Anyway-I was looking for something to help w/Hidradenitis Suppurativa-which is basically cysts in your armpits, sometimes in groin & under breasts. It's horribly painful & can be embarrassing-especially when they burst. Doctors have no idea what causes it either & is treated w/tetracycline-a strong antibiotic or biologics &/or incisions & draining them.
That doesn't cure it-they come back. And no one should be on tetracycline or biologics all the time!
I started taking 1/8 of a teaspoon dissolved in a bit of warm water right after breakfast.
I started it on Monday-today is Saturday & the cysts are all gone! I'm shocked it worked so quickly!
I'm also an insomniac-I have been since I was a kid-& w/in a couple days I was falling asleep easier & staying asleep! I've been able to go off a couple of OTC meds I was using to fall asleep also in just a couple of days!
I also have fibromyalgia & usually have a flair up a couple times a week-but not this week! I'm knocking on wood that I don't have any more of them-but even if the flare-ups are just lessened it would be great news for me.
FYI-I didn't really have any herxing & I'm hoping I don't-but regardless, I'd continue taking this amazing mineral.
Thank you, Ted, for spreading the news of this natural medicine! You've literally changed my life!
Broad Benefits
I have used it for 2 Years, 1/4 tsp Borax in a liter of water 5 days a week. No bad effects, but Gout, Joint Pain, Body stiffness, skin Spots, mental clarity, vivid dreams, 2x Hearing, Hearing came in three weeks, joint pain a week, Gout hasn't returned, dreams 4 weeks. It is a life thing because foods are Boron deficient, synthetic fertilizers grow crops. Chicken fertilizer is best so I'm trying thing in my garden, land not been in production before. If I take a break, body stiffness is the first effect to return. I'm 57.
Broad Benefits
I kept it up, 2nd day I took a teaspoon in the morning and a teaspoon at night. Same thing, more emotional than usual, pressure in my forehead. But the 2nd day is when the amazing things started to happen. My dreams became more vivid and my sleep more restful. I had a GIANT increase in energy. My joint felt less creaky and achey. I kept up the borax solution, but started to increase it on my 2nd week from 2 teaspoons of the solution a day to more like 5 teaspoons a day. Yes, definitely felt an increase in libido. My heart feels stronger (weird thing to say, I know, but true).
After a few weeks of feeling great, no side effects, this week I decided to try 1/16th teaspoon of borax in a litre of water and drinking the entire litre during the day. No side effects to report, but after doing one liter for 2 days, my body just didn't want any more borax. The thought of drinking it made me go "uggh, no!"
I have now taken 3 days off and will go back to my lower dose borax solution on Monday. The older I get, the more I will need. But low dose seems right for me now.
What I've noticed is my back pain, leg pain gone. Other things like hormone issues great again but I've had a mastoid ear infection since I was a child. Been on many antibiotics, tried everything even had a mastoidectomy done with cholesteatoma removed and nothing had any good effect till I started using borax in my smoothies with vit. C.
I wanted to let you guys know and thank you for the great info and the fact of the matter is that without the info my infection would still be here and once again thank you.
Broad Benefits
I am 70 years old, and take no prescription drugs, and am a 0+ blood type.
I had a bakers cyst, torn meniscus and severe swelling and pain in my right knee for several months. The Dr. wanted me to do a clean out surgery under a general anesthetic. I instead went to a Chiropractor who did three sessions of a laser and 2 weeks before that I had started borax, doing 1/4 teaspoon in water daily. My knee is perfect now and also 2 knuckles on my right hand that have hurt for years is also gone, and much fewer body aches, also my hair is coming back in after a lot of hair loss.
I noticed an improvement in my general health after a few weeks and a great improvement after a few months. My claudication has improved greatly and my mind is so much clearer. I am 70. My mobility has also improved greatly. I've had no adverse effects from borax.
Broad Benefits
I usually just put a few drops(2-4) of the nascent iodine into the mix. Amazing effects after first use. They are killing us with fluoride and it's in everything. Healing is absolutely possible.
Broad Benefits
Also bathing in Borax and Epsom Salts is amazing for skin. 3/4 cup of each. I fill bath with water filter shower head when bathing.
It has reduced all of my bloating, increased my energy, my stomach is almost flat again! This is something that I couldn't even achieve as a personal trainer and working out 6 days a week. I think I'm even passing some parasites (or what looks like parasites- little white things). My body is getting back to what I looked like as a teenager. Its amazing!
Also it is keeping by bm's 'regular', which has been an issue for me in the past.
I have not changed my diet at all, but I now no longer take sugar in my coffee, as I don't like the sweet taste (since starting the remedy). Also I'm not hungry all the time like I used to be!
Thanks goodness for Earth Clinic!
EC: Thanks! Cross-posted to the acv and baking soda remedy page.
TED'S Remedies and Borax saved my Life, that's for sure. I used 99,9 percent clean Borax available in France / Germany. Borax fixed in a timeline of 6 month most of my physical problems. The biggest Issue was a heart problem which I didn' t noticed in the Past but Borax fixed it! I had noticed this "micro or nano operation:)" when its getting "warmer" inside! The Heart. This was very nice expirience:). The same feeling I had with jaw pain (because of an old but already fixed cyst). Borax fixed an "Tennis Elbow" and somerhing behind my Eyes, too. And something in my right leg. But in this case It was really "hot" for 3 seconds. I dont' t know what it was. But before taking Borax I noticed "Red Points" at the right leg. ALL these operations took approx 2 minutes together!!
For your books. I took approx. 1g borax (1/5 teaspoon) in hot Coffee:) half a year but the "fixing moment" was very early in the beginning. Thank you
I make a mix with one quart of filtered water and one tablespoon of borax. Put in fridge and take one table spoon on that mixture every other day for two weeks. then move to a one week on and one week off schedule..because it does remove metals..even the ones u need like magnesium.
I would recommend this to anyone at any age or condition. it has been a life saver for me with my fibromyalgia also :)
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