Health Benefits

The Powerful Health Benefits of Borax: Natural Remedy for Wellness

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kyle (Canada) on 04/04/2016

I gave my dad my nasal drops. This was a prescription. He sprayed it into his ears as they are always itchy and ringing for the past three years. He even had a surgery. Well I said try it and he says he's been cured ever since. The spray was 50mcg of mometasone furoate aqueous nasal spray. Came in a bottle that contains 140 metered sprays I believe two sprays in each ear twice for two days was all he needed. He is in his 70s.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Nathan (Auburn, Michigan ) on 01/04/2016

Editor's Choice I've been taken borax for all most a month now and I am feeling great my knees don't hurt anymore, I'm sleeping better and getting more energy by the day.

The questions I have. Does the borax flush out fungus from the body? I have read about hair growth since I'm 48 male with hair loss.

While I'm taking 1/8 of a teaspoon borax in a liter of distilled water, do I make a paste to put on my scalp? To make the follicles to start hair growth. Or is there something else I should do.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jessica P. (Norfolk, Va Usa) on 06/01/2015

I have been taking 20 mule team borax for two years now for arthritis and migraines. I also have crohn's disease and diverticulitis which it greatly helps. This is a wonder product and from what I have read..the original person who discovered the medical uses of this product tried to have it pass the FDA as a cheap and effective fix for many ailments...But big pharma did not like that so the doctor was fined and a warning was put on the box. is completely safe. no side efects so far when used in moderation..

I make a mix with one quart of filtered water and one tablespoon of borax. Put in fridge and take one table spoon on that mixture every other day for two weeks. then move to a one week on and one week off schedule..because it does remove metals..even the ones u need like magnesium.

I would recommend this to anyone at any age or condition. it has been a life saver for me with my fibromyalgia also :)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Michael (Sydney, Australia) on 06/26/2014

Editor's Choice OK, just the facts. I'm taking an almost homoeopathic dilution of borax; 1 rounded teaspoon dissolved in 1 litre of water. Then take 2 to 3 teaspoons per day of this already dilute solution. Much less than I've seen recommended here but it works a treat for me.

On the first day I noticed nothing at all, including no ill effects.

On the second day a thick coating appeared on my tongue, clearly this was yeast being chased out of my system. I also noticed that my skin was much softer. I'm male so I wasn't looking for this but it certainly feels healthier, so yay! In the evening I felt very tired and had to sleep; I have had insomnia forever so this was surprising.
On the third day the many discoloured patches on my skin disappeared - not faded; gone! I've had these patches for about 20 years and I've known they were fungus for all that time and now they are completely gone. Also my hair feels softer and thicker.
Sometime during all of this I noticed that the osteoarthritis in my knees was diminished to such a degree that the pain of walking was almost gone.

It is now the 4th day since I started taking borax and the gains continue unabated. My tongue has cleared up and I'm even losing weight. Lots of weight. In 4 days.

Can this be happening? The sceptic in me wants to reserve opinion but the results so far are so breathtaking that I had to post this. The main point I wanted to make was the extremely dilute solution I'm using, and yet it still works. So, if you are have trouble getting your head around ingesting borax, perhaps you could try this method too. By my reckoning you'll be taking roughly 1/200th of a teaspoon of borax per teaspoon of liquid and you can barely taste it. Hope this helps.

Good luck all.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gizzy514 (Montreal, Canada) on 01/21/2014

Editor's Choice I recently found out about the benefits of boron... as we know it, borax, and was very impressed with what I found out. As with most trace elements, we must be sure to consume not more than our bodies can handle. With this being said, I am a vegetarian, consume as much organic vegetables and fruits as possible, and try to stay away from processed foods/junk foods. I drink between 500ml-1l of water with 1/8 of a teaspoon (0.625g) of borax dissolved in the water. It has a slightly metallic taste, but after a while it goes away... I wonder if it is possible that since my boron levels have increased, my body doesn't notice it as much? (Question for anyone with an answer). I noted that a lot of people say they cannot ingest the borax, causing indigestion, nausea, etc... I don't think that all the sites mention that borax is a base with a pH level of around 9.5. When that mixes with our stomach acids, it may render the acids unable to properly break down our foods for further digestion. I prepare my water for evening consumption, and I don't space it out and I have had no ill effects to date (I've only been taking it for two weeks, and I can't tell you how fantastic I feel) I skip days as well... My cognitive function has improved, my mood is to die for (crap, no more crabbiness, lol)... my joints feel well oiled, and no aches and pains...I am a fairly healthy, active 54 year old and has since developed energy to start lifting weights, getting back in shape... my oomph is back. Another incredible think I noticed was that my skin has improved totally... I never had "bad" skin, but most noticeably are my hands... It is very cold where I live, and usually in the winter months, I suffer from dry hands (not cracked, just dry skin) and my hands are soooooo smooth and soft! No hand cream, no oils... I have put nothing on my hands. Any cuts heal quicker and my appetite is balanced...I am not craving foods, or anything to replace what my poor body has been missing: boron. The regulator of minerals. A superb building block essential for normal, healthy function of living things. Just make sure you take the required amounts & remember it may affect your digestive my tip, if it works for you, is not to drink it just before or after a meal...I am waiting at least 2.5 - 3 hours after my last meal.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Crissypoo (Orem, Ut) on 01/11/2014

Ummm...the brand, Twenty Mule Team Borax, is 99.5% pure Boron, and the other .5% is simply other minerals that were mined in the process of mining the Boron, which are good for us as well. Just go to WalMart and buy a box in the laundry isle, and smell it to make sure it has not been tainted by other laundry detergents, which may have been shipped with it. It'll cost you a whole $3 bucks and some change. Companies selling so called "food grade boron, are just out for the almighty dollar, pretending to make an already perfect product better. Come on people...let's use our heads. I've been using it for four months, for my LUPUS AND FIBROMYALGIA, and I'm amazed and so happy about the results. Here they are;

1. Almost no joint pain anymore. Can walk up and down stairs, all over S.D. Zoo, and then some. Used to only be able to walk about 1/4 mile, and then pain would be so bad, like knives stabbing the sides of my knee joints, I'd have to limp home.

2. Less depression, better mood, everything seems brighter, and I have a better outlook on life.

3. Increased energy?? Well, enough to not only START back at the gym, but WANT to start back at the gym, after years of inactivity, and I am now lifting more than some of the men there!

4. Sex life? Yes, WOW...that's all I'm saying.

5. My body temperature is no longer like the weather in Utah (constantly changing). I no longer sweat to death after climbing stairs, getting out of the shower, or running through the grocery store.

6. Night sweats minimal now.

7. Able to quit two of my lupus meds, methotrexate and one other that I can't remember the name of, and, I was able to taper my prednisone down from 20 mg to 5 mg. Going to go off prednisone completely within the next month

8. Drastically reduced whole -body inflammation. Sternum, lung, and rib pain almost non-existent. Headaches very rarely.

9. My heart palpitations and skipped beats are less frequent, and less severe.

10. There are probably many other benefits which I am forgetting, but the benefits I've listed are awesome!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Precisely (Mineral Hill, New Mexico, Usa) on 05/19/2013

Hi TrudyG and all others suffering from insomnia,

I also have opposite reactions to pharmacy drugs, OTC & Rx. Three things have helped me ENORMOUSLY, and all of them don't seem to be mentioned in this thread:

First, taking a nightly capsule of organic borage oil, regular dose, an hour before bed got me deeply asleep, deeply dreaming, and very calm/confident-feeling the next day. It does take about 3 weeks for most people to have results, although I seem to recall it was more like 10 days for me. After a while I ran out and forgot to take it, only remembered while reading here.

Next, I got an inversion table. You can set it so that you start with a relatively low angle of inversion, by tying the strap underneath--say, 20-30 degrees for at least 10 minutes. That feels like plenty to me. If your heart is lower than your feet by 17 degrees, apparently the lymph glands release and clear. Other benefits I've noticed: practically no asthma, NO INSOMNIA, back pain decreased and overall well-being increased. Not to mention, better circulation.

However I am forgetful so the latest thing I take is borax. This is actually covered in depth at

In my case, I was looking for help with my out-of-control restless legs syndrome, which, on the first day, diminished almost to nothing (now my Requip prescription of. 25 mg is more than sufficient, where before even 1mg spaced throughout the day barely controlled it. ).

Now I take the borax right before sleep, and I sleep deeply and w/o interruption for 8plus hrs. And I wake up feeling crisp! Also my asthma, which had me audibly wheezing prior to the borax, is slowly disappearing. It's also a fabulous detoxer, and is anti-microbial and perhaps also alkalining too.

At first I took the Borax in the morning, but after 3 weeks, it started to make me very sleepy so I switched to bedtime. It's very fast-acting--one minute I'm lying in bed wide awake, wondering when it's going to start knocking me out, and the next minute, I'm so deeply asleep I haven't even noticed I was getting sleepy, it's so immediate a response.

My friends who are also taking borax find that they have more energy. I MAY be feeling more energetic, but the stuff still knocks me out, so experiment on a laid-back, no-driving-etc-day to see how it affects you.

The other reason I was taking borax is that it balances the whole body's hormone, endocrine, and glandular system over time. I've been taking it now for at least 3 months. I've increased my dose to a tablespoon (from a teaspoon). Just last week it seemed to me that my post-menopausal dryness was no longer an issue. I intend to continue taking this forever.

Oh yes, another borax good result: my neighbor, 70 yrs old, fell off a horse and broke 2 ribs. Since he won't go to doctors, I gave him some borax. He says his ribs healed fast, and with much less pain than the other times they have broken.

Dosing excerpts from midway through the link at beginning of this post:

Firstly, dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water* free of chlorine and fluoride. This is your concentrated solution. Keep the bottle out of reach of small children. (* I''m using distilled water)

Standard dose = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or as a maintenance dose you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily. "

(elsewhere in my reading people taking the borax-in-water cure seem to take it for 5 days, stop for 2, then start again for 5 days, off for 2 days, and so on. )

"If you do have a problem, such as arthritis, osteoporosis and related conditions, menopause, stiffness due to advancing years, and also to improve low sex hormone production, increase intake to 3 or more spaced-out standard doses for several months or longer until you feel that your problem has sufficiently improved. Then drop back to 1 or 2 doses per day. "

BTW... Trazodone HCL does work for my insomnia. At first I had to double-dose but now I can take 1/4 pill and that will also knock me out.... But why bother when borax is much safer and helps with so many cures.

Last I would like to thank Joy and Everyone about mentioning the water cure. I think adding the right salt will help w my frequent urination, thirst, and allergies. Had forgotten that histamine is a dehydration response. Beginning to wonder if I was developing diabetes. Would diabetes show up in a hair sample?

Many Blessings!

EC: This wonderful feedback on borax was originally posted in our insomnia section here:

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Colorado, Usa) on 04/19/2013

Editor's Choice I've waited to write a post on this for a long time as I have been adjusting our treatments to see if they really are effective. At this point I'm pretty confident about borax's ability to stem fungal hair loss and other ailments that my boyfriend has, although this is still very much a work in progress. We are also trying to heal and remedy other ailments that might or might not be connected. This is going to be long, sorry!

It all started a few years ago when I noticed that my boyfriend's beard was getting patchy and also very itchy. He's very laissez faire about everything health-wise, so I just waited until he felt ready to address the problem. He's almost 40 and has hair loss typical of a male his age on top of his head, which he also scratches. Soon, the beard patchiness was getting very obvious; to the point he was not growing hair on his mustache in certain places, and it was even showing when he did shave. I started to tease him that he looked like Hitler, because it wasn't growing past the width of his nose on one side. That's when he started to notice. He had large patches on his cheeks where hair wasn't growing, either.

A month later we moved from sunny Colorado to rainy Seattle and he developed a small patch of ringworm on his back. That's when I put my foot down and decided that we were going to treat his fungal infections instead of waiting for them to spread further. As soon as I saw the ringworm I made him jump in a bath with a 1/4 cup of borax and scrubbed his back (and head, neck, and chest) with the borax in a paste with water. I had him leave it on for about 5 minutes. He said that his skin felt like it was burning, but mildly, like a rash. After the bath he said his skin felt good and wasn't itchy. As a health experimenter, I felt that this was a good sign that his hair loss was a fungal problem.

Within a week of daily baths his ringworm disappeared. Within a month of scrubbing his face with borax he no longer had patchy beard growth. I had him shave more frequently and "borax" his face, along with applying tea tree oil and coconut oil, as well. He shaves intermittently, sometimes twice a week, sometimes twice a month and isn't very consistent with doing anything but borax. Even then, he forgets why until his face becomes itchier. We continue to put a few tablespoons of borax in his bath water (he likes baths) to counteract the chlorine, fluoride, and any continuing fungal issues he may still have.

I was still concerned, however, that we were just chasing after the fungus and not treating it. If he didn't take a bath every day or didn't scrub his face with borax when he did, his beard would get itchy and slightly patchy. It would go away the next time he scrubbed, but it was still disconcerting to me. The problem is, I am not him, and therefore it is not my life to dictate. If it were me, I would immediately assume that I might have a case of mild systemic candida and treat it as such, probably by following Bill's protocols. He is his own person and does not want to give up his Dr. Pepper habit, hates vegetables, won't take anything that tastes bad (like alkalizing remedies): pretty much the opposite of treating candida. Ok, c'est la vie. So I work with what I can do for him, and offer solutions when I can.

After giving him some information on borax and boron several months ago, he decided that he wanted to explore the possibility of boron supplementation. He started taking a boron and mineral supplement and found relief for a few niggling concerns. For one thing, his knees stopped hurting, which he hadn't even realized were hurting! Also, he found that his hormones started to perk up and found he had a libido again, after seeming to lose it without realizing either! (Maybe he needs to work on his biofeedback response?) So far the pills seemed to be an effective remedy, but still weren't addressing the fungal issues like I had hoped.

Somewhere along the line, probably realizing the cost of expensive boron pills, he felt ready to take Ted's borax in water remedy. We already use borax for baths, cleaning, laundry and killing mold in our damp apartment, so I have plenty on hand. I decided, for ease of use to use the "concentrated" dosing recommended in the Walter Last article on Borax, here: I use warm distilled water and dissolve the borax in it and use this concentrate, a teaspoon at a time. He takes this twice a day for five days and then takes a break for two days. We have found this to work very well for us.

This hasn't been a completely side-effect free, experiment, however. I believe that he has die-off effects from the candida, as well as halide poisoning symptoms. We seem to be able to mitigate these effects with Bill's liver protocol, as well as avoiding sources of chlorine, fluoride and bromine, especially. He also feels big mood swings, probably from his hormones trying to rebalance, and goes from being very grumpy one day to cheery, almost manic, the next day. I'm still trying to work on his hormone balancing and haven't found a solution to that yet.

As for a list of benefits, he's found great relief from his facial fungal problems. He no longer needs to be as vigilante about scrubbing his face with the borax paste. He has a renewed libido and no longer has painful knees. And the biggest, so far unmentioned, have been the cessation of symptoms of his allergies. He used to have very bad allergies, which I've been trying forever to remedy with everything I can on EC, including honey, apple cider vinegar (which is a staple in our house), probiotics, and countless other things that I can't even remember because they didn't work. At this time last year (and every year previous) he was a big, soggy ball of running nose, eyes, itchy throat, and sneezing, with sinus headaches on top. Today he can stop his allergies from turning on full bore with a sip of water with borax in it. It's a very big difference, although it is not perfect. He still has lingering issues, but so far so good.

I have been a faithful reader of EC now for over 6 years and read the Real-Time Posts page nearly every day. It's exciting for me to read all of the posts of people being helped by the information shared on this lovely site. I like to look at the wealth of info provided here and put together the connections between folks and their symptoms or remedies. I hope that somebody can gain some useful information from this post. Borax is a Yay! For us.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dcjc364 (Skowhegan, Maine) on 09/14/2012

Well, after reading for hours, I decided what the heck, I'll try it. I am 53, get alot of bloating after eating, have toe nail fungus-all 10, probaly athletes feet, sore joints-almost all of them, a pounding headache the other day, which thank god I seldom get. Swelling in the left ankle and calf. I did just a bit less than 1/8 teaspoon, into a glass of almond milk. Drank in down slowly while watching tv. That was wednesday nite, didnt take any thursday, and today {Friday}when I went to get groceries, walking down the aisle, all of a sudden I noticed my hips didnt hurt at all as usual. I also did Borax and water to soak my feet while watching tv. Tonite I will repeat the process, this time rubbing the borax in over my feet after soaking them, and getting around the nail beds better with a small brush. I feel sure that sooner or later this or one of these homemade cures will work, so far my hips are much happier. I've done all the store otc for the feet problem-nothing worked. I continue to read exstensively on this Borax subject.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Stella (Groningen, Netherlands) on 09/17/2011

I am a 48 years old female in relative good health except for chronic pain due to repetitive stress injuries. I have been taking D Sodium Tetra Borate now pretty much daily since June when I found out the organic farmers in Haway were supplementing all living things to protect from radiation. I pretty much eyeball an 8 of a teaspoon using the handle of a spoon or a fork as a shovel, anyway this to say that therefore it's been now 3 months and I have absolutely no complaints. Immediately I started feeling better. I find the tap water * no fluoride where I am * tastes better with borax and is easier to drink. I quit for 3 days once and I swear my chronic pain got a lot worse. My lungs have never been happier and my sinusitis is gone. Seriously I feel it's doing me a great deal of good. The first day I took it sure I was a bit light headed and kind of sleepy but nothing unpleasant or anything and after the first week it no longer happened.

I am one of those people super sensitive to chemicals, I can't even take more than 400 mg of Ibuprofen in a given day, and cannot take it for more than 2 days without severe intestinal complications, same goes for a lot of what doctors prescribe, in fact I had to switch to making my own colloidal silver because antibiotics were just totally disrupting my body, I haven't touched an antibiotic since 1998. I also occasionally make chlorine dioxide for internal use * sodium chlorite mixed with citric acid = Cl2O * and can tolerate it also well :) hope this helps... do not dwell in hypochondria, seriously how can you trust people who condone things like Artane, Risperidol and Prozac to name a few??? and allow the sale of hydrogenated oils and fats for human consumption not that it would be ok to give it to animals...

Anyway, I will continue my experiment and listen to my body, because my body tells me everything, so if the situation changes I will come and update, I would like to find more info on the rate of elimination for example.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mary (Yonkers, New York) on 04/23/2011

I think borax (drinking and external use) is the answer for all my skin problems.

ringworms, moles, seborreic dermatitis scalp and skin, all over, for 20 years. Losing hair, small red dots (not itch under skin I only can get a rid pinching with a needle and blood come out) if I dont pinch it with the time become a mole when is raise or frecke when is flat.

I tried ACV, Ammonia, Bleach, Sea salt, Magnesium, H2O2 3%, Castor oil, Sulfur soap 10%, Salysilic Acid 5%, GFS, Essentials Oils.. with not luck.

A week ago I found the Borax and started to drink, take bath, wash my hair, and spray a borax solution in my body and face a few time a day. Burn a lot the first 3 days, the skin get red and dries but after 3 days you can scrub with same borax and death skin peel.

Moles getting smaller, ringworms drying and peeling, hair and scalp, clean and new hair growing, red dots, drying and small, every part of my body is better.

The burning heat , itch and purple skin I had when I walk I did not feel yesterday. So glad this fungus is going away, still taking GFS and next week will start Oregano oil internaly.

Just want to Bless Ted and thanks my favorite web site EC

Broad Benefits
Posted by Victoria (Sydney, Australia) on 01/19/2010

I started using apple cider vinegar (approx 1-2 tablespoon) with baking soda (1 teaspoon) in 750ml of water, and 1/8 teaspoon in borax every morning, and the same mixture again at night (without the borax). It has only been about 10days since I started doing this.

It has reduced all of my bloating, increased my energy, my stomach is almost flat again! This is something that I couldn't even achieve as a personal trainer and working out 6 days a week. I think I'm even passing some parasites (or what looks like parasites- little white things). My body is getting back to what I looked like as a teenager. Its amazing!

Also it is keeping by bm's 'regular', which has been an issue for me in the past.

I have not changed my diet at all, but I now no longer take sugar in my coffee, as I don't like the sweet taste (since starting the remedy). Also I'm not hungry all the time like I used to be!

Thanks goodness for Earth Clinic!

EC: Thanks! Cross-posted to the acv and baking soda remedy page.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jamie (Nottingham, Notts) on 03/19/2008

Hi, Just want to add that I use sodium tetraborate often. I am using it to successfully treat myself for candida, I use it to dilute my dishwasher powder 50%, the same with washing powder, clothes smell fresher and towels dont have to be boiled !!. I mix the powder with sodium bicarbonate and use it on my carpet several hours before hoovering and it removes the stale smeels that build up over the years, also sprikled in the bin before hte bag goes in to stop nasty smells - this works extremely well. I also use it over my body occasionally before i have a shower - My skin feels and looks healthier. What a great product.

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