooth! My hair is thicker and feels fuller ~ and my wounds have healed very quick! (I have injured myself with some tools I was using repairing old Coleman Lanterns) and the deep gashes healed within a week where before I started using the 20 Mule Team Borax soap my wounds would not heal for weeks! I am so amazed I tell EVERYONE how wonderful this is but family thinks I am crazy and even though my two sisters suffer severely with back/bone Osteoporosis they won't try this mixture ~ so sad ~ and I just lost my niece to Lung/Brain cancer she was only 53 years old and I am close to 70 myself!

If you try this, I am telling you ~ you will Not Be Sorry! The Results Are Amazing,,,, how thankful I am for the PDF File "The Boron Conspiracy Theory" you will understand WHY big Pharmaceutical Companies wants this outlawed ~ they would lose Billions if people would only try this Natural Mineral!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dave (Mi) on 07/11/2016

Editor's Choice I have been taking borax internally for two months with no side effects, my toe fungus cleared fast, my stamina went up fast, my cuts heal fast. Of course Big Pharma will say it's toxic, there is no money in it for them. It's safe and my father had stage 3 bone and lung cancer and after taking borax for 6 months he is cancer free!!!! I heard it from the Drs mouth myself he is cancer free and that is what prompted me to try it.

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